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Hunting Truth (Orion the Hunter Part Four)

Page 2

by J. D. Chase

  Scott drove me to my apartment to collect my things. As I walked towards the entrance, James the doorman flew out of the door—looking very pleased to see me.

  “Oh, Miss Prince, am I happy to see you! You worried me yesterday. I didn’t think you’d be back. After Mr. Hunter left, I did as you asked and made sure that the apartment was secure.”

  I smiled affectionately at him. “I’m just dropping by to collect my things.”

  His face fell as he turned to escort us into the building. As I was approaching the elevator, he spoke again.

  “Miss Prince, forgive me if I’m speaking out of turn but yesterday, when Mr. Hunter left, he looked like a broken man. He looked dreadful and was so weak he could barely walk to his car—not that he should have been driving in that state. I don’t wish to interfere but I thought you should know.”

  His words were like arrows in my heart. I opened my mouth to thank him for his concern but my vision blurred. Scott’s arms were around me in a flash and he held me to him as we waited for the elevator. He then walked me inside, holding me tightly. “It’ll be okay, Issy,” he whispered before kissing the top of my head. I knew his words weren’t true but I appreciated the gesture so I gently squeezed him.

  Inside the apartment, things felt even worse. The events of the day before seemed more real, as did Angel’s absence. Scott walked me into my bedroom and chatted to me about irrelevant things like the weather. I knew he was only trying to distract me, and it worked to an extent. I packed some clothes and toiletries into a couple of suitcases, then began to round up my work-related things. Thankfully most of it was at my office. That triggered another thought. I was going to have to find another office. There was no way I could work in the Orion Building and risk seeing Lucas every day.

  I threw myself back on the bed and let out a long sigh. Scott, who’d been making us a coffee, chose that moment to walk back into the room. He put the coffees on my bedside table and sat next to me. From nowhere, a lone tear trickled down my face although I wasn’t aware that I was crying. He wiped it away and lay next to me, taking me in his arms.

  “Tell me how I can help, Issy,” he whispered. “I hate seeing you like this. It’s so far removed from the Issy that we all know and love. Let me in. I might just be able to help.”

  My heart swelled with affection for this gentle giant of a man. “I need to make things right with Angel, and I don’t know how to, but I miss her so much. It’s just not right that she’s not here with Chad. And over something that was just lies.”

  “Then find a way to tell her. I’m as shocked as anyone that she’d believe that of you and Chad. But then again, being confronted with photographic evidence . . . I guess it must’ve cut her up pretty bad.”

  I nodded. “But how to find a way? Chad hasn’t managed it. She’s ignoring all of my messages. Hell, I don’t even know for sure where she is. Chad says she was with her parents but I don’t know whether she’s still there. Neither of us have managed to speak with her. And if I did get to speak with her, how can I prove that the photograph was faked? I don’t have any physical evidence.”

  He chewed on his bottom lip. “Hmmm. I know it’s not going to be easy but you’ve got to find a way.”

  I knew he was right. I just wished it wasn’t so hopeless.

  Chapter Two

  When we got back to the boys’ apartment, we dropped my things in Scott’s room. He was adamant that I should take his bed. He said he probably wouldn’t need it for the next night or two anyway but wouldn’t elaborate when I asked him why. I assumed he had plans of a romantic nature that meant he would sleep, or whatever, elsewhere.

  Then, during the afternoon, he took off in the van. He just shouted goodbye and was gone. I was left with Chad, who was a little quiet and moody. I wanted to talk with him about Angel but thought it might make his mood worse. I decided to distract him instead and challenged him to a game of pool in the local bar.

  I changed my clothes and made myself presentable and we set off on foot. As we turned a corner, I almost walked straight into Daniel, Lucas’ assistant. As our eyes met, I saw recognition and friendliness, much to my relief. Then I realized that Lucas and I had only parted ways the day before and, with it being a Saturday, Daniel probably hadn’t even seen Lucas.

  “Hi, Daniel.” I smiled. “How are you? Up to anything interesting today?”

