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Profited (Bound Together #2)

Page 12

by Lacey Black

  “Okay,” she says again.

  After ordering our food, I steer the conversation towards another topic that leaves me curious and edgy as hell. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure,” she says as she picks at her salad.

  “Is there a boyfriend I need to worry about?” I ask casually, throwing in a cocky little smile at the end to fluster her. The result is exactly as I had hoped as she fidgets uncomfortably in her chair.

  “That’s none of your business,” she defends with a huff.

  “Actually, it is. If someone is going to be around my son, I want to know.” My tone is curt and my focus direct. No, I’m not trying to be an ass, but I know I’m coming off that way.

  “Ryan is, and always will be, my first priority. I don’t bring strange men around him. He’s never met anyone that I’ve gone out with. In fact, I’ve barely dated since I had him, and I don’t plan on it now. So don’t go acting like I’m some kind of harlot with a swinging front door who invites anyone with a dick to stop by her place, you jackass,” she seethes through gritted teeth.

  And there it is. The admission I’d hoped for. Hell, I wasn’t exactly sure what she’d say when I egged her on, but I never imagined it would be that sweet. It was better than anything she could have ever said. Dani hasn’t dated. There’s no one in her life. Her confession sends my heart racing and my blood pumping.

  “Why are you smiling?” she harshly whispers.

  “Because I’m damn happy.”

  “What about that could possibly make you happy, Reid?”

  “The fact that I don’t have to get some Tom out of my way, Dani. The fact that you don’t share your bed with some Joe. Or maybe it’s the fact that you haven’t filled my spot in your life. Take your pick,” I say through my smile.

  “You…I…I don’t even…” she starts, but can’t seem to find the right words. “Ryan. This is about Ryan, Reid. Don’t go inserting yourself into my life like you belong in it. You belong in Ryan’s life,” she says fiercely.

  “Yes, I do. But you’re a part of Ryan’s life. In fact, you’re the most important person in it. Therefore, I’ll be inserted into your life as well.” I take a huge drink of my wine. “Besides, I needed to know if I had to get rid of anyone because I will, Dani. There will be no one else in your life, sweetheart. I’ll be there. If anyone is going to warm your bed or keep you up all night, it’s going to be me. That is another promise,” I tell her, leaning forward and giving her a direct look to drive my point home.

  I know I’m fighting dirty, but I don’t give a shit. Ever since she walked back into my life, I’ve wanted her. I want Dani now as much as I wanted her that night eight plus years ago. It’s time I let her know it. I won’t let her go this time without a fight.

  I don’t exactly know what this all means, but I know that she’s always been more in the back of my mind. She’s not just one of the women I fuck to satisfy my urges. She’s not just a piece of arm candy that I can take to fundraisers and dinner meetings. From the moment I met her, she’s always been something bigger, something deeper, and something truer. I’m not getting rid of that; believe me, I’ve tried. So, the only option I have right now is to embrace it and see where it leads.

  “Don’t say anything,” I tell her. “I can see your brain working overtime. It’s practically smoking. Just know this. I’m not going to rush anything with you, but I’m not going away. I’m in your life forever now. I want you, Dani. I’ve wanted you from the moment you stepped off my elevator and walked into my office. And I always get what I want. Always,” I say confidently.

  “Now, let’s enjoy dinner and figure out how we’re going to tell our son that I’m his father,” I say casually as if I didn’t just confess my desires and intentions. More shocking is the fact that saying those words was so easy and natural; like breathing or walking.

  Dani stares at me with wide blue eyes. Her beautiful mouth is hanging open from shock, I assume. I give her a little wink before cutting into my steak that the waitress just deposited in front of me.

  “Mmmmm, this is good. You should try it,” I say as I chew slowly, giving her a closed-mouth smile and another wink.

  “I’m suddenly not hungry,” she mumbles, dropping her eyes down to her plate with a huff in defeat.

  Oh, my little Dani. You haven’t seen nothing yet.

  Chapter Eleven – Confessions


  I’m a nervous wreck as I check the clock on the wall for the tenth time in just under an hour. I swear the clock is intentionally moving at a snail’s pace. I woke up this morning well before my alarm. Sleep barely came to me at all last night as I’ve fretted and worried about what I’m going to say to Ryan today.

  Reid should be here any minute. The plan that we came up with is to spend the day in the backyard swimming and getting to know each other. Then at dinner tonight, we’re going to drop the bomb on him. I just pray that the impact doesn’t destroy him.

  “Mom, are you ready to go outside?” Ryan hollers from the back door.

  “Almost ready, buddy,” I tell him as I grab the sunscreen and the towels.

