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The Secret Lives of Emma: Unmasked

Page 15

by Walker, Natasha

‘And you said she married you. She’s now your wife?’ asked the English crewman who had been acting as the waiter. No one had noticed he had lingered to hear Claudio’s story.

  Claudio laughed. ‘Yes, my friend, we were married and she did live up to our arrangement. And it worked. There was seldom a day that passed when we didn’t find time. Oh, and I forgot a very important point – were she to miss a day, if we had fought, or were separated, she would have to make it up. Yes, she would be forced to perform twice until the debt was paid. It evolved, of course, as these things do. I rarely let her blow me. I would let her begin then I would ravish her. So what transpired was that it was about making me come. And as I rarely allowed myself to come without reciprocating we had a healthier sex life after marriage than before.’

  ‘And where is your wife now?’ asked Emma.

  ‘On safari in Africa, she goes once a year. I have no interest in Africa. I went with her the first time. Once was enough for me. But Maria fell in love with Africa, and I suspect a particular African. But she comes back to me and we tally up the days we’ve spent apart and we begin again. Not bad after ten years of marriage.’

  ‘Why wasn’t it about making your wife come?’ asked David.

  ‘Because there would undoubtedly be times when she would not be interested and there’d be nothing I could do. Something I can say has never happened to me. I have been stressed, I have been busy, I have been depressed, morose, angry, and indifferent, but never once did I reject her attentions.’

  ‘Maybe we should try that?’ suggested David, looking across at Emma.

  ‘We never had any issues after we were married.’

  ‘Wait, if David is your husband,’ said Amelia, ‘then Marco is?’


  Amelia smiled and shook her head. Emma caught David’s eye. He raised an eyebrow just a little. Emma beamed. She loved the way he was looking at her.

  ‘What about the trick a friend of mine found useful?’ said the waiter. ‘She charged her husband. They had a payment structure worked out: twenty for a blow job, a hundred for sex.’

  ‘Did that work?’ asked Amelia.

  ‘They went from having no sex to bankruptcy in a matter of months.’

  Everyone smiled at this.

  Marco was seated between Emma and the young Eloise. He whispered in Emma’s ear, ‘I have hand on girl’s leg. She no move it.’

  Emma reacted to this news by putting her hand in his lap. She found him pressed hard against his pants. She whispered back, ‘We make trouble.’

  The waiter was clearing away the plates. As he went around the table he was able to see what was going on. Emma was rubbing Marco, Marco was lifting Eloise’s skirt and Amelia, sitting between David and Claudio, actually had Claudio’s cock out of his pants and was stroking it. Only the waiter’s boss was unmolested and unmolesting.

  Amelia was asking Emma if she’d ever accepted money for favours.

  ‘For fun, I mean. I didn’t mean to suggest you’re a prostitute.’

  ‘I haven’t. Do you think I could? Aren’t I too old?’

  ‘Claudio would pay a fortune to have you, wouldn’t you, Claudio?’

  He nodded.

  ‘Has he paid you to stroke his cock?’

  Amelia smiled. ‘I thought I was being discreet.’

  ‘You were. Claudio’s face is the giveaway. As is Eloise’s.’

  Every eye rested on the shy Eloise and she blushed brilliantly. Marco chose this moment to push aside her wet cotton underwear. She closed her eyes.

  ‘I just want everyone to know, you are all welcome to stay. We have spare cabins. But I am also happy to drop you off where you boarded. Just let me know,’ said David. ‘Shall we move into the lounge, it’s far more comfortable?’

  He led the way and Emma followed closely behind. He went straight to the bar and opened another bottle of champagne. When Emma turned to see where Marco was she realised no one else had followed them. She returned to the door and found that Marco and Eloise had snuck off somewhere. But more surprisingly, the waiter was standing next to the table watching Amelia suck Claudio’s cock. When Claudio saw Emma he stopped her and covered himself up. Amelia looked at Emma with laughing eyes and wiped her mouth.

  Claudio walked towards Emma as though nothing untoward had occurred.

  ‘How do you know David?’ she asked him in the doorway.

