Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance Page 91

by Sierra Sparks

  “You ever had anyone cheat on you?”

  “I don’t remember.”

  “C’mon! Total honesty!”

  “Back in high school there was a girl. Patricia. I was so in love with her. She was a cheerleader, I was on the football team— A natural fit, right? Turns out, she was just dating me for the status. All the cheerleaders had to date football players. She had a boyfriend on the side the entire time!”

  “Oh, that’s terrible. I didn’t date much when I was in high school, but something similar happened to me,” said Lexi, empathizing. “I was seeing this guy for like a couple of weeks. We were right on the verge of becoming a thing, then I catch him making up with an upper classman while we’re at this party.”

  “That’s cold. You dump a drink on his head?”

  “Yep and broke up with him right there.”

  DuShawn had already come back with the first course and we had hardly eaten any caviar.

  “Was the caviar not to your liking, Mr. Ellis?”

  “Sorry, DuShawn, we’re talking away up here!”

  “It’s fine, sir. I’ll just leave it with your first appetizer. This is Nantucket Bay Scallop with leek, yuzu and kombu. Our wine pairing is an Italian wine from the Piedmont region of Italy. Take your time and enjoy.”

  DuShawn took off. The table was getting full of food.

  “We’d better eat some of this stuff, I don’t want DuShawn to have to pack it all up in doggie bags,” said Lexi. “Mmm, this caviar is really good.”

  We went through the five courses and believe me— Lacroix knows how to treat a guest. Every bite was more amazing than the next. What was really amazing too was watching Lexi. She was so smart. Even watching her eat was sexy.

  But all my normal tactics for getting with her weren’t working the normal way. By this time, normally, a girl would be all over me. Sex would be a given after a trip up here. Lexi was different. She didn’t need all this B.S. Something about her drove me crazy.

  No offense to Kyle and Jackson, but I had to win this thing. She was too good to pass up. I didn’t care how much money I had to spend. We were having dessert and finishing a Fig Birch Cheesecake and coffee when the conversation got real again.

  “Now I have to be honest with you,” said Lexi. “I’m not so sure I can handle this competition.”

  “It’s friendly, I swear,” I told her.

  “I know. I had lunch with Kyle today—"

  “You already had lunch with Kyle?!”

  “You said it was friendly!”

  “It is-it is-it is, trust me.”

  “Then why did you react that way?”

  “Because Kyle never makes the first move!” I admitted. “Hell, if it was just me and him, I would’ve given it a few days just to not come off as over eager. He takes forever making a move. I have the best game, and he has the slowest game.”

  “But he kicked it up for me,” Lexi pointed out.

  “True dat,” I admitted. “But trust me, he normally takes forever. This one time, back in Arizona, he wanted to get with this girl. He waited a whole season to ask her out! The girl was married by then and he didn’t even know it.”

  “That is slow.”

  “Kyle must be in love with you. No doubt.”

  “So you were just shocked that he moved that fast?”

  “Yeah, that’s it,” I said. “And I’ll be surprised if Jackson don’t call you tomorrow.”


  “Oh, my God, seriously?” I said, not believing it. “I’m the last guy to get a date with you? When did Jackson see you? For breakfast?”

  “Right after I had the lunch date with Kyle, he called and brought me to the zoo,” she replied, laughing. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t believe it either.”

  “Wait-wait-wait. You mean, you had both dates today right before this one?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “Damn, my team’s moving fast these days,” I said a little shocked.

  “Guess they learned from the best.”

  “I gotta stop teaching them all my secrets, damn.”

  After dinner, Lexi wanted to walk around Rittenhouse Square. It was lit up and the weather was still pretty warm for playoff season. People in the park were walking, catching Pokemon or just sitting and talking. The square was kind of a chill place in Philadelphia at night.

  “My dad used to take me for walks in the city,” said Lexi. “Sometimes here, sometimes Headhouse square, sometimes Love Park.”

  “I like Love Park too. How can you not like that name, right? Who doesn’t want to be in love?”

  “What I love best about Philadelphia is the food, ya know?”

  “Right? People talk about New York, but I’m like, no way. Philly’s the best.”

  “And you can’t get a decent cheese steak outside the area, as you well know.”

  “South Jersey has some places,” I assured. “I’ve been to some really good places.”

  “You really like your food.”

  “Definitely. Not as much as Kyle. He’s more of a volume guy. I’m a quality guy. After I retire, I might become a food critic.”

  “I could see that,” she agreed. “I honestly could. The super high-end places only.”

  “Absolutely. No Mickey Dee’s!” I laughed. “Did you always want to be a sports caster growing up?”

  “Yeah, kinda,” she said. “My dad would take me to Sea-Eagles games and teach me about football. I was usually the only girl there my age.”

  “I got a little sister,” I explained. “Sometimes she asks me how many home runs I hit this week!”


  “Yeah. She’s little though. Only 12 now,” I explained. “Last time she came to a game, I think she brought her dolls!”

  “Oh, my God! My dad would’ve been mortified if I had done that,” she laughed. “He was all about drilling me on stats and the names of the players.”

