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Gods of Yulan: Book 4 of the Coiling Dragon Saga

Page 82

by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi

  Dragonblood Warriors had very few descendants. Although twenty years ago, Cena had taken a new wife, he still had no children.

  In his heart, Cena continued to harbor hatred towards Ojwin.

  Originally, when Ojwin had attacked and the Violet-Gold Rat King brothers had countered, the two of them actually had the chance to kill Ojwin. However, at that time Linley and Cena were both shocked by the appearances of those mysterious experts.

  How could they have dared to try and ask those experts to kill Ojwin?

  After Ojwin’s group left, Ojwin had remained in hiding within the imperial capital of the O’Brien Empire, giving Linley’s side no chance for revenge.

  “That enmity must be avenged.” Bebe nodded. “In the future, when we have the chance, we definitely cannot let that Ojwin off the hook.”

  Linley nodded slightly.

  Only, for now, he didn’t have enough power to kill Ojwin.

  “Here we are. Twin Horn Peak,” Bebe said.

  There was a gorge beneath Twin Horn Peak. The wild wind blew like the roaring of a wild beast, but upon entering the gorge, very bizarrely, no sound could be heard from the powerful mountain wind.

  Linley and Bebe, being experts, feared nothing. They headed directly into the gorge, the wild wind not budging them in the slightest.

  “There’s quite a few skeletons in this gorge,” Bebe said with a frown.

  Linley nodded slightly. The gorge walls of this place weren’t very flat. They occasionally protruded out and occasionally had crevices… the entire gorge was extremely bizarre, and the sound of a wild howling wind could be heard at the entrance to it. However, when Linley and Bebe entered deeper into the gorge, they couldn’t hear any sound at all.

  “Weird. Really weird.” Bebe pursed his lips.

  Linley’s forehead was furrowed, and he was currently walking forward carefully and cautiously.

  “So many corpses. Who knows how many people died here.” Linley stared at the corpses within ten meters of him. Clearly, they had been here for a long time.

  “Huh?” Linley suddenly felt his heart viciously contract, and even his head went dizzy.

  “Someone is ambushing us?” Linley instantly recovered. Greatly shocked, he immediately spread his divine power into his body.”

  “Bebe, careful,” Linley immediately warned.

  He was currently walking about with his original body. Ever since his original body had absorbed the golden blood drop, the power of his original body was actually greater than that of his divine body. Despite having such a powerful body, Linley just now had felt his heart clench and his head go dizzy. This was definitely an external attack.

  Bebe looked around carefully as well. “Boss, nobody’s here,” Bebe transmitted mentally.

  “I was attacked just now.” Linley was very certain. “It was an invisible attack.”

  “How come I wasn’t attacked?” Bebe grew worried as well. This sort of invisible attack was extremely bizarre.

  Linley and Bebe were on high alert for a long while, but didn’t discover anything.

  “Hrm? That’s not right.” Linley experimentally retracted his divine power from his organs. Indeed, that feeling once more appeared, causing his heart to clench and his head grow slightly dizzy. However, Linley was able to maintain his clear-headedness. Linley spread out his spiritual energy, carefully searching.

  Only now did Linley clearly sense…

  After the wild, howling wind entered the gorge, because of the unique, bizarre shape of the gorge, the wind transformed. The wind elemental essences in this area were clashing against each other, creating a very strange sonic vibration. This sort of inaudible vibration was constantly broadcasting everywhere.

  Linley could sense his heart clench and his body feel uncomfortable. Even his head had grown dizzy. All of this was due to this sound entering his body.

  When Linley normally trained in the Profound Truths of Velocity, he would occasionally analyze the Profound Mysteries of Sound. After twenty years, although he hadn’t made any major gains, he at least had a general idea of these profound mysteries. Linley was certain… that sound was actually nothing more than sound waves which entered a person’s ears, which naturally allowed them to hear it.

