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Mated to Her Bully

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Lucas changed their position so she straddled him. With his grip on her hips, he guided her on his length, making her take him exactly as he wanted.

  In and out.

  Stroking a hand up into her hair, he grabbed the back of her neck and took her mouth, kissing her deeply. She moaned his name, whimpering. This was how it was supposed to be. Every second of every day.

  She belonged to him in all the ways that mattered.

  “Fuck, Mabel.” He pulled her down for a final thrust and spilled his release into her pussy.

  They were both panting.

  She cupped his face, and to his surprise, she kissed him back.

  “You’re not going to run away?”

  “No. No more running.” She stroked his cheek, and the way her gaze was on him, it was like she was looking for something. He didn’t know what exactly.

  He ran his fingers through her hair. “I love your hair.”

  She chuckled. “Really? I don’t like the color.”

  “I love the color. It’s rich. Reminds me of a really good coffee.”


  “Don’t knock a good coffee.” He pulled her down, kissing her.

  She glided her fingers through his hair. “Yours is so soft. Black.”

  “Are you thinking it’s like my soul?” he asked.

  She smiled. “When did you get so funny?”

  “I didn’t know I was.”

  Stroking down her back, he didn’t want to move. Even as his cock began to go flaccid there was nowhere else he wanted to be.

  “What are you thinking about right now?” she asked.

  “You. This. Us.”


  “Mabel, you’ve always been on my mind. It never stops.”

  She looked at his chest where her hand now lay on him. “I thought about you as well. I always tried to tell myself it was because I was angry.”

  “Were you?”

  “Sometimes. Not all the time.”

  “Did you ever want to be with me?”

  She licked her lips and nodded. “And each time I did, I thought I was betraying myself.” She breathed out. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine. You and I, we don’t have the best start, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have one hell of an ending.”

  “I don’t know if I’ve got what it takes to be your mate,” she said.

  “You’re perfect.”

  “Come on, Lucas, you don’t have to say that.” She went to get off him, but he held her still.

  “I promise you from this day forward, I won’t say shit unless I mean it. We can make this work. Believe me, I don’t think I’m ready to take over from my dad, but I don’t have a choice. He’s counting on me and so are so many others. We can do this. You and me. Together.”

  She didn’t say anything, but he hoped she was at least considering it.

  Chapter Nine

  Mabel released a scream and took off into the forest. She felt him closing in. Tomorrow was another full moon, and for the past month, they’d been enjoying each other in ways she didn’t think were possible.

  Glancing back, she didn’t see him, and she kept on running. They were having a little fun before tomorrow night when they’d run together, nothing holding them back.

  She rounded a tree and looked behind her.

  A branch snapped and she cried out, taking off. She breathed in deeply and a fluttering began in her stomach. She went to round another tree, but she was tackled to the ground. Her arms pressed above her head.

  She went to scream again, but Lucas took possession of her lips.

  Any fight left her as his cock pressed between her thighs. His lips were tempting, so sexy.

  She arched up, wanting to be as open as she could be for him.

  He slid his tongue across her neck.

  Bite me, Lucas. Take me.

  The urge had been growing stronger, but she’d held back from demanding it. Even she felt the pull of making the claiming official. So far, she’d held back.

  She tensed up, waiting, expecting, craving it.

  He moved down, going to her breasts.

  Disappointed and excited at the same time, she yelped his name as he flipped her over with ease so her knees were digging into the ground. He wrapped her hair around his fist and tugged harshly, making her cry out.

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me when you run?” he asked.

  “I love it when you catch me.”

  She didn’t know when she realized how much she enjoyed it. It had started in the house when she’d spilled cold water on him and he’d chased her out into the pool. She’d fallen into the water, and he’d gone in after her. They’d ended up making love in the pool, then in the kitchen, before taking it to the shower.

  Mabel couldn’t get enough of him, and what was more, she didn’t care. The guilt she’d once experienced was gone.

  There was no reason for her to feel anything but pleasure and enjoyment.

  The way Lucas touched her hip right now, holding her in place, made her so wet, so ready for him. He gripped his cock and ran the tip between her slit, bumping her clit. The sudden jolt of pleasure rushed through her body.

  “Are you ready for me?” he asked.



  He fucked her hard and fast, slamming to the hilt inside her. Lucas wasn’t gentle, using the grip he had on her hair to ride her deeper than ever before. He moved so she sat against him. His cock was still deep inside her, and his hand slid between her thighs. His fingers touched her clit as he began to work her to an orgasm. Lucas would never come until she found her pleasure.

  She gasped, trying to ride his cock, but he still had the grip in her hair, stopping her from moving.

  “I want you to come all over my cock, Mabel. Come, and then I’ll give you what you want. What you need.” He whispered the words between nibbles on her neck.

  Her nipples were rock-hard as he knew how to work her body until she couldn’t even think straight. “Please, please,” she said.

  “That’s it, baby, come for me. Give it to me.”

