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Page 8

by Lauren Fraser

  She wiped her palms against her jeans. “So they’re bi or something?”

  “Or something.” He ran his hand through his hair. Shit, he didn’t really want to talk about his friends having sex with each other. “You saw them leaving with that girl at the dance. They’ve done the whole threesome thing before, you know that.” He thought back to the day they’d all met Kat and the way his friends had been eyeing her up. When he’d mentioned the possibility, they’d practically stampeded him to pack their bags. Oh hell yeah they’d be all over the chance to be with her.

  He ignored the little niggle of doubt that asked him if he knew what he was doing and pushed on. “Look, we’re miles from anyone else. We’re staying up here in the line shack tonight anyway so why don’t we just enjoy what the night can bring. You know what happens on the range stays on the range.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

  Kat’s brow furrowed as she looked at him. “So how would this work? Would I fuck you all? Or would they fuck each other and you’d fuck me?”

  He groaned. God, typical woman, talking things to death. Her nipples pressed tightly against her top as her chest rose rapidly. Clearly the idea turned her on. Why not just go with it?

  “I don’t know. I can’t imagine them fucking each other since they don’t do that with other people watching.” He laughed. “Well, normally.”

  Her eyes darkened as she looked at him. “Do you think they would if we asked?”

  He rubbed his hand over his face and groaned. “Jesus, I don’t know. Do you really need them to?” Christ, it was one thing to know his friends did that, or even to see it out of the corner of his eye from a distance. It was a whole other thing to have it happening while you were all in bed together.

  “Never mind,” Kat said.

  Stepping toward her, he wrapped his arm around her waist. “Why don’t we play it by ear. I’ll let them know you’re up for them joining us tonight and we’ll see how things go.” He kissed her lips and she trembled against him. Damn, she was so hot and ready for anything. He’d never met a woman he was so sexually compatible with. Too bad their relationship had such a short shelf life. “What do you say?”

  “You sure you’d be cool with them joining us?” she asked.

  He frowned at her. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Kat shrugged. “I don’t know, in theory it always sounds good, but I’d imagine it could get kind of messy.”

  “Relax, Kat, we’ve all done this before.”

  “Yeah, but wasn’t that usually with someone a little more casual? I mean not that we’re serious or anything because I know this is just temporary but…”

  He kissed her. “You think too much. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “You sure? Because I don’t need to do this. It’s a fantasy but certainly not one I ever planned on living out.” She twirled her hair in that cute little nervous way of hers as she watched him.

  “Darlin’, prepare for the fantasy of your life.” Cupping the back of her neck, he pulled her against him and kissed her.

  The sound of a throat clearing broke them apart. Justin glanced over at the amused smirks of his two best friends. Anyone looking at them would never suspect that just minutes ago they’d been devouring each other.

  “So you two just about ready to get back to work? We’ve got dinner to catch,” Duncan said.

  Kat blushed when she looked at the other two men. Justin wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “What do you mean? We’ve been working while you two were slacking off. Right, Kat?” Justin asked, grinning when the pink on her cheeks deepened to a bright red.

  Duncan flashed Kasey a look then turned his attention back at them. “So you’ve caught dinner then?”

  “Umm, no,” she mumbled.

  Kasey burst out laughing. “Didn’t think so.”

  Justin squeezed Kat’s shoulders. “Come on, woman, the faster we get finished, the faster we can finish this discussion.”

  Kat flicked at glance at the other two men and blushed again.

  Justin winked at Kat. Oh yeah this was going to be fun.

  Chapter Nine

  At the cabin later that evening Justin walked up behind Kat and wrapped his arm around her waist. He leaned in close and whispered, “They’re in.”

  She whipped around and stared at him. Her eyes widened as anxiety and arousal warred with each other in the hazel depths.

  “You still want to?” he asked.

  Kat blew out a deep breath then nodded. “You sure this is a good idea?”

  “I’m sure.” He placed a quick kiss against her lips. “I told you we’ve all done this before so there’re no surprises for me. The ball’s completely in your court.”

