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Reborn- Journeyman

Page 12

by Luka Petrov

  Lord Abraxas turned to the villagers of Gilmore and said, “I’d like to introduce you to your new king. This is no longer King Harold, but his King Selos Hylar. I present him to you.”

  The fine citizens of Gilmore ran and hid in their houses and prepared for what seemed like a long reign of terror. Lord Abraxas disappeared, and the king rose as King Selos Hylar. King Hylar let out a malicious laugh, as he took in his newfound power.

  King Hylar made an announcement, “If anyone is harboring the magic-users or if they assisted in their escape, they will receive punishment by death. There is now a curfew, and no one is allowed to be out past sundown. Those who were caught will be flogged and thrown in the dungeon.”

  After the announcement, the king made his way back to his castle, where he would wait for me and my friends to come back to him. A new dawn is upon Gilmore, with the King now enthralled by Lord Abraxas, there is no telling on what the future will hold.

  I woke up in the cave as daylight came over the horizon. I did not want to mention what happened with my dream. It seemed real and I did not want to relive the horror that I witnessed. We cleaned up our camp and made our way down back to the path in record time.

  We seemed to all walk at the same time, given the adrenaline that rushed through our bodies of having to keep constant watch over ourselves. There was no real rest for us.

  “Isn’t this day number two?” Yves asked.

  I did not instantly recall what she was referring to. Agnes had figured it out quicker than I did. “It is,” she replied.

  Yves responded, “Well, I’m sure Lord Abraxas is descending upon Gilmore today.”

  That’s right. That’s what she was referring to by day number two. “I believe you are correct,” I responded, feeling very weary and mournful for what my parents would endure. “Maybe King Harold is surrendering himself. Perhaps they can go back to the original plan they had, and I’m off the hook,” I said, trying to be the eternal optimist.

  “Yeah, I don’t think so,” Yves said as she shook her head. “I’m sure King Harold has his soldiers out looking for us in addition to the bounty hunters. Not to mention, he has his army ready for an attack from the Demon Lord as well.” It was as if Yves knew my dream. That was exactly what happened.

  “Yeah, I thought I was getting a little too far ahead of myself,” I relented. I suppose I had high hopes. I suggested our next steps, “I think before we head out to search for Cecily and Walter, we look at this letter further.”

  “Great idea let’s have a look,” Agnes responded. “There’s a cave up ahead. We can duck in there to take a look at this book.”

  The three of us found covering in another cave. This way, we were able to take a good look at the book without being ambushed by the bounty hunters. We all three sat down to examine the book. I pulled out the map out of the front cover of the spell book, lifting the gorgeous leather and extracting the ancient parchment paper from it. I spread it out over my lap and Agnes and Yves came closer to read it with me.

  “Oh wow! It is from ancient dwarves who wrote this letter, prophesying the rise of an evil power. It states this book is the only way to defeat the evil power and to learn twelve spells,” Yves stated as she read from the book.

  I continued to read, prepared to fully digest what the letter stated now, “It seems that the land of one of the newly formed kingdoms, perhaps it is referring to Gilmore, while being faced with an unimaginable choice, to surrender one of their citizens to appease the evil power or have their village ravaged by the minions of the Demon Lord.”

  “It all turned out so far,” Agnes affirmed. “Let’s see if it has us come to a remedy.”

  I began again, summarizing the passages I read from the ancient dwarves, “Huh? It says right here that the king was destined to sacrifice himself for his village, however, he never planned on doing that, ever. It says he was a dubious man with a double life. What in the world does that mean?”

  Agnes affirmed, “I know Cecily never trusted him.”

  I kept reading, “King Harold had made a prior deal long ago to surrender the magic user who possessed a greater power but was uniformed of his abilities. Virtually, for this magic user, it was impossible for him to know based on his upbringing and educational preparation that he was the chosen one. This magic user would need to be removed in order for the Demon Lord to seize the entire universe. Once he had control of the universe, he would use the energy of the souls for his own amusement.”