  “Work,” he said with a frown. “I’ve just had He Who Must Be Obeyed . . . oh crap, I mean Lucas.” He looked like he wanted to crawl into the nearest hole.

  I smiled at his mortified expression. “It’s okay, Daniel. I know he can be a tyrant and his people skills aren’t the best. What were you going to say?”

  He visibly relaxed. “I’ve had Lucas on the phone demanding that I come into work—late on a Saturday afternoon! He sounded murderous. Do you know what’s with him?”

  “Um . . . no. Listen, Daniel. I hate to ask you this, but could you arrange to have the contents of my office boxed and shipped to an address that I’ll email to you? I need to terminate my lease early. I’ll settle the financial penalties.”

  He looked momentarily stunned. “Ah,” he said. “If I may be so bold, may I take it that his lordship’s foul mood is related to this development?”

  I frowned. “I haven’t actually told him. I was hoping that he wouldn’t have to know until it was done.” I realized my heartbeat was accelerating at the thought of Lucas finding out.

  He shook his head. “Oh, today just gets better and better.” Then he looked at me and must’ve registered my discomfort because he appeared to soften. “Look, I’ll see what I can do. But I won’t hide anything from him—I’d be without a job if he found out. If he asks, I’ll have to tell him.”

  I nodded. “Thank you, Daniel. I appreciate it. Best that you don’t mention that you’ve seen me. If you need to speak to me about my lease, you have my cell number don’t you?”

  “Yes, of course. If there’s anything I can do to help you relocate your office, just let me know. It’s a terrible time for you to be moving—mini-Dakota is going so well. I hope there’s no disruption. Lucas is keen for it to be completed as soon as possible. He’s very focused with all of his projects, but this one is something else. I’ve never known him be so passionate about a redevelopment. You would think it was his home!” He laughed but it quickly tailed off when he saw my expression.

  “Daniel, I won’t be continuing to work on mini-Dakota. Lucas has copies of all my designs that have been completed so far. He’ll just have to hire another interior designer to finish things off.”

  He was frozen for a second, looking like I’d slapped him. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Why do I get the feeling that you haven’t told him about that yet either?”

  I chewed on my bottom lip and looked down. “Because I haven’t told him.” My voice was barely a whisper.

  He ran his hands through his hair, his agitation showing. “Oh man. Today is just the beginning of a fantastic week. I can feel it,” he said sarcastically. “Issy, I think it’s best if we get your office emptied today before he finds out that you’re not fulfilling your contract with mini-Dakota. Lucas always pursues any breaches relentlessly. In your case, it’s more complicated because of your . . . well, you know. Even without the personal issues, he’s going to be devastated that you won’t continue work on it. He says you’re the best interior designer he’s ever worked with and he’s worked with some big names.”

  I tried to smile. The truth was that I’d miss working on mini-Dakota too. I loved that old building and it was a privilege to have been asked to work on its restoration. But I couldn’t work with Lucas. A man who’d killed his own mother.

  Chad spoke before I could reply. “Do you know anything about a photograph that Lucas asked someone in your security team to investigate? It turned out to be faked.”

  Daniel looked at him. “I heard about it. I obviously didn’t see it.”

  Chad and I exchanged an awkward gl

  “Do you know whether there’s any written proof that it was faked? A report or an email or something?” Chad asked.

  Daniel shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’d have to check with Carter. He’d know. Why do you ask?”

  “My best friend was Chad’s girlfriend. She doesn’t know the image was faked. Now she’s disappeared and won’t allow us to make contact,” I explained.

  Looking thoughtful for a moment, Daniel then said, “I’ll see if I can find anything but Carter plays his cards close to Lucas’ chest. What do I say if I’m asked why I want to know? What Carter knows, Lucas knows.”

  “Don’t ask then. Just have a discreet look to see if there’s any proof. Don’t get yourself in trouble with Lucas though,” said Chad. “We’d really appreciate any assistance.”

  The sound of a cell ringing made Daniel say, “Three guesses who that’ll be! I’d better get going. I’ll contact you later, Issy. In the meantime, email me the address you want your things sent to. I’ll get on to that as soon as I can.”

