Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance

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Two Bad Bosses_An MFM Menage Romance Page 92

by Sierra Sparks

  I worked on the interviews long into the night, then uploaded them on the Sports Ring server. Within an hour, I got a call from my producer. He had no idea I had gotten such great interviews. He was absolutely ecstatic.

  “How the heck did you get access to these guys?” he demanded. “We couldn’t even get you press passes!”

  “I have to give my cameraman, Baker, part of the credit,” I explained. “Plus the guys on the team. They were just really nice and accommodating.”

  “Who? Ringo?”

  “No. Not Ringo. Ringo’s kind of a dick. The other guys.”

  “Oh, well, I was going to suggest cutting his interview anyway. He’s on his way out. Already got demoted. But the other three? Nice work, Lexi!”


  I hung up. Could today possibly have gone any better? My career was on track and I was dating three of the most wonderful men I had ever met. That night I went to sleep with a smile. This was going to work. It was all going to work.

  Chapter 9 – Jackson

  Spanish tapas used to be one of my favorite things back when I still ate meat. There’s still a surprising amount of eat though for vegetarians. Most of it includes amazing cheeses. I didn’t care, really. I had gotten the call. I think I won the competition.

  I felt kinda bad about it. Kyle and Carey were great guys. They deserved a great woman like Lexi and a woman like her only comes once in a lifetime. I couldn’t bare to see Kyle shack up some groupie he met on the rebound. Knowing him, he’d get her pregnant and then feel obligated to marry her. God, I hoped that didn’t end up happening.

  Carey’s the complete opposite, of course. The guy was so much of a playa sometimes. If he didn’t find someone like Lexi, he might spend the rest of his life single. Sure, he’d have money and fame, but without family, you’re nothing. He’d probably be one of those sad, lonely rich old guys dating stripper chicks in their 20’s.

  When I got to the restaurant, Lexi was outside on the phone with her producer. She was wearing a bright yellow dress that seemed to accentuate her hair and eyes. Lexi was not only hot, she knew how to put together a look. She smiled that incredible smile of hers and then held up a finger.

  “Yes, okay. That’s great. Bye!” she finished. “That was my producer. They just ran our interview segment on Sports Ring and it was one of the highest ratings the network ever had.”

  “That’s great, Lexi. Congrats.”

  “I can’t thank you guys enough for that. My producer says I have a real future at the network!”

  “Hey, I could’ve told you that. Thanks for coming to the tiger exhibit yesterday. We raised a good amount of money for the tigers. Plus the press coverage was great.”

  “Did the paparazzi get our pictures in the paper?”

  “You know, I didn’t see anything, I hope so. Would be great exposure for you.”

  “For me?”

  “Sure. You’re on TV. The more they talk about you in the news, the more people will tune in, right?”

  “That would make my producer at Sports Ring happy. Not to mention my cameraman, Baker.”

  “Your cameraman? Why would he care?”

  “He’ll get more work with me. Plus he’s kind of an older guy. Watches out for me.”

  “That’s cool.”

  “Aren’t you worried about what the tabloids will say about you?”

  “What are they going to say? Handsome quarterback dates beautiful woman? People love that kind of— well, I was going to say rumor, but it’s an actual fact we’re dating, right?”

  “True. You want to go inside?”

  “Yeah, but first…”

  I kissed her. Kissing her was just like kissing her the first time. I was light headed. Her lips and body were warm. There was nothing and everything between us in that moment. I pulled away, almost drunk on her essence.

  “Can I say? You smell amazing.”

  “So do you.”

  “I thought about you all last night. I can’t get my mind off of you.”

  “Don’t forget, you have a Super Bowl to win.”

  “That seems small compared to this competition. I like this prize much better than a ring.”

  “I have a little surprise by the way. Just trust me, okay?”

  “Sure, I trust you.”

  This was weird. What’s this all about? Should I trust this girl? I barely knew her, yet I felt like I’ve known her my entire life. The dynamic between us was just so natural. So unrushed.