  “It sounds like we are screwed,” Yves shouted. “There has to be a way we get out of this. I hope.”

  I read frantically, not like the predictions of the letter so far. “Oh! It says right here. Once we get the map from the dragon’s tomb, the map will tell us where the Magi Staff is located. The energy of Magi Staff will generate power for one of the most powerful spells we do not have access to yet but could with the Magi Staff. We first must learn the twelve spells in this magic spell book I found before we get the Magi Staff. The Magi Staff will heighten the power of the spells, which would allow us to defeat Lord Abraxas.”

  I kept reading, looking for a table that outlined the twelve spells that I needed to learn since the book was massive. I flipped through it and found the page that I was looking for. “Guys, the twelve spells are listed right here,” I shouted with excitement. Both Yves and Agnes looked over my shoulder.

  The Twelve Spells

  Runes Explosion

  The magic user must trace mystic runes on a book, map, or scroll.

  Since the runes are difficult to detect, any user reading or attempting to read the writings of the inscribed runes will detonate a hidden 8d8 points of force damage with no saving throw.

  The object is automatically destroyed during this spell.

  Strike Flawed

  The magic user extends their hand and points at their target in range. This spell will grant you an insight into the target’s next attack. You can then warn allies or prepare for a counterattack.

  Web Mind

  The magic user is granted the power to read the thoughts of up to eight other creatures at one. Memories or thoughts can be accessed.

  Blind Power World

  The magic user utters a single word of power that causes their creature of choice to become blind. Unfortunately, the spell is not permanent for higher-level opponents, but this will grant you a fighting chance against stronger opponents.


  The magic user combines several elements to create a powerful protection from direct observation.

  Chain Enervation

  The magic user sends a bolt of negative energy at the target. The target is dealt 12d6 necrotic damage and must make a Constitution save or will have two levels of exhaustion. The bolt continues the chain and leaps to another target within thirty feet and continues attacking targets one after the other.

  Wail Crystal

  The magic user produces a piercing scream that vibrates within a forty-foot radius. Any crystals or glass in the affected area are shattered. Each creature in the area takes a 7d6 thunder damage and is defeated. Unless they are able to make a successful Constitution save, then their damage is halved.

  Black Flame

  The magic user sends black flames to engulf a target. At the beginning of each turn, the target must make a Constitution save. If the save fails, the creature takes 3d10 necrotic damage is frightened. Because the target is so terrified, it will move as far away from the caster that it can get.

  Abyss of Endlessness

  The magic user opens a ten-foot square hole in the floor within range. The hole is an extra-dimensional space that has no bottom. This pit is a dimension that is an illusion and they feel they are falling forever. The spell can be reverse if another Abyss of Endlessness is cast in the same location and the pit is reopened.

  Blade Ethereal

  Similar to longsword, the blade ethereal can be used to make a melee spell attack against a target within reach.

  Blast of Fire<
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  A fan of flames bursts into a sixty-foot cone, from the magi user’s outstretched hand. Can be enhanced with the use of a Magi Staff for an additional 1d8 damage.

  Shards of Frost

  Three shards of ice float around the magic user. While at least two can be utilized in an attack, one can cover the magic user against attacks. These deal out cold damage and their power can be magnified with a Magi Staff.

  “That’s good news at least. We have a chance now,” Yves responded. “I must say, I will stop my negativity since we have a chance. It’s better than no chance.”

  “Great! I’m glad we sorted this out. Let’s go and look for our other friends before we look for the dragon tomb,” I suggested.

  We all got up from where we were sitting, and I tucked the letter back into the cover of the spell book and clutched it again tightly to my chest. This book was my salvation, I needed to hold on to it as if my life depended on it, because it did.

