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Broken Ties (The Healing Series Book 5)

Page 5

by Kelly Seibold

  Finally, the meeting adjourned, and he was out the door, not giving anyone time to speak to him.

  He hustled down the hall and out to his car that was in the adjacent parking garage. His stomach growled since he had skipped breakfast to go to the first meeting of the day so he could be on the road and back to the hospital ASAP.

  He shed his jacket and tie and switched out his dress shoes for sneakers. He felt like Mr. Rogers. Soon, he was on the highway heading home.


  Jake's shoes squeaked on the tile as he headed down the hallway. He slung his briefcase onto the couch and headed to the bathroom in his office. There was a shower in there, and he felt the need to clean up first.

  After showering and changing into jeans and a T-shirt, he headed down the hallway toward Stephanie's room. Laughter floated out the door—Stephanie's laugh was followed by a deeper male one, and Jake paused outside it.

  "Come on, Matt. You know you want to."

  That's it! "Hey," Jake said as he entered the room. His jaw clenched as Matt stood up straight from where he was leaning over the bed. The young physical therapist removed his hand from Stephanie's shoulder and turned in his direction. You're fired! He bit his tongue. "What's up, Matt?"

  "Hey, Dr. Stone. Just finishing up here. My next appointment is in ten minutes." He turned to Stephanie and grabbed her hand, giving it a little squeeze, and Jake saw red. "Next time, Steph."

  "Later, Matt."

  He nodded to Jake and strutted out of the room.

  Jake watched him leave and fought the urge to punch him in his smug-looking face. Did that dude have a permanent smirk etched there?

  When he faced Stephanie, she was looking at him. He couldn't tell what she was thinking. She was pale, though, and looked thinner to him. And she looked exhausted. How much was she hurting? Would she tell him? She was propped on her side, probably staying off her back for now.

  The silence was awkward. They had never been weird around each other before. They had gotten along from their first meeting when she was assigned to show him around after he transferred to her high school. They had a smooth rapport from the beginning, but now something was off in their relationship, and Jake hated it.

  The room was quiet, and he cleared his throat. He swore it echoed in the empty space. "I just got back from my trip. I never thought it would end. I was seriously considering walking out of the meeting."

  "Elizabeth told me you had to leave."

  He rocked back on his heels. "Yeah. I couldn't get out of it, and I tried."

  "Why?" Her softly asked question had him looking up and locking eyes with her.

  "I wanted to be here for you."

  "Since when?"

  "Since forever."

  She rolled her eyes and looked away.


  "Jake, I don't understand why you're here. I know you work here, but I don't understand why you insist on acting like we're friends."

  Jake's heart felt wounded in his chest. "We are friends," he said quietly.

  "We haven't been friends for years. It's pointless to pretend otherwise. Can you just go?"

  "If that's what you want." Please don't want that.

  "It is," her voice wavered slightly at the end and gave him some hope. If she wanted just to be acquaintances, that was fine...for now.

  He cleared his throat. "You know, Dr. Waterford. I'm still the chief of staff, so get used to seeing me, and I came to look at your incision."

  "What?" She turned panicked eyes in his direction as he went to the sink to wash his hands, found some gloves, and slid them on. "What are you doing?" she asked.

  "I'm Dr. Stone, and I'm checking your incision for infection."

  "I don't think..." The breath whooshed out of her lungs as he moved the covers and opened the back of her gown. The cold air had her sucking in a breath. His hand touched her back, and her breathing sped up.

  "When's the last time someone put ointment on this?" he asked through gritted teeth.

  "I-I don't know."

  "They need to do that more than they are." He tried to tamp down the anger that had begun to boil. His staff was about to get an earful. He ripped off his gloves and slammed them in the garbage can. "Someone will be here shortly. I'm sorry for your neglect. I hope you have a good night, Doctor." He strode through the door and yelled at the first nurse he came to as he stalked down the hall to his office.

  He pulled out his phone and fired a text to Elizabeth, telling her to come to his office when she clocked in tonight for her second shift.