  She screamed as she came hard. The size of his cock felt different, almost bigger as she came around him.

  Before she’d even finished, he moved her back onto her hands and knees, and he took her roughly, driving into her without remorse, and she loved the way he commanded her body, taking what he wanted without hesitating.

  When he came, he moved his grip to her hips, his fingers tightening to the point she knew she’d have bruises the next day. He didn’t pull out of her, and they collapsed to the ground, panting for breath.

  “Wow,” she said. “I think I should run from you more often.”

  His grip tightened around her waist, pressing kisses to her neck.

  “I will always catch you, Mabel. Always.” He kissed her shoulder.

  She smiled as she closed her eyes, sinking deeper against him. “Can we stay here all night?”

  “Another storm is coming.”

  She groaned. “We’ve had way too many storms.” Her hatred of storms hadn’t dissipated even though Lucas liked to play a lot during them.

  “I know. Maybe tomorrow night.”

  “Then we’ve got to head back,” she said.

  She pulled away from him, moaning as his cock slid from her body. Getting to her feet, she held her hands out to Lucas.

  He got to his feet, holding her close. Then he banded his arm around her and pressed his face to her neck.

  Make me yours.

  She kissed his chest. They locked their fingers together and made their way across the beach. She felt the change in the air.

  It was getting darker again.

  The storm was coming.

  She breathed in the air and realized for the first time in over three years, she was happy. Happier than she’d ever been, and it was all because of Lucas.

  She didn’t know if it would be possible to fall for him or to even believe
they’d be the same off the island. With no one watching them, she felt free to be herself, and there was no denying he was different as well.

  As the rumble of thunder began, they entered the front door. Lucas closed the door and she rubbed her arms.

  “Damn it. I hope this storm passes,” she said.

  “It will.”

  Lucas turned and frowned, his eyes going wide at something behind her.

  She turned around and found his father, the Alpha, Duke, standing in the hallway. She let out a cry at the same time Lucas pulled her behind him. They were both naked.

  Her heart raced.

  Her Alpha had just seen her naked.

  Holy crap, this couldn’t be happening to her. She pressed her face against Lucas’s back and tried not to groan at what had just happened.

  “I’m pleased to see that the two of you are finding ways to work it out.”

  “Dad, what are you doing here?” he asked.

  “I’ve come bearing bad news.”

  Mabel looked past his shoulder. Duke stared right at her, and a chill ran down her spine. “What bad news?”

  “There was an accident. I know you have to continue your bonding as I’ve agreed, but your father is in bad shape. Our doctors have looked over him, but the next few days are critical.”

  “Wait, what? What accident?”

  “Two males transitioned two days ago before the full moon. It occurred through the action of rage. They had taken their fight into the forest when your father stumbled upon them. In the process, they struck a tree and it fell on your father. He was crushed and they were too far gone to do anything. He was found hours later.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “Tell me he’s not dead.” No, this couldn’t be happening. No one and nothing could kill her father.

  Sickness swirled in her gut, and Lucas turned, guarding her body and wrapping his arms around her.

  “The doctor is unsure of what can be done, if anything. We have to wait and see.”

  “I need to go and see him,” she said.

  “It’s why I have come. We can leave tonight and be back home by tomorrow. You’ll have to return after …”

  He didn’t finish, and she shook her head. “After my father is dead?” She couldn’t help the pain that struck her hard. “No. He can’t die. We’re wolves. We can’t die.”

  Lucas’s arms tightened around her. She held on to him.

  “Mabel, I know this has come as a shock to you. Do you want me to return without you?”

  She shook her head. “No, I just, he can’t die. I don’t … I think I’m going to be sick.”

  No longer caring about her naked state, she ran out of Lucas’s arms and past the Alpha, charging upstairs and going into the nearest bathroom. She lifted the toilet seat, pulling back her hair at the same time she threw everything up.

  Her body shook with the force of her sickness. There was no way her dad was dead. It just wasn’t possible. She refused to believe it.

  “I’ve got you, Mabel. I’m here.” Lucas rubbed her back and she took the comfort he offered her.

  Her body shook. She didn’t know how she’d be able to cope with her father dead. What about her mother?

  “What do I do, Lucas?” she asked.

  “You lean on me. That’s what you do.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and let go, sobbing against his chest.


  Lucas paced outside of the medic’s bedroom. This was where they came in cases of emergency that would alert the civilians to their world. They continued to live alongside them undetected, apart from the wolves who were mated to humans.

  Mabel was in with her father, and he stood with his own, waiting to hear something. They’d been back in town for two days, and so far, she hadn’t left her father’s side. He hadn’t left the medic’s house.

  He couldn’t get her to eat.

  “What is going to happen to the brats that did this?” Lucas asked.

  “They are currently in isolation until they can control themselves,” Duke said. “You know it can be a struggle for them.”

  “This shit shouldn’t have happened.” He rubbed his hands down his face, trying to clear the lack of sleep from his mind.

