Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance Page 26

by Sierra Sparks

  I finish up in the bathroom and find Sam waiting for me. We go back outside and stand on the sidewalk, waiting for the limo. It was a nice evening and I’m glad I said yes to it., but our various conversations inside the restaurant have got me thinking; what is Sam doing with me? I had hoped asking him directly would help clear things up, but I still have all the same questions. In fact, I have even more. Given what I’ve seen, I know Sam is a player. That girl Dani was evidence of it. The way she talked about him was so confusing – as if he made it seem like you’re dating him, like serious dating him, when you’re not. Could that be us right now? How do I know he isn’t playing me? I mean he probably is. Who am I to think I’d make any difference in his habits? But that shouldn’t matter because I was going to keep it casual. I’m going to be a fun time until he doesn’t want to see me anymore. But, lo and behold, I can feel myself starting to care for his sexy ass and that’s worrying me. I don’t think Sam is the type to do a serious relationship. He wouldn’t even commit to an answer on whether or not we were on a date until I said something. It’s like he’s keeping an exit open, just in case he has to leave. Whatever that means, I’m going to have to keep a tight watch on my heart. I don’t know if I’m ready to lose another person I care about so soon after losing my mother.

  While we wait, Sam asks me, “Do you want to go to your place or mine?” He casually looks down at me as I gently grab the lapels of his suit jacket. I’d been wondering how this night would end and I’m glad he brought up our options. I tell him,

  “Your place. It’s nicer.” I get on my tiptoes to kiss him, but the limo pulls up before my lips can reach his. I turn around, still holding on to Sam. He kisses the side of my face instead and the two of us get inside. Sam taps the divider and it goes down.

  “Take the long way home, Rich. We’re going to my place.”

  “Yes, sir.” The divider closes and Sam and I are effectively alone again. I want to make fun of him for having a personal driver, but the way he’s looking at catches the words in my throat. He’s sat across from me, his body relaxed and leaning back.

  “Could I have your leg?” Slowly, I raise it, offering my limb to Sam. His fingers encircle my ankle before moving further up. He massages his hands over my leg, rubbing up and down. He gets on the floor of the limo and between my legs, kissing the tops of my thighs. My dress has ridden up, still just barely covering me. Sighing deeply, I lean back, resting my head at the top of the seat. I don’t think I want to let him go – not any time soon at least.

  Chapter Sixteen: Sam

  Zara and I are driving back to my apartment in the limo I hired for the evening. Rich is taking the long way home – like I asked – giving the two of us some to time alone with one another before getting to my place. I’m situated between Zara’s leg, ready to taste that sweet pussy of hers, when she tips my head up by holding a finger under my chin.

  “Let me take care of you tonight.” She has her hands on my shoulder and pushes me back until I give her enough room to kneel on the floor with me. She motions with her chin towards the seat. “Sit down.” Her voice is low and sultry, dripping with promises for the evening. I get on to the soft leather and sit back, getting a clear view of what she wants to do. Her hands sit on top of my clothed thighs and they creep up until she reaches the hem of my pants. She bites her bottom lip as her hands get closer to my zipper. Carefully unbuttoning my pants, Zara pulls them down – underwear included – until my dick springs out. The space feels better, the strain they were feeling, restricted by the tighten fabric gone, but I still a slight discomfort. I almost touch myself to relieve some of the pressure, but Zara beats me to it, wrapping her hand at the base of my shaft. She gives a few soft pumps before using her tongue to lick the entire length of my cock. I throw my head back, the sudden sensations almost unbearable. When I look at her face, I see a satisfied smirk. If she didn’t have her hand around my penis, I’d kiss her, but all of my thoughts are muddled because of the sheer pleasure that Zara’s giving to me.