  ‘I met him the morning after his party. I awoke in one of his cabins between Amelia and her friend, Samantha. He is a very good host. Served us a very welcome breakfast in bed and didn’t make us walk the plank until late in the afternoon.’

  She let Claudio through and, passing the waiter who was now kissing Amelia, she went off in search of Marco. She didn’t have to go far. They hadn’t even made it to a cabin. Marco had lifted her off the ground, she had wrapped her legs around him and they were fucking against the wall of the corridor.

  Emma backed away and returned the way she had come. She was feeling lightheaded. Things had deteriorated very quickly. It was exciting but a little too crazy for her. She didn’t think she had drunk that much, but now things seemed to have sped up for her.

  When she reached the lounge someone had brought the candlesticks through and had switched off the main lights. She found Amelia on her knees. Claudio was standing in front of her with his prominent bulge. The waiter stood off to the left, sober and expectant, while David was by the bar, sitting on a stool, watching with the strangest expression on his face. He looked at Emma as she entered the room and shook his head slowly. The waiter was unaware or consciously heedless of David and Emma’s bemusement. Amelia seemed not to mind the audience and Claudio was obviously fine with it as he was undoing his belt. Amelia knelt before him and took out his cock and began sucking it. It was that fast. To David it was like cheap porn. It was ugly. Raw. But he wasn’t turning away.

  The waiter was a lean, taut band of energy. David had spent the last month with him coming and going but had never taken the trouble to notice him. He knew their working relationship would never be the same after this. He watched him as he strode over to the bar, his heels clapping against the floor and put down his jacket and undid his tie.

  Amelia’s head was like a piston, it sucked hard and fast on Claudio’s cock as everyone looked on. Emma stood back near the door unable to resist staring. There was no finesse, no tease, no passion. Like a paid servant she did her job efficiently and without expression. In a moment Claudio’s legs wobbled and he grabbed her head and rammed his cock into her mouth and he came loudly, grunting and swearing. The show was over.

  Only then did David realise that the waiter had taken off his pants and shoes. He stood beside the performers stroking his penis. Amelia released Claudio’s cock, who stumbled away to lean against the bar, and the waiter promptly put his cock into her compliant mouth. He then took off his shirt – he had a fine, muscular body – ran his hands through her hair, messing it, and then took hold of great bunches of blonde.

  David’s cock hardened at the sight of this rough handling. Amelia seemed as before, no nonsense, take them as they come. She sucked his cock in quick time and, as swiftly as Claudio, the waiter climaxed.

  She sat back on the wooden floor with come on her lips, her hand busily working at herself. She had lifted her skirt and pulled aside her knickers. She stared up at David with expectant eyes. His was an untasted cock. She could see it pressing against his chinos.

  David hesitated.

  ‘Do you like her, David?’ asked Emma, without turning to him. She stood over the girl, looking down at her.

  ‘Come here,’ David demanded gruffly of Amelia. She answered immediately by crawling across to him and looking to suck him too, but David altered her plans by lifting her onto her feet and kissing her mouth. Amelia’s hand began opening his fly but as the kiss progressed and became a gentle kiss, tender and inviting, with playful tongue and warm lips, she forgot his cock and let herself be led away. He lingered, hands on her hips,
nibbling her lips, chasing her and being chased.

  With their eyes closed and their mouths filling their minds with delightful sensations, there was no room, there were no spectators. No wife standing by watching. He was stopping Amelia in her tracks. Ripping up the script. The sexual automaton, the animated mannequin, was being warmed from within. He wanted a real girl to play with.

  Their kiss lingered. With stolen breaths and saliva and lovely arousing pressure, their mouths stirred a bourgeoning hunger. His hands made their way to massage her arse and his body pressed itself against her. She felt herself giving way to a real need.

  He whispered into her ear, ‘Now kiss my wife.’

  Amelia held onto David and looked over to Emma. Then she glanced sheepishly at her partner, who was still by the bar, watching her with a curious, kindly smile. Something had changed. The naked waiter hugged himself. Emma smiled at her and held out her hand. Amelia would not relinquish David, she held him tightly.

  ‘That must have been some kiss,’ Emma said to David. She smiled and came closer. Amelia appeared to be truly shy of Emma. She hid her face against David’s shoulder.