  Yves, Agnes, and I started out from the cave, highly aware not to encounter more bounty hunters and to keep our senses heightened to look for traces of Cecily and Walter. As we moved through down the rocks from the cave over to the forest, I suspected that we were being watched. Perhaps the bounty hunters had tracked us again. We now have something they could use if they gave it to the correct people. I have the magic book of spells and we have a detailed letter instructing us on how to get the Magi Staff. Both items would vastly improve Lord Abraxas’ power and would seal in his fate as taking over the entire universe.

  We had now entered the forest and were keeping up a brisk pace while looking for Cecily, Walter, and the Dragon Tomb. Before what I realized what was going on, a large dragon-like beast came out from behind the foliage of the forest.

  This massive creature must have been fifty feet tall, with an enormous tail at least seventy feet long. It was broad and muscular and stood on its hind legs, reaching its arms at us. Its front arms were dexterous, reaching for the heads of Agnes, Yves, and I. It had spikes emerging from its chin, and more on the sides of its mouth and underside of its neck. It had a shell, like a few reptiles that I had read about, on its back and gave way to the mighty, long, and muscular tail.

  Yves, being the well-read student that she was said, “Oh dear, this appears to be a tarrasque. Judging by its size and all.”

  We backed up, trying to disarm this wild beast, but it did not become bored with us as I had hoped.

  I asked Yves, “So, how do we kill this creature” Still backing away from its mighty presence.

  “We don’t,” she said.

  “Then what do we do die?” I shouted, hoping that was not the answer.

  “No, when it has zero hit points, it will retreat into the ground and burrow itself there. These are one of the most feared beasts in all the land. I’ve never thought I would see such an amazing creation; I was under the impression that they were all extinct. I guess not.”

  “Clearly,” Agnes retorted, not amused by Yves’ enthusiasm.

  Yves continued, “But you’ll be happy to know that this encounter will be fantastic training to prepare for the Demon Lord.”

  “That’s reassuring,” I responded.

  Since Yves reminded me, I remembered reading about tarrasques. They’re like wooly mammoths with armor and tails and are seventy feet long. I could recall the stat sheet for the tarrasque because of my eidetic memory.

  To kill the Tarrasque: reduce it to-30HP and then cast Wish or Miracle over his remains.

  Imposing Presence DC 20 (when Tarrasque attacks, enemies make Will saves or are Shaken)

  Anti-Magic Carapace: Tarrasque's natural armor reflects magic, at certain moments

  I cast Magic Missile at the tarrasque. I watched as green ovals emerged from my palms and darted right for the tarrasque. Expecting that it would take a lot of damage from the spell, I was surprised to find that was unharmed.

  In addition to the tarrasque being unaffected, it also reflected the magic missiles back toward me, and I was the victim of my own spell.

  Edward cast Magic Missile and hit the target dead on. The tarrasque was unaffected because the attack roll was a six turning the caster into the target. Edward took 12 points of damage.

  Yves cast Fire Bolt at the tarrasque, the tarrasque was undamaged. “Shit! I think this thing is immune to fire spells, what do we do? Yves shouted after she realized the tarrasque was unaffected.

  The tarrasque is immune to fire damage but did not reflect this spell back at the caster.

  I gathered my wits about me after taking damage and witnessing the vast immunity this beast had. I replied, “We get the hell out of here, we are no match for this beast!”

  Edward, Yves, and Agnes all flee the tarrasque.

  All three of us ran as fast as we could to escape the tarrasque. We were lost further in the Enchanted Forest, but at least we had lost that beast. I was not certain if bounty hunters were trailing us, especially since we had been slowed down with that battle. We were clearly off course, lost yet again in the woods. The only problem, we were in a part of the forest I had never seen nor heard about.

  I could tell that it was different, and I was definitely out of my comfort zone as I observed the plants. None of the plants were similar than the ones I knew from outside of Draererth and outside of Gilmore. This plants, trees, and shrubs seemed to fare better in warmer climates, with broader leaves, lusher green coloring, and their root system seemed to be shallower than the flora I was used to.