  Her gaze stayed glued to him for several seconds then finally she nodded. “Let’s do it.”

  A slow grin split across his face. He couldn’t wait to see her spread out before them, with each of his friends feasting on her sexy body as she sucked his cock. He glanced over at Kasey and nodded. Kase smiled and stood. He walked toward them. Kat tensed beside him. “Relax, sugar,” Justin whispered in her ear.

  Kasey stopped in front of them and tipped Kat’s chin up with his finger. “You sure you want this, Kat? You look like a little baby calf going into the chute.”

  The staccato beat of her heart pulsed visibly at the base of her neck. “I want to. I’ve just never done anything like this before, I’m not really sure what to expect.”

  Duncan came in from the makeshift shower outside, his towel wrapped around his waist, water dripped down the ridges of his muscular abdomen and both Kasey’s and Kat’s eyes darkened with arousal.

  Dunc stopped and stood looking at the group. “What?”

  “Good shower?” Kasey asked.

  “Relaxed me a little, yeah,” Duncan replied and winked.

  “So judging by the way you are all looking at me, can I assume Kase and I are going to be allowed to bunk in here tonight?”

  All three men turned and looked at Kat. Finally, she nodded.

  “This is your fantasy, Kat, what do you want to have happen?” Justin asked her.

  She looked at Duncan and Kasey then at Justin and she blushed.

  “What, honey?”

  “Will you two kiss?” she asked, looking at Duncan and Kasey.

  “What?” Kasey asked. His eyes flickered anxiously to Duncan then back at Justin and Kat.

  Justin laughed. “Dude, she knows about you two.”

  “What do you mean she knows?”

  “We saw you this afternoon,” Kat replied.

  “Fuck,” Kasey groaned.

  Duncan shrugged his shoulders as if being caught didn’t matter to him at all.

  “What exactly did you see?” Kasey asked.

  Justin coughed, embarrassed to have to tell his two best friends he’d seen them fucking.

  “Jus,” Kasey demanded.

  Heat swept across Justin’s cheeks. He cleared his throat. “We um…saw you ummm…” he stammered.

  “We saw you having sex,” Kat said, saving Justin from spelling it out.

  “You did?” Kase asked. Justin could feel his two best friends staring at him so he raised his head and nodded.

  “And we’re cool?” Kasey’s eyes were wide with nerves as he looked at him. Justin’s stomach clenched. Did they honestly think he was that big of an asshole that he’d really care? “Why wouldn’t we be? It’s not like I just found out about you two. Hell, I’ve walked in on you two fucking before. It wasn’t exactly a shock this time.”

  Kasey stared at him for a few seconds, his brow wrinkled with concern as he rubbed the back of his neck. Then he nodded.

  Duncan stepped closer to Kat. “I thought this was about you, Kat, so why do you want to see Kase and I kiss?”

  Justin could practically feel the heat coming off her as she blushed. “It was hot,” she murmured.

  “What was hot?” Duncan asked.

  “Watching you two together—” She shrugged. “It work
ed for me.”

  Duncan grinned then met Justin’s eyes over her head. “I know it doesn’t work for you, so are you cool with it, or is it going to turn your dick into a limp noodle?”

  Trust Duncan to get to heart of things. Justin laughed. “I think I’ll manage.”

  Kat glanced at him over her shoulder. “It didn’t seem to be a problem earlier.”

  “That had more to do with you fingering yourself than them fucking, darlin’,” he said and nipped her shoulder.

  Duncan and Kasey shared a look. Heat flared between them, it was almost tangible and Kat shivered in his arms. “You sure you’re okay with having a front-row seat though?” Duncan asked Justin.

  “As long as you boys keep your hands off me, we’re all good.”

  Kasey snorted. “Yeah, don’t flatter yourself, dude. I’ve got zero desire to touch you.” Kasey placed his hand under Kat’s chin and looked down at her. “But you,” he said and tipped her face toward him. “You, I definitely want to touch.”

