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Morvicti Blood (A Morvicti Novel Book 1)

Page 21

by Lee Swift

  When they get back that’ll be the first box to tick of our list of things to do.

  He took a drag on his pipe. “I wonder how the killer got his information about IBC.”

  “It seems he knows more than we do, Doc, about a lot of things,” Austin said.

  “True. Always three steps ahead of us.” After discovering the samples The Ripper had sent him were gone, his first inclination had been to give up his life’s work entirely. How long had he chased the elusive hominid? Ages. And at each turn something or someone kept him from moving forward. But his self-pity had only lasted for a brief moment. Now, he was back on track and ready to fight the invisible powers set against him. He was no longer alone in this battle. He had allies in Austin and Angelique. And when they returned, more samples from The Ripper. And samples from them. “How close are you to Hanbury now?”

  “Just a couple blocks away.”

  “I believe The Ripper will leave another note for you with instructions to go to Henriques Street, which was formerly known as Berner Street.” He still didn’t understand why the monster was trying to help him with his work. Could it be he and the killer shared a common enemy? “That’s where The Ripper’s third victim was discovered.”

  “Thank you, but please keep searching. I just want to find my husband,” Angelique said.

  “I know, my dear. I think I can help with that. Austin is right. The Ripper continues to be several steps ahead of us. But what if we could get the jump on him?”

  “I like the sound of that, Doc. What’s your idea?” Austin asked.

  “This madman is leading you down a specific path in sequential order of the slayings in Whitechapel in 1888. Instead of heading to Henriques where the third homicide took place, I suggest you go to the location of his fifth and final murder. Perhaps going to Mary Jane Kelly’s old street will give you the element of surprise. It’s now a five-level car park on the corner of Crispin Street and White’s Row.”

  “Doc, that’s a great plan,” Austin said. “I knew you would come through for us.”

  “Get back here as soon as you can.”

  “We will after we find Michael,” Angelique stated firmly.

  He had little hope they would find her husband alive.

  “We’re here at Hanbury now,” Austin said. “We’ll call you with what we discover. If it’s pointing us to Henriques like you believe, we’ll head to that parking garage instead.”

  “Good luck.” He returned the receiver to the cradle and glanced at Gita.

  She was standing in the corner talking in hurried Polish on her mobile phone.

  This Ripper business has certainly had an impact on her.

  He grabbed his cane and headed for the lift. Gita didn’t even notice.

  When he got to the street, he hailed a black cab.

  “Where to?”

  “Henriques Street, my good man. Twenty pounds more for you if you get there quick.”


  The Sanctuary of the Forgotten


  David Bathry passed the iron gates with Albert, going deeper into the sanctuary. He had left the New Year’s Eve party at his estate early after Albert had rung him with the good news.

  2002 is going to be a very good year for me.

  He had waited so long for this. When the bitch liar queen had fallen into slumber he had removed The Ripper’s stake. That had been several months ago.

  He had visited Jack’s cell every day since, longing for the moment he could take him to the chamber on Gough Street to begin his training. But day after day there had been no change in the halfblood.

  He had tried everything imaginable to rouse him. Increasing Jack’s blood supply seemed to have little impact on him. Warming the cell’s temperature produced the exact same result. He had even injected him with various drug cocktails. Nothing. Stiff as a board, mimicking the whores he’d killed long ago.

  But according to Albert, Jack’s coloring had deepened and his heart rate had increased slightly an hour ago, just before midnight.

  His father’s plan would unfold and the Bathry Bloodline would be elevated above all the others. He was only at the beginning of it all, but the fulfillment of the dream would come. Sweet revenge at long last. The secret chamber in the house on Gough Street was ready for its special guest.

  “My lord, thank you for allowing me to be part of this great undertaking,” Albert said.

  “Of course. I would have no other by my side.”

  Even though Albert was one of the lowest members of the Bathry Bloodline, he had brought him into this endeavor, because he recognized the man’s strongest quality was absolute loyalty. He had cemented Albert’s trust with promises of lofty positions for him and his family. Later, when he had discovered the man was a true believer, orthodox through and through, he knew Albert would never dare betray him.

  Albert grunted slightly under the weight of the body he was carrying.

  He is a bit of a weakling, though.

  Bathry carried three bags of blood, but he could have effortlessly toted the Stalcuc stiff as well. Unfortunately for Albert, that wasn’t the job for someone of his station.

  The slumbering Stalcuc had been chosen after long consideration. The fellow had been laid to rest in a cell, which was attended solely by Albert. He would not be missed by any of the other Bathrys who served in the sanctuary.

  Secrecy was paramount in this enterprise.

  When they arrived at the block of cells, Albert placed the body onto the plastic tarpaulin they had brought earlier. Here, too, the simple man was the lone caretaker of this block of cells thanks to Bathry reassigning the duties of another sanctuary keeper. The plan was to place this corpse in the upper crypt once Jack was brought down.

  Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

  Their kindred would never be the wiser. And there was no chance any other Morvicti would learn this important secret since none of the other bloodlines ever came to the sanctuary. Arrogant bastards. That will be their undoing.

  Keeping hold of one bag of blood, Bathry handed the other bags to Albert. “Bring me the ladder.”

  As always, the good man lowered his eyes and addressed him as if he already sat on the throne of the Morvicti sovereigns. “Your will is my duty, Your Majesty. Always.”

  Bathry smiled. Very befitting words. One day he would hear those sweet words not just from Albert, but from the lips of every Morvicti. Many nobles would have to die for that to happen, especially the Drakes.

  Let their heads roll.

  Albert brought in the ladder. “Shall I take the blood to him, my lord?”

  “No. I will do the honors.” Bathry could barely contain his excitement.

  After long last, the man who was the fuse to the entire plan that had been laid out so long ago was rising.

  “Keep the ladder secure for me, Albert.” With a bag of blood tucked under his arm, Bathry climbed up to Jack’s cell.

  The Ripper’s eyes were open. He was staring unblinkingly at the ceiling.

  Thank the Ancient Ones.

  “Welcome to the twenty-first century, Nicolae.” He sliced open the bag and placed it to the killer’s lips.

  Jack closed his eyes and began hungrily sucking down the life-giving blood.

  “You and I have so much to accomplish together, my friend.”


  8:30 PM – Present Day

  David Bathry watched Dr. Wilson get into a black cab.

  The old man had exited his home alone—and in a hurry. Were McCord and his sister still inside?

  Bathry hadn’t had access to the camera feeds for some time now, so he couldn’t be sure. He intended to check all three floors. He needed his bargaining chip—Austin McCord.

  If Albert were here, he would send him in first. Going in alone wasn’t his style, nor was it smart. But Albert was either dead or with the Drakes, and the men he had sent to kill Octavian weren’t answering their phones. He had tried them several times since
he had left the tube station.

  Before heading into Dr. Wilson’s house, he pulled out his mobile. He was scraping the bottom of the barrel now, but he decided to contact Edmund, his second cousin. Edmund was in charge of securing blood bags from local donation centers for the sanctuary. Edmund’s status was barely above those who served the prisoners. It sickened him to reach out to Edmund, but he was running out of options.

  “David, why are you calling me?”

  “That’s not how you should answer your phone when the head of your bloodline calls, cousin.” In the background were the sounds of a crowd and a muffled voice over an intercom. “Where are you, anyway?”

  “Fuck off. I’m taking the first flight out of this country, if they don’t get to me first. The Imperial Morvicti Council has issued warrants for every Bathry. Most have been arrested already, including your sister. She’s been taken to Romania. You’ve destroyed our bloodline. What the bloody hell happened in the sanctuary today?”

  He clicked off his phone, not willing to answer his cousin’s question.

  How do I proceed? Perhaps I could just ring the doorbell.

  He did have a gun. He could force his way in.

  With Austin as his prisoner, he might have a chance at getting Octavian to negotiate. If not, he had to turn the tables on the bastard somehow.

  He had placed an APW on McCord’s head. Capturing and taking him before the council would be a first step. The next, convincing them to believe McCord was The Ripper, would not be easy. But it was possible. He just had to make it look like Octavian was behind the conspiracy.


  Drake had confessed to meeting The Ripper in Prague. He had remained silent, breaking the law of the Morvicti to protect the halfblood bastard and his traitorous mother, Drake’s cousin, Irina. That’s how I will convince them.

  Walking to Dr. Wilson’s door, Bathry wasn’t certain that information and the head of Austin McCord would be enough to sway the council. If he couldn’t convince them to turn on Octavian, he was a dead man.


  8:30 PM

  Austin got out of the car with Angelique. While he scanned the area, keeping watch for any sign of The Ripper, Angelique went through the trashcans. There were several on the street.

  “Found it,” she said, lifting a package from one of them.

  They got back in the car and read the killer’s next letter together.

  Dear Angelique,

  I hope you and your brother are enjoying this game of treasure hunting, my love. We deserve a little levity in these terrible times.

  This is the place Dark Annie’s life ended, my sweet. I was searching for one like us believing, once found, she would be my wife. I was so naïve back then. The only clue I had was this. The daughter of an immortal woman lived in Whitechapel making her living in the beds of men.

  The nose inside this box is from the Lady Turellek. I’m sure she won’t miss it. Ha, ha.

  The third and fourth courses, the heart and stomach, are courtesy of her two sisters. Taking down the nobles has been more enjoyable than I thought it would be. I just wish you could have joined me in the fun.

  Were you shocked I knew about Austin? It took me painstaking research to discover you both. But I did. When Austin got shot in Iraq, I wept, feeling like I had lost a brother, too.

  Go to Henriques Street as fast as you can, my dearest Angelique.

  All my love,


  “Henriques Street, just like Doc thought,” Angelique said. “I hope we get to the final murder scene before The Ripper.”

  Austin nodded, driving to White’s Row.