  We both thanked him and continued to the bar. Daniel’s words about Lucas echoed in my head: ‘He sounded murderous’. I shuddered slightly . . . if only he knew.

  We spent a couple of hours in the bar. I’d intended to let Chad win in an attempt to lift his mood but, as it turned out, my concentration was so bad that he wiped the floor with me. We were pleasantly under the influence of alcohol, walking back from the bar, when my cell rang. It was Daniel.

  “Hi, Daniel,” I said, trying not to giggle as Chad tripped over his own feet. He must’ve been more wasted than I’d thought.

  “Hi, Issy. I need the address for your belongings to be sent right now. Everything’s boxed up and waiting.”

  I gave him Chad and Scott’s address and he said my things would be delivered within the hour.

  “Thank you, Daniel. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help.”

  “That’s not all, Issy. I searched Lucas’ emails and found proof that the photograph you mentioned was definitely edited and faked. Shall I forward it to your email?”

  “Oh that’s brilliant! Yes please.

  “I’ll save it to my flash drive and send it from my personal email at home. I can’t risk forwarding it from here. I’m sure Carter’s team monitors them. Please make sure that only your friend sees it.”

  “You are amazing and I truly appreciate the risk you’re taking. But it is important, Daniel. A friendship and a relationship could be saved thanks to you.”

  I heard him draw breath as if he was going to speak but then changed his mind.

  “Daniel? What is it?”

  “Um . . . I’m not sure whether I should be saying this . . . or whether you want to hear it.”

  I could hear the indecision and discomfort in his voice. “Saying what? Is it about the photograph?”

  “No. It’s about Lucas. He’s turned the day-to-day affairs of his company over to me. He says he doesn’t want me to bother him with anything, regardless of its importance or urgency for the foreseeable future. That isn’t like him at all, Issy. And . . .” His voice tailed off.

  I stopped walking as I processed Daniel’s words. Chad didn’t notice and kept walking. That company was Lucas’ life. His whole reason for being. Why would he turn his back on it? It didn’t make any sense.

  “And what? Come on, Daniel. If there’s something you think I should know, spit it out.”

  I heard him blow out his breath. “It’s Lucas. I’ve never seen him like this. He hasn’t showered, shaved or changed clothes since yesterday. He looks like hell. He reeks of alcohol and I’d imagine his hangover must be a killer, although he looks like he’s been drinking since yesterday. He was rambling about you and something about his mother. But mostly he was talking about revenge. He said he thought he’d done it but that he’d just hurt himself and you. That this time he’d do it right—he’d sort them out once and for all. I have no idea what he was talking about but I tell you one thing, Issy. Whoever it is, I feel for them. He looks unhinged and obsessed. Someone is going to pay dearly for crossing him.”

  My brain was trying to take in all of this information. I was struggling to imagine Lucas in the state that Daniel had described, never mind process all the things he was saying. “Did he say anything else?”

  Daniel’s voice was barely a whisper. “He kept saying that the one person he’d let into his heart had gone and left him. That he was broken. That he’d ruined the only thing that was good in his life. That he loved her. That he’d never love anyone else again.” He paused. “Issy, he was talking about you.”

  Cold fingers gripped my heart and squeezed, taking my breath away. The ache in my chest was so strong. I could hear Daniel asking if I was okay. If I was still there. But it sounded distant. I couldn’t respond. I was totally immobile. Frozen.

  Chad must’ve realized that I wasn’t next to him and come back because he was suddenly there in front of me. His lips were moving but I heard no words. Blood roared in my ears and my vision blurred.

  The next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes on Chad and Scott’s sofa. Chad was sitting opposite me, looking concerned. I smiled at him and sat up slowly.

  “Sorry. Did I fall asleep?” I asked as I stretched.

  “Only after I carried you home. I think you fainted. God, I was really worried, Issy. I didn’t know whether you’d drunk too much and were sleeping or whether you were unconscious. Daniel said you’d just stopped talking and you looked like you’d seen a ghost before your legs buckled.”

