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Reborn- Journeyman

Page 35

by Luka Petrov

  Till there was not a trace left of him.

  There was a still quietness between everyone but as soon as he left it was obvious that the tension had followed him. Everyone was ready to collapse into nothing, they all looked at one another and each person was worse for wear.

  Gilmore was safe.

  But those words were fever-dreamed words that could easily be changed by the whim of one person. It would only be a matter of time. That thought alone made me and the rest of the members of my team look at one another as the Demon Lord was finally gone. This meant the tension had formed by their own intensive thoughts about the situation. As that feeling alone had pressed into their shoulders and the tired circles underneath was more than enough to relay what had happened.

  “We made it.” I sighed in relief and those words were enough to melt away all the heavy feelings that had formed between us.

  We all looked at one another and then broke out into tired smiles. Regardless of what had happened, we all knew that to some degree we were able to face off against the Demon Lord. A feat that wasn’t easy for anyone, but we were able to accomplish that due to our added efforts together and the resolve that had remained unwaged by his words filled with temptation and lies.

  “Will we make it again?” Yves had always been the realistic one of the bunch and she did not mean to put a damper in the mood she was genuinely curious.

  But I knew that I could ease her words, she had looked at me with expectation. There was some fear that lingered in her eyes and for good reason. She bore the wounds of someone who only had a taste of the controlled power that belonged to the Demon Lord.

  “We will make it,” Cecily answered for me, she stood up and placed her injured hands on her hips. She was the image of a hero before us as she looked around at everyone in the room. “We have Walter back at our side. We only need to raise our abilities and we will surely defeat him.”

  The small speech she made was enough to rally our forces together. I knew that I had made the right choice when I had placed my trust in her. With a nod, I placed my arms all around them and brought them all close to me. They wore us down and tired, but we needed this odd sense of closeness to finally relax. I patted everyone’s back with a gentleness that was unlike me.

  But I had to give they were all injured.

  I turned to Archmage McAllister and asked, “Where is the Demon Lord now?”

  He replied, “Abraxas is back in the abyss, fighting to keep his rank. It will be a few years before he would have enough strength to resurface to this world. You did well, my boy. The Magi Staff and spell book belong with you.”

  The archmage took my face in his hands and looked directly in my eyes. It was as if Hamon was speaking to me, “Next time, the Demon Lord will be even more powerful than before. For who knows what else he could find in order to grant him ultimate power. Everything that is living will bow to his whim. This very world will tremble in fear by the mere mention of his name. Lord Abraxas will rise again as an Arch Demon sent to spread chaos and destruction upon the living. It was only a matter of time. In my estimation, it will be time to raise evil entities back from the dead as his personal knight of death. His task would be to hunt you and your friends, and not stop until we were dead. Take heed, my dear child. You will be prepared when the moment is right. Much like you were prepared today.”

  That was hard to take. We only had some time before the Demon Lord would re-emerge even stronger. I turned to Walter, Yves, and Cecily, “Remember, I won’t let anything bad happen to any of you.” I paused as it was obvious that this promise could be easily broken before I looked at each one of them in the eye. They could see from the reflection of my eyes that this was not a joke, as I rarely did that, anyway. I met every word that left and with a sincerity that would never end between us. “If I don’t, I will rescue you.”

  I could see that each of them took my words kindly, and I made a promise to myself in this tower I would protect them. My life was meant to save, to be selfish, would only leave me with regrets. My resolve had been made, and I knew that my path was set. To save this universe from any future ruins and those around me.

  Perhaps the others were able to see this as well because they nodded. Not in agreement but because they had a similar resolution. They too wanted to join my cause, and that only made my feelings of pride well up.

  I was glad I reincarnated into this world.

  I had a purpose that was appreciated by those around me.

  “Let’s leave the tower everyone.” I finally said and everyone nodded, they no longer wanted to stay in this gloomy room. I helped the girls get up from their spots and go down the stairs along with Walter.

  There was no need to stay in a place that only carried negative energy. For now, we needed to find someone to take care of the girls as they were severely injured, and we were all out of mana. This had been a long day, and it was finally over.

  For now.

  We needed the rest we deserved before there would be another trial we would have to face, but not until the Demon Lord re-emerged from the Abyss.

  Being back at Draererth consumed me with emotion. Not only was Agnes no longer here and the thought of not seeing her smiling face broke my heart into pieces, I still had not seen any clues as to whether or not Hamon was alive. I moved the rubble of where I had left him. Walls were collapsed in on each other, dust and debris filled the open space of where the second-floor hallway used to me. There was no light, as the sun had just set. I activated Mage Light to help me view the pieces of concrete that I held in my hands. Bricks, grout, and sealant were in piles.