  All he wanted to do was protect her and he’d fucked up.

  You weren’t here.

  “Son, he’s still fighting. This is good news,” Nelle said.

  The door opened, and Mabel walked out. She looked so fucking pale. He went to her, cupping her face, pressing his head against hers. He tried to give her strength.

  “I’m okay,” she said.

  “How is he?” Nelle asked.

  “No change. The doctor said that it could be a good thing.” Mabel blew out a breath. “Mom has asked me to go and get her some clothes.”

  “I’ll come with you.”

  She nodded.

  Duke and Nelle stood. He held Mabel’s hand, taking the lead.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I feel like I’ve been hit with a train or something larger. It’s hard to describe. He’s always been so strong, you know?” She sniffled.

  He pulled her beneath his arm and kissed her head. “The boys responsible are in isolation. They should be punished.”

  “Dad doesn’t want that. He’s said they can’t be blamed for what happened.”

  “I can’t stand to see you in any kind of pain.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “You’re being so good to me. I’m sorry our … mating reconciliation has been put on hold.”

  “I can wait, babe. You don’t even have to think about that. Not ever, okay?” He wasn’t thinking about anything but his woman.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll do anything for you. I hope you believe that.”

  She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’m starting to get that.”

  He’d driven over in his car, and he opened the passenger door for her. After kissing her knuckles, he quickly rounded the car. He climbed behind the wheel, started up the engine, and took off, heading toward her home. She didn’t live too far from the medic, but they’d already been a spectacle in town. He wasn’t sure if she’d seen the attention they were getting, but he wanted to protect her from whatever rumor they’d decided to spread.

  Glancing over at her, he saw she’d rested her head on her hand.

  “He might make it out of this,” he said.

  She turned to look at him. “The doctor said that … with no change, it could happen, or it could go either way. I just, I don’t know why it has to end this way. I don’t get it.” She sniffled.

  Lucas reached out and took her hand. “Hey, I’m here.” He wanted to tell her everything was going to be all right, but he had absolutely no way of knowing. This was now up to her father.

  They arrived at her house in record time.

  He noticed all the flowers had been laid on the lawn.

  “It’s nice to know so many people care about him.” She reached down, stroking the leaf of one petal before stepping away. “He will love this and enjoy the attention. This is good for him.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. All he wanted to do was swaddle her up in his arms and tell her everything was going to be okay, but he had no way of knowing shit.

  This was the hardest thing he’d ever experienced in his life.

  They entered her home, and he followed her upstairs toward her parents’ room. She grabbed a bag as he started to look through his clothes, taking several pairs of jeans and shirts and folding them.

  “I’ll get some stuff for my mom.”

  Together, they packed two bags, and Lucas really fucking hoped they didn’t need to use them.

  “I’ll be right back,” Mabel said, disappearing out of the bedroom.

  He finished packing, zipping up the bags, and took a quick glance around the room. The scent of the mated pair was heavy in the room. Envy flooded his entire body. All he wanted was for Mabel to accept hi
m and to want to be mated to him. He truly believed they had a real shot of happiness, if she just allowed herself the chance to believe in it. He certainly did.

  Mabel still hadn’t returned, so he went to find her in her bedroom. She stood near the window, sobbing into her hands, and he couldn’t stand it.

  Rushing to her side, he pulled her into his arms.

  “I’ve never known pain like this. I don’t think I can breathe.”

  He cupped her face. “You can breathe. I’m here. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” He wiped away the tears, pulling her into his arms. He couldn’t bear to see her hurting like this. Every single part of him screamed at the unfairness of what was happening to her and wished with all his heart that he could take it away.

  “Make me forget, just for now. Please.”

  He frowned. What did she want him to do?

  She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down, melding their lips together. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he pulled back.


  “Please, I need this. I need you. I need my mate.”

  His heart filled with happiness at her confession. Slamming his lips down on hers, he ran his other hand down her back to grab her ass and to tug her closer. He didn’t want to be parted from her for even a moment.

  If she needed the distraction, he was more than willing to provide it for her. He moved her back and then released her lips to bend her over the bed.

  He pushed up the skirt she wore and tore at her panties. Covering her naked pussy with his hand, he slid a finger knuckle-deep inside her, hearing her whimper as he did so. In and out, he began to rock inside her. He added a second finger, stretching her out. Moving his fingers from her cunt, he touched her clit, massaging the nub between his fingers, relishing the perfect sounds she made.

  When she was close, he removed his fingers and put his cock to her entrance. Slowly, he began to sink inside her, making her take more of him.

  He gritted his teeth at the tightness of her.

  The moment he was balls deep inside her, he returned his attention to her clit, stroking her pussy.

  “Come for me,” he said, ordering her to do as he bid.

  His name spilled from her lips a second later, and she came, hard. He closed his eyes, trying to think of so many different things apart from the pleasure of her pussy, or how good it felt being within her. So beautiful, so perfect.


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