  He cleaned his already spotless office and paced the small room until Elizabeth knocked on his door.

  "Come in!" he barked.

  "What's up, boss?" she asked tentatively.

  "Stephanie's wound management isn't being taken care of as it should. And if I find out who was supposed to be checking the dressing and didn't, I will fire them without a second glance."


  "I'm going to be calling applicants for the administrative assistant position in for appointments this week."


  "You may go."


  His head snapped up, and the glare he sent her way had her mouth slamming shut before she turned around and left his office.

  Chapter 7

  "So, Halloween..." Stephanie's mom, Cheryl started as she laid down a green skip card on the pile, then backed that up with two reverses before finally laying down the number two. "Are you going to the party?"

  "Probably not. I'm not in the mood to sit there and watch people have fun around me. Plus, I can only stand sitting for like two hours in this thing." She tapped the handle of her wheelchair and dropped a draw four on her mom with a grin. "Who would I go as? Professor X?" She snapped her fingers. "Oracle."

  "Oracle was hot," Jake said as he entered. "OH! Hi, Mrs. Waterford."

  "It's Cheryl, Jake. I've told you this since you were sixteen years old. I talked to your mom the other day. She told me your dad is doing good."

  "Yeah. He's adjusted quite well."

  "How long has it been?"

  "Um, fourteen years." He cleared his throat. "Stephanie, it's time to check the stitches." He had called her Dr. Waterford for the past week but was tired of calling her that. There was no way he was calling her that in front of her mother.

  Cheryl stood. "I'll go get us some lunch and let you do your thing, Dr. Stone." She smiled at him and squeezed his elbow. "Very proud of you, Jake," she told him and left the room, closing the door as she left.

  "Where do you want me?" A blush stole across Stephanie's cheeks at the innuendo, and Jake couldn't help a slight smirk.

  "On the bed, on your stomach," he answered her, his voice low.

  She wheeled herself over and pushed herself up to a standing position near the bed. Jake fisted his hands to keep from reaching out to her. He shuffled forward just in case she fell.

  "Can't I just stand here?"

  "No, I want you on the bed."

  She climbed into the bed on her stomach and took a deep breath. She was wearing a T-shirt, and he lifted it and exposed her bare back. He didn't bother to put on gloves, and goosebumps erupted on her skin when he touched her. He shouldn't be turned on right now, but he needed to adjust himself in his khakis. Focus, Jake!

  "How-how's the feeling in your legs?" he asked and removed the loose-fitting bandage to examine the stitches. They would be coming out soon. He rubbed the ointment on her skin. "This should help the stitches not be so itchy," he told her before she even answered him. "I would lie here for a while without the bandage. I know the stitches get caught on your shirt." His palms slid up farther on her back. "Your legs?" he asked gruffly. He wanted to run his hands everywhere.

  "I-I have feeling in them." Her voice sounded choppy, and her breathing was rapid underneath his palms, and his dick was hard beneath his zipper. "They ache." Something else was aching...

  "I'm sorry. Is it better now that the bullet is g
one?" He removed his hands and pulled her shirt loosely over the stitches.

  "I don't know yet."

  "Do you need help turning over?"

  "No, I've got it." He washed his hands and willed his hard-on away as she pushed herself to her side. She studied his face when he turned back around. "What happened to your dad?" she asked softly.

  Jake studied the room and looked everywhere but at her. "He was in a car wreck and had both legs amputated."

  Stephanie's gasp was audible. "Fourteen years ago," she murmured.

  He was aware that it was the last time she had seen him.

  "You quit football to become a doctor?"


  "To help your dad?"

  Jake shifted from one foot to the other. "Yes, and people like him."

  "And you didn't think you could tell me that?" Her eyes held more hurt than anger, and his heart broke. "We were best friends. I mean, I thought we were."

  "We were."

  "Were being the operative word."

  "Annie." He took a step toward her, and she threw up a trembling hand, halting his steps.

