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Page 11

by Niki Jilvontae

  “IN DUE TIME…” I read out loud as my rage damn near erupted.

  Chapter 7

  I held on to my rage the entire ride down the elevator and all the way to Ricardo’s car. However, as soon as we had Asha securely buckled in and had jumped in the front seat, I went the fuck off.

  “That muthafucka was in the hospital again. He got close enough to take a picture; and this was from today. Baby look at the bow in her hair.” I said as I showed him the picture again and he nodded his head.

  Ricardo had this dead look in his eyes as he told me he would handle it.

  “I got this baby, don’t you worry That nigga gonna regret the day he fell out his sister’s ass.” Ricardo said as he bit his bottom lip and fumed like a wounded bear.

  I saw an angry tear roll down his face before he hit the steering wheel then looked back at Asha.

  “I gotta protect her baby.” He said as more tears fell and my heart broke.

  I reached out to hug him as he turned back to me and told me he had to protect me too.

  “Y’all are my responsibility now baby, and I’d be less than a man if I didn’t do everything in my power to eliminate this threat. This nigga is a threat too. He a threat to our happiness and to our future, so the bitch has to go. I’m gonna make sure of that.” Ricardo said with a serious expression on his face before he crunk up the car and sped out.

  We rode back to Frayser to my mother’s house in silence after I told Ricardo we should go there in case they came back.

  “I don’t know if they coming back to the house baby. You know the police still hot over there behind all that shit. They looking for your entire family, so I doubt KJ, Spicy, or Ky come back until we know shit straight.” Ricardo said as we drove closer and I agreed as I picked up my phone.

  I dialed KJ’s number as we pulled into the apartments and he answered as soon as we parked in front of the building.

  “Wasup Na? Where you at? I came to the hospital on my incognito shit this morning and they told me that y’all were gone.” KJ said as I told him we had gotten discharged and were sitting in front of the house.

  He sighed deeply after I said that and then sucked his teeth after he put the phone back to his ear.

  “We can’t come back right now Na. I don’t even think it’s safe for y’all there. We laying low though until shit good again. Ricardo there with y’all?” KJ asked as I told him yes and he told me to tell Ricardo to stay.

  I nudged Ricardo and told him what KJ had said as he continued to stare at the house with an angry expression on his face. He nodded his head and said that he always would be with us before I reached over and caressed his cheek. I hated to see him all distraught and angry like that and I felt like it was all my fault as I told KJ we were good and that I would call him that night.

  “Bet sis, I’ll be waiting on you because we really need to get rid of these bitches asap. I’ll shoot you the address in a second.” KJ said before I told him okay and we exchanged I Love You’s before we hung up.

  When we hung up the phone I turned back to my man as he continued to stare ahead and grit his teeth. I could see the veins pop out of the side of his neck as he sat there and evil thoughts ran through his head. I knew those thoughts and I didn’t want them affecting him because I needed Asha to have at least one sane parent.

  That’s why I leaned over and kissed his neck before I whispered how much I loved him into his ear. I felt his body soften and he suddenly blinked his eyes after that before he turned to look at me. The look on his face was one I had never seen before and it scared me to think about what he planned to do. I was just about to ask him that before he suddenly decided to speak.

  “I’m okay baby and I love you too. Come on, let’s get Asha into the house so y’all can bond.” Ricardo said as he forced a smile, kissed me, and then hopped out.

  When he got out, I got out too and went to the back seat to get Asha out. As I did that, I noticed Ricardo bend down and reach for something under his seat before he dashed up the steps of the porch with my keys in hand.

  “You gone get Asha out baby. I’m fina go check the house right fast. I’ll come back out and get y’all if everything’s good. STAY RIGHT HERE NO MATTER WHAT. OKAY?” Ricardo asked me in a serious tone that made my heart skip a beat.