  I tilted my head back so that it rested on the back of the sofa. Slowly I recalled the conversation with Daniel. I shared it with Chad. He was delighted that there was proof that the photo of us having sex was faked. But then he looked shocked when I told him about the state Lucas was in. I didn’t mention the things he’d said about me. Just about him turning the business over to Daniel and him not looking after himself.

  Chad thought for a moment then said, “I really hope this doesn’t interfere with his support for the band.”

  I gasped at his selfishness and was saved from retorting by my cell ringing. I snatched it up and looked at the display. It was Scott.

  “Hi, Scott,” I said, trying to sound cheerful but giving Chad a cold, hard stare at the same time.

  “Hi, Issy. Just to let you know that I’ve tracked Angel down and I’m on my way to talk to her because she wouldn’t speak with me over the phone. I can’t talk for long as the plane’s about to take off. But I’m going to try to persuade her to think logically about that photograph and—”

  Excitement surged through me as I cut him off. “You’re what? Oh my God. Well, there should be no worries on that score. I’m awaiting an email that will prove the image was edited and faked. As soon as I receive it, I’ll forward it to you.

  “Really? Oh thank God. That should make my task a whole lot easier.”

  I felt a rush of affection for him and the lengths he was going to for his friends. “Thank you, Scott. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble. But I’m glad that you have.”

  “Hey, no problem. Anything to avoid living with Chad the Miserable.” Then his voice softened. “And anything for the most important lady in my life.”

  I grinned. “You big, soppy idiot.”

  “I’ve got to go, babe. Send me that email. I’ll call you when I’ve landed. Bye, Issy.”

  “Take care. Bye, Scott.”

  I pressed the button to end the call and told Chad what Scott was doing. In the excitement, I forgot I was pissed at him for his selfish comments about Lucas and the band. I realized I’d forgotten to ask Scott where Angel was so I had no idea how long his flight would be.

  The much anticipated email came in from Daniel just as we were finishing a takeaway pizza. I read it aloud from my phone. Chad let out a deep breath and smiled. It was basically an email from an expert in the field who’d removed the edits that had been made, clearly proving the image was a fake. I quickly forward
ed it to Scott’s email address and hoped that Angel would at least hear him out. Chad wanted me to forward it directly to Angel too, but I wanted to wait until Scott had tried. It seemed only fair after he’d gone to so much trouble and I wasn’t sure that Angel would even open an email from me. I didn’t want to upset her right before Scott made his attempt.

  I had a text from Scott to say that he’d landed and had received the email. He didn’t say where he was but he did say he was going straight to see Angel. Scott and I flicked back and forth across the television channels but as usual there was nothing worth watching. Either that or we were too anxious for news to concentrate.

  By 11 p.m. we were having trouble keeping our eyes open, which wasn’t helped by our afternoon drinking. Chad tried to call Scott but his cell was switched off. At midnight we agreed to call it a night but agreed we’d both keep our phones on our pillows and that we’d wake the other if Scott called.

  When I entered Scott’s bedroom, there were several boxes piled up underneath the window. I realized that my office contents had been delivered whilst I’d slept on the sofa and Chad must have put them there. My thoughts turned to Lucas and what Daniel had said about him. It didn’t sound like Lucas at all. Obviously the demons from his past had resurfaced and were haunting him.

  As I lay in bed, I wondered how I’d managed to get him so wrong. Okay, he hadn’t volunteered much information about himself or his past, and I realized then that I didn’t know him at all. Could I love him when I didn’t know him? Each time I thought about him, I was sickened by the knowledge of his acts in the past but, at the same time, I felt like my heart was breaking into tiny pieces. I hadn’t ever allowed another man to get close to me so I had no reference for emotional pain and relationship agony. I couldn’t even compare it to the loss of my parents. I was too young to remember the initial pain and surely you have a different love for your parents anyway.

  I slept fitfully and tried to call Scott several times during the night. I fired off messages asking how he’d got on and asking what he was doing, but I didn’t get one reply. I met Chad in the kitchen the next morning and over coffee we found that we’d both been trying to contact Scott without success. Chad suggested that perhaps his cell had died and he had no way of recharging it. I had to admit that it seemed like a plausible option. It didn’t make waiting any easier though.


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