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Unguarded Love

Page 14

by KaLyn Cooper

  In complete boy mode, Simon burst through one side of the double doors that led toward the ocean. He sprinted across the recreation room, Ti right on his heels. Both were laughing like children should.

  “Boys,” Rosita yelled from the swinging kitchen door. “And that includes you, Santiago Agustin Montoya. You know better. We walk in this house. Now go wash up. Supper will be served in five minutes.”

  Wow, Rosita had three-named Ti which meant she was serious.

  “I’ll take Simon upstairs to wash his hands.” Daniel pushed his chair back from the table.

  His friend scooped up Simon and was halfway up the steps when he called back, “You snooze, you lose.” He gave the small child raspberries on his belly, making Simon giggle. “Besides, you look busy with important shit.”

  “Yeah, Daddy got important shit,” Simon declared.

  “You are such a bad influence on my son,” Daniel accused.

  “Yep, that’s what favorite uncles are for.” Santiago disappeared down the hall toward Simon’s bedroom.

  “Dr. Johnson, would you like to stay for supper with us?” There would be plenty of food for one extra.

  The researcher gathered his papers. “Thank you, that’s very kind of you, but we actually use our meal time as kind of a staff meeting. Each of us is taking a different approach to killing the virus and communicating in those clean suits is so cumbersome. We all have to eat, and five great minds together can accomplish more during a thirty-minute meal than any one of us could in days. Besides, the food at the hotel is absolutely divine. That cook over there is stupendous. Have you ever eaten over there?”

  Nita slid Daniel a glance and a grin. Yes, he’d eaten over there many times. He and Uncle Tom had paid for the executive chef and sous chef to attend one of the most famous cooking schools in the world. A dessert chef would be joining the staff in a few months, as soon as she graduated and returned from Paris.

  “The food is excellent,” Nita agreed. Changing the subject, she continued, “You’ll soon be getting some relief, perhaps as early as tonight.” Nita stood when James did. “The CDC is sending additional scientists on the next flight down. I’ve been told everything you requested will be on that shipment as well.”

  James grinned ear to ear. “You are a guardian angel, Dr. Banks. I’ve never had support like this out in the field. Sure you don’t want a job with the CDC?”

  Nita shook her head. “No way in hell. I love my job. I’d never leave it.”

  A pang shot through Daniel. He wasn’t sure why those words bothered him so much. He’d never thought about the future, least of all one with her. They were just good friends. True, friends with delightful benefits which he intended to explore even further just as soon as possible, but just friends. He understood that her job was extremely dangerous most of the time, but until that moment, it had never concerned him. Suddenly, the thought of life without Nita was incomprehensible.

  As she walked James to the door, the older man placed a hand in the middle of her back. Daniel felt the need to claim her as his to let the world know she belonged to him. James was at least twenty-five years older than her and didn’t seem to be Nita’s type, but that didn’t quell the alpha within Daniel.

  He caught up with them in three long strides. “Dr. Johnson, I want to thank you for everything you’re doing to help my daughter.” He held out his hand.

  As planned, James removed his hand from Nita’s back to shake Daniel’s. “We’re not there yet, but I can assure you we are doing everything within our power to find a cure.”

  “Please, let me know if there is anything I can do for you.” He opened the side door and pointed toward the path that would take him back to the hotel. “Have a nice evening, James.”

  When Daniel turned, Nita had her arms crossed under her nicely rounded breasts. “If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you were jealous of James.”

  He glanced around and saw that no one was nearby. He gave her a quick kiss then placed his hand at her back to guide her toward the dining room table. “Maybe you don’t know me as well as you thought you did.”

  She slid her arm around his waist then dropped her hand and smacked his ass. “Don’t fall in love with me, Daniel Callahan. I’m not a good bet.”

  Reciprocating, he ran his hand down her back and cupped her rounded ass. “Then it’s a good thing I’m only falling in lust with this body of yours that you so generously share with me.” He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear. “Come to my room tonight. I want you in my bed the next time I take you.”

