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Morvicti Blood (A Morvicti Novel Book 1)

Page 31

by Lee Swift

  Along the far wall were nine thrones, though the one in the center was solid gold and elevated above the other eight. It radiated one message: Power.

  Octavian guided them to the large table with five chairs placed directly in front of the thrones. “I will be back shortly. Please have a seat.”

  He left and they sat in silence taking in their surroundings.

  “Well, this is intimidating.” Michael continued glancing around the space.

  Angelique nodded. “Like most thronerooms I’m sure that was the intention when they designed it, sweetheart.”

  “I wish I could have a couple puffs from my pipe.” Doc put his arm around Gita’s shoulders.

  She leaned into him. “The last time I was here was for Octavian’s coronation. Happier time than this one.”

  “Don’t lose hope, Gita,” Angelique said.

  Morvicti began filing in, moving to the spectator seats.

  Except for the nine thrones, every seat was taken and many Morvicti were left standing along the back walls. There had to be four hundred people in the room.

  He caught a few of their whispers.

  “Are those King Octavian’s halfblood bastards?”

  “They are our heroes; they killed The Ripper.”

  “They don’t deserve to walk on this floor.”

  It seemed the immortals in the room weren’t united in their opinions of them.

  If it hadn’t been for wanting to protect his sister and the others, Austin would have taken his chances and disappeared instead of appearing before this ridiculous court that had no right to decide his life’s end.


  Octavian led Lisa to his private office.

  She trembled violently.

  “You have nothing to fear, Lisa, but this talk is long overdue. You need to know the truth about your father.”

  “My father?” She stiffened. “I know his truth.”

  “But maybe not all of it.” He opened the door to his office and they walked inside. “Please have a seat.” He motioned to the sofa.

  She did and he sat next to her.

  “Majesty, I-I hate what has happened to your family. Your brother Romulus is dead because of David.”

  “And you have lost family, too.”

  “David and I were never close like you and your brother.” She sighed. “David had horrible plans and many accomplices to achieve them, Majesty. Others in my bloodline helped him.”

  “Yes. I am aware of that. The fanatical orthodox Bathrys have scattered to the wind. It wasn’t just Bathrys involved. But we will find them. All of them.” He grabbed her hands. “Lisa, do you know how your bloodline was given the task as caretakers of The Sanctuary of the Forgotten?”

  She shook her head. “I always thought it was the Bathrys’ duty.”

  He stood and retrieved one of the ancient books from his shelves. Turning to the page that gave the history of the Bathry Bloodline, he showed it to her. “Your ancestor, Kharon, had a child with a human female thousands of years ago. He loved his son. The ancient ways were more brutal and cruel then. Halfbloods were not shunned as they are today. They were beheaded without thought or trial.”

  Lisa frowned. “The orthodox, like David, wish to return to those horrible, barbaric ways.”

  “Yes, they do. Kharon Bathry refused to kill his son, but my ancestor, King Astoroth, came with the other bloodlines and executed the child.” Octavian ran his finger over the image of Astoroth the Bloodlust King, holding the head of Kharon’s infant son in the air. “Kharon and his entire bloodline were punished, losing their standing among the Morvicti. It was then declared that your bloodline become the keepers of the dead and forgotten or else every Bathry would be staked for eternity. Kharon chose the nobler path instead of revenge and saved the remainder of his family.”

  “I never heard that story.”

  “That was when the ill will between our families began. You told me you knew your father’s truth. Was it about him and my grandmother Roxanna?”

  “No, my lord,” she said, her eyes narrowing. “It concerns me. Actually, it concerns both my father and my brother, too. You must wonder why I am not grieving David’s death. I hate him is why. Just like my father raped me, so did my brother.”

  He felt a knot of rage in the pit of his stomach, but he kept silent, realizing how difficult it was for Lisa to share such a horrific truth.