  “This way, sir,” the hostess guided.

  The hostess led us through the main room of the restaurant and brought us into a back room. It was a table for four and each plate had a hand folded napkin on top. It was an intimate setting that was dimly lit with a lot of wood paneling. I thanked the hostess and she left the room.

  “Table for four,” I said to Lexi. “Are we doing another interview?”

  “Yeah, kinda. But this one is just for us.”

  “Us meaning…”

  “You, me…”

  Just then Carey walked in.

  “Jackson? What are you doing here?”

  “I invited you all,” Lexi announced. “Kyle should be here any minute.”

  Right on cue, Kyle arrived. He was holding a bouquet of flowers.

  “You two are here too? I didn’t bring enough flowers,” Kyle joked.

  “I’m sorry to deceive you all,” said Lexi. “But I have a proposal that I wanted you to all think about. I wanted total honesty and I wanted to tell you all together.”

  Carey looked a little antsy.

  “Okay, whatever,” he said. “Plus who don’t like tapas?”

  Kyle, as always, just rolled with the punches.

  “Sounds good,” he said, handing Lexi the flowers and sitting down. “I’m game for whatever.”

  “And me too,” I assured her.

  “Great, let’s have a seat and we’ll begin.”

  This Lexi was full of surprises. I’ve seen a lot in my time on the road, but never any woman so strong as to pull together something like this. It was ambitious. She hadn’t asked yet, but I knew what she was going to say. She wanted to have a relationship with all three of us.

  My gut instinct was more traditional. It would’ve said, “What? Are you crazy? You can’t have a relationship with three men!” That probably would’ve been true with a lot of other women and in a previous time, but not Lexi. Lexi was strong. She could handle three guys. She could handle anything.

  Quite frankly, I just wouldn’t mind it. In fact, this would probably be the best thing for all of us. It would keep Kyle from getting trapped in an awful marriage and keep Carey from being alone the rest of his life. As for me, I’d finally have someone to save the tigers with. Changing the world can be fun, but not if you do it alone. Plus I would have my two best friends around.

  You know, a few years ago this all would’ve sounded crazy to me. Times change and I guess people do too. I was ready for this. This just felt right.

  Chapter 10 – Lexi

  Getting all three of them together was a lot easier than actually saying the words. How did I say this? How did anyone say this? That was something the polyamorous website didn’t cover.

  “Guys, I’ve come to a decision and I wanted you all here when I explained it,” I began.

  Carey straightened himself up, automatically thinking he was the winner. Kyle looked a little nervous and Jackson just smiled. He seemed to know what I was going to say already. The waiter entered with menus, but I waved him off.

  “We’ll just take four of the samplers. One vegetarian, but give us a minute,” I instructed him.

  “Okay, whatever you have to say is cool,” said Kyle. “But I just want to be clear, we having tapas, right?”

  “Fool, she’s got something important to say and you’re worried about tapas?” said Carey.

  “Hey, I’m hungry. Just saying,” said Kyle.

  “Go ahead, Lexi,” urged Jackson.

e three of you are awesome,” I started. “More than that, really. When I kissed each of you there was a spark. Real chemistry. I can’t choose just one of you, so I’m choosing all you.”

  “Wait, what?” said Kyle.

  “Did you know about this?” Carey said, suspicious of Jackson.

  “I suspected,” admitted Jackson.

  Carey was looking like he was trying to process.

  “So you’re saying you want to continue to date all three of us until you can choose?” he surmised.

  “No, I’m saying I want a relationship with all three of you. I want to be with all three of you together,” I said.

  “Wait a minute, like together? Like each of us takes turns with you?” asked Kyle, who was also obviously trying to understand.

  “I call Fridays,” said Carey. “I have to have Fridays.”

  “No, not like that,” I clarified. “I want all three of you together. At once.”

  Carey stood up. He looked a little cornered.

  “I don’t know, I don’t know,” he muttered. “Are you hearing this?”

