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Page 14

by Niki Jilvontae

  I quickly took that bitch and sparked so I could get my mind right. I had to numb myself and turn off all feelings but hate. I sat there and smoked and talked with my brother until I felt the raw rage I kept buried make its way to the surface. By the time we had ashed the blunt, walked up the steps and into the abandoned house I was really in beast mode. As soon as I walked in Spicy was at the door, smoking a cigarette and pacing. She looked at me and smiled before she quickly ran over and wrapped me in her arms.

  “My baby, look at you. All glowing and shit. My baby a mommy now and I couldn’t even be there to witness it. I’m so sorry Na.” Spicy said as she hugged me and I told her that it was okay.

  I had to tell her that we would talk about it later so that I could keep the ice on my heart. She understood and quickly stepped back so that Ky and I could walk deeper into the house. Candles were lit going down the hall and some were in the living room where KJ was sitting on the phone.

  When we walked in he quickly told Peaches he would call her back and stood up to hug me. My brother held me tightly like Ricardo had as Ky joined in. Them fools had me in a sandwich filled with their love as they told me how much they missed me. I accepted the love for a minute until I remembered my mission again then I pushed their asses off.

  “Okay fools, let me go. We can’t be doing all that mushy shit. We got some bitches to finish, so point me in the right direction.” I said to KJ and he pointed to the door across the hall that led to the basement.

  I started to walk away when he suddenly stopped me and asked what was going on in the hood.

  “I talked to 12 so y’all good and the hood quiet as fuck; Ky will tell you. Let me go on and handle this business so I can get back to my baby. Who down here?” I asked my brother as he nodded and said Rah and Tino.

  I left him there as Ky explained to him and Spicy what had happened when I talked to 12. I walked over to the door, opened it and walked down the stairs into the dark basement. When I got to the bottom I could see flickers of light in the back-right hand corner of the room so I followed it until I heard Ra’s voice.

  “So bitch you ain’t gonna tell me where he at? Wait til my best friend get here. In the meantime though bitch, feel this shit my baby daddy got going.” Rah said in this shrill voice as I suddenly heard the loud buzz of something electric.

  I quickly walked over and around the big black blanket that was hanging from the ceiling and when I did I stopped and gasped. There was the hair flipping, baby stealing nurse from the hospital tied up and naked with blood all over her. Tino had a fucking electric carving knife in his hand and he was peeling off skin from her inner thigh. I cringed and turned my head as the blood and flesh started flying and when I did I looked right at Jugg. He looked dead and slouched in the chair he was tied to with big chunks of skin missing everywhere. Blood dripped from his forehead as he leaned forward and moaned lightly. I felt a little conflicted as I stood there and stared at the damn near corpses. I didn’t feel sorry for them, just for their suffering, so I decided to end it. I walked over to where Rah and Tino were standing suddenly and when they finally noticed me they both jumped.

  “Damn Na. You scared the shutout of us. Walking around her like a fucking ghost. I’m so happy to see your creepy ass though sis.” Rah said as she hugged me and I told her I was happy to see her too.

  I made her let me go after that as me and Tino spoke then I pulled out my gun. I had no intentions of prolonging the inevitable, I was giving them bitches one chance. I walked up to the bitch as she looked up at me with her bloody swollen face and I made that shit known.

  “Okay bitch, I’m giving you one chance and one chance only. Tell me where Kenan ass is at and I’ll spare your life. Otherwise bitch, your ass is maggot food.” I said as I raised my 40 up and put it in the hoe’s face.

  She trembled and shook her head no as she cried and my mind clicked. Without warning I shot off and blew that bitch’s face off without even blinking. Blood splattered all over me, even in my eyes as Rah gasped and Tino said I was a savage. I ignored them both as I walked over to Jugg and gave him the same offer. He slowly raised his head and stared at me with his blood-filled eyes as he begged me not to do it.

  “Na, come on now. You don’t have to do this. Please Na.” He said as I shook my head no and told him to stop begging like a bitch.