  Kasey wrapped his hands around the back of Kat’s neck and pulled her to him. He kissed Kat softly and with a lot more gentle care than Justin ever did. Shit, maybe he was too rough with her. Not that she ever complained. She matched him stroke for stroke. But as he watched her kiss Kasey he felt a little niggle of insecurity that maybe she needed that gentle tenderness too. Shit, he needed a drink. There was a reason they’d never done this completely sober before. It was a bit weird.

  When the kiss broke Kat looked over at Justin and smiled shyly.

  “What do you say we have a couple of drinks and relax a little?” he suggested.

  Kat’s shy smile blossomed into a full-out grin. “A drink would be good.”

  He cracked the top off a beer and handed it to her. Kat brought the bottle to her mouth and damn near drained the whole thing in one long gulp. A couple more drinks and any nerves or unease any of them were feeling would completely disappear.

  She set her empty bottle on the counter and turned around. The intensity of all three men staring at her made Kat shiver with desire. Her nipples pebbled against the fabric of her bra. Nerves battled with arousal and she felt like an erotic mess.

  She didn’t know if she should bury her head in the sand or rip off all her clothes and jump on the nearest available cock. Justin was right, this was her fantasy and no one would ever find out if she didn’t tell them. Lord knows she had fantasized about this enough times, granted normally she pictured two guys not three. The possibilities made her mouth go dry.

  All three men stared at her. Three of the sexiest men she had ever laid eyes on all wanted her. There was no way she was going to pass that up. With her mind made up, she reached for the bottom of her shirt, peeled it over her head and dropped it on the floor.

  When she glanced at the men, Justin grinned at her and quickly followed suit, tossing his shirt aside as well. Movement flickered against Duncan’s towel as his dick flared to life. Feeling even bolder, Kat peeled her jeans down her thighs and kicked them out of the way. She stood before the three men clad only in her bra and panties.

  She reached out her hand for Justin, needing the reassurance of his touch. He immediately came to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, engulfing her in his warm, comforting embrace, solidifying them as a unit.

  Crooking her finger, she beckoned the other two men over. Kasey and Duncan stopped in front of her. She trailed the tips of her fingers down the front of Kasey’s chest. He inhaled audibly and his stomach muscles clenched at the contact. She grinned and did the same thing to Duncan. His dick twitched beneath the towel, flicking the fabric as if to demand attention as well. Justin lifted her hair off her shoulder and placed a kiss against her neck.

  With Justin at her back and Kasey and Duncan pressing up against her front, she was sandwiched between three aroused males. God, how did she even decide where to start? Duncan titled her chin toward him and took the decision out of her hands.

  His kiss was firmer than Kasey’s had been, more demanding. She wondered if he would kiss Kasey the same way. Lord, she wanted to see them together. Cupping the back of Kasey’s head, she pulled him toward her. When her kiss broke with Duncan Kasey immediately took his place. The contrast between firm and demanding and soft and sensual was more than she could take. She didn’t know which way was up.

  She turned her head to Justin, needing to feel the grounding effect of his kiss. The moment his lips touched hers, his tongue pressed inside, claiming her, and she melted back against him.

  Breathing hard, they parted. She looked at Duncan and Kasey who were hungrily watching her. She placed her hand on the back of each of their heads, guiding their mouths together. Their tongues tangled, the kiss was so much rougher and more aggressive than what either of them had done to her. She couldn’t take her eyes off them.

  Justin bent and ran his tongue along the length of her back, licking his way up from the base of her spine all the way up to her neck. She widened her legs and he chuckled behind her.

  He stood and took her hand and led her to the makeshift bed on the floor then turned to his friends and whistled to get their attention. The two men broke apart, both breathing rapidly.

  “Wow, that was hot,” Kat murmured.

  Duncan grinned and slowly stalked toward her on the floor. “You liked that, did you?”

  “Ohmigod yeah.” Her head bounced like a bobble-head as she nodded in agreement.

  Kat got up on her knees and looked at the couple. “Ditch the pants and come here,” she demanded.