  “Yeah,” said Jackson. “And quite frankly, it makes sense. Some animals do it like this.”

  “I don’t see how this makes sense,” said Kyle. “And I’m not a wild animal; I’m a human being. I’m not trying to judge or anything, but I don’t even see how it would work.”

  “You said you were a virgin,” pointed out Carey. “You go from virgin to a group orgy thing? Just like that?”

  “It’s not like I’ve known anything else,” I pointed out. “I think I’m falling for all three of you. You’re all great. Is that so crazy?”

  “Why don’t you date us for a while longer?” suggested Kyle. “We’re in no hurry. You’ll make up your mind.”

  “Yeah, Lexi, I haven’t even taken you to half the fabulous places I planned,” agreed Carey. “Besides, no offense Kyle, but you aren’t ready for Lexi.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Kyle.

  “I’m just saying, you’re a little young; women are more mature than us guys,” said Carey.

  “Then by that logic, you should bow out for me,” added Jackson.

  “So you’re okay with this, Jackson?” asked Carey, incredulous. “You’d share a woman with me and Kyle? You’d have sex with all us naked together?”

  “We shower all the time,” pointed out Jackson. “What difference would that make?”

  “It’s a big difference if we’re having sex with the same woman,” snapped Carey.

  “You’ve been on the road,” reminded Jackson. “We’ve had sex in the same room at the same time.”

  “Not with the same person! And not someone I’m— someone that I care about. Not that I— froupies are just different, Jackson, you know that,” said Carey feeling cornered.

  “Chill out, man. We’re just talking,” said Kyle.

  “Now you’re warming up to this?” said Carey.

  “I’m thinking about it. If that’s what she wants and I really want her,” said Kyle. “And you guys are my best friends. I mean, it’s different, but I can’t see the down side.”

  “Look, I’m not trying to talk you into something you don’t want,” I offered. “I’m just asking you to consider it, okay?”

  “What about the team, man? If this gets out— Hell, you’re a reporter, Lexi. You know what they would do if this got out?” said Carey. “People would freak the fuck out.”

  “It’s none of their business, quite frankly,” said Jackson.

  “I know it’s none of their business, but they’ll make it their business and then what?” said Carey.

  “Well, it’s not like the coach is going to kick us off the team,” said Kyle. “I don’t even think he’d care.”

  “I don’t know, man. I don’t know,” said Carey.

  “C’mon, Carey. Open up. Total honesty,” I urged.

  “I guess I’m just worried because I’ve never been in a situation like this. You know, me and Ringo were kinda friends before the Tina situation. Now he hates me. I don’t want something like that to happen with my boys here,” Carey confessed.

  “Dude, I promise, it’s cool,” assured Jackson. “None of us are like that punk Ringo. You’re a great guy and you can show Lexi a great time. I’m not into all those fancy restaurants and expensive clothes.”

  “Yeah, me neither,” added Kyle.

  “Well, I definitely can’t do all that conservation stuff,” admitted Carey. “That’s all you, brother.”

  “I don’t even know what I bring to table,” admitted Kyle.

  “You bring a lot,” I assured him. “You’re sweet and warm. Always thinking of others. Plus, you love family. I like family oriented men.”

  Kyle looked deep into my eyes. Something clicked with him.

  “You know what? I’m in. Let’s do it,” he agreed.

  “I’m in too,” said Jackson. “Carey?”

  “Maybe I should just bow out and let you three try this,” said Carey, unsure.

  “No, it’s all or none,” I insisted. “Don’t be afraid, Carey. We’re all here for you.”

  “How would it even work, ya know?” asked Carey. “The three of us? I mean, no disrespect, but I’ve seen some pornos. I didn’t think this thing happened in real life.”

  “This isn’t just about sex,” I assured him. “I have real feelings for all three of you. You all won my heart. How could I resist such strong, wonderful men?”