  Walter and Yves went through the rubble just a few feet away from me. Somber expressions on their face.

  Seaster Wavernjack walked up to the area where we were working. He patted me on the shoulder and said, “I know you have been through a lot, Ed. As you grow and mature, you will look at this moment in your life as a pivotal one. One where after you have gone through this mess, you will never be the same. I am certain it will be difficult for you to continue on, especially with Agnes Meyer no longer with us. But, please rest assured, she is with you always. Continue on your path, it is what she would have wanted.”

  “Yes, headmaster,” I responded. Stopping my work of digging through the rubble to share in the comfort that Headmaster Wavernjack offered. It helped to ease my soul, even for a brief time. I was still grief-stricken by watching the Demon Lord end the life of one of the kindest souls I ever came across. I pictured her strawberry-blonde hair in my mind. Her innocent blue eyes, the thought of them, nearly brought me to tears. “I don’t want to do this anymore,” I said to Seaster, tears forming in my eyes. “There is nothing but death and destruction at every turn. When will it stop?” I asked.

  “It won’t. I wish I could offer you a better answer, but it won’t stop. Not until the Demon Lord is properly brought down, and I am afraid we are not there yet. But we will be,” Seaster answered while he patted my shoulder reassuringly.

  “We will?” I asked, still seeking reassurance from all of this turmoil. I longed to return to the place I was where I had just come to Draererth. There was so much to explore. I loved the energy of meeting new creatures from different walks of life, learning new magic, and being around others who were similar to me. I sought out magic, and now I had it. Now, I would give it all back just to have one more moment with Agnes and Hamon. I did not care about being the greatest mage in all of the land. The tears formed heavier in my eyes, and they streamed down my cheeks. I finally mustered up the courage to ask what I’ve been wondering all of this time, “Headmaster Wavernjack, is Hamon alive?”

  Seaster put down his head and said, “I’m sorry son. I wish I could tell you, When we evacuated, He begged me to leave him there in the hallway. I did not want to, but I had to make sure that the upper-level students were safe. When the Demon Lord came after them, I would need to protect them. I left Hamon in this very area, and I do not know what happened to him. I’m sure you
had a difficult time leaving him as well.”

  I nodded in response, but I could not form any more words. I was too consumed by emotion.

  Headmaster Wavernjack added, “If the worst happened, and I fear that it might have, please know that he lives inside of you. He is your mentor and will be for eternity. There is no greater bond than an apprentice and his mentor. I would know, Hamon was my apprentice. If any of us had the chance to survive, it would have been him. I know he would not have told you this, but I feel you must know. Hamon is the one who banished the Demon Lord to the Abyss, halting the savage conquering he did over our land. Hamon is much more powerful than he lets on and humble beyond measure. I have a feeling that the Demon Lord was after you to get back at Hamon. If Hamon is no longer, we must prepare another to take his place and to defeat the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord will regain his strength and will come again, that is for certain. But take heart, my dear boy, you no longer need a mentor. You are a journeyman now. You are well on your way to your destiny. Since you have graduated from your apprenticeship, you are no longer a student here. You can stay and become a researcher, or you can move to a village and refine your practice. Soon, you’ll be choosing which school of magic you would like to specialize in. I think it’s obvious which one you would choose. The mood lightened since the headmaster had steered the conversation toward which school of magic I wanted to focus on.

  “Well, I think I want to specialize in Evocation,” I suggested.

  “That’s exactly what I had thought. You are very precise at your elemental magic, especially those of fire and ice. It felt obvious to the entire faculty,” Seaster added. “I’m sure you’ll want some time to think about what your next move is. We will be rebuilding the school here and you’re more than welcomed to help us. You would have your own hand in the design of the rebuild. And when we are done, you can figure out what your next step is.”

  “That’s perfect. That helps me feel like I have some sense of stability with everything that has happened,” I replied. Feeling relieved. There has been a great deal that occurred over the last few weeks and staying here and helping the school rebuild was just the type of healing that I needed.

  Headmaster Wavernjack patted me on the shoulder and said, “Well, I will be getting back to my office. We must rebuild everything. I must go and tend to the rebuild of my office. There is some much to do!”

  “All right, I will be right here if you need me. I’ll be working on this section,” I replied.

  “Great. Later on, we will set up a fire on the grounds and the whole school will have dinner together,” Seaster added as he walked away. Excitement filled my body as I was looking forward to seeing everyone and for all of us to start to put our lives together.

  As I cleared out some of the rubble, I noticed something. It was a black, woven cloth. I dug further to see what it was. It clearly stood out among the crumbled bricks and cement. I could grab it, but I was not able to get it loose. A little more digging, and I had removed enough bricks to get the cloth out.

