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Page 34

by Unknown

  “It looks like you really quenched our thirst today, Eliza,” Dr Jessop said, “So thank you for that.”

  “We hope we weren't too much of an inconvenience,” Spencer added, “And that we made you feel better?”

  “Yes, much better! It was my pleasure!” the girl replied.

  “Oh, and ours!” Nick winked, “We'll see ourselves out.”

  The men walked towards the door and Eliza scrambled to get up from the couch, grabbing her shirt to try to cover herself somewhat.

  “Wait! Will I see you again?” she asked.

  “You know what to do, Eliza.” Dr Spencer winked, “If you're ever feeling unwell again...” and with that they left, closing the door behind them.

  Eliza was left alone, with only fond and sexy memories of losing her virginity that morning.

  The End

  Commanding To Cum

  All in...

  “If you would keep up with the hull work, then I might just get you there alive,” the star ship’s commander said. “We are only a few months away. Let’s step it up.”

  Dole eyed Commander Stern and counted to ten inside his head before he answered. It didn’t help much. They had been on the ship for three years. The stink of the animals in the cargo shelters was wafting through the ventilation system and they couldn’t filter the smell out anymore.

  Three years was fast when you considered the vastness of space and the actual distance between Earth’s solar system and this uninhabited yet habitable world where they would live out their lives.

  He tried to remind himself that in three months he would never see Commander Stern or most anyone else from Earth ever again. He also tried to remind himself that as soon as Dole, his wife Constance, and the other settlers were dropped off he’d be plenty busy welding habitats and structures for the farmers and ranchers. Stern would fly out to one of the outer worlds to mine isotopes for a few months and then he had three more long years back to Earth.

  That helped a little.

  “It’s a big ship,” Dole said. “It takes a while to track down a scratch from a meteor.”

  Stern swallowed and looked away. “One of those scratches could breach the hull and threaten the life of your wife and your community.”

  “You don’t have to tell me,” Dole said with the heat returning to his blood after he just got through cooling it. “I’m out there alone every day dealing with it.”

  Stern narrowed his eyes. “Speak plainly, citizen.”

  “I think I just did … sir.”

  “Tell me what you really mean by that just so I’m clear on your issue.”

  Dole swallowed and said, “I walk the hull welding it back shut day after day. I’ve done the job for three years. If I wasn’t doing the job, we probably wouldn’t be here. So, I got it without you explaining it to me like I’m not the most experienced person onboard with this that you’ve got.”

  “Oh, I see.” Stern raised his eyebrows and nodded his head.

  Dole could smell the cow shit through the vents and he did not like the pompous look on the commander’s face. His blood boiled a little hotter and he started talking again even though his brain, using Constance’s voice, was telling him to stop. “Once you don’t have me anymore, you’ll have to see how well you can do with one of your officers or do it yourself for once.”

  “I do see now.” Stern nodded. “I used to do exterior work before I moved up the ranks. I could do it myself, but I have a job. Everyone onboard does their part. You handle the hull so my people can focus on other things.”

  “I’m well aware, Commander. You could do, but you don’t. Understood.”

  Stern laughed and took a few steps away. He turned back to face Dole. “I got you, citizen. I know every inch of this ship like a lover’s body and I’ve had more than a few ships and lovers in my time.”

  “Bully for you, boss.” Dole rolled his eyes. Constance’s voice had gone silent in his head. Even his wife’s imaginary voice wanted no part of this argument.

  “If you were willing to learn, Dole, I could show you how it is done. I’ve been trying to explain the flaws in your search pattern for three years. You could learn a thing or two from me about doing a thorough job of servicing the skin.”

  “Is that so?”


  “It is in fact.”

  “Again, I think I am doing well enough to get the job done.”

  Stern shook his head. “If this is your idea of good enough, I feel sorry for your wife.”

  Dole took a step toward Stern. Stern stood his ground and waited. Stern was a head taller than Dole. His chest was broader and his uniform showed more defined muscle. Being in zero gravity outside the ship so often had robbed Dole of some of his definition. He had a gut forming too. Dole still had dark hair, but Stern’s silver hair over his chiseled jaw line gave him a rugged look that probably helped him win his lovers and his ship.

  “What do you mean by that, Stern?”

  “If you are this careless with the ship, I just hope for Constance’s sake that you are more precise when you fuck.”

  “Fuck you, Stern. Leave her out of this.”

  Stern pointed at Dole. “We are all in the same ship. Everyone is involved in what we are discussing. That is my point.”

  “I can’t wait until we step foot on alien soil and that isn’t true anymore.”

  Stern shrugged. “I’ll miss these little talks, but at least my ship will be serviced faster, huh?”