  "You were my best friend in the entire world, and you couldn't spare five minutes to tell me bye. And I don't even want to get started on why my own mother didn't tell me about this."

  "Hey, that new burger joint is open," Cheryl announced as she re-entered the room, oblivious to what was happening. She placed the food on the table, turned, opened her mouth, and then closed it. Stephanie was glaring at her. Jake stuck his hands in his pockets and stared at the floor. "What's going on?"

  "I have other patients. Excuse me." Jake hurried out the door.

  "Stephanie, what's going on?"

  She kept her voice neutral when she calmly asked, "Why didn't you tell me about his dad?"

  "I didn't?"

  "NO!" she yelled, her temper snapping.

  "I thought I did." Cheryl paused and tried to think back on what was going on in their lives at that time. "You were about to graduate high school and were starting college soon."

  "What does that have to do with you not telling me that my best friend's dad was in a horrific accident?"

  Cheryl's brow furrowed, and Stephanie watched her face lose all color.


  She looked toward the door and then back at her daughter.

  "What are you hiding from me?"

  Cheryl looked on the verge of tears, and her hands had a slight tremble to them.

  "Mom? What is it?"

  "I think your father needs to be here for this."

  "Tell me now or leave."


  "I'm serious, Mother."

  Cheryl took a deep breath. "Remember when you were seventeen and your father and I went through that little rough patch? Or maybe I should say I did. Your father has always been a rock. You decided to be a psychologist then."

  "Where are you going with this?" Stephanie remembered that the "little rough patch" had lasted more than two years. She had been sure they were getting divorced.

  "Your-Your biological mother came looking for you," Cheryl stuttered.

  Stephanie felt sick. Instant nausea hit her stomach, and bile rose to the back of her throat, causing her to swallow before she could find her voice. "What are you talking about?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

  "You're adopted."

  "Get. Out," she said through gritted teeth.

  "Stephanie, I guess I forgot to tell you about Michael when he got injured. I had other things on my mind."

  "What other things?" she shrieked. "Like keeping secrets from me my entire life?"

  "I'm sorry."

  "You're sorry? I just found out my entire life is a lie."

  "It's not a lie. Your father and I..."

  "He's not my father!" Stephanie interrupted, and Cheryl teared up.

  "Marlon has loved you from the moment you were even a possibility. Don't you dare cheapen that." Cheryl briskly walked out the door, her head down.

  Like she could eat now that her stomach was in knots and revolting. She was going to throw up. She wasn't quick enough to push the emergency button and vomited on herself and the sheets.

  Jake came through the door already talking. "Hey, I saw your mom leave...Annie!"

  Stephanie was sobbing.

  "Oh my God, it's okay." Jake tossed the chart in his hand onto the sink counter and grabbed a towel from the supply closet. "What's the matter, baby? Do you feel sick?"

  "She-she," she hiccupped. "She's not my real mom."

  "I don't understand," he said as he wiped her face clean.

  "I'm-I'm adopted." He pulled her gently into his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm getting puke on you."

  "Annie, I don't care. Did you just find this out?"

  She nodded her head and buried her face in Jake's neck.

  "Okay, listen. We are going to get you cleaned up." He grabbed the phone and dialed the nurses' station. "Yes, Dr. Waterford?"

  "It's Dr. Stone. I need a bed change in here, and Dr. Waterford needs a shower."

  "Coming, sir."

  He put his arms under her legs and back and picked her up just as Elizabeth and another nurse walked in. "Clean this up, and Elizabeth, help me."

  "I'll get her a fresh set of clothes."

  Jake carried Stephanie to the shower and placed her on the bench inside it. Her eyes were closed—her face tear-streaked. "Baby." He wiped her face, her eyes popped open, and they stared at each other. Her hazel eyes looked lost and confused. "It's going to be okay."

  "I got vomit on you."

  He smiled warmly at her. "I told you I don't care." Some hair had broken free of her ponytail, and he placed it behind her ear.