  Jugg cried like a baby as I raised my 40 again and pressed it in the center of his head. I saw sorrow, fear, and regret flicker in his eyes at that moment but the hurt little girl inside of me didn’t care. All that I could feel was the pain he had brought me and I needed him to pay. I laughed as he pulled the brother card and made my hate ten times stronger.

  “Come on Na, regardless of how fucked up this is. I AM YO BROTHER!” Jugg said and quickly regretted it as I moved the gun and shot him in the dick.

  I blew that little baby, gonorrhea carrying organ straight off his body as he screamed and flapped in the chair.

  “BITCH NIGGA, THAT’S THE EXACT REASON WHY YOU GOTTA DIE. YOU’LL SEE OUR SICK ASS DADDY SOON THOUGH. SAVE HIM A PLACE IN HELL.” I said as I pressed my gun into the top of his head and let that bitch rip.

  More blood splattered on me after I let off that shot as Jugg’s body fell limp in the chair. I expected to feel relief as I stared at his dead ass, but instead I still felt numb. I was numb and in a zone as I thought about how many more people I would have to kill. Rah came over and grabbed me after a few seconds and pulled me up the stairs. I let her pull me too; and when I bust out of the basement door covered in blood my mama, Ky, and KJ stopped. I just smirked at them and told them it was done as my phone began to ring in my pocket. I reached into my pocket and pulled it out as KJ asked me if I was okay.

  “I’m good bruh. This shit almost over.” I said as I looked at the ID and saw that it was Ricardo.

  My heart raced as I answered the phone and Ricardo screamed in my ear.

  “BABY SOMEBODY BROKE INTO THE HOUSE!” He yelled as I instantly stopped breathing.

  I couldn’t talk, move, or think at that moment as I thought about my baby girl.

  “Where Asha at? Is she okay?” I yelled as I heard Ricardo yell and then the phone went dead.

  As soon as that happened I ran from the house with my family, strapped and right behind me. KJ yelled that he was lighting that bitch up as I turned around and saw the flames. Once I saw that I turned around and kept running, worried as hell. I felt like the world was crashing down around me as I saw my baby’s face in my mind.

  “Please let my baby be okay.” I said as I jumped in my car with Ky right by my side.

  I sat my gun in my lap as soon as I pulled off, ready to go kill some more demons.

  Chapter 9

  I sped through the streets of Memphis going 80, weaving in and out of traffic trying to get to Asha. While I drove and fumed, Ky sat in the passenger seat, silent with a deadly expression on his face. I could tell he was having deadly thoughts as he unloaded then reloaded his gun without looking. I felt just like he did as I gripped the wheel and tried to push my car faster.

  I held my breath as I drove and my heart beat in my throat and ears. All I could think about was Kenan killing Ricardo and taking my beautiful baby with him. The last thing that I wanted was for him to get his hands on my precious angel. That’s why when we got on Watkins I opened that bitch up and hit 100 miles per hour on the dash. KJ was right behind me in his truck, flying through the streets reckless. We made it from east Memphis to the Bay in less than twenty minutes driving like fucking lunatics. When we got in front of the apartments KJ told me they were going around the back because of all the police outside. He asked Ky to jump out and get in with them as I paused at the driveway.

  “Ky, come on maine, I know Na said it’s cool, but mama still gotta talk first. They might snatch our ass up as soon as they see us; especially since its more drama. Come on bruh, get yo ass out. I don’t need you locked up like Kam.” KJ said as Ky finally lifted his head and stared over at him.
  Ky’s facial expression said it all but that didn’t stop him from telling KJ.

  “Maine, I’m not leaving our sister no fucking more. I don’t give a fuck what 12 do.” Ky said before he turned back around and told me to go.

  I pulled into the driveway going 50 after that and skidded to a stop right at the curb. Police were every fucking where as me and Ky got out of the car and the door to the ambulance in front of me was open. I walked around to the back to see who was inside as I trembled and my mind reeled. I felt like I would pass out as I made my way there and Ky grabbed my hand.

  “I got you sis and it’s gonna be alright.” He said as he held me up.