  I had never heard him so demanding and in control. That shit made me kind of scared but at the same time it made my pussy get wet. I loved a take charge, in control, boss ass nigga; and that’s exactly what my new bae looked like as he tried to hide the gun in front of him and entered the house.

  As soon as he was inside and had closed the door behind him, my heart began to race again and I felt overwhelmed. I wondered what he would find in the house and whether or not Kenan was still out there somewhere stalking. Just those thoughts made me paranoid instantly and I began to look around the parking lot as Asha cooed in her seat. Her gentle, angelic sounds calmed my nervousness a little as I climbed into the backseat next to her and grabbed her little hand.

  I kissed Asha’s hand and face as she continued to make noises and I promised her that everything would be okay. I promised her that, but I wasn’t so sure as I sat there and watched the door. Three minutes had passed and Ricardo still hadn’t come out, and I was getting more and more worried by the minute. I was just about to get out and go inside when I finally saw the door swing open and he came out and waved his hand.

  “Everything good baby. Y’all can come on.” Ricardo said as he walked off the porch and came to the car to get our bags.

  I got out of the truck and stood in the door as he opened the other and began to take out the bags. I stared at the side of his head with so much intensity he couldn’t help but to look up and ask me what was wrong.

  “What’s wrong? I thought we were going to tell each other everything. You know what lies have done to my life so far, so why you just try to hide that gun from me?” I asked him as he looked up at me slowly.

  He stared at me for a second as he shook his head then he pulled the 9MM he had stuck in his waistband out. Ricardo flashed the gun for me quickly before he stuck it back up under his seat and explained.

  “Baby I just didn’t want you to think I’m some kind of killer nigga or some shit like that, because I definitely am not. I grew up in the hood just like you though, so I know a muthafuckas gotta protect their self. That’s exactly why I stay strapped baby. I ain’t out in these streets like yo brothers or no shit like that, but believe me… I’m far from a hoe.” Ricardo said as I told him I knew that but never hide anything from me.

  “I love you Ricardo and I know you want to protect us, you’re a man so that’s what you’re supposed to do. I just don’t like secrets. Secrets can be deadly.” I said as all of the tragedy that had happened in my life as a result of secrets flashed in my mind.

  I saw all I had lost and all that I would never have in that instant and my pain must have been written on my face because Ricardo quickly came over to my side of the car and wrapped me in his arms. He held me and stroked my hair as I reveled in my misery and hoped that it would end soon. I knew that Kenan’s death along with Ricardo and Asha’s love could do that though so that’s what I held on to. I felt the strength of Ricardo’s love too when he suddenly grabbed my chin, lifted my face, and kissed me gently on the lips before he spoke.

  “Baby, from this day forward, I promise I will never lie to you or try to hide anything from you. I’m so sorry for being so insensitive Kaniyah. I know what secrets have cost you and the last thing I ever want to do is bring you undue pain. I love you beautiful lady, and I want us to spend forever together…all three of us. I do have to handle some business though.” Ricardo said before he kissed my lips and my heart beat in my throat.

  I tried to ask him what he meant, but every time I would speak he would kiss me to stop my lips from moving. After a few seconds of that and a few slips of the tongue, I forgot all about what I was going to ask and wrapped my arms around his neck while I kissed him back
passionately. I felt my knees get weak and body shiver as he ran his fingers up the center of my back into my hair as he continued to kiss me down. When Ricardo finally let me go I stood there breathless with my eyes closed and he laughed.

  “Damn baby, you still here?” Ricardo asked as I suddenly snapped out of it, opened my eyes, and looked at him.

  “I had yo ass gone with this killer tongue.” Ricardo said and I smacked him on the arm before I told him to shut up.

  He and I both laughed as I got Asha, and he grabbed all of the bags out of the car. When I got to the porch Ricardo stopped me before he quickly took Asha’s car seat out of my hand.

  “You not supposed to be carrying heavy things upstairs baby; even if it is a tiny princess. I need you to adhere to everything the doctors said now Kaniyah, or me and you gonna have a problem. A BIG PROBLEM!” Ricardo said as he looked down at his crotch and I laughed loudly while I walked past him into the house.