  I feel her lips wrap around my tip and then her warm mouth envelopes me. I look back at her and take her hair out of its tight bun, wrapping it around my fist. She moans around my dick, the small vibrations tickling me. Her head bobs up and down, her hand keeping up with the motion. My balls become heavy and I start to move my hips, fucking her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. My hand in her hair tightens as the tingles in my body turn into shards. White hot bursts of pleasure spike through me, all of my perception coming through where Zara is touching me. Her tongue twirls around my head and the blood rushes to my penis. “Shit, Zara. I’m about to come.” Her response is obviously muffled, but it’s an affirmative. She doesn’t let up, the suctions she’s creating with her cheeks pushing me closer to the precipice. I pull her back a little harder than I intended, but Zara groans in response, so I do it again. I try to hold off a little longer, not wanting this amazing experience to end. But I’m unable to and I come, violent spurts of cum shooting into her mouth. She swallows as much as she can, a little spilling out. Once my body is down draining me, I let go of her hair, fully collapsing on to the car seat. Zara lets my dick fall out of her mouth. She wipes her finger around the sides of her lips, licking whatever leaked out off of her finger. She moves up to my face, kissing me with the intensity of a woman possessed Her fingers are digging into the back of my scalp, pushing our faces and mouths together. Her tongue touches mine, the remnants of my orgasm still in her mouth. I love the way I taste on her, a desire to mark the rest of her body boiling up inside of me. It’s a strange thought – mainly because I’ve never had it before. She moves from my mouth, peppering her kisses all over my face before finder her way to my neck. I know she’s hungry for more and I fully intend to satiate that craving of hers.

  “How was that?” She bites her lip and I kiss her again. She grinds against me as my lips pull her deeper into our connection.

  “Amazing.” I pull my underwear and pants back up and pat my chest for Zara to curl up in. I tell her everything I plan to do with her body once we get back to my place. I keep my voice low, almost whispering my intentions while my fingers lightly pull through her hair. We stay like this until we reach my apartment – the two of us ready to burst from excitement. We go upstairs to revel in one another’s bodies before spending the rest of the night together.

  Right as we’re falling asleep, I wonder what the two of us are doing. Before Dani popped up at our dinner, Sarah had been asking me about what our night meant. I’d thought it was going to be the opening for her to ask about what our entire relationship meant, but after I told her it was a date if she wanted it to be a date, Zara dropped the whole conversation. Things didn’t get better when Dani – a sort of ex of mine – was our waitress. Zara’s responses only got more enigmatic from there until we moved away from any kind of relationship or label and simply enjoyed our shared meal. I’m not sure what she wants anymore and that scares me because it gets me thinking about what I want. I end up on the conclusion that I don’t know what I want and that scares me.

  Chapter Seventeen: Zara

  Ever since our dinner together, Sam and I have started getting closer. The status of our relationship is still up in the air, but he’s been opening up to me and I’ve responded in kind. There are things I’m hiding, partially because I can tell he hasn’t fully committed to me yet. That conversation with Dani is still rattling around in the back of my head and I don’t know how to quiet that noise. I don’t want to reveal every inch of me to be unceremoniously dropped not too much time later. But I’m doing my best to keep all of this hidden away from Sam. My first attempt to get him to tell me what he wants failed and I wasn’t ready to try again. Not yet, anyway.

  Tonight, the two of us are going for a walk in the park – Central Park. Surprisingly, I haven’t gone there yet. There are a lot of classic New York places I haven’t gone – part of the reason because they’re a little touristy – but Central Park – I couldn’t just not go. I was
excited when Sam suggested the outing. I’ve been going out a lot more – inspired by our burgeoning relationship. I called Nellie – and even though it had been over a month and half since she gave me her number – she was more than happy to get my call. She took me to a Broadway show – my first, in fact – and it was amazing. I’ve always loved musicals and seeing one live – especially in a place like Broadway – was a dream.

  Nellie wasn’t the only person I connected with. I knocked on my neighbor’s door – the one who helped me – and brought her some lemon bars I had made. She invited me in and we watched a movie together. Her name is Stephanie and, in a couple of days, her, Nellie, and I are going to have a girl’s night. It feels great to finally have a friend group in the city, but tonight is just for Sam and me.