  The two men stood in front of her, gloriously aroused, their hard cocks stood proudly out from their bodies. She wrapped her right hand around Kasey’s shaft. It was so thick her finger couldn’t even touch her thumb when she closed her palm around him. Her mouth watered as she looked at it. Wrapping her left hand around Duncan’s cock, she sighed. The long, smooth shaft throbbed against her palm. Giving two guys head at the same time seemed so wicked and dirty.

  She felt Justin kneel on the mattress behind her. He ran a hand down the length of her back then trailed his finger through the seam of her ass. His tongue followed the path of his hand. Light, teasing nips bit into her cheeks and she groaned.

  The cocks in front of her eyes bobbed, demanding attention. Kat ran her tongue along the column of Duncan’s penis then switched to Kasey’s. Strong hands wrapped into her hair, another pair gripped her shoulders while Justin’s finger swirled around her clit. Holy hell. She inhaled deeply, the scent of hot, aroused man filled her senses.

  She licked the tip of the thick cock in her hand and nibbled the head with her lips. When Justin’s tongue ran up the seam of her ass, she moaned and fully swallowed Duncan’s cock.

  “Jesus, Kat,” Dunc groaned.

  She trailed her tongue up along the shaft. Duncan thrust forward, driving his cock to the back of her throat. He eased out then forward again. Beside him Kasey growled, drawing her attention back to him. She released Duncan’s cock with a pop and smiled at Kasey. “Sorry, were we neglecting you?”

  “Little bit.” As he looked down at her and smiled, his hazel eyes looked almost a chocolate brown with arousal.

  The head of his cock glistened with pre-cum and she slowly licked the tip then swirled her tongue around the head. Keeping her eyes on the two men in front of her, she moaned when Duncan pulled Kasey’s head toward him and ground their lips together.

  She dimly registered the sound of a wrapper being opened behind her then strong hands gripped her hips and she closed her eyes as Justin placed the head of his cock against her pussy. She pressed back into him.

  Kasey slid out of her mouth, and she hissed, “Yes,” as Justin thrust into her, seating himself fully. He felt amazing. Justin swiveled his hips and thrust again, hitting her G-spot.

  Kat kept her eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of the men surrounding her. A cock hit her lips, nudging for entrance. She sucked it inside, allowing Justin to set the rhythm. When he pulled from her she slid b
ack, letting his forward thrust ram the cock into her mouth.

  “Fuck,” Kasey gritted. His hand wrapped around hers, clamping their palms together around Duncan’s shaft, working in tandem to keep up a steady rhythm on him as well. Kat opened her eyes. The two men continued to kiss as Kasey fucked her mouth and Duncan fucked their hands.

  Justin’s rough, calloused hand slid around her stomach and down until he reached her clit. He pressed against the tight button and her pussy clenched. God, that felt amazing, but then every time Justin touched her was amazing.

  Fingers pressed against her head as the men broke their kiss. “You need to stop, I’m close,” Kasey told her.

  Kat paused then sucked him deeper into her mouth. He inhaled audibly as if the move took his breath. He dug his fingers into her scalp and thrust toward her. He came with a loud, long groan. Kat swallowed, savoring every drop of his arousal.

  When she sat up, Duncan was working his shaft since Kat and Kasey had stopped. Kat grimaced. “Sorry,” she said, feeling guilty they’d left him to his own devices.

  “No worries, darlin’. You can make it up to me later,” Duncan grunted. He angled his body away from her and came on the floor beside her. Jesus, that was hot.

  With both men taken care of Kat was able to completely focus on her own orgasm.

  “Now you’re all mine,” Justin growled. He thrust into her deep, bottoming out. He pinched her clit between his fingers and stars burst behind her eyelids. Kat dropped her head forward, gasping for breath as Justin continued to use her hard. He didn’t let up. His finger swirled around her clit. Leaning down, he bit the sensitive spot on her neck and the end of the first orgasm drove forward into her second.

  Justin groaned and thrust one more time then shuddered above her as his own orgasm took him. She collapsed onto the floor. Holy shit, that was better than anything she could have imagined. Her jaw ached from the awkward angle she’d had to hold her head to suck Kasey’s thick cock but it was a good ache. By the end of the weekend she hoped to be a lot more sore, she thought and smiled to herself.


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