  Carey had a moment too. Here he was, Mr. Confident, superstar— Nothing had ever shaken him to the core of his being like being confronted with this offer. Life had always been easy for him. Born with talent and money, Carey had skated through life, never really having to think much about it. There was little challenge. But here he was now, for the first time, facing a challenge.

  He sighed, exasperated and finally said, “If it were anyone else other than y’all, I would’ve walked out of here so fast. But all right, let’s try this. How’s it gonna work? Technically speaking?”

  “If I may,” offered Jackson. “I probably have the biggest apartment out of all of us. Why don’t we go back to my place?”

  “I’m ready to leave now,” I said, excited, grabbing everyone’s hand.

  “Aw, no,” said Kyle. “I’m not leaving without tapas. No way.”

  “Plus, I need a drink,” added Carey. “I wanna loosen myself up for this.”

  The tapas arrived and everyone ate. Jackson mainly focused on the cheeses and olives. He was missing out on some of the amazingly cured meats. There were also vegetable tapas just for him. Carey commented on every plate, but Kyle just shoved the next course into his mouth. I didn’t even think he even tasted it. He was clearly excited about starting off on our new venture.

  Afterwards, there was a bit of a fight over the check, but I won out. I felt obligated. After all, I was asking these three to embark on a new journey. No one knew what would happen. If it somehow all went south, I wanted them to know that I could at least pay my own way.

  On the way out of the restaurant I could’ve sworn I spotted Ringo. He immediately looked away and walked towards the coatroom. I rushed there to find him., to see if he had seen me with the guys and to make up a story to cover up for us— I was going to say it was an interview and ask him if he had anything to say about the big upcoming game.

  He was gone. Or else he was never there in the first place. Perhaps it was my imagination playing tricks on me, and that the guys’ paranoia about being caught had rubbed off on me. The only person that was back there was the woman who takes the coats. She made a fuss so I left, but I couldn’t shake the feeling I had missed something somehow.

  Jackson’s apartment was far from the restaurant. It was a spacious spot in Northern Liberties, currently the hippest area of Philadelphia. It was a place for dive bars, young hipsters, new bowling alleys and tiny shops.

  The neighborhood had once been a desolate wasteland of drug dealing, but developers moved in and rebuilt
the whole place. Now it was the area of the city where all the cool people would hang. The place was ton he top floor of a brand new apartment building.

  “Let’s do this,” I thought, as I went in. “Ready or not, here we go.”

  I was so happy they had said yes. I didn’t want to get nervous now, when it mattered most. I wasn’t sure about all the guys, but I was definitely more “ready” than “not.”

  Chapter 11 – Lexi

  We went into Jackson’s bedroom. He had a huge king-sized bed. That was good, since we were going to need it. I kissed Jackson first, then Carey and then Kyle.

  “Go slow, guys,” I announced. “I’m new at this. Remember, I’m still a virgin.”

  “You are definitely not a virgin after tonight,” said Carey.

  Carey made the first move. He grabbed me boldly and caressed my breasts while kissing my neck. His strong arms lifted me up a little and I could feel my nipples tingling at the touch of his fingers. Jackson took me by the chin and kissed me deeply. His hairy bristled face rubbed up against mine. After a few seconds, I looked up. Kyle was still trying to find his way over.

  “Sorry,” he laughed, embarrassed. “I wasn’t sure what angle to come in at.”

  This time, I took the initiative and strutted over to him. I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him. He took me by the waist. Then I whispered in his ear, “It’s okay. We’re all new at this.”

  Jackson put on some light jazz music and lowered the lights a little bit. Carey pulled the covers down on the bed. Kyle, while kissing me, gently laid me down on the bed. Now everyone had access to me. I was on my back, willing, breathless, waiting.

  “Take me,” I said, my breasts practically heaving out of the dress.

  Jackson took off his shirt and threw it aside. Carey brought his hand up the inside of my right thigh. Kyle kissed me on my neck and breasts. I reached out and found Carey’s cock. It was already rigid in his pants.


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