  He picks me up and Rich drives us to the park. We go all over because I want to see as much of the park as possible. Sam indulges me, letting me drag him all around what is essentially a bunch of green space. But we find a rock to and I tell him we can lie down. Finally having some time to relax, we stare at the sky. The clouds are moving at a lazy pace. It’s an unusually clear day. We don’t say much while we cloud gaze because we’re able to just enjoy one another’s company. I’ve never been this comfortable with anyone – except my Mom – and I don’t want to lose this feeling. I still haven’t told me him what I want – that I want something more, something deeper. It’s a decision that I made very recently – that’s probably why I’ve been thinking about Dani – or Dani’s words – so much. I’m going to tell Sam how I feel when we get back to his place, I’ll lay it all on the table. He deserves to know and I can’t expect him to just read my mind. I need to be open and honest. Communication is key.

  It’s starting to get late and I ask him, “Are you ready to go?” He sits up and nods There’s something extra serene about Sam today. I wonder what’s got him this way. I sit up and ask a follow up question, “Is something bothering you?” He narrows his eyes as if he’s thinking, putting his hand on top of the one I have by my leg. He picks up our joined hands and kisses the back of mine before answering,

  “Not particularly. Why don’t we talk about it when we get back to the apartment?” Something weird is going on and I hope he does tell me everything.

  “Okay,” I agree. We get off the rock and I look around trying to figure out how we’re going to get out of the park. I made us zigzag so much and now I don’t know how we’re supposed to get back out. I’m looking around, trying to figure out how we’ll find our way out of Central Park, Sam puts both of his hands on my shoulder and turns me towards him. I’m startled by this sudden movement and I jump a little, but calm down when I realize that it’s just Sam. He has a sweet smile on his face and I wonder what’s with the sudden shift in mood. “What is it?”

  “I have a surprise for you.” My heart starts to soar as I think about all the different things it could be. Sam has a way of being unpredictable, so I end up not landing on the correct answer.

  I repeat the same question I just asked, but this time it’s a little more enthusiastic. “What is it?”

  “I have a romantic meal waiting for us back at my place and we’re going to eat it on the roof. I made everything myself in an effort to impress you with my culinary skills. Rich is getting everything ready, so we’ll have to take the subway.” I throw my hands around him, touched by the considerate gesture. He’s slowly been changing over the time we’ve been together. Lately, he’s been paying greater attention to detail, noticing things and addressing them. It’s made my care for him run deeper and I didn’t know what to do with it. But I have been getting more confident and, so, all I can do it hope that he feels the same way. Tonight has really ended up being the perfect night to reveal all to Sam.

  The subway back to his place isn’t a very long one, but it is a bit of a stroll. We start the walk and I’m asking all kinds of questions about the meal he planned. I mostly want to know how he planned it and if he made everything by himself – like for real, for real – and what exactly we’re going to eat and how romantic the setting is, on a scale of 1-10, and I’m just bothering him with a barrage of words. He’s humoring me and about to answer, when I think I see his brother-in-law, Neil. I’d only seen him at the wedding, so I’m not totally sure, so I ask Sam to confirm.

  “Hey, isn’t that your sister’s husband, Neil.” I feel him tense and I know that animosity he was feeling at the wedding hasn’t gone away one bit.

  “It would appear it is. He must be back from his honeymoon with Sarah.” His words are dripping with the anger I feel pouring out of his body. None of it is written on his face, though. It’s like we’re back to the Sam I saw weeks ago – the one I’m guessing his mother was trying to change. Seems like he needs a lot more time to get whatever disdain he feels for Neil to go away. I wonder what is driving it. I know virtually nothing about his relationship with the man. He’s never talked about him and I never felt comfortable asking about it. I understand not liking the guy your sister is dating, but Neil and Sarah are married. They don’t have to be best friends, but I would think he would want to make more of an effort to keep the peace.