  “You feel free to suit up and show me how it is done,” Dole said.

  “You want me to show you how to do your job, Dole? I can do that.”

  Dole stared at Stern and his sneer turned into a smile. “Care to make it interesting?”

  Stern pointed at Dole’s belly. “You want double rations, if you find the crack and fill it first? Is that it?”


  “You want me to get you laid?”

  Dole took a step back. “What? I’m married.”

  “So was I.” Stern laughed. “If you find the crack and fill it before I can, you get to fill Lt. Spence’s cracks.”

  “What?” Dole held up his hands. “Skyler? What are you talking about?”

  Stern shrugged. “You know another Lt. Spence? Yes, Skyler Spence. All tits and ass. She lost a bet to me earlier and owes me two more pokes. She’d do you once to be clear of the bet, if I offered it.”

  Dole narrowed his eyes. “You’d give up two dates with Skyler Spence to try to prove me wrong?”

  “I don’t think I’ll lose,” Stern said.

  “What do you want from me?”

  “If you lose,” Stern said. “When you lose, you follow my instructions of search patterns for the last months of our flight.”

  Dole rolled his eyes. “Sounds great to me.”

  “And I get a night with your wife,” Stern said.

  “Fuck you.”

  “Oh, you were going to take a go at Lt. Spence’s heavenly body, but you’re going to get pissed at me? Crack for crack, Dole. Fair is fair.”

  “My wife would kill me.”

  “Where is she going to go?”

  Dole actually laughed. “Yeah, that’s my point. She’ll make me stay outside the ship for three months.”

  “Well, either way, soon she will be the only pussy you get for the rest of your life unless you think there are some horny aliens on that world covered in nothing, but purple grass that we might have missed. “But possibly one more night with a trim, fit, dirty officer. Unless you know I’m right in which case you should just do it my way and be done with it.”

  Dole stared Stern up and down thinking about him having his way with Skyler Spence and then imagining the same with Constance. Constance’s breasts were not as large as Lt. Spence’s, but Dole’s wife was thick in all the right places. Artificial gravity had been good to her.

  “I want more,” Dole said.


  Stern tilted his head. “I don’t have any other
deals I can call on with the other female crew, Dole.”

  “If I win, I’m off hull duty for the rest of the trip. One of your crew can fill the cracks for practice for the next three years.”

  Stern licked his lips and sighed. “What will you do for three months?”

  “Me? I’ll be recovering from my night with Skyler. Unless you know you’re getting beat.”

  “You’re on, Dole. Suit up.”

  They exited the airlock together. They were both toting a full cold weld kit harnessed onto their suits.

  The commander spoke through the short radio in his helmet to the speakers next to Dole’s ears in his helmet. “Good luck, Dole, or I’ll be stretching your wife out where she won’t be the same again.”

  “Fuck off, Stern.”

  “I think I might have her meet me in the Zero G observation deck. You ever fucked in zero gravity, Dole? They’ll have to rewrite the Kama Sutra for the positions I’ve invented in there.”

  “We should have brought more air filters,” Dole said.

  He started walking down the side of the hull with his mag boots gripping the side with each step. He expected Stern to be following him, but he looked back to see the commander walking up toward the top of the ship. Dole shook his head inside his helmet. He had already searched the top. Stern was wasting his time. Dole starting thinking about fucking Skyler Spence in zero gravity. His suit grew tighter. He thought about Stern doing the same to Constance and the jealousy mixed with the feelings of arousal. Dole walked faster to find the damage first before Stern earned the right to damage his wife all night.

  Dole crisscrossed the belly of the ship. Technically, he was upside down relative to the design of the ship, but from his perspective, the entire universe had twisted over for him. Dole looked out from the ship at the endless universe. The constellations were alien from the ones he had learned as a kid on Earth. They changed every few days at their current space-bending speed.

  At these speeds, time was moving differently for them than the rest of the universe. They were aging slower and if he could see Earth from here, they would be running in fast forward. Three years for them was closer to ten or fifteen on Earth. By the time Stern got back to Earth, what was a six year trip for him would be thirty years from when he left. If they swung too close to a black hole on the way home, it might be closer to fifty.

  Dole and Stern were not men of Earth any longer. Dole was calling an alien world of endless grasslands home soon and Stern was a citizen of space with everyone he used to know on Earth living, aging, and dying without him.

  Dole had memorized the way the stars would look from the surface of the world they would be colonizing. He knew where Earth was on that star chart. The stars from the moving ship changed to fast to learn. He did locate Earth each day he woke up, so that he could spot its direction in space while he walked outside the ship.

  He lifted his hand to the new constellation that included Earth’s sun. He stuck up his thumb to cover the spot. He moved his thumb to look and then covered it again.