  Watching David kissing Amelia had been an intense experience for Emma. She could see Amelia relinquish her role and relax into his arms. She could see David’s desire expressed in the movement of his body, his hands and the kiss. She had thought she had wanted to see David fuck the girl. Now she wasn’t so sure, but she was too turned on by her husband’s kiss to allow such fears to get in the way.

  Emma stepped right up to them and ran her hand through the girl’s hair.

  ‘You’re such a beautiful girl,’ said Emma. ‘Don’t be shy of me. That only makes us want you more.’

  David laughed and Amelia showed her face, and was smiling.

  ‘Will you kiss my wife?’ asked David.

  The girl nodded.

  Emma hugged the both of them and returned Amelia’s tentatively offered kiss with warm-blooded enthusiasm. Emma was well aware that men loved watching women kiss and fuck, and the two girls seemed to know instinctively how to play up to David’s interested eyes. Their kiss degenerated into a pantomime of tongue-play and soft moans. Lewd. The other two men came closer. Both were playing with themselves. David was in the midst of it.

  David bit Emma’s neck and took her hand in his. He nibbled with his teeth and massaged the sensitive muscles with his lips, sending shivers through her body. He directed her hand towards and onto Amelia’s mound. The girls continued to kiss each other. David changed from his wife’s neck to Amelia’s. He took her hand and led it under Emma’s dress.

  Emma hadn’t been wearing any underwear. Their bodies writhed. Emma’s hand massaged Amelia’s clit, dipped into her, slid along her lips and back. David’s hand joined hers from behind and the two hands played together, sliding around, well lubricated between Amelia’s legs.

  Amelia’s fingers were all over Emma’s pussy. Novice touches. Blundering caresses. Now palming her whole mound. Fingers again – skittish and clumsy. Then they penetrated her. Four hard bony fingers. Emma wanted to stop her, but didn’t. The fingers found a spot and gave it repeated attention. The fingers felt so hard and large and their presence filled her. The sensations were new and harsh and they found such a keen pleasure point. False rhythms and blind art. The fingers went from being uncomfortable intrusions to necessary and welcome guests. Very welcome.

  Emma whispered into Amelia’s mouth, ‘Don’t stop!’

  Their kissing became less of a pantomime act and more expressive of their new desire for each other. Each was finding the other’s hands unfamiliar, provoking and unpredictable. Their kisses too were unexpectedly stimulating. Their lips were heavily pressed together and their tongues travelled deep and long. Teenage kissing. Hot, passionate, inelegant, lustful kissing.

  The waiter advanced to Amelia, favouring her with his attentions. He seemed unsure of Emma as yet. Naked and hard, he leaned forward, took hold of her hips and began rubbing himself against her arse.

  David bit and kissed Amelia’s face and neck and then nibbled Emma’s neck and ear. The warmth of the women hard up against him had him reeling. Their different scents intoxicated his senses. A woman in each arm. The tanned blonde’s skin was so unlike the pale beauty of his wife’s. Amelia was rough, taut, and resistant, of the beach, the coast, salt and the sea. He licked her neck. His hands were everywhere. At one stage he had a hand on both pussies, coming at them from behind, over their fleshy arses, slipping and sliding and butting into each of the girls’ busy hands. Wife in his right arm, sea-tossed tart in his left. Quite unconsciously, he was thrusting his pelvis against them slowly. As he kissed he attracted one and then the other lascivious mouth. Was kissed and kissed. His lips were sucked on and bitten and he was tongued, three playful tongues, and squeezed and licked.

  Emma had David’s bottom lip in between her teeth at the exact moment his wet finger hastened heedlessly up her arsehole. Her mouth opened and she released his lip and a long gravelly moan. His left middle finger found Amelia’s arsehole open and accommodating. She too moaned as he pushed perilously deep. He finger-fucked both arseholes as the girls continued working away at each other’s pussy. Awkward and hot, their passionate manipulations whirled them through a debauchee’s overture. Round and around their senses tottered, like the first drunk at a party, crashing into and through more reasonable reflections. These sensations were too much for Emma who, after fighting off the expression of all the pleasure she was receiving, postponing pleasure in the hope of even greater returns, finally caved, succumbing to and embracing her first orgasm for the night.