  "Here are some clean clothes. Are you ready to get cleaned up?" Elizabeth put the extra clothes on a nearby shelf and turned to face them.

  Stephanie nodded.

  "I guess I'll go get cleaned up too." Jake stood. "I'll be back to check on you in a little while, Annie."

  "Thanks, Jacob," she said softly.

  He smiled at her and left.

  Elizabeth shut the door behind him. "I'm sorry if I interrupted something with you two."

  "You didn't."

  Stephanie took off her shirt, and Elizabeth helped her get the rest of the way undressed before getting the water at the right temperature. "I think I did. Do you feel okay?"

  "I'm fine."

  "That may be, but after this, we are checking vitals."

  "I found out something upsetting, and it made me sick. I'm fine."

  "We'll see."


  There was a knock on the door, and a nurse let them know all was well in the room. They finished up, and Elizabeth helped her back into the clean bed and checked her vitals. "Do you want the food heated up?" She nodded toward the bag that Cheryl had left behind.

  "Throw it out."

  Elizabeth sighed. "Okay. Call us if you need anything." She squeezed Stephanie's shoulder and grabbed the bag of food before leaving her alone.

  Angry tears leaked out of her eyes before the door even closed all the way. She grabbed her phone, texted Sam, and told her she needed to talk. Sam was always quick to respond and replied she'd be there shortly.

  Less than an hour later, Sam was strolling through the door. "What's up, Steph?" She paused and studied her closely. "What's the matter?" she asked once she noticed bloodshot eyes.

  "I-I have. I mean, I found out today that I'm-that I'm adopted, and I want you to find out all there is to know about it."

  "Did you ask Cheryl or Marlon?"

  "I can't talk to them right now. I'm sorry. I'm just so angry, and I'm afraid I'll say something I'll regret."

  "That's understandable." Sam took out her phone to put notes in it. "What can you tell me?"

  Stephanie told her all she knew, and Sam left shortly after that to get to work, leaving Stephanie alone with her thoughts that were running wild.


  Elizabeth k
nocked on Jake's office door, and Jake opened it and let her in. He sat back down on the couch to put on his shoes after taking a shower. "Elizabeth, will you take my dirty clothes to laundry? I have someone coming in for an interview in fifteen minutes."

  "Sure. Stephanie isn't running a fever or anything. I'm sorry if I interrupted something today."

  "No worries, Elizabeth." He stood and grabbed a suit jacket from the coat rack in the corner, sliding it on. "Tell Stephanie I'll see her tonight. I have three interviews for the administrative assistant position, and I plan on filling it ASAP. Then he or she can help me fill the other positions needed."

  "You might want to bring Stephanie something to eat. She seems angry and had me throw her food out."

  "Okay, thank you. And will you please meet the candidate?" He walked to his desk and picked up the folder with the applicant's resume and handed it to her. "I know this really isn't your job."

  "No problem." She turned around and headed for the door.

  "Oh! Elizabeth!"


  He walked to her and engulfed her in a hug. "Thank you for everything, and I'm sorry we haven't had the chance to talk about your new house or you and jerkface."

  Elizabeth chuckled and stepped back. "Nothing to talk about. You were right about him, and I have to go. I'll send her up when she gets here," she said while holding up the folder before walking out.

  Chapter 8

  "Come on, Jackson, you got this!" Jack clapped his hands on his knees as his grandson toddled closer. The ten-month-old was just starting to walk and was getting quite good. He reached his grandfather and latched on to his legs with a giggle. "That's it!" He picked up the little boy and snuggled him to his chest.

  "I'm sorry Hannah couldn't come, Dad. She had a daddy-daughter thing with Jace at the school, or I would have checked her out to stay the weekend."

  "It's fine, sweetheart. Be sure to bring her next time." He turned to Jackson. "Are you hungry? Hmm?"

  "He's always hungry. Aren't you, baby?" Daisy slid off the stool and rubbed her hands together. "What are we making today, Dad?"


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