  The smell of food hit them before they heard the dishes being laid out on the buffet. As though a silent dinner bell had sounded, feminine voices filled the halls and the stairs.

  Nita quickened her step and Daniel dropped his hand. He couldn’t read the smirk she gave him. “I’ll think about it.”

  Simon literally flew down the stairs, suspended in the air in Ti’s strong hands, arms and legs outstretched. “Catch me, Daddy.”

  Daniel met them at the bottom, arms up, ready to take his son. “Thanks, Ti.” Grabbing his son and automatically placing him on a hip, he laid a kiss on the small boy’s forehead.

  “No problem, bro.” Ti glanced to where Nita was pulling out a chair next to Tori. “You were busy.”

  Damn. His friend was far too observant. He glanced toward Katlin to see if she had noticed any difference in the relationship between him and Nita. She was deep in conversation with Grace and hadn’t seemed to even notice his presence.

  Daniel went to his seat at the head of the table and slid Simon into the high chair next to him. Ti sat on the other side of his son.

  “I’ve got the little man, you go through the line,” Ti offered.

  As soon as Daniel got up, he watched Ti peel a banana and share it with Simon. Damn it. Why hadn’t Daniel thought of that? He was the child’s father, yet once again, sucked at it. Santiago seemed to be a natural. But he had several brothers and sisters, older and younger. Many of them had children of their own, and Ti just took it all in stride. Now that Daniel was solely responsible for two little babies, he’d never been so scared in his life.

  He stepped into line right behind his sister. “Did I see you go out today?”

  “Yeah.” Katlin scooped up a large portion of chicken smothered in chopped up fruit. Daniel decided he’d try some of that, too.

  As she spooned what looked like purple potatoes onto a plate, she explained, “The researchers needed some healthy blood for their tests so USSOCOM arranged for us to meet two teams of SEALs and two teams of Special Forces back at the Honduran camp. I flew the jet over and back. It gave me a chance to work with Kayla, the other Black Swan team leader.”

  Daniel helped himself to a large portion of pasta. “So how are things going with you and Alex?” He really liked his sister’s fiancé. It was quite a contrast to how much he really hated her first husband. Tyler Malone had been a douche bag of the highest degree. Although Daniel felt bad for his sister’s loss, the world didn’t lose much when that man was killed.

  He looked at her empty left hand. The last time he’d seen Alex, Daniel had given him a large blue diamond that their father had brought back from Africa for their mother decades ago. “Is he ever going to make an honest woman out of you?”

  She smiled over her shoulder at him. “We’re getting married. I’m just not sure when. I don’t know if I’ll be here for lunch tomorrow say nothing about a specific date months in the future. But I’m putting you on notice big brother, you are walking me down the aisle.”

  “I don’t see a diamond on that finger, though.” Daniel stirred some kind of extra vegetables then decided to pass on those.

  Katlin pulled out the titanium chain she wore around her neck that was practically hidden by her dog tags. She dangled a beautiful ring in front of him. He grabbed it to see what Alex had chosen for a setting. The blue diamond was flanked by two white diamonds.

  “Very pretty.” He let it drop so
it could be seen on the outside of her black tank top. “Smart idea not to show that beautiful blue diamond off in public, especially in this part of the world.”

  She took the ring off the chain and slid it onto her finger, admiring it from moment. Without warning, she threw her arms around him. “Thank you for giving Alex this diamond. I know it was one of Mom’s favorites.”

  Uncomfortable with such a public display of affection, he patted her back. “I certainly have no use for all those gems you insisted I take.”

  She released him, and they moved down the line, continuing to load the large plates. “You’ll find the right woman someday, and settle down, and have even more kids.” Katlin sounded more confident than Daniel felt.

  “I’ve got my hands full with the two I already have.” He decided to set the plate down then go back and get something to drink. “What woman in her right mind would ever want to marry me? Fuck, once I get back to the States, chances are I’ll be unemployed.”

  “My fuck broken,” Simon announced in a loud voice as he raised his cast so everybody could see it.

