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Jade's Match, the Jewel Series Book 7

Page 13

by Hallee Bridgeman

  Behind him, his teammates started yelling, “Please say yes!” “Please marry Hottie Elliott,” and various other pleas. Davis laughed and shut the lid of the box, as John ended the live video and took the box from him.

  As he tied his skates, he wondered if she would even see the video. So often, they just told each other what the other person did. What if he’d made this huge announcement to the world and they got tired of waiting for her reply and lost interest?

  The more he thought about it, the more he worried. Cora also might not like such a public proposal. He’d intentionally made their first kiss private. What if she felt like his proposal should be private, too?

  Ugh. What had prompted him to do this? He should have checked with her first.

  Worse, what if she said no?

  Holy cow! What if she said no? What if she turned him down? Panic coursed through his veins as that thought hit home.

  Can’t think about it. Done is done. I am on the ice at the Olympic Games for possibly the only time in my life. Time to get focused on why I’m here.

  He tightened the strap on his helmet and at the coach’s signal, skated with the team out onto the ice to begin warming up. He went through the motions on pure muscle memory while his mind would not let go of his impulsive proposal. The more he thought about it, the more he realized this might have been a terribly bad idea.

  Honestly, what made him take the focus off his first game away right before he played?

  As he skated a warm-up drill, the audience got louder and louder. Finally, John shoved him and pointed. The crowd stood on their feet and waved their phones. As soon as he stopped and listened, he could hear what they chanted. “SHE SAID YES!”

  His team whooped and hollered and shoved and punched him. Coach called him over. “Mr. Elliot? Is your head in this game or in that phone?”

  Grinning, unable to stop, he held up his gloved hand. “I’m all here, now, Coach. Hundred percent.”

  The coach nodded, and Davis skated back to his team, giving a brief wave to the crowd before finding his center and focusing entirely on the game in front of him.

  Cora sat next to Song in the hotel dining room, peeling a hard-boiled egg while Song poured each of them a cup of tea. Her hand trembled slightly when she remembered watching the video the night before and the way her phone exploded with texts from family and friends before she could even reply. She chuckled and looked up to see Song smiling at her, tears in her eyes. She reached over and took Song’s hand, squeezing it, before she went back to her egg. A murmur through the crowd made her look up and watch as Davis and Grant walked into the room.

  Her heart leaped in her chest and she pushed away from the table and rushed up to him, throwing her arms around him, feeling his strong arms come around her. When he kissed her, she wanted him to forget the crowd, forget his parents, and never stop. But, he kept the kiss gentle and brief then hugged her again.

  “I was worried as soon as I did it that you’d be mad,” he confessed in her ear.


  “Well, I wasn’t sure you’d say yes,” Davis admitted.

  A loud burst of delighted laughter came from Cora’s middle. “You aren’t serious right now.”

  “Dead serious.”

  “Well, you’re stupid. I always thought you might be stupid.”

  “Stupid in love with you.”

  “You’re actually brilliant. And it was brilliant. And, you know the VelTech people are already convening to see how they can work it.” She laughed. She hooked her arm in his and walked with him to the table. He had a bruise on his cheek and his lower lip had started to swell and bruise from a hit the night before.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day, by the way,” he said.


  “Well, I was busy yesterday. Besides, it’s still the fourteenth back home.” He held her chair out and sat next to her, angling his chair to face her. Her stomach started doing that nervous dancing excited thing again, and it was all she could do not to clap her hands in anticipation. “I need to do this formally,” he said.

  “You need to.”

  “I really do.”

  “So old-fashioned,” she said. Grinning, she took both his hands. “Okay.”

  As he went to one knee, she realized the entire dining room came to a stop seconds before her peripheral vision caught dozens of phones turned in their direction.

  “Cora Anderson, will you do me the distinct honor of becoming my wife? Of joining with me as my one in the eyes of God, serving Him with me forever?”

  Tears streaming from her eyes, she watched as he slipped the diamond and platinum ring on her finger. “Yes, Davis Elliott. I will definitely marry you.”

  He pressed his lips to her ringed finger and rose up enough to cup her face with his hands and look into her eyes. “I love you,” he said softly.