  But the strange sound waves of this valley were inaudible, yet could cause harm to the body.

  Even a body as powerful as Linley’s had been impacted. If an ordinary person had entered this place, naturally they would have died.

  “Hrm? This is…”

  A light suddenly flashed in Linley’s mind.

  “So sound waves actually have a profound mystery like this…” Linley felt great joy in his heart.

  “Bebe, I’m about to immediately begin training for a time,” Linley mentally spoke to Bebe, and then ignoring all else, his divine clone flew directly out of his original body, sitting down within the gorge in the meditative position, beginning to attune with this strange ‘sound wave’.

  Not just his divine clone; even Linley’s original body sat down at the same time, analyzing and sensing the profound mysteries contained within this sound wave.

  Bebe was somewhat astonished. “What did the Boss just gain an insight into?”

  “The more insights the Boss gains, the better.” Bebe was still rather happy. He then sat down as well. While Linley trained, Bebe decided to stay here and protect Linley.

  Linley’s sudden flash of insight and decision to train was something that was out of Sadista’s expectations. Sadista had looked forward to Linley and Bebe separating, giving him the chance to order his subordinate to kill Linley. But the way things turned out… he didn’t have any chance at all.

  In his training, Linley lost all track of time.

  His divine clone and his original body simultaneously attuned to the sound waves, both beginning to train and visualize. As for his divine clone, it focused on the audible sounds, while the original body focused on the inaudible sounds, then the two cross-compared… Linley’s insights into sound rapidly began to rise at an astonishing rate.

  Time flowed on within the gorge. Quickly, Linley’s two bodies became covered with a layer of dust and dirt.

  Bebe quietly trained as well.

  In the blink of an eye, two years passed.

  Nobody dared to come to Twin Horn Peak. Linley’s two bodies as well as Bebe remained there in the meditative posture, and within Twin Horn Peak, those invisible sound waves continuously broadcasted out.

  “Haha…” The dust covering his body flew away.

  Linley’s two bodies merged into one. A smile was on his face. “Haha, I was wrong. I was wrong. In the Elemental Laws of the Wind, sound should be divided into two aspects; the first is the ‘Profound Mysteries of Sound Waves’, while the other is the ‘Profound Mysteries of Music’. Only when the Profound Mysteries of Music and the Profound Mysteries of Sound Waves fuse into one can they be considered the Profound Truths of Sound!”



  “Rumble…” The dust flew away from Bebe’s body as well. The dirt and dust were controlled by an invisible force, which then compressed them into a stone.

  Bebe pressed down on the brim of his straw hat, excitedly looking at Linley. “Boss, just then, you talked about the Profound Mysteries of Music, and also something about a Profound Mysteries of Sound Waves, and how fusing them would result in the Profound Truths of Sound? What are these things?” Bebe was very confused.

  Linley smiled slightly.

  Although he had only trained for two years, Linley’s spiritual visualization and hypothesizing abilities were hundreds of times faster than before he became a Deity. During this period of time, he had both of his souls simultaneously attuning and cross-referencing. The two years of training he had undergone could definitely compare to two hundred years of training in his pre-Deity time.

  With regards to the Profound Mysteries of Music and Sound Waves, Linley already reached a certain level of skill.

of course, he was still very far away from true mastery.

  “Bebe, when sound is created, it is actually just a form of sound wave,” Linley explained. “Since sound is actually a form of a wave, it naturally has its own vibrations. Every single second, it vibrates many times in a defined range, allowing our ears to hear it.”

  This was something that Linley had came to understand regarding sound while back in Dragonblood Castle.

  Bebe nodded.

  “But the sounds that we cannot hear will create a curious effect.” Linley immediately controlled the wind elemental essence, then began to agitate it. The different elemental essence particles collided against each other, forming sound waves. Instantly, sounds began to ring out.

  The beautiful sounds were like the murmurs of a lover, causing a person to unconsciously sink into them.

  Bebe was faintly beginning to be affected as well.