  Laughter erupted from every adult at the table.

  Chapter 15

  Nita laughed so hard tears ran down her cheeks. Someone probably should chastise Simon for swearing, but that wasn’t her job. The boy was going to hear a whole lot of adult words, given the crowd around the large dining room table.

  Simon basked in the attention. It was obvious, at least to her, that the child had very little positive reinforcement in his life. He’d certainly had enough negative. She’d look into scar minimization the first chance she got. No child should wear the evidence of abuse all his life. Would he be embarrassed to go shirtless on the beach? As a teenager in a pickup basketball game, would he always choose to play on the shirts team rather than skins?

  He was such a beautiful child. He would grow up handsome and strong like his father. Resisting those gorgeous blue-on-blue eyes would be difficult for any woman, but would Simon be able to find one who could see beyond the scars on his back? Would they define him as an adult? Would he all too often see the pity in feminine eyes every time he became emotionally close to a woman? When he took a lover, would he leave his shirt on so as not to deal with the questions?

  Her heart broke for the boy’s future.

  Yeah, a woman would have to be crazy to take on Daniel Callahan and his premade family.

  Glancing at his easy smile, well-defined jaw, and ripped body, he’d make any woman wet. And rightfully so. The man knew his way around a woman’s body. He’d invited her for a repeat tonight, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to take him up on his offer.

  She was not into relationships of any kind, and certainly not interested in one with him. His baggage included a diaper bag and the second was a kid-sized rollie plastered with superheroes. She never wanted children of her own, certainly not someone else’s. She preferred to deal with adults. At least they could tell her what hurt.

  Straight white teeth gleamed at her. Daniel was too damn good-looking in a ruggedly wild way. As though he knew she was thinking about him, he looked right at her. His silvery blue eyes turned to heated sapphires filled with promise.

  She’d occasionally gone back for seconds with the same man, especially when the first round had been exceptionally sweet. She hadn’t tasted Daniel yet. She wondered how he’d take it if she offered to tie him up to that big four-poster bed of his. Nita tended to be on the dominant side, especially in bed. She was used to giving orders and having them instantly obeyed. With Daniel, it would be a fight of wills. Fuck, it would be fun.

  “Is the clean room completely set up yet?” Santiago asked.

  Nita slid back into the conversation, still undecided whether to join Daniel in the night. “We have more equipment that should arrive after midnight along with several more scientists so we can expedite the research.” She went on to give everyone at the table an update.

  Conversation ebbed and flowed, two or three occasionally breaking off into side discussions. Before she knew it, the meal was complete.

  “I’m headed outside to talk to Alex for a while,” Katlin announced as she refilled her wine glass.

  “Hey, Tori and Lei Lu, want to get a nightcap with me over at the resort bar?” He danced his way to their end of the table, grabbing Lei Lu’s hand and twirling her around. “After we tear up the floor for a while”—he pulled Tori to her feet and spun her into his arms—“you’ll protect me from all those hungry female tourists, won’t you?”

  “Who’s going to protect you from those two?” Nita found it interesting that Santiago hadn’t asked her. Over the past year, they had often gone dancing together. True, it had usually been as a group, but he hadn’t even looked her way tonight. Did he know about her and Daniel? Did the others?

  She covertly scanned the crowd to see if anyone was acting strangely toward the two of them. Everyone seemed to be normal. Perhaps it was just her paranoia.

  “Daniel, I’ll be happy to go watch Bella for a few hours if you want to join Santiago and the others next door.” Grace lifted Simon out of his highchair and planted him on her hip. “I can put this adorable little boy to bed for you.”

  The smile he gave her friend was genuine. “I truly appreciate the offer, but I think I’m going to call it an early night. I’ll take the little man upstairs and read him a few books then shoo Kira back to the hotel. That woman has been a godsend watching over Bella. She needs a night off much more than I do.” He glanced over his shoulder at Santiago. “I’m pretty sure there’s enough of Ti to go around, and to keep all of you entertained.”