  Just as we step outside, I hear a vehicle pulling into the driveway. I told Reid to come around back when he arrives, so I head back to the pool area to prep it for Ryan. Setting the towels down on the lounger next to mine, I hear the gate open and the heavy footfalls that can only be Reid’s.

  “Mr. Hunter,” Ryan exclaims, happy to have a new swimming partner for the afternoon.

  When I told him last night that Reid was going to come over and swim and cook out with us, he was instantly ecstatic. He talked for twenty minutes, asking tons of questions that I wasn’t able to answer like what is his favorite food and what sport did he play in school. I’m sure he’s anxious to start his inquisition the moment Reid walks into the backyard.

  “Hi, Ryan. And call me Reid, okay?” he says casually with a smile.

  Ryan looks over at me for confirmation. I have always instilled the best manners I could in Ryan, teaching him that you always call someone by Mister or Miss until instructed otherwise. I give him a polite nod, granting him permission to call Reid by his first name.

  “Are you ready to swim?” Ryan asks, standing at the water’s edge, eagerly awaiting the cue to jump in.

  “I’m ready,” Reid says. “Let me put my stuff down.”

  Walking over to where I’m standing, Reid says, “Good afternoon.”

  I turn my attention towards him for the first time since his arrival. He’s wearing a pair of blue and red board shorts that hang low on his hips. When he removes his t-shirt, I’m treated to a mouth-watering view of his marvelous physique. Younger Reid had an amazing body, but older Reid? Panty-wetting. Nuclear. Adult Reid is a Greek God. His chest matted with a sprinkle of dark hair is defined and toned to perfection, but what holds my attention now is the way the V of his hips drops dangerously low into his shorts. A thin trail of dark hair disappears into the top of those shorts, making me wish I were a world explorer, eager to discover where that path leads.

  “Stop sexually assaulting me with your eyes or I’m never going to make it through this afternoon without tasting you,” he whispers against my ear, his breath tickling the shell of my ear. I inhale a deep breath and shiver uncontrollably, noticing the way my core throbs with awareness.

  This is going to be the longest afternoon of my life.

  “Sorry,” I whisper, returning my eyes up to his. His eyes are practically black with something dark and dirty. Need. Desire. It’s all right there, written across his face like some ancient proverb.

  “Don’t be sorry. Just don’t do it when I’m about to swim with our son and have hours to go before I can touch you,” he bites out in a tone laced with pure sex.

  I swallow the lump in my throat and turn back to rearranging the towels; anything to keep my hands busy. Without thinking, I unzip my cover-up and slip it over my body. My body immediately becomes aware of Reid’s presence as my nipple
s pucker beneath my black and pink bikini. Reid hisses as my eyes slam back into his. The stare down is erotic and all-consuming.

  “Are you coming in, Reid?” Ryan asks from the side of the pool. He’s watching us, waiting to jump in, oblivious to the sexual tension buzzing around like bees at a picnic.

  “Go ahead and get in, Ry. Reid will be there in a second,” I say taking a step back, away from Reid’s sexual pull. Without so much as a glance in our direction, Ryan turns and jumps into the water.

  “Come on, Reid,” Ryan yells as he starts to swim out towards the middle where a water noodle floats.

  “I better hurry, huh? I don’t want to keep him waiting,” Reid says with another wink and an award-winning smile. Seriously, Oscar speeches are delivered with less charm and charisma than what I’m receiving right now.

  All afternoon, I watch as Reid and Ryan swim, play, and talk. Occasionally, I’m pulled into their conversation, but for the most part, I listen, trying to step back and let father and son get to know each other; even if son isn’t aware of father.

  Feeling the heat of the afternoon sun, I decide to cool myself down in the pool before I get ready to grill dinner. I stopped by the store yesterday and grabbed the makings for kabobs with a variety of fresh vegetables, plus a dozen ears of sweet corn that I will throw on the grill as well.

  As I step over to the side of the pool, I can’t help but smile as Ryan uses his hands to drive home his point as to why Batman is the far superior superhero. In the eyes of this child, Spiderman, Thor, Superman, or any other superhero doesn’t stand a chance.

  “Hey, Mom,” Ryan exclaims as he chases the floating basketball and swims in to go for the dunk.

  Treading water, I feel Reid’s presence moments before his touch. Big, warm hands slide effortlessly over my back, wrapping around my stomach. Even through the water, I feel the trail of heat.

  “This bikini is doing bad things to me, Dani. Very bad things,” he says moments before I feel his erection pressed into the crease of my ass. It takes every ounce of self-control I possess to not push back and grind against it like a virgin at the Magic Mike premiere. It feels just as big and glorious as I remember. Biting my bottom lip, I do everything within my power to keep the moan from slipping from my lips.

  “We can’t do this,” I whisper hoarsely in a voice that isn’t my own.