  Emma’s moans and shudders, her bucking and obscene eloquence tipped her new Sapphic lover over the edge and with David’s finger frantically fucking her arsehole and Emma’s hand circling her clit, Amelia came, letting out a harsh triumphant scream.


  The waiter gave Amelia no time to think. He pulled her from the group and kissed her manically. His lean frantic hands were all over her. He was in a state. His body emitted such concentrated vitality. He was beautiful and sure of himself. He showed no shame at his being the only naked one in the room. Emma stepped to him and pulled him to her. He kissed her and hugged her too. Her hands ran over his firm butt cheeks. Amelia pushed her own hand between Emma and the waiter and took a tight grip on his cock. Emma also decided his cock was desirable and grabbed it. Their two hands fought over the thick hard shaft while they continued to kiss him. His eyes were intense and his kisses hot and hard. The slight stubble on his chin and cheeks grazed both women’s faces.

  David stood behind them watching. His cock was hurting – pounding – untended – it pressed against his underwear and peeked through the fly Amelia had left open. But her hands were now full and busy. The waiter was at least ten years younger than David. He knew the waiter’s well-toned torso and intense, dark beauty and self-assured bearing would be powerfully attractive to the women. His youthful vitality seemed infectious as both Emma and Amelia became more enthused and lively under his touch. Emma even looked younger to her husband as she kissed the boy, her arse under his hand seemed more attractive. David wanted to run from the room. He remained standing though.

  Claudio stood across from him wanking, his pants around his ankles. David looked at him for a second. Thick hairy legs supported him. He had an unusually long cock. David thought he was thoroughly obscene, jerking off like that. The expensive grey suit highlighted the flagrancy of his current state. But far from repelling him the man’s behaviour seemed to reassure him, to somehow welcome him into a new phase of existence.

  David had been waiting for someone to attend to his cock but now felt he had been invited to please himself. He released his cock into his own warm hand and began to masturbate, something he’d never done in front of strangers. The feeling was startlingly dissipated. Now he eagerly observed the three in their embrace and watched his wife’s hand together with Amelia’s stroke the waiter’s cock. He was brou
ght to the boil by his jealousy and blew his load in a furious loss of restraint. His come spurted out onto the floor between him and the group. He made no sound. No one noticed. He kept pumping his hand up and down on his cock. Come was dripping onto the floor. The orgasm had been a muted, disgusted expression of something he had been swallowing and suppressing for years.

  He kept pulling away at his cock. The fact that nobody had seen what he’d done was painful. The sudden release of pressure left him feeling low and obscure. But these feelings were far from being unerotic. His cock remained hard. He felt criminal, devious and low. These were new thoughts for him, and the emotions he was experiencing were refreshing in their honesty and pessimism. He felt he could understand the erotic now. He could understand the righteous and the damned. He pulled and pulled his cock and felt himself take control of his sexuality. He debased it too. Lowering the standard, delving into himself and his dissolute needs. There would be or could be no a return to normal life.

  David had to hold his wife. Had to kiss her. The waiter’s hands were all over her. Her hand was sliding along the length of the young man’s cock.

  David reached out and took hold of her other hand and pulled her to him, breaking the kiss she was sharing with Amelia. He turned her face to his and gently kissed the lips he had dreamed of kissing. She responded passionately, staring into his eyes. Though every impulse urged him to lead her away to his cabin he resisted them all. If she wanted a partner in erotic life he would be that partner. He ended the kiss and held her at arm’s length. Her eyes were questioning. His were all desire. He wanted to see her. All of her. He undid the two buttons on her dress. Her lovely large pale breasts were exposed. He realised the others were watching. David lifted the dress straps off her shoulders. Then he pulled down the dress, slowly. There was not a sound in the room. The dress fell from her hips to the ground. She was naked. The waiter stood close by, his arm around Amelia, his eyes on Emma. She stepped out of the dress but kept her gaze fixed on the wall. David walked around her, stroking his cock as he did so. She wouldn’t look at him. Claudio, curious and turned on by this show, came over to Emma.


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