  “Again and again, they defiled me. One night Simon. Another David. It went on for years. Until one evening I brought a knife to my bed. I was only seventeen at the time. My father’s breath stunk with whisky. Terrified what might happen, but unwilling to let it go on any longer, I brought the blade up to his throat. I didn’t say a word. I would have killed him if he touched me again. But he didn’t. His last words to me were, ‘Finally, you are acting like a Bathry.’ He left. Several nights later, David came to my room. Emboldened, I brought out the knife again, but unlike my father I had to slice his flesh to get his attention. I screamed and he fled. We never spoke of the incident. And he never tried to touch me again.”

  “I cannot imagine what pain you had to suffer, Lisa. I always sensed you were strong, but I had no clue how strong.”

  She smiled. “I hate being a Bathry, Majesty. I’ve never wanted a part in any decisions for the bloodline. Not now. Not ever. So I became the socialite and the shopper and the flighty woman. They thought I was stupid and flippant, someone who could not make decisions. That suited me fine. David and our entire bloodline believed the role I had created. It was the only way I could survive being a Bathry…being the daughter and sister of monsters.”

  “And you did survive, Lisa, when others would have crumbled. You are strong and you are smart.”

  “I don’t feel strong or smart, Your Majesty.”

  “Listen carefully, because this has not been shared outside of the Drake Bloodline ever, but you deserve to know everything.” At least one dark secret would be brought into the light, and that gave him hope about the future for his people. Secrecy was vital, but it was also an anchor. With each revelation, the weight lightened a little. “Your father attacked my grandmother, tried to rape her when she was in the care of your grandfather during the Stalcuc uprising.”

  “He told a very different story. According to Simon, Roxanna rejected him after promising to marry him when she became queen.”

  “He lied.” He finished telling her about how Roxanna had escaped from the sanctuary and Simon, returning to her father, the king. “Simon would have been staked had Roxanna not kept silent about what had happened. She had known the peace between the bloodlines after the war was shaky. And once she became queen he would never be able to harm her again. Lisa, I plan on giving the decree to stake Simon’s body.”

  “I thought you knew, my lord. My father’s body has been taken from our family sanctuary.”

  “I did not, but I am not surprised. Belisarius interrogated Albert Bathry this morning. He confessed everything. Your father and brother were co-conspirators in everything that has transpired these terrible days. The orthodox cowards are in need of fallen champions to rally behind. Your brother and father are their martyrs. They will use their memories to recruit others to their cause and poisonous beliefs. Trust me, I will find Simon Bathry’s body and send him to The Sanctuary of the Forgotten.” He smiled. “Lisa Bathry, you are now the head of your bloodline.”

  “But I thought…like the Stalcucs…you would…”

  Octavian grinned. “I would what?”

  She lowered her eyes. “Your will is my duty, Your Majesty. Always.”

  “I trust you will keep our laws, Lady Bathry. Under your rule I believe your family will rise again to the noble bloodline they once were during the time of your ancestor Kharon.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. I swear it with my own blood.”


  Angelique didn’t know what to expect next. She sat between Michael and Austin, which gave her some comfort. But the seriousness of
the situation was obvious to them all.

  A man dressed in a red robe, carrying a golden horn entered from the back. “All rise for the Imperial Morvicti Council of the Eternal Morvicti Empire.”

  She stood with everyone as a hush of reverence fell over the crowd.

  The judges entered the room from two doors, opposite the center throne, four from each. They stood in front of the lower thrones.

  The man sounded his trumpet and every Morvicti in the place, including Gita and the eight judges, bowed.

  Octavian walked out of the center door behind his throne wearing the same regal attire she had noticed in the painting just outside this room. He held a scepter in one hand and a chalice in the other.

  In a single voice, the Morvicti said, “Your will is my duty, Your Majesty. Always.”

  Octavian held the chalice above his head and said something in a language unknown to her, but reminded her of a blend between Latin and Greek.

  The crowd responded with a few words in the same tongue.

  Octavian drank from the cup. The man in the red robe took the cup from Octavian and offered it to each of the other judges.