  When we got to the back of the ambulance, I cried out in both relief and pain. There was Ricardo sitting on the stretcher and being worked on by two EMT’s as he cradled Asha in his arm. He had a gunshot to the arm which I heard the lady EMT say had went in and out. That made me feel better as I asked him if he was okay and he told me that he was.

  “What happened baby? And is my princess okay?” I said through my tears as Ky helped me up into the back and I took Asha out of his arms.

  I looked her over from head to toe, hell I even flipped her ass up to stare at her diaper like Celie on Color Purple had done. When I saw that she was fine and only had a little blood on her shirt from where Ricardo was holding her, I cried as I kissed all over her face.

  “Baby what happened?” I asked him again as he nodded at the EMT’s and I got the jest.

  I knew he didn’t want to talk about what was going on because they nosey asses were listening so I quickly got down out of the ambulance and walked with Ky to the house. Police asked us our names as we walked on the porch and when we told them the cop told me what had happened.

  “It appears someone broke in and shot your boyfriend in the process. Do you know anyone that would try to hurt you or why someone would break in?” The cop asked as I looked at him like he had lost his fucking mind.

  There we were standing in the most crime riddled neighborhood in Memphis and he was asking me why someone had broken in. I couldn’t even hold back my sarcasm at that point as I handed a sleeping Asha to Ky and he snuggled her before he kissed her face. I turned back to the cop with my hands on my hips and asked him was he serious.

  “This is Memphis, Tennessee…Frayser to be exact and you asking me why somebody would break in? Maine tell me why my cousin got shot at Mc Donald’s last week or why over 40 people got shot, raped and robbed on these streets last month. When you answer that, maybe I will be able to answer your question.” I said with an attitude and the officer smiled.

  I didn’t know what he was smiling for because I was dead muthafucking serious. That was the absolute dumbest question he could have asked and that had me irritated as hell.

  “I apologize Ms. Wright, we’re just trying to find out who targeted your family so If you have any information we would definitely like for you to share it.” He said as I sucked my teeth and looked at Ky.

  Ky’s eyes told me what I already knew and that was that I shouldn’t tell them shit. I decided to play off the shit I had already said though and flipped it on his ass.

  “Well sir I think you need to talk to the detectives that were here when I got assaulted. All of this shit related, so find who beat my ass and made me have my baby two months early and you will find who broke in my house. This your job sir, not mine; so why must I do what you took an oath to do? I can’t be the victim and investigator, so which role would you like for me to perform?” I asked sarcastically as I stood there and stared at him for a minute then went right back in on his ass.

  “Oh, no answers huh? Well that’s fine too because I doubt you even know what to say. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go see about my man.” I said before I walked away and the police stood there looking stupid like I had killed his fucking cat or some shit.

  I guess he wasn’t used to little hood girls who flipped shit on his ass and he didn’t know how to respond. That wasn’t my problem though, nor was it my concern as I sauntered my ass off the porch. I didn’t look back or even care as I walked away and the officer said he may have more questions for me later. I didn’t give a fuck about him or his questions though, I just kept walking as Ky laughed behind me and told me that I had fucked the cop up.

  “How about you tell me when I can go back into my house.” I yelled behind me as I continued to walk and the cop yelled out it was crime scene in a murder investigation.

  That statement made me stop my strut as I paused in the middle of the walkway with Ky behind me. I wondered who had been murdered and what the cops would do about it as I picked up my pace to get to Ricardo faster. Ky walked fast right with me as he continued to laugh at the officer and I tried to focus on that laughter.

  “You flipped that shit on him sis. Got his black ass standing there thinking and shit. I know that thinking and shit hurting his dumb ass too.” Ky said as I finally laughed with him and we met Ricardo at the curb.

  After my brother and Ricardo dapped each other up and exchanged a few words, I told Ky to take Asha to my car as I wrapped Ricardo in my arms and told him to tell me what had happened.

  “What was it baby? Did Kenan’s bitch ass do this?” I asked him as he looked me in the eyes and they said it all.