  “No you gonna have a big problem sir cause you got six weeks before that problem can come near me.” I said as I turned back to look at him and his grin suddenly turned into a full pout.

  He stomped into the house behind me with his lip poked out as he mumbled about how I was mean and I couldn’t wait that long.

  “Well what about the tip? I bet I could stick the tip in.” Ricardo suddenly said as he sat Asha down on the floor by the couch and walked back over to me by the door grinning.

  I gave his silly ass a funky look as I shook my head no and rolled my eyes. I played mad and gave him a sour face but on the inside I was really so tickled that I could barely hold back my laughter. I managed to do it though, until he said I was about to get it and picked me up in his arms. Ricardo repeated his little nasty quote about sticking in the tip as he kissed my neck and tickled me while he twirled me in a circle. I laughed hard as hell as he held me and made me tap out by kissing that spot on my neck that drove me crazy while he continued to ask me if he could stick in the tip.

  “Noooo!” I yelled between laughs as he told me I had fucked up before he began to lick that spot and make me squirm.

  Ricardo had me tickled and a little bit horny by the time I wiggled out of his arms then ran to the bathroom to pee. I barely made it too because I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t get the door open. I damn near tore that muthafucka off its frame though when I felt something wet in my panties, and as soon as I squatted I let go. I had made it just in time before I had a real-life nasty bitch moment. That would have been embarrassing as hell, even if it was Ricardo’s fault and not me just being trifling. I told him that too as I sat there and pissed a whole fucking river.

  “See, you play too much. I almost pissed on myself.” I yelled to Ricardo from the bathroom as I wiped, flushed then washed my hands.

  I noticed that entire time he hadn’t said a word so I cut the water off and still didn’t hear a sound. That caught my attention for sure and awakened my fear and paranoia as I ran from the bathroom to see what was going on. Once inside I saw that Asha was still sitting in her seat by the couch fast asleep but, Ricardo was nowhere in sight. I called his name as I dashed into the kitchen, and when I didn’t find him there I quickly ran back into the living room. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I stood there and stared around while an eerie feeling swept through me. I had that feeling many times before so I knew to find my first mind in that situation. That’s why I ran over and grabbed up Asha at that point, unsure as to what was going on. Once I had my baby secure and safe in my arms, I made my way through the rest of the house. I checked KJ’s room first then Spicy’s, followed by Ky and Kam’s room.

  Ricardo wasn’t in either one of them so when I got to the living room again I was in straight panic mode. Still holding a sleeping Asha, I quickly grabbed my phone out of my purse as she suddenly woke up fussing and I calmed her back to sleep so that I could make my call. I was just about to call KJ and have them to come and get us when the front door to the apartment flew open.

  That sudden movement took me off guard being that I didn’t know who it was. I grabbed the first thing hard that I saw which was a huge Shakra rock on the table and prepared to bust somebody’s head. I almost popped my baby too as he walked back inside and glared at me cautiously.

  “Oookkkayyy. Why do you have a rock in your hand and why were you going to hit me with it?” Ricardo asked as I just continued to stand there with Asha cradled in one arm, a rock in my other hand, and anger mixed with fear in my eyes.

  Ricardo saw that I was really scared at that point so he rushed over to take the rock out of my hand and hug me.

  “Baby it’s okay. Nothing is going to happen to you or Asha Kaniyah. I promise. I was just outside talking to your uncle about some business and I found this card.” Ricardo said as I took the card and read it but my mind wondered what he and my uncle had discussed.

  I saved that question as I read over the name of the detective on the card and the little note he had written on it that said he really needed to talk to me. My heart began to beat again when I read that and I wondered what the fuck he wanted. I hated 12 and anything that really had to do with them so the last thing I wanted to do was talk. I told Ricardo that too as he smiled and said he hated their asses too.