  “This is the Profound Mysteries of Music!” Linley laughed. “I just controlled elemental essences to utilize it. If I were to use divine power, the strength would be much greater. Even Deities would be affected somewhat by it. For example, my ‘Hymn of the Wind’ emits a sound that is capable of bewitching an enemy’s soul, causing them to temporarily lose their guard, allowing me to kill them.”

  Bebe nodded repeatedly. “Wow, so powerful. Then what about the Profound Mysteries of Sound Waves?”

  “I just said that sound waves, being waves, are vibrational in nature. If they vibrate a certain number of times within a certain range each second, we will be able to hear it. But… once the vibrations exceed that range, it is different.” Linley sighed. “In the past, I didn’t understand this. But upon seeing those sound waves that were formed by this gorge, I understood.”

  “Oh?” Bebe was somewhat surprised.

  “Watch.” Linley’s powerful spiritual energy once more took control over the local wind elemental essence.

  The unique sound waves once more appeared, this time transmitting directly towards the nearby mountain walls. Suddenly… the mountain walls of the gorge seemed to begin to vibrate like a living creature. With a rumbling sound, shattered bits of rocks began to fall down from the wall.

  “Hey?” Bebe was very surprised.

  Linley strengthened his spiritual energy, and instantly the vibrations of the wind elemental essences grew stronger as well.

  “Dang!” “Dang!” The entire gorge began to shake as a knocking sound could be heard. And then, with a ‘boom’ sound, countless boulders at each side of the gorge exploded, transforming into countless pieces of pebbles.

  “Wow.” Bebe’s eyes were wide.

  Originally, because of this gorge’s unique structure, the wild wind would blow in and create those wind waves.

  But now, with Linley’s display of force, the structure of the gorge changed dramatically. It could no longer create those sound waves. Instantly, the howling wind could once more be heard, and countless bits of rocks flew about everywhere, the air instantly being filled with dust. Only a long time later did the air return to its normal calm.

  Only, this gorge was now filled with the howl of the wind.

  “The Mountain Range of Death will never be the Mountain Range of Death again.” Linley let out an emotional breath.

  “Boss, this sort of attack is so powerful.” Bebe exhaled in amazement.

  Linley laughed calmly, “It’s fairly ordinary. I’ve only gained a little bit of skill in the Profound Mysteries of Sound Waves. Right now, based on what I have learned, the Profound Mysteries of Sound Waves can only be used for material attacks, while the Profound Mysteries of Music can only be used to affect the soul. However, if the enemy doesn’t understand it, then even a Deity-level expert will probably suffer a bit of a disadvantage.”

  Sound waves, music. These were two different aspects of sound.

  One attacked the body, the other affected the soul.

  “I’m not certain about its true power either. After all, I’ve only gained a bit of skill.” Linley still had a smile on his face.

  This was why he loved to train.

  Linley felt as though each insight was a new understanding for him with regards to the universe. Gaining insights and meditation represented that one day, without moving at all, he would be able to cause the heavens to shatter. Only, who knew how long it would be before that day came.

  “Bebe, what profound mysteries did you gain insight into upon becoming a Deity?” Linley asked curiously.

  Bebe pursed his lips. With resignation, he said, “Nothing as powerful as yours, Boss. It is only usable for preserving my life. It is very similar to that of that ‘King of Killers’, Cesar. If I were to fight with someone, I’d still have to rely on using my natural ability.”

  Linley somewhat understood.


  “Rumble!” The world shook slightly. This faint vibration transmitted throughout the Yulan Plane, and the eyes of countless Deities turned towards the west. Bebe and Linley naturally stared towards the north.

  “Someone else became a Deity?” Bebe said in surprise.

  The descent of the natural Laws was proof of someone becoming a Deity through their own efforts. After all, fusing with a spark wouldn’t cause the natural Laws to descend.