  After I took it out and was able to see it in its entirety, I knew instantly what it was. It was Hamon’s tasseled hat. The one he always wore day in and day out. It must have fallen off during the battle with the Demon Lord. I held it against my face. It smelled like him. Smelling his scent brought comfort to me.

  Tears streamed down my cheeks once again. I used the hat to wipe them away. As I was doing so, I noticed there was a slip of paper stuck in the folded hem of the hat. Interesting! I quickly took it out and unfolded it. As I read it, I could barely believe what I was reading. The note read, “I got Lord Abraxas back into the Abyss, but not for long. Prepare for an attack. I’m injured, and I must flee to be healed. I will come back once I am better.”

  Could this really be? Hamon was alive! The panic and emptiness that I felt inside dissipated as relief came over me. He was really alive! Now, I must find him!


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  Subscribers to my newsletter receive a free eBook, which is the prequel to the Legend Series, which details the story of Hamon, who we meet in the Reclamation Series. The title of the free eBook is called LEGEND: The Story of Hamon Prequel

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  About the Author

  Thank you for reading this book. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed it.

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  Also, if you would like to know more about upcoming releases and free chapters, and be notified of discounted books, please subscribe to my email newsletter.

  Subscribers to my newsletter receive a free eBook, which is the prequel to the Legend Series, which details the story of Hamon, who we meet in the Reclamation Series. The title of the free ebook is called LEGEND: The Story of Hamon Prequel

  Plus, you will receive ongoing emails that include interactive fiction, deals, and promotions of published eBooks—and other fun stuff!

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  Also by Luka Petrov

  Where it all began. Book 1 of the Reclamation Series

  Ed White was a college freshman and had moved into the dorm room of his new college with the help of his parents when he was mowed down by a car on his way back from lunch. Being an avid RPG player, Ed excelled at logic and reason, and when he enters the afterworld, he is met with a figure who offers him an appealing proposition, to reincarnate as Edward MacAra, a black magic user.

  The only stipulation, Edward must save the universe from being taken over by the Demon Lord, Abraxas. Abraxas is thought to be dormant, but he is slowly taking over the surrounding villages, and Gilmore is next. Ed risks losing his own soul in the process if he is not able to prevent Abraxas from claiming the universe.

  After deliberation, Ed reincarnates to the village of Gilmore as Edward MacAra, an 8-year old boy. Does Edward have what it takes to become a black magic user?

  Find out if Edward can save the village of Gilmore in Reborn: Apprentice.

  Hamon had a hard time finding his place in the world. Nothing seemed to be going the way he wanted. His good pal, Elliot, in an effort to look out for him introduced him to the path of necromancy. Elliot was the son of a respected necromancer and would become one himself.

  Hamon became entranced by the power necromancers had but did not realize the fine line they must walk not to cross over to the dark side.

  Hamon's exploration led him to a life-altering encounter with a Lich and a Banshee, who coincidentally have a complicated past with Hamon's dear friend, Elliot. Will Hamon chose the path of a necromancer?

  Find out what Hamon chooses in Legend: The Beginning.

  The only world they knew was dark, evil, and plagued. Forced to flee to safety, the only safety they knew was each other.

  When Siobhan and Hamish were forced from the safety of their adopted father to the confines of a Catholic Monastery, their lives took a turn for the worse. Twins, born during the apocalypse, they were the only newborns to survive in several years in a world cursed by a highly contagious infection, cursed lands, and random nuclear explosions. Forced to practice Catholicism, their lives are ripped apart when Siobhan is supposed to spend the night with the ev
il Abbot. The only one to save her is her dear twin brother, Hamish.

  After they flee the monastery, their life on the run begins. They must avoid the curse lands, strange apocalyptic cults, and mutants who became disfigured by the nuclear fallout. They join forces with a foreign vagabond, only to soon be sold on the slave market.

  Find out if the twins survive in a land so evil that Hell seems better. Find out what life is like after the apocalypse and if the twins find their home.

  Find out in Finding Home

  Coming Soon

  Coming Soon in the Reclamation Series

  About the Author

  He grew up playing the fantasy tabletop game Dungeons and Dragons that he learned from his father.

  Later, he began a love affair with the MMORPG genre, beginning with WoW and the Final Fantasies. His main classes are Warrior, Rogue, and Fire Mage.

  Dungeons and Dragons has provided an escape for Luka for decades and being taught how to play at an early age has enabled him to become talented in logic and mathematics.

  Luka Petrov is 33 years old and lives in Moscow.

  Reborn: Journeyman

  Copyright © 2019 Action Resolution Press


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