  “Do you want to say hi?” He looks down at me and calms down. He actually smiles and I smile back, knowing he won’t let Neil ruin our evening. Maybe Sam really wants to keep things amicable with Sarah’s husband and I’m jumping to conclusions.

  “No. Let’s get to our romantic dinner.” We keep walking in the direction towards his penthouse, but then I see a woman walk over to Neil. Sam stops in his tracks and I’m guessing he saw her too. Neil throws his arm around the woman, bringing her into a massive hug. It doesn’t look good. The two of them are dressed like they are about to have a night on the town and Sam reads the situation the same way because, this time, the anger is written in all of his features. My heart starts beating faster, already seeing how this evening is going to turn out. He starts dragging in their direction and I have to pull him back, hoping to temper his anger.

  “Wait, Sam! What are you doing?” Sharply, he turns to me. I jump back, not ready for all that vitriol to direct itself towards me. I know he isn’t mad with me, but that doesn’t help the sudden fear growing in me. Sam spits out,

  “I’m going to break every bone in that motherfucker’s body before feeding them to him and then I’ll take whatever’s left of his pathetic bastard body and put it through a meat grinder.” I want to believe he’s exaggerating, but the rage he’s exhibiting is telling me that while he may not achieve that goal, it doesn’t mean he won’t try. He tries to start stalking towards Neil and the mystery lady again, but I move in front of Sam, holding him back with my body. He could easily push past me, but I know he wouldn’t hurt me. He’s not a bad guy, he’s just not seeing clearly.

  “Stop, Sam, stop! You don’t want to do anything you’ll regret. Maybe we’re misreading the situation. Maybe Neil and her – maybe they’re just friends. You can’t rush in caveman style and hurt him like that. You’ll regret it. I know you will.” This seems to calm down and he takes a moment to reassess. I knew he was a reasonable guy.

  “You’re probably right. I think I get a little irrational where my family is concerned.” He chuckles, though it isn’t his usual happy one. It’s more chastising himself and, at the very least, it means he’s feeling bad. I take a breath and relief washes through me. I love how he is able to recognize his emotions and when he can be wrong. We’re about to once again restart our walk to his apartment, but then the worst thing possible happens. Neil – this fucking slimy, disgusting, idiot man, this two-timing, heartless, piece of shit, this asshole who is obviously only thinking about himself right now – kisses whoever he’s with and it’s a deep, passionate, long kiss – it kind of reminds me of how Sam kisses me. But because of this, whatever reason Sam had just mustered is thrown out the window. He’s not thinking logically anymore. He’s only thinking with his fists. I see murder in his eyes. There is no way I can let him get to Neil – or we’ll de
finitely end up spending our night in a police station and his family may not ever forgive him.

  Chapter Eighteen: Sam

  Zara and I were on the way to my apartment, when she spotted Neil. We saw him with some woman and she managed to convince me that they could just be friends, but then I saw him kissing her and I fucking snapped. I was about to rush over to him and throw his body into the curve, but I saw the fear in Zara’s face. She was shaking her head, mouthing no and I hated the way she was seeing me. I held back even though pure rage was rushing through. My sister deserved so much better than this fuckwit. I tried to warn her, but no one listened to me and, now, my worst fears have been realized. Why didn’t they fucking listen to me!?!?

  I watch as Neil gets into a taxi with the woman and they are soon out of sight. I feel like I shouldn’t have let him get away. Without consequences, he’s just going to keep on fucking around, being a complete dick. My anger doesn’t subside – it just builds and builds until it’s boiling over. I haven’t been this angry in a very long time. I think the last time I felt like this was back when I was a teenager – and back then I was a mess.

  I don’t know what to with myself and I’ve got to get all this rage out of me. Since Neil isn’t here for me to yell at, I turn to Zara, blaming her for not letting me beat up that two-timing whore.

  “Fuck, Zara! Fuck!” I can’t stay still, so I start walking back and forth. I know that I know I shouldn’t be yelling at her, but my brain isn’t pushing any of those smart thoughts to the front where they’ll do some good.


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