  “This isn’t the first time either. It seems a few years ago, someone in the west became a Deity on their own as well.” Linley stared below in confusion, stretching out with his divine power. “It should be in the area of the Holy Union. What’s going on? In the past few years, two people became Deities on their own?”

  To become a Deity through one’s own efforts was very difficult.

  Precisely because it was difficult, it was very precious. A few years ago, a person had become a Deity on his own, causing Linley and the others to sigh in surprise. But now, yet another had become a Deity independently. This clearly was a bit too much of a coincidence.

  “Boss, let’s go over and take a look,” Bebe said hurriedly.

  “The Holy Union?” Linley started slightly, as though thinking of something. “Might as well. Time to go back and take a look. I haven’t gone back to my homeland in a long time.”

  Linley and Bebe flew together in a straight line towards the west.

  The descent of the natural Laws upon this person becoming a Deity naturally attracted the attention of Sadista, who when spreading out his divine sense discovered Linley as well. “Hey, this Linley actually woke up. Oh, he is flying somewhere?”

  Linley and Bebe were flying very fast. A while later, after Sadista once again searched for and found Linley and Bebe, they had already reached their target destination.”

  “They actually went to the Holy Union. Anras!” Sadista immediately sent his divine sense out to Anras, still awaiting his chance in the great plains of the far east.

  Anras was seated meditatively in a quiet mountain gorge, his body covered with dust. At first glance, one would take him for a human-shaped statue.

  To him, waiting for two years was nothing at all. Hearing Sadista’s divine sense calling to him, Anras immediately opened his eyes, and the dust on his body instantly vanished into nothingness. Sadista’s order came. “Anras, Linley and the Godeater Rat went to the Holy Union. Head there for now.”

  “Yes, Lord Sadista,” Anras said respectfully.

  And then, “Boom!” The entire gorge suddenly erupted into flames that rose to the sky. Anras’ entire body was surrounded by flames, and like a god of fire, he quickly slashed through the sky, flying directly west and quickly disappearing into the western horizons.

  The town of Wushan. Linley’s homeland.

  “The town of Wushan…” Linley stood in the center of the town of Wushan, staring at the surrounding area. He couldn’t help but let out a breath.

  Wushan next to the town of Wushan hadn’t changed much compared to his youth, but the town had changed too much. The large town of Wushan had become utterly desolate. This was no longer a place where people lived. It was a lair for magical be
asts. For example, Linley’s former ancestral home was now a den for Windwolves.

  “Those little friends and those aunties and uncles of the past…” Linley’s mind drifted back to the festive, rowdy scenes of the town of Wushan. Early every morning, the children and youths would line up in the empty field near the town of Wushan and begin training, while the grownups would start their work.

  But now…

  None of this would happen again. The vast majority of people had died.

  “The town of Wushan has become nothing more than history.” Linley sighed. After having experienced the Apocalypse Day, the former Kingdom of Fenlai’s entire demesne had become a playground for magical beasts.

  With a frown, Linley immediately controlled the divine spark within his body to emit a powerful divine presence.

  Although Linley was using his original body, his divine spark was still in his spiritual ocean. Linley was completely capable of utilizing the divine spark within his divine clone. The powerful divine presence swept through the entire town of Wushan like a tidal wave.

  Instantly, the hundred or so magical beasts living around the town of Wushan all knelt down, shivering.

  “All of you, fuck off.” Linley’s divine sense rang out in the minds of each of these magical beasts.

  Not a single magical beast resisted. Letting out low whines and growls, the hundreds of magical beasts quickly left this extremely dangerous ‘town of Wushan’, fleeing at high speed.

  “Bebe, let’s go pay a visit to my ancestral home,” Linley said.

  “It is my home too,” Bebe said.

  In the past, Bebe had been born there, and had met with Linley in that ancestral home. Afterwards, the two of them, man and magical beast, had become lifelong companions. Linley and Bebe quietly stepped into that dust-covered, decayed ancestral residence.


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