  8:40 PM

  Octavian stared at the image on the screen and felt acid rise up from his throat and into his mouth. Duke Turellek’s driver had discovered the bodies of Lady Turellek and her two sisters less than an hour ago. Their heads had been severed.

  Lady Turellek’s lifeless eyes were wide with fear, her face disfigured by The Ripper as the monster had sliced off her nose. It wasn’t clear from the image whether he had taken other souvenirs from her. Octavian cycled through additional photos showing more of The Ripper’s handiwork with Lady Turellek’s sisters, who had the misfortune of being with her at the time.

  Lord Turellek had been above ground longer than any other sitting on the council. Octavian had known for some time the days were numbered until his dear friend and ally slept. Upon receiving the report of the death of his wife and sisters-in-law, Lord Turellek had collapsed. Octavian had his servants take the old man down to the sanctuary to administer blood. Would he recover or would he slip into slumber?

  One of the lords present via videoconference pounded his fist on his desk. “I say we evacuate our children from London until The Ripper and David Bathry are in custody. We should only leave those who can help with that mission.”

  “We cannot do that, my lord,” another spoke up from a screen. “It would create a panic that would take years for us to recover from.”

  “You only say that because you haven’t lost any of your bloodline, Duchess Sevann.”

  She frowned. “Nor have you, Duke Kitholan.”

  “Have any of my lords or ladies given thought to the fact that others besides Bathry could be behind these murders?” Nancy Black’s father, Duke Grollin asked. “My daughter was a Grollin. Galene and her mother, Lupeis. The Turelleks lost their lady and her two sisters. And Octavian Drake, our king, his brother. Grollins, Lupeis, Turelleks and Drakes. The other noble bloodlines have lost no one.”

  The impact of Duke Grollin’s words was evident on the nobles’ faces.

  Duchess Sevann cursed. “You dare insinuate my bloodline could be behind this treachery.”

  Lesser events than this one had ignited war between the Morvicti.

  Octavian needed to tamp down emotions and get them working together. He pounded the wooden gavel on the table. “Enough, my lords and ladies. We must not fight amongst ourselves. The only bloodline behind this horror is Bathry. None other.”

  “And not every Bathry, Majesty,” Darius added.

  “That is true, my lord. As I stated earlier, Phoebe Bathry helped Belisarius and I escape The Sanctuary of the Forgotten.”

  “Where is Belisarius, Your Majesty?” Duke Marveaux didn’t hold back his anger. “With Bathry’s treachery, he now holds the highest police position in London for the Morvicti. What is he doing to bring down this madman?”

  “He’s assisting me on another matter.”

  “Another matter? More important than this one?” Marveaux frowned. “Forgive me, Majesty, but what could be more urgent than what we face now? David Bathry is still missing and The Ripper has yet to be found. I understand that an APW has been issued by the Met with a description of The Ripper. What a disgrace it would be to the Morvicti if the police apprehend the murderer of our children before we do.”

  “The APW was Bathry’s work. The description is of another man, not The Ripper.”

  “How do you know that, Majesty?” Duchess Sevann asked.

  He weighed his options. Though he was ready to confess how he knew Jack, he was certain it would only exacerbate the current state of disarray and fear of the other nobles.

  “Belisarius discovered Bathry’s APW. The man in question had an alibi.” Octavian needed to keep Austin and his sister off the radar of the Morvicti. “Belisarius is working to remove the APW right now.”

  “Belisarius should be going to Turellek’s home,” Duke Marveaux stated flatly. “Our resources are spread too thin and Duke Turellek is in no shape to handle the cleanup of his wife and sisters-in-law.”

  Octavian knew Marveaux was correct. “I’ll send Belisarius a text now.” He brought out his mobile phone.

  Where are you?

  Almost to White’s Row.

  Three dead. Needs to be cleaned up.

  It will be done, Majesty.

  Octavian looked up from his mobile phone and saw the other council
members staring at theirs.

  Darius leaned over and showed him his phone’s screen. “This just came in from Bathry to all of us.”

  I’m innocent. Octavian Drake is guilty. I will have proof shortly. Grant me sanctuary and I will bring it to the council within the hour.


  8:42 PM

  Driving into the parking garage, Austin turned to Angelique. “Now.”

  As they’d discussed on the way, she slid down in her seat to a position that just allowed her to see out of the windshield. In that position she would not be an easy target but could still be another set of eyes that he definitely needed.

  Slowly, they drove level by level through the parking garage, scanning every inch of the place. Nothing looked out of the ordinary.

  He drove up the final ramp that let them out on the very top, which was uncovered and open to the overcast London night sky.

  “There, Austin.” Angelique sat up, holding the weapon tight. “Another package.”

  He nodded, seeing it sitting on the pavement. Since there were no cars atop the last tier, it wasn’t difficult to spot. “Damn it, the bastard has already been here.”

  Deflated, she said, “The Ripper is more steps ahead of us than we thought.”

  He pulled the car next to the box, which was a little bigger than the one they’d found on Durward. He opened his door, leaned down, and scooped up the package.


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