  “Regardless though baby, you gotta talk cause you don’t want them coming around to pick you up. Besides, you a victim in this shit, so play yo role. Act like the same people who shot them beat you too. Luckily you just escaped with your life. That should get you off the hook because after all, you were fucking pregnant. Now, as far as KJ nem go, I got their alibi covered too. I think two to seven steps ahead of the average person, so I knew this shit would be necessary. My mama, and three brothers took a trip to Puerto Rico the same day the shit happened, so I went and got their ticket stubs. I had my nigga alter that shit with KJ nem names and even change that shit in the system. So, when they ask about your family and shit, tell them that they still on vacation. That will buy us some time or it may just throw they asses off completely. That’s what we want. That’s what we need.” My baby said on his smart guy, mastermind shit as he handed me the tickets and I smiled at him.

  Ricardo smiled back at me before he leaned over and kissed me then cleared his throat. I knew that meant he had something else to say and I wondered if I wanted to know what it was. I didn’t wonder long though because my impatient man quickly spit the shit out.

  “Oh and the other thing…no secrets remember so I’m just fina say this shit. I was out there talking to Tootie about going to find that nigga. He told me he still ain’t got no leads, but he got the brother’s address. I’m about to go through there with him and handle this baby, cause this shit got to end.” Ricardo said as I swallowed the lump in my throat while tears welled up in my eyes.

  I wanted to tell him no and demand that he stayed home with me and Asha, but I knew as a man and protector it was something he had to do. That’s why I just nodded my head and said okay before I kissed Asha on her hand.

  “Baby please don’t be like that. I have to do this Na. Tootie needs me.” Ricardo said and I told him that I understood although my heart didn’t want to.

  I wanted him to be selfish at that moment and say that he wasn’t in the situation. At least then I would have him there with me and I’d know that he was safe. It was no chance of that happening though, so I just had to pray that he would be alright.

  “Okay baby, I understand. Just promise me one thing.” I said as tears fell from my eyes and he wiped them away as he said anything.

  “Promise me that you’ll be safe and come back to me in one piece.” I said with an expression as serious and sincere as those feelings were in my heart.

  Ricardo promised me that he would before he kissed my lips then bent down to kiss Asha’s head. She squirmed and seemed to reach out for him before he kissed her little hand. It was like we were saying goodbye forever as I stood there crying and he had tears in his eyes to match. I didn’t want it to be over and I knew he didn’t
either, so he made sure I knew that.

  “Baby, I’ll be back as soon as possible and I’ll come back through that door the same way I left. I love you Na, I just have to do this right now. You safe and shit, just stay inside and keep that 40 by you.” Ricardo said as he suddenly dashed over to flip the first pillow on the couch and revealed the concealed gun.

  I asked him how he knew it was there as I walked over, took it out, and put it in the sling purse I had left on the couch. He wasted a little time watching me sit Asha back in her car seat and strap her in before he answered my question.

  “Tootie told me it was there. He said he left it here last night. He said guns stashed all through this bitch and that the G’s watching the house. That’s how I know y’all will be safe and it’s the only reason I’m leaving you now. Like I said baby, I got you. You just gotta trust me Na.” Ricardo said as he pulled me close into his arms and I looked up in his eyes.

  For a second I had a little de ja vue as I remembered Kenan saying the same thing. I remembered how he always asked me to trust him and how like a fool I had done so. That was the worst mistake of my life too, so I didn’t want to repeat it. I didn’t want to punish Ricardo for his actions either, so as he held me I searched for that perfect balance. I wanted to find that fine line between trust and being stupid. When Ricardo leaned down and kissed me again I felt that trust and was able to tell him to go.

  “Just hurry up and bring some food back with you Mr. Stick the Tip in.” I yelled from the door once he ran out.

  He laughed his ass off as he made it down the steps and dapped up the niggas sitting on them. He stopped for a minute and talked to them before he turned back around to me.


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