  We must head south, which I believe will lead us closer to the Dragon’s Tomb. We kept meandering along a path. Switch back after switch back on this long, dirt paved path. It must end soon, and I am hoping right to the Dragon’s Tomb.

  Before I could realize where we ended up, we stood on the nicest manicured lawn. “Where do you think we are?” I asked the two girls.

  “I am bewildered by this sight,” Agnes replied. “It’s like an alternate universe. A place where we were all happy and we were learning magic. This place reminds me of Draererth. Well, before Draererth had turned into rubble.”

  Yves plainly responded, “You guys don’t know.”

  “No,” I replied.

  Yves continued, “It’s Sleparth, School of Witchcraft. Apparently, Lord Abraxas has not made his way here yet. Perhaps he’s hitting all the wizard and sorcery schools first.” She said that because the college doesn’t look to be burnt by the onslaught of the abyssal horde.

  “Perhaps,” I responded, feeling nostalgic when I studied at Draererth. Emotions overcame me as I felt the same, I did at this moment as when I saw Draererth for the first time.

  We stood on the manicured lawns and I took in the energy and the enthusiasm of the witch’s school. We watched while students made their way across the courtyard to their next class.

  The main building was enormous, it must have been at least fifty stories tall, standing in the middle, exiting to a courtyard in the middle of two smaller building that extended outward. I had no idea the witch’s school had so much money behind their studies. I took in the sight, and my eyes welt up from my emotions about studying at Draererth and of course, Hamon.

  Yves interrupted my thoughts, “I think we should make good use over our fortunate accident about ending up here and see if we could use their library.”

  “Brilliant idea,” I answered. I did want to see their library, anyway. I was nostalgic for my time studying in the library under Hamon’s mentorship. “Where is it?”

  The three of us made our way toward the enormously tall building in the middle. We proceeded to the entrance of the college. Opening the door, we all decided to enter. The college was cold, quiet, and has an eerie feeling to it. We prepared ourselves for whatever was to come.

  As we roamed around the halls, admiring the students as they rushed off to their next classes, a voice came from behind me, “Can I help you?”

  I turned around to answer, “We are looking for the library,” I replied. When I turned around, I sa
w a tattooed elf with an insignia inscribed on her forehead in the shape of a triangle and a half circle overlapping each other. She had an ethereal, serene expression on her face. Her skin was milky, pale white. She wore a black, sheer shirt that had a high neckline and went to the floor. Her shirt split halfway down, revealing her navel. She wore a black skirt that fell to the floor, her shirt draped over it. Multiple strands of gold chain belts jingled as she stepped closer to us.

  “You students don’t go here,” the woman said as she came closer.

  “We don’t. We are students from Draererth, and we are lost,” I explained.

  “Oh dear! I heard about Draererth. So sorry, you have our sympathies. What can we do for you here at Sleparth? Do you need a place to stay? You’re more than welcome,” replied the woman.

  “That is kind of you, but we cannot stay. We are looking for a Dragon Tomb close to here,” I answered.

  “Well, we can go to the library and find the answers there. My name is Headmistress Windlebraugh, by the way. We are witches, so we do not have many books, but we do have a few. I am sure that you can find what you’re looking for here,” Headmistress Windlebraugh explained. She led us down a hall and pointed to the entryway of where to enter.

  I turned as said, “Thank you. We will see you before we leave.”

  During our exploration of the library, we found an enormous number of relevant books. One book I read stated that the Dragon Tomb was guarded by a skeletal dragon construct who would award a map to magical artifacts if the contestant was able to survive a series of three challenges.

  “Did you read the part about the Dragon Tomb?” I asked Yves.

  “Yeah, that seems like we are going to have a lot of trouble with that,” she replied.

  Agnes added, “We can handle it. You two can handle anything.”


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