  “Hey, big guy,” Tori planted fists on her hips and glared at Daniel. “I’m perfectly capable of finding my own entertainment for the night.”

  “You should invite team two,” Grace suggested. “If they have the night off, they might enjoy hanging out with you guys.”

  Santiago spread his arms wide and gave a devilish smile. “More women for me. I like the sound of that.”

  Those headed out dancing decided to change their clothes and meet back in half an hour.

  Nita passed Grace and Daniel on the way to the steps.

  “Mith Nita, you read me a book?” Simon sounded so tired. He weakly reached out for her. “You read real good.”

  When the child looked at her with those puppy dog eyes, she couldn’t say no. She took him in her arms and headed upstairs. “Are we reading books in English or Spanish tonight?”

  He laid his tired head on her shoulder. “Just book. I like picture.”

  “I can take him,” Daniel offered, climbing the steps beside her.

  “I’ve got him.” There was something so sweet and innocent about carrying a child to bed.

  Daniel opened the door to Simon’s room and helped him into pajamas and the nighttime pull-up diaper.

  “I no pee the bed…moth time,” Simon reassured Nita. “I’m a big boy.”

  After brushing his teeth, with a lot of help from his dad, Simon laid in the middle of the bed with stacks of books all around him.

  “Whoa there, son.” Daniel shuffled through them moving several over to the side. “One book. Ms. Nita will read just one book.”

  Simon picked up two books, seemingly at random and handed one to his father and one to Nita. “One book each.” He gave her that adorable baby smile with all twenty tiny teeth.

  “Damn, they learn early.” Daniel took the proffered book and lay down on the bed next to Simon. Shrugging, Nita took the other book and lay on the boy’s other side.

  Thirty minutes later, and a second book read by each of them, Daniel stood. “That’s all for tonight, son.” He kissed the small child on his forehead.

  The sight of their two heads, one large and the other so small, Daniel’s black hair covering Simon’s fine blond locks was a precious picture that instantly burned into her brain and onto her heart. Such a good man. Such a good boy.

  “Night kith, Mith Nita.” Simon ordered as he rolled toward her. Sh
e placed her lips on the softest skin she’d felt in years. Nothing was quite like a child’s cheek. It was no wonder many mothers kiss their children so often. When she leaned back, she doubted Simon had received many maternal kisses. She didn’t want to think about that anymore tonight.

  “Sleep well, Simon.” She rolled off the bed and headed out the door.

  “Good night, son.” Daniel’s deep voice reverberated right behind her.

  Her room was only a few steps across the hall, but before she reached for the handle, Daniel was right behind her.

  With her back to him, he slapped one hand on each side of the door jamb. “I want you in my room in one hour.”

  The demand rankled Nita. No one ordered her around except a superior officer. And no one ordered her into their bedroom. “I don’t see that happening.”

  Then he kissed her neck just below her ear. “And why is that?”

  “Men don’t order me into their bedroom, they...” She was having difficulty remembering why. He kissed his way down to her collarbone then pulled her top and bra strap off her shoulder replacing it with light kisses. She drew in a breath of air which helped clear her head. “They ask me. Some even beg.”

  “I’ve never begged a woman to go to bed with me.” Daniel laid teeth gently on her shoulder.

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea,” she lied.

  He kissed his way back up her neck and traced the outer shell of her ear with his tongue. “Nita, if you join me in my bed tonight, I can guarantee it will be unforgettable.”

  That certainly wasn’t begging, nor was it a plea, although it was most unquestionably a promise. She could only imagine the things they would do tonight in his bedroom.

  “Turn around,” he commanded.

  Ever so slowly, she turned to face him. She stared into those beautiful blue eyes, intensified by desire. “I want you, again, and again.” He leaned his forehead to hers. “I can’t explain why, but everything is different with you.” He closed his eyes. “Give me about an hour to go through everything with Kira to make sure I know exactly what has to be done tonight for Bella.” He opened his eyes, and it was as though he could see all the way through to her soul.


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