  “That’s cute that your dad and you had that bond, ya know,” I acknowledged. “My dad’s a great guy, but he was always working. Not that I needed a lot of attention. They just set me off and I was running.”

  I stopped and kissed her. It was a weird move for me. Normally by this time, the girl would be all over me. Forget a walk. We needed a hotel room. Lexi brought something out in me. Something different. I just wanted to romance her. Kissing her under the moonlight wasn’t a move in the game, it just was something I wanted to do. Actually, I needed to do it. Holy shit, am I falling for this girl?

  We kissed for what seemed to be a long time. When we broke ranks she staggered a little, almost a little dazed. Guess I still got it! But no lie, I was feeling a little dazed too. This girl was filling my head up. I was lighter than air, man.

  “Oh, wow,” she said smiling.

  But suddenly, the smile went away and Lexi started walking fast. I had to rush to keep up with her.

  “Hold on, now,” I started. “What’s wrong?”

  “Sorry, I’m still processing this.”

  “There’s no pressure. Whoever you go with, you go with.”

  “That’s just it,” she admitted. “I thought this would be easy, but it’s not. I thought a kiss from each of you would be the deciding factor, but it’s not.”

  “Was the kiss bad?”

  “No, it was great, and there’s this spark,” she insisted.

  I was relieved a little. For a second, I thought she was going to say I was out already. I mean, I didn’t care about the money, but I did spend a lot of money. Know what I’m saying?

  “So you let the other guys down easy. They’re big boys, they can handle it,” I assured him.

  “That’s just it, I can’t!” she said, flustered. “The spark was there with all three of you.”

  “Well, maybe you just need more time,” I suggested.

  “Maybe,” she relented. “I don’t know. Can I tell you something personal?”


  “I’m still a virgin, Carey.
I spent the last five years taking care of my dad. I haven’t really had a date since high school. Now I’m dating three-star Sea-Eagles who are fighting over me? Talk about going from 0 to 60!”

  “There isn’t anything wrong with being a virgin,” I said. “I respect that.”

  In fact, I was glad to hear it. And couldn’t wait to be the one to change it.


  “Sure! Some people give it up too easy. You got time and effort and energy invested in your good looks. That’s like your brand. You can’t waste that on anybody. It’s gotta be the real deal.”

  “Thanks for understanding,” she said.

  We kissed again. Again I was lost in it. I had to have this girl. Every moment I spent with her convinced me more and more that we were meant to be together. After the kiss, looking into her eyes, I could see that she knew it to. I wanted to take her virginity so bad.

  I look her for a drive in the Viper. We went up and down the city and along Boathouse Row. Philadelphia looks great, especially when it’s lit up at night. At the end, I brought her back to her apartment. We kissed some more in the car and who knows— I could’ve talked my way into her place and her panties, but I wanted to wait. Tonight was not the night. I wanted her to be sure of her decision, for her and me, but also to avoid issues with my friends.

  “I have a lot of thinking to do after today,” she said. “But I want you to know, you made this day really special for me.”

  “You make every day special, baby,” I said looking into her eyes. “Call you later?”

  “Tomorrow. Tonight I need to think,” she said kissing me one last time. “Good night, Carey.”

  “Good night, Lexi.”

  Chapter 8 – Lexi

  Driving home after one of the most wonderful days of my life, I had a lot to think about it. Kyle was full of sweetness. Jackson was like a knight in shining armor. And Carey, was just so worldly. Each one I kissed and I thought that would be the deciding factor, but it wasn’t. Each one made me see stars. Each one had a spark. Was I crazy? I had to call someone.

  “Dad?” I said over the hands free phone. “It’s me.”

  “Lexi, you’re up late. Did you have a date?”

  “I did, I did,” I admitted.

  “That’s wonderful! I knew when you moved into your own place it would happen for you. I’m so glad.”

  “It’s fine, Dad. I can take care of myself.”

  “I know. But after you started taking care of me, I worried,” he admitted. “I worried that a part of you died inside.”

  “I think you’re being melodramatic.”

  “Not really. Remember you Uncle Tito? He was married to your Aunt Jesse. She was the life of the party until your uncle took ill. She spent years taking care of him. It destroyed her. I wasn’t going to let that happen to you.”

  “Well, it didn’t. It wasn’t,” I assured him. “Besides, it wasn’t always so dreary. Remember the first time I took you out in your wheelchair?”

  “Oh, my goodness, I thought I was going to die!” he laughed. “I literally thought, that’s it. I’m going to fall over and Lexi won’t be able to get me up and by the time the cops come, I’ll be dead.”

  “Dad, you’re so morbid!”

  “Well, that’s what happens when you get old.”

  “How are you doing? Seriously.”

  “I’m good. Your aunt was here today. Made me soup, but I don’t like it.”

  “Eat it. She made it for you.”

  “It’s all vegetables. It’s gross.”

  “Dad, I worry. Are you eating right?”

  “Oh, yes. I’m taking the wheelchair all the way to Sternio’s Diner now.”

  “Dad! Sternio’s Diner is two miles away!”