  Dole realized he was going to miss looking toward Earth from outside the ship. Maybe it would not be so bad to lose. He thought about Stern flying back to a world with his isotopes which will have left him behind. He sensed the commander’s loneliness. Then, Dole remembered if he lost, Stern would pound Constance while floating around the observation deck.

  He went back to searching the ship.

  Dole worked his way back up the starboard side of the hull. He was approaching the zone he had already searched. He began to realize that he might have missed it the first time and Stern might be right. If Stern was right, Dole might be in trouble. How would he even explain the bet to Constance?

  He ran to the top of the ship and zigzagged his way back toward the engines. If Stern was right, then his only chance was to come from the other direction and hope he found the spot first.

  Dole saw Stern kneeling on the hull and his heart dropped. He approached the commander and saw Stern feeding beads of metal into the crack. Each bead flattened and adhered itself to the ship. In the void of space, two pieces of metal touching would fuse at the molecular level requiring no heat to weld like in an atmosphere.

  “You cheated,” Dole said into the short radio.

  Stern looked up and Dole saw him smiling through the faceplate. “I’m almost done, but you can check the edge of the crack to see that it was meteor and not sabotage like you are apparently accusing, Dole.”

  “You already knew it was here and tricked me into the bet.”

  Stern turned his attention back to the welding. “I told you straight out that I knew how to find it. There is a better, more systematic way to search for damage than what you do. Now, you’ll do it my way. That was the deal.”

  “Fine,” Dole said.

  “After I fill this crack, Dole, I’m going to fill your wife’s. Have her meet me on the ob deck after dinner.”

  “You aren’t serious,” Dole said.

  “Don’t try to back out,” Stern said.

  “I can’t make her do it.”


  Stern stood from finishing the fix and resecured his gear. Dole had to admit it was good work. “A bet is a bet. Don’t act like you wouldn’t have banged Lt. Spence and sat in your cabin for the rest of the flight. I expect you to follow through the same way you would have made me.”

  “You can’t make me. You won’t throw me off the ship.” After Dole said it, he became aware that they were standing out in space and no one was there to see. Stern was military trained and in better shape than Dole. This would not go well. Maybe this was his plan all along.

  “No, I won’t,” Stern said. “In fact, I’ll find an excuse to keep you on the ship. You’ve done enough to earn an insubordination charge, I’m sure. That’s enough to get you ruled a danger to the colony. You’ll be brigged for the return voyage. I’ll make you weld for three years home in exchange for food. Then, you face the charges. Right?”

  “What charges? Insubordination?”

  “No, the felonies that got you on this ship.”

  Dole swallowed. “Lots of colonists are forgiven penalties on Earth for signing up for recolonization. My crimes were nonviolent. I’ve been cleared for coming here.”

  “I know everything about you, Dole,” Stern said. “Bank and insurance fraud. I know. But I also know if you break your contract with new charges and return to Earth, you’ll face twenty years. Time of Earth slows down once you land there, remember?”

  “I’m not going to be blackmailed into making my wife your sex slave,” Dole said.

  “Nothing like that,” Stern said. “Just fulfill the bet. One night. In fact, just bring her to the observation deck willing to pay up and we’ll just make it one bang. You’ll both be in your cabin before bedtime.” Stern waved down at the sealed hull. “I work efficiently.”

  Dole said, “The observation deck is public.”

  “I’ll shut it down for repairs and mark the job as yours. You just bring her.”

  “She won’t understand.” Dole whispered.

  Stern walked past Dole toward the airlock. “She has had to forgive your debts and mistakes many times before, Dole. That’s why she is on this ship with you. I don’t know everything about women, but I do know for a certainty that if they will fly across the galaxy with you, they will do most anything else for you too. See you both after dinner.”


  “I can’t believe you.” Constance snapped again. Dole looked around the corridor and put his hand on her back. She pulled away from his touch, but still walked toward the hatch for the Zero G Observation Deck even though she knew why they were going and what was going to happen. He considered that a small victory at least.

  “I’m sorry. I thought he was bluffing.”

  “Tell me the truth.”

  “Excuse me,” Dole said as they stopped outside the hatch marked CLOSED FOR REPAIRS.

  “I have forgiven you for everything you put us t
hrough and I am sticking by you through everything including this, but I want all the truth. No more lies. Tell me everything you left out about this lost bet.”

  Dole swallowed. “I thought I could beat him and be off outside duty.”

  “What else?”

  “He offered me sex with Skyler Spence, if I won too.”

  Constance narrowed her eyes at Dole. “Unbelievable, Dole. Did she even know you were betting our asses over metal work?”


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