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Reborn- Journeyman

Page 9

by Luka Petrov

  Seeing this and how closely it matched what I saw in my dream made me wonder. Either Hamon was mentoring me from the great beyond or that he was alive and communicating with me through telepathic means. Either way, I knew the only way to increase my magical abilities was to find this book. Perhaps Hamon sent me the dream because he knew that I could not advance without a mentor, but I could become a journeyman my practicing with the knowledge from a book to substitute not having a mentor at this moment in my early development as a magic user. I desperately wanted Hamon to be alive, nonetheless.

  As I appreciated all the moments that have led up to this one, I was once again met with an onslaught of fire and ice bolts. “Thought I had lost you, I shouted to the bounty hunter that emerged from thick of trees.

  “You are worth too much for me to allow us to lose you. That and your magic isn’t really that good. I thought you were a grand mage, and that was why Abraxas wanted you over King Harold. Obviously, he wants you because you are annoying and he wants to pardon a decent man like King Harold,” the bounty hunter said as he came closer.

  “I’m not annoying,” I retorted. “I’m special. That’s why Abraxas wants me to be his servant.”

  “Right. Special,” the magic user said as he cast another firebolt at me, catching me off guard. Then he cast a ring of fire around me, preventing me from escaping.

  A ring of fire is casted around Edward, trapping him.

  The bounty hunter jumped into the ring and cackled, “No one likes someone who refers to themselves as special. Perhaps your head got too big for your britches. Now, this is not a duel among students, this is a duel of life and death. Let me teach you this lesson.”

  Edward rolls for a moral save. Just barely making the safe.

  The magic user continued his onslaught of bolts, and I became intimidated at the logic he was presenting. I had become good in a school setting, but outside of school, I was not sure how I would fair. The marilith battle was a good reminder of my abilities outside the safety of school dueling, but as of now, that was my only real test.

  I used every aspect of my magical abilities to keep up with the bounty hunter. He cast firebolts, ice bolts, and thunderbolts, one right after the other.

  The magic-user casts fire bolt, just in the nick of time, Edward dodges out of the way.

  I grew weary defending the onslaught of cantrips and spells. I definitely could not keep this up. Not for any length of time at least.

  Several minutes went by, which felt more like several hours. I was losing mana, and I was certain my opponent was as well. I had to frequently stop to catch my breath. I grew so tired. I could barely cast spells or defend. I went through periods of heavy panting, and my muscles fatigued and were hard to move. Defending spells seemed to drain all of my energy.

  Thankfully, the bounty hunter had the same problem. His mana was draining too. Must have been the first battle and then the long run while he trailed me, and now this. As I watched the bounty hunter double over to catch his breath once again, I summoned every fiber in my being. This was my chance. I used what was left of my mana, cast and hurled a lightning bolt at him. The bolt caught the magic-using bounty hunter off guard, and the lightning bolt hurled him through the ring of fire.

  I watched as the bounty hunter disintegrated into the ground and completely disappeared from where I stood, inside of the ring of fire. I was left all alone once again. This was the first time that I ever had been alone.

  I took a few moments to catch my breath; I was still feeling very fatigued. I sat on the ground to regain some of my strength back. The ring of fire died down, leaving the only charred ground. The natural sounds of the elements re-emerged, and peace descended onto the Enchanted Swamp once again.

  Edward decides to use Lightning Bolt, hitting the bounty hunter for 8 points of damage, sending the bounty hunter through the fire and back into the woods. Edward decides to take a long rest, regaining his spell slots.

  The encounter ends with the fire dying down, and Edward gains 50XP.

  I took in the Enchanted Swamp once again. This land must be sacred. No wonder a spell book is hidden somewhere here. The only issue was, where was it hidden? It appeared, based on the ruins from the druids that when they built, whatever they had, the swamp was not here. Somehow, the swamp formed after that made their building and statues. I’m guessing that rain or similar weather event soaked the land, and the structures slid into the newly formed swamp. That would mean that the spell book is buried in the swamp.

  I inched into the water-soaked ground. I was not quite sure what I was looking for. Perhaps a chamber where the spell book may be kept. I waded over to the ruins and felt columns that laid flat under the water. The water neared my chest as I waded in further.

  I came to the obsidian boulders and felt around there. Vines hung from the boulders and created a contrast over the black and shiny rocks. The canopy became thicker on this side of the swamp, and everything appeared to be dark. I looked back at the shoreline of the swamp where I dueled the bounty hunter; the sunlight broke through the canopy over there, but at this end of the swamp, the shadows danced over the water, hypnotizing me with their movement.

  I felt between the boulders and traced my hands over the surface of each rock. My palms were my eyes as I felt the boulders under the water.

  I was halfway across the swamp from the druid ruins, feeling each boulder carefully. I grew disappointed. What if my dream was just a figment of my imagination and not a message from Hamon? I could be wasting my time here and endangering myself for when the next bounty hunter attack would occur. It would be only a matter of time before another group or the two men returned, tracking me again. I wonder whatever happened to the others. Were they all right? I was not sure what had happened to Walter. He could have been taken by the two men who got away or he was forced to flee from the spell.