  She smiled and said, “I know you do. I’m glad you know it now.”

  “I’ve never doubted it.”

  Cora leaned forward and kissed him, a sweet kiss that made her breath hitch. As she pulled back, she said, “I love you, too, by the way. In case you were wondering.”

  He laughed and sat back. “I’ve never doubted that, either.”

  The End


  French Words/Terms

  amuse-bouche – (French) (also amuse-gueule) literally amuse mouth, it is a small, savory item of food served as an appetizer before a meal.

  faux pas – (French) an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation.

  maître d’ – (French) (also maî·tre d'hô·tel) 1) the person in a restaurant who oversees the waitpersons and busboys, and who typically handles reservations 2) the manager of a hotel.

  Korean Words/Terms

  ann-yeong – (Korean [phonetic]) Hello.

  eomma – (Korean [phonetic]) Mom (informal of Mother which is eomeoni.


  Suggested luncheon discussion group questions for Jade’s Match.

  In bringing those He ministered to into an understanding of the truth, Our Lord used fiction in the form of parables to illustrate very real truths. In the same way, we can minister to one another by the use of fictional characters and situations to help us reach logical, valid, cogent, and very sound conclusions about our real lives here on earth.

  While the characters and situations in Jade’s Match are all fictional, I pray that these extended parables can help readers come to a better understanding of truth. Please prayerfully consider the questions that follow, consult scripture, and pray upon your conclusions.

  In the beginning of the book, Cora wages an internal debate about whether a public “romance” with Davis would hurt her reputation. At the time, she believes he is a partying bad-boy.

  1. Do you think that, with believing him to be a “bad boy”, that she should have agreed to the contract?

  2. Do you think that, if she’d been right about him, it would have hurt her reputation in the end?

  Several times in the book, Davis draws on the Holy Spirit to help keep his temper under control.

  3. Do you think that part of receiving the Fruit of the Spirit, that bad tempers would no longer be a problem? Or do you think that we’re able to use them as a tool in navigating our day-to-day life?

  4. Can you think of an area in your own life that you need to apply the Fruit of the Spirit? Can you think of any tools used by characters in this book that might help you where you need help?

  Davis is what’s known in hockey as an “enforcer” – basically, he’s the one who will fight to protect a teammate. Enforcers are often feared by the other team.

  5. How do you think this reconciles with his Christian walk?

  6. Do you think that a sport like hockey, with its violent traditions, is a place where a Christian can have a witness and be a testimony?

  Cora uses drawing as a way to shut her mind off and allow herself to hear God’s voice.
/>   7. How do you practice “be still and know that I am God”? Do you have a way to quiet your thoughts and listen to the voice of God?

  8. Is there a specific task that you do that helps you with that kind of communion?

  Davis and Cora face some opposition to their relationship due to the fact that they are of two different ethnicities, and have different skin colors.

  9. The Bible tells us that all men are created from one man – Adam. Do you believe this to be true?

  10. Grant and Song faced opposition based mostly on cultural differences and less on “race”. But, they were able to win their families over by their love and devotion to one another. Do you feel that opposition to interracial marriages is a valid opposition?


  Suggested luncheon menu for a group discussion about Jade’s Match.

  Those who follow my Hallee the Homemaker website know that one thing I am passionate about in life is selecting, cooking, and savoring good whole real food. A special luncheon just goes hand in hand with hospitality and ministry.

  In case you’re planning a discussion group surrounding this book, I offer some humble suggestions to help your special luncheon talk come off as a success. Quick as you like, you can whip up a “breakfast of champions” of Loaded Scrambled Eggs, Scrumptious Bagels, and Fruit Salad just like Davis did in the book. Breakfast any time of day is sure to please and certain to enhance your discussion and time of friendship and fellowship.

  Loaded Scrambled Eggs

  2 eggs

  2 TBS milk

  1 TBS unsalted butter

  1 green onion (scallion)

  1 TBS finely diced green pepper

  1/4 cup sliced mushrooms

  1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese

  1/2 tsp salt (Kosher or sea salt is best)

  1/4 tsp fresh ground pepper

  With a small whisk or fork, beat eggs and milk together in a small bowl.