  “It’s a nice roll and the batteries last long enough. Sometimes I like to get out just to get coffee.”

  This from the man that used to moan and complain his life was over because he was in a wheelchair. Now look at him. He’s rolling all over Philadelphia.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re getting out, I guess. I just wanted to talk to you.”

  “What about?”

  “Now that I’m back on the dating scene, I have a lot of guys asking me out.”

  I didn’t want to tell him I had actually dated three guys on the same day. Dad was old fashioned.

  “Nothing wrong with that. You’re a pretty girl. Pretty girls get a lot of attention.”

  “It’s just that, I like more than one of the guys. I’m not sure who to choose.”

  “Well, when you mother and I dated, there was a spark. I just knew. You’re going to feel that spark one day about a young man, I’m sure.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “Don’t rush things. Young people these days, they don’t get married until later in life. You just started a career, hon. Why not have it all? Take your time.”

  “Hmm, have it all…”

  “Although if you want to have grandkids…”


  “I’m just saying. The park’s not too far. I’ll be able to take them.”

  “The park is four miles away!”

  “Ah, the battery should make it. I’m an expert now.”

  “Okay, well I’m pulling up to my apartment. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Love you dad.”

  “Love you Lexi. Bye.”

  Maybe Dad was right. I shouldn’t rush things. Sure there was a spark with all three guys, but I wasn’t on any kind of deadline here.

  I could totally see myself dating Kyle regularly. Dad would like him because he’s so family-oriented. I could imagine us settling down, getting a house and having kids. He would be a great dad. The kind that would take his kids to the park, play with them when he could and hold backyard barbecues. Then the whole extended family would come. Our house would become a nexus for family.

  Then there was Jackson; so ambitious and wanting to save the world. I could see us traveling to Africa, raising money to stop poachers and helping to create wildlife preserves. We’d be doing important work. His millions could save the Earth and we would leave a lasting legacy that would last generations.

  With Carey, life would be carefree. We’d travel everywhere in style, hobnob with celebrities, eat at the finest restaurants and even set fashion trends. Maybe I’d help him get a job at the network being a commentator after he retired from football. We’d vacation in the South of France and the world would be at our feet.

  All three of those scenarios sounded amazing in my head. Was I just living in a fantasy? To some extent, yes, but in my heart I knew all three of these men were good. But they were also good in different ways. I like them for different reasons.

  I got back to my place, got undressed and tried to take my mind off the guys with TV. It didn’t work. All I could think about was kissing Kyle, then Jackson and then Carey. I couldn’t help but think this would’ve been all a lot easier if I had only met one of them. Was it better to know all three? Would it be better had I not met two of them at all?

  “Why not have it all?” I thought repeating Dad’s voice in my head.

  Could that be an option? They all seemed like close friends. They didn’t seem to mind. I mean Carey bristled a little, but I think that was more about the shock of the other guys moving faster than him. This was an amazing day. Maybe I could have more.

  Then I recalled the fantasy. All three men taking me at the same time. It was intense. I never had that kind of raw sexual energy. Could I make that happen? Was that crazy? Maybe people have done it. Time to go online.

  I did a search and came up with polyamorous relationships. People were living these lives with multiple partners and they somehow made it work. To me, it seemed so European and cosmopolitan. I was just barely back in the dating scene. Could I really juggle three men at once? Reading more, I was seeing that it was possible. All it required was open and honest communication.

  These guys were already friends. They seemed to share a lot with each o
ther. Neither one of them seemed bothered we were all dating. Why couldn’t it work?

  I checked my phone. All three of them were already thanking me for such a great day. Kyle wanted to take me to a museum, Jackson wanted a dinner and Carey was talking about a day trip to New York. If I dated all three of them, they would have to know just to coordinate. My God, the logistics!

  Before I changed my mind, I decided to go for it! What’s the worst that could happen? One or two of them would say “no” and my problem would solve itself. The bottom line was that I couldn’t choose. The spark was there for all three.

  I picked a nice intimate restaurant that served tapas. It would send a clear message that I wanted to be more than just friends. I also decided that I wouldn’t tell the others I was inviting all three. Better to catch them a little off guard. Besides, I wanted to do this in person. I didn’t want one of them to bail over the phone.

  After a few minutes, it was over. I sent the text. At that moment, I felt like I was entering a new phase of my life. I was in charge. I was the master of my own destiny. Here I was, forging a new path rarely trod. I thought it would feel weird but it didn’t. It felt right and it felt like the only solution for me.

  Sure, it was a big deal to handle any relationship, but according to the websites about polyamory, I was just following my heart. The guys would do the same. As long as the four of us were open and honest with each other, no one could get hurt. And if one or two or all three weren’t into it, well at least I tried. I did what was best for me.

  A suddenly calm overcame me. It was times like this that I knew I had made the right decision. With my mind clear, I went to work on my laptop editing the interviews I had taped. Ringo’s interview was mercifully short. I didn’t want to relive my encounter with him. The boys, however, just made me happy. I was happy to hear their voices and make them look good on camera.


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