  When I was certain that what I was searching in the wrong area, I came across something interest. What is this? I felt further, reaching my hands under the water. I could not tell exactly what it was, but there was a space under one of the boulders and I felt the water moving under the boulder. It felt like it was an enclave under the boulder.

  I would have to hold my breath and find out what laid beneath it. I filled my lungs with as much air as I could and ducked my head under the water. Moving toward where I felt the water flow, I swam under the boulder for a few seconds. Then space above the water level opened up to an enclosed area. I swam further, thankful I could take breaths, I was not comfortable swimming underwater.

  As I swam further and further into the water cave, I came to a shoreline full of large gravel-like rocks. I grew weak from swimming, and I could barely make it to shore. My arms felt heavy; I could hardly lift them. I waded to the shore, too tired to determine where I was. There was a feeling of peacefulness. The energy was of something I never felt before. There was something serene about the cave, reassuring me I was safe.

  Entrenched by the darkness of the rock and mineral lined cave, my eyelids grew heavy and I could not hold them open any longer. I succumbed to slumber as I laid on the gravel shore, alone.

  As I was asleep, in my dream, I was surrounded by ashes falling from the sky. Fire and flames filled the heavens above, and ash fell like rain onto the ground. The enchanted forest caught fire and became engulfed in flames. People were enthralled by the minions of the Demon Lord. My friends were held by ropes around their necks by the Demon Lord’s minions who resembled trolls. I was to watch each of my friends beheaded one by one in front of me. It was my punishment to watch.

  I first witnessed the executioner choose Agnes first. She had become so brave and had grown since she had her anxiety attacks back at Draererth. I had grown to respect Agnes’ abilities when it came to battles. She mastered one of the most effective defense spells I had ever seen. Agnes appeared scared as she came toward the executioner, placing her head on the chopping block and looking at me while she waited for the executioner to finish th
e job. Her eyes glossed over with tears as she stared into my eyes. Within moments, it was over. Agnes’ head rolled onto the ground, her beautiful pale blue eyes still staring at me. Her gorgeous red hair tangled over her face is it rolled.

  In my dreams, I watched each of my friend’s heads roll onto the ground after the executioner severed it from their body. I watched in agony, helpless to stop the brutality of it all. Two soldiers held me down by ropes tied on either side of me connected to a chained collar around my neck. I attempted to get away, but the soldiers held their grip tight, pulling me so I was on my knees on the ground, forced to watch.

  Once each of my friends had their head severed from their body, the executioner removed his black mask that had covered his face up until this point. The executioner revealed to us it was my dad. I gasped at the sight of his face, realizing that he was the one who killed each of my friends. Anger consumed my body, and I wanted to kill him myself.

  As the Demon Lord made an appearance from the sky above, my dad kneeled in his presence. It was clear that my dad was under a spell and consumed by the demonic power. I no longer despised my dad but realized that he was under the power of Abraxas. I turned my anger toward the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord pointed his finger at me, and the soldiers led me closer to him. I would become the servant of the Demon Lord for all of eternity. I fought the ropes and the chained collar but to no avail.

  Cold sweat flowed down my face as I woke up to find that this was not real life, but a dream. Relief calmed my body, but deep in the pit of my stomach, I knew that this was the future if I did not find this book and prepare myself to battle Abraxas. I know this was just a nightmare, but it was a sign of what was to come if I did not do something about it.

  I looked around at my surroundings. I was in the cave; I had swum under the boulders and found the cave. My energy was draining the day before from the encounters with the bounty hunters and I could not move anymore without rest.

  I took a moment to take in my surroundings. The cave was very dark, but light broke through the cracks of some boulders that lined the cave. I nudged myself to my feet, remembering the gravel beach I had fallen asleep on.

  The cave was quite a glorious sight to see. I moved further into the cave, my feet making their way in the thick gravel. As I approached the middle of the cave, I found an ancient altar. Light broke through one crack between two adjacent boulders and glimmered on the top of the altar ancient druids had inscribed which with ancient runes long forgotten by time. As I read the ancient runes scribbled around the cave walls and the altar, it came to me what this cave was.

  I had read about it in one of the many books Hamon had required me to read. This was an ancient burial dragon tomb. The altar was surrounded by archaic symbols, columns, and statues. I remembered reading about these runes in a book, Thorn, Reach of Dragonsouls: A Compilation of Mythology and Lore. The book contained various myths, and tales about a lost swamp, purposely hidden away from the Demon Lord by the Druids.

  This lost swamp used to be home to a swamp dragon, guarding the world’s darkest secrets. They meant these runes to be a map that would lead me to a book containing the ultimate power. This book is one of the most sought-after books in our land, only a few other books contained the power that this book had. No wonder the Demon Lord is in search. It is the ultimate gateway of him taking over the universe and all the souls becoming his loyal servants for all of eternity.

  I ran my palms over the ancient altar, as I do so, the runes glowed a dark amber. After my palms passed over the runes, I felt myself get a new ability. I quickly checked my stat card:

  This new ability called Magic Detection would allow me the knowledge to detect magic. I felt that magical energy course through my body. As I felt the energy currents flow through me, I realized that different color hues I could see would appear when I sensed magical powers. The color hues would be different depending on how strong the magic was and its alignment.