  Slice the onion.

  Dice the pepper

  Heat a medium saucepan over medium high heat. Add the butter.

  Add the vegetables. Saute until mushrooms soften. About 5 minutes.

  Pour in the eggs. Add the salt and pepper. Using a wooden spoon or a spatula, stir. Add the cheese. As the egg sets, stir until all of the egg has set. Remove from heat immediately.

  Chef Marcus' Signature Bagels

  1 TBS instant yeast

  4 cups flour (I use fresh ground hard white wheat – if you don’t have that, unbleached white flour is best)

  2 tsp salt (Kosher or sea salt is best)

  1 TBS honey

  1 1/2 cups lukewarm water

  Water bath

  2 quarts water

  2 TBS brown sugar or barley malt syrup

  1 TBS granulated sugar

  Combine all the dough ingredients and knead for 10 minutes, or until the dough is smooth and elastic. You can do this with a dough hook and a stand mixer, by hand, or in a bread machine (I use a bread machine).

  Place the dough in a greased bowl and place in a warm spot and let it rise until double – usually an hour.

  Divide the dough into 12 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a smooth, round ball. Place on a parchment lined (or greased) baking sheet and cover with plastic wrap. Let rest for 30 minutes.

  While the dough is resting, add the ingredients for the water bath in a large pot. Bring to a gentle boil.

  Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C).

  Using your thumb, poke a hole in the middle of each ball then work the dough around your thumb to stretch out the hole until it’s about 2 inches in diameter. Transfer the bagels (just a few at a time) into the water bath. Cook them for 2 minutes, then turn them over and cook for 1 minute.

  Using a strainer, remove the bagels from the water and place back on the parchment lined or greased baking sheet. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until they’re nicely browned.

  Serve with cream cheese, lox, or your favorite toppings.

  Fruit Salad

  A fruit salad is a wonderful accompaniment to any breakfast. You don’t need a lot of each fruit – 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 banana – just those would feed several people when cut up and served with other foods. Use whatever you have on hand – melons, strawberries, blueberries, grapes – any kind of fruit you and your family enjoy. If you want to have a dressing on your salad, here is the perfect yogurt dressing:

  1 cup plain yogurt

  2 TBS raw honey

  2 TBS lemon juice (fresh squeezed is best)

  1/2 tsp grated lemon peel

  Cut all the fruit into bite-sized pieces.

  If you use grapes, cut them in half.

  If you use apples, make sure you squeeze half a lemon into a bowl of water and place your peeled and cut-up apples into that water for about 5 minutes before adding to your salad. That will keep them from oxidizing (turning brown). It’s also fun to sometimes chop a few pecans or walnuts and toss them with your salad for some added texture and crunch. Use your imagination and have fun with it.

  Whisk all the ingredients together. Toss with chopped fruit.


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  Jade’s Match

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  Available in eBook or Paperback wherever fine books are sold.

  More Great Books by Hallee Bridgeman

  by Hallee Bridgeman

  Find the latest information and connect with Hallee

  at her website:


  The Jewel Series:

  Book 1, Sapphire Ice

  Book 2, Greater Than Rubies

  Book 3, Emerald Fire

  Book 4, Topaz Heat
  Book 5, Christmas Diamond (Second Generation novella)

  Book 6, Christmas Star Sapphire (Second Generation novella)

  Book 7, Jade’s Match (Second Generation novella)

  The Dixon Brothers Series

  Book 1, Courting Calla

  Coming Soon:

  Book 2, Valerie’s Verdict

  Book 3, Alexandra’s Appeal

  Book 4, Daisy’s Decision

  The Song of Suspense Series:

  Book 1, A Melody for James

  Book 2, An Aria for Nick

  Book 3, A Carol for Kent

  Book 4, A Harmony for Steve

  Virtues and Valor Series:

  Book 1, Temperance's Trial

  Book 2, Homeland's Hope

  Book 3, Charity's Code

  Book 4, A Parcel for Prudence

  Book 5, Grace's Ground War

  Book 6, Mission of Mercy


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