  I felt my rage and this nervous fear cover my heart just thinking about Kenan being in the house and using force to try and get Asha. That let me know that I had to do a better job of protecting her until I could make sure Kenan was dead. That was obviously the same thing on Ricardo’s mind as he cleared his throat and spoke.

  “Maine baby, killing that nigga is the number one mission in my life. We can’t be at peace with him still out here lurking and shit.” Ricardo said and I agreed before I kissed him gently on the lips.

  He kissed me back then hugged me tightly before he began to tell me what happened.

  “Damn baby, this shit hard as fuck for me to say because I keep seeing it in my mind and feeling the fear I had when it happened.” Ricardo said as I rubbed his back and told him to take his time.

  I led him over to the hood of my car and made him sit down before I wedged my body between his legs. I held him as he breathed in and out trying to gather his thoughts then he began to tell me.

  “Baby, so after you left Asha woke up crying and shit because she was hungry. So like a good daddy, I got up, changed her diaper and her clothes then took her up front to sit in her bouncer while I fixed her bottle. I kissed her and made sure she was secure in her seat then walked into the kitchen to fix the milk. I wasn’t in that bitch two seconds before the front fucking door flew off its hinges and bullets started flying. No lie, that shit startled me at first baby, but when I heard Asha start to cry I knew I had to get with the shit.” Ricardo said as he closed his eyes, reopened them then continued. “Luckily, I had the .9MM in my fucking pocket cause soon as the first nigga stormed in, I ran to the kitchen door and blew his ass off. I was like fucking Rambo as I lit that nigga up and ran into the living room dumping. Muthafucaks was shooting back as I ran in, so I positioned myself in front of Asha and continued dumping. During the hail of bullets, one of the niggas hauled ass out the door, but that Kenan nigga just stood there, laughing and shit. I guess that nigga thought he was taunting me or some shit baby, cause he didn’t even try to run. That was his fuck up though, because I unleashed the whole clip into his ass. I thought the shit was over after that too, so I turned my back and bent down to pick up Asha. That was my mistake though, cause that bitch nigga jumped up and laughed as he told me that he had on a vest. I just knew I was dead then as he stood there and stared at me while he laughed and pointed his Moss Barrel Pump at my ass. I saw my life flash before my eyes at that moment baby and all I could do was I look down into Asha’s face.” Ricardo said as he suddenly stopped and swallowed back the tears that threatened to break free.

  I felt myself tear up too as I imagined all that happening with my baby right there. I didn’t even kn
ow if I wanted to hear the rest after that but I knew Ricardo needed to say it so I just let him continue.

  “I thought I was dead but he wasn’t ready to shoot me then, he just wanted me to give him Asha. He said that shit ten times as he threatened to kill me and I told that bitch he would have to do it. At that point baby I didn’t even know I was shot, I just knew I had to keep Asha safe. I noticed the wound in my shoulder as I looked down and remembered the gun strapped to my ankle. I was just about to reach for that bitch too when I heard Kenan cock the pump. That got my attention and I looked up just as that nigga was fina pull the trigger.” Ricardo said and I held my breath as I waited on him to continued.

  “Lucky for me some of yo niggas from over here heard everything and started dumping at that bitch from the outside. That got that bitch to retreat and he ran out dumping as I sat Asha down and ran out dumping too. After all the bullets we let off after his ass, I just knew he was gonna be stretched out in the grass. That nigga got a way though baby and after that I ran back in and grabbed Asha then hauled ass. There was no way I was staying in that bitch with her and Robo Nigga was on the loose. Before I could get out of the apartments 12 pulled in, blocked me in and made me come back. I been out here sitting until they finish their investigation every since.” Ricardo said as he finally took a breath and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

  “That was some scary shit baby how them niggas came in dumping with Asha in here. It ain’t safe in this bitch for y’all no more, so I want y’all to come live with me. At least until all this blows over, we catch Kenan or your brothers come home.” Ricardo said as I agreed and he took his keys out of his pocket.

  “Here go the keys to my house baby, its 1419 Springdale in Cordova. Just put the address in your GPS and you’ll find the junt fast.” Ricardo said as he handed me the keys and I took them quickly.


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