  As I explored the tomb further, my magic grew stronger and stronger. I was feeling much more confident with my abilities. Discovering new magic, learning how to increase my powers for the greater good seemed as though I was fulfilling my life’s purpose.

  I realized that getting this ancient and sacred magic book, will provide me an advantage over the Demon Lord, and it will help Gilmore fight back the demonic horde. I could go from outlaw to the savior. My powers will save Gilmore!

  Only problem, where is the book? Is Lord Abraxas on his way right this instant? He’s after the book as well. Despite my time constraints, I will learn what it would mean to have power. With this book, I would become the most powerful wizard in all the land. The book must be here, somewhere.

  I continued to explore. Beyond the broken statues by the altar lay a narrow, weary room. It was covered in dead insects, bat droppings and broken pottery. I moved further to the next room. Light from above continued to pave my path. I continued through that room to the next. Searching the tomb more, I came across a door. A massive metal door blocked my path. Countless runes are all over it, somehow untouched by time and the elements. I stepped closer to inspect it and, wait, did the door just change its appearance? The runes moved slightly, imparting a new message.

  Using my newly gained ability, I could see colored hues of gold emitted from the sealed door. I was certain the book must be in the next room. The only issue was that they locked the door. I tried engaging the handle to get to see if it would open, but the handle did not budge.

  I wished Cecily was with me, she would probably know how to pick the lock. Her chaotic good alignment made her rogue-like in some ways, despite being a wizard. I admired that about her.

  The runes kept changing every few moments. I could read the runes on the altar easily; they were like the runes I studied at Draererth. Some books that Hamon required me to read provided the history of rune magic. Remembering that giants were the first to master the fundamentals of rune magic wondered if these runes were more archaic than those inscribed on the altar.

  Despite, my inability to fully read the runes, I could make out a few words. I was not a rune scribe, and the only experience I had with rune magic was with the few spell books I read. My thought was that giants had inhibited this swamp first and perhaps died out. Soon after, the druids came and created the altar in the dragon tomb.

  The one word that I could make out was ice from the runes on the door. An ice spell must open the door. I concentrated and then cast Frost Ray at the door. Cold particles emitted from my hands at the door. The door being metal paired with the coldness from the spell caused the metal particles to constrict, shrinking the door and it being no longer able to hold tight to its hinges, fell backward on the floor allowing me passage into the room.

  Wow! I didn’t think would have worked, but it did. I remembered from my previous life, being a science nerd and all, thermal constriction as a way matter behaved on Earth. Never had I thought it would be part of a magic spell, or the helpful result of one, the Frost Ray was the spell.

  I entered the room that was pitch black. Unable to see even my hand in front of my face, I activated Mage Light, and the room lit up. Staring down a long, jagged hallway, I felt my throat in my stomach. I was not certain of what dangers lied ahead.

  The image light only produced a dim light in the overgrowing darkness. I feared the unknown, but I was aware that I must go on in order to improve my abilities as a learning magic-user.

  I move through the hallway, where I am presented with three doors; one right, one middle, and one left. Thinking about my decision for a moment, I checked the door on my left. The door creaked open slowly, breaking small spiderwebs, and dust fell from above. The room smelled of mold and stone. In the middle of the room, stood a statue of an old dwarf. In the statue’s hand, was a torch that had long been burnt out. With the flick of my finger, the torch lit, filling the room with a warm glow.

  In front of the dwarven statue is a small bowl of sparkling water. I became enchanted by the gli
ttery water and was compelled to drink out of it, but something deep inside of me warned me not to. As I observed the water, I noticed a shadowy figure staring back at me. The eyes of the figure burnt bright red and resembled a demon. Startled by the figure, I jumped. I heard a rustling behind me but saw nothing else strange in the room. I was the only one in there; I was certain. Frightened by the sound, I quickly left the room.

  I entered the room on the right. The door creaked open much like the last one. Another dwarven statue stood in the middle of the dark room, with a torch in his hands. With a flick of a finger, the torch lit up. There were the same runes inscribed as the other statue.

  Hearing a slam and a click from coming from the main room, I went to go see what had occurred. As I feared, the door I had opened with the Frost Ray had activated and moved back into place, raising itself off of the floor and locking once it set itself back on its hinges. Perhaps the particles of the metal door expanded as the Frost Ray wore off and it moved back into place because of the thermal expansion.

  I proceeded to the middle room. Dust and a putrid smell filled my nostrils.

  I was taken aback by the smell, but I realized that I most power through and move forward. I have no choice.

  In this chamber, another dwarves statue stood in the room, but this time it was against the wall to the right of the door. Also, in the chamber, laid two coffins on the back wall. One of them on the left of the room and the other on the right. This room I arrived it seemed to be handcrafted by ancient dwarves as the walls had carvings on every inch. Carvings of symbols detailed the limestone walls. In the middle of the chamber was an altar, inscribed with these same ancient runes as I had seen before.


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