  When the last one drank from the chalice, Octavian sat down.

  “My lords, you may be seated.”

  The eight judges sat back on their lesser thrones.

  Angelique looked at Octavian with awe and pride. He’s my father. How many years have I searched and wondered? A king. I never thought I’d be the daughter of a king.

  “Everyone, please be seated.” The man turned to Octavian, bowing low. “Your court is convened, Your Majesty.”

  “Bring in the accused.”

  She held her breath.

  From the same door they’d entered the court, two guards escorted The Ripper, secured in chains. She was shocked to see him breathing. The image of his bullet-riddled body in the Murphy Street building was still fresh in her mind. But he’s Morvicti. I should not be surprised, but will I ever get used to seeing people come back from the dead?

  The men placed him in front of Octavian.

  She found Michael’s hand and squeezed it. They had played this monster’s games and survived.

  “Nicolae Nothusson, son of Irina Drake, your mother and your first victim, known by most as Jack the Ripper, you have been accused of slaying Nadia Grollin, Galene Lupei, Prince Romulus Drake, Duchess Lupei, Duchess Turellek and her two sisters, Jadzia and Judith, Sir David Bathry, as well as three innocent humans. You were sentenced to the stake in 1888 for the murders in Whitechapel. Against the will of this council, Sir David Bathry released you from The Sanctuary of the Forgotten. What say you to these charges, Nicolae Nothusson?”

  Jack grinned that terrible grin. “It was your own evil deeds that caused these people to lose their heads. I am superior to you, Octavian. Can’t you see that?” The monster turned, looking her in the eye and sending a shiver up and down her spine. “Your daughter, Angelique, is my Eve.”

  “Enough.” Octavian slammed his fist onto the arm of his throne. “Take this murderer away.”

  Jack flung curses at Octavian and everyone else as the two guards shoved him through the door on the left.

  Octavian stood, facing the eight nobles. “This tribunal has condemned executions, both human and Morvicti, for centuries. We are lovers of life eternal, dreaming of the day all our beloved below ground will rise to walk in the sun above. But I implore you, in this instance only; grant me the old power of kingship to remove the head of this assassin so he can never kill again. Lord Darius Vale, what say you?”

  “Your will is my duty, Your Majesty. Always. The bloodline of Vale gives its consent.”

  One by one, Octavian asked the others, and it was unanimous in their decision.

  “Let it be known from now until the end of time the verdict of this body,” Octavian said.

  The man in the red robe announced in a loud voice, “Bring in the executioner.”

  The door to the right of the thrones opened, and another man carrying an axe and dressed in a hooded black robe walked into the court to stand before Octavian.

  He bowed. “Your will is my duty, Your Majesty. Always.”

  “Give me the axe, Executioner.”

  They walked somberly together out the door that Jack had just gone through.

  The door closed with a loud thud.

  No one moved.

  Angelique could not breathe. The only thing she could hear in the room was the beat of her own heart in her ears.

  Total silence.

  After a short while the door swung open, and she gasped.

  Octavian walked into the room alone. No axe. “It is done.”


  Austin recognized the look on Octavian’s face. He’d felt the pain of taking a man’s life himself. Even the death of evil men left their mark on a soldier—or a king, apparently.

  Octavian remained standing, facing the eight. “What I had to do this day I will remember into my eternity and so should all Morvicti. Nicolae Nothusson. Nicolae, son of no one. His mother was my cousin. The blood of kings flowed in his veins. Yet, our laws rejected him, requiring all, including Irina, to shun him. We called him an abomination. But I say we created that monster. His blood and the blood of his victims are on our hands. We, too, are guilty.”

  Octavian took off his crown and placed it on the throne.

  Austin heard several people gasp.

  “I am guilty,” Octavian continued. “These are my children, Austin and Angelique. Their mother, Katherine, was human and the love of my life. My closest Morvicti family kept my secret, including my grandmother, Queen Roxanna.”

  More gasps.

  “There is no record of twins ever being born to Morvicti until my children. Why do we shun halfbloods when it is so difficult for any of us to conceive? Should not we consider every baby a blessing from the Ancestors? They are part of us. Austin and Angelique share my blood and their mother’s. Their palms and the soles of their feet are violet like ours. Their hearts beat like ours. Their eyes shed tears like ours. They love like we do. My son fell into his first slumber after being severely injured rescuing Lord Darius Vale’s nephew. When he awakened a few days ago, his heroism returned a hundred-fold. He and his sister and her husband, as well as Dr. Thomas Wilson and Githianna Drake, were responsible for ending the reign of terror Jack the Ripper brought, once again, to this world.”

  Four of the judges stood and applauded, the other four remained seated. The audience was as split in their sentiment as the judges, as a little over half cheered.

  “For their heroic acts and service to the Morvicti, I implore you to welcome them into our society with open arms. They will keep our secrets and will swear allegiance to our Eternal Morvicti Empire. Grant Githianna Drake and Dr. Thomas Allen Wilson their hearts’ desire to marry. Acknowledge the legitimacy of the marriage of my daughter, Angelique McCord Drake Remington to her husband, Michael Lee Remington. And finally, give to my children, Austin Jake McCord Drake and Angelique McCord Drake Remington, the rights and privileges they are due as noble born Morvicti.” Octavian closed his eyes. “Lord Darius Vale, what say you?”

  “Pardon me, Your Grace, before we take a vote I have a submission to this proceeding.” The judge sitting closest to the left of the throne stood.

  “Duke Marveaux, what is your submission?” Octavian asked.

  Austin recognized that tone from his days in the SEALs serving under him. Octavian was pissed.

  “Before we vote on this matter, I believe we should hear the two humans and two halfbloods swear their allegiance first.”

  “I agree with Duke Marveaux,” another judge stated, rising from their chair.

  Four more did the same.

  Darius Vale, the United States senator, and another judge, remained seated. Austin had learned the other judge was the father of Gail Simmons and the husband of Duchess Lupei.

  Octavian took his crown and placed it back on his head. He glared at Duke Marveaux. A full minut
e passed before he turned and faced the table.

  Doc kissed Gita and stood, turning to Octavian. “May I be the first, Your Majesty?”

  Octavian smiled. “Approach.”

  Doc Wilson moved to the other side of the table.


  Doc got down on his knees and bowed his head.

  “Do you Dr. Thomas Allen Wilson swear allegiance to the Eternal Morvicti Empire, and promise to keep our secrets, including the one we hold most dear—that we exist at all?”

  “I do, Your Majesty.”

  Octavian placed his hand on Doc’s shoulder. “Thank you for your solemn promise. You may rise.”

  Michael went next, giving his oath to Octavian just as Doc had.

  Angelique followed. When Octavian told her to rise, she stood and smiled.

  “My sweet princess.” Octavian kissed her on the cheek, inviting more whispers from the Morvicti spectators.

  My turn.

  Octavian smiled. “Approach.”

  He walked in front of his biological father, his former commander, and the king of the Morvicti.


  “No, sir. I cannot.”

  Octavian’s eyes narrowed in disappointment and concern. “Kneeling is only a formality. The oath is the oath. Do you Austin Jake McCord Drake swear allegiance to the Eternal Morvicti Empire, and promise to keep our secrets, including the one we hold most dear—that we exist at all?”

  “No. I cannot swear allegiance.”

  “Heresy.” “Halfblood.” “He’s an abomination.” The screams were clear from the audience.

  Octavian frowned. “Do you realize the cost of what you are saying?”

  “I believe I do, but please hear me out, sir. To me, I was shot just a few days ago in Iraq. I was fully human. Just a soldier doing his job. I died. Or so I thought. I’m an American Navy SEAL. I only swear allegiance to my flag and country. But I do solemnly swear to keep the Morvicti secrets, all of them, never to reveal their existence. I need more time to sort things out. Can you understand that, sir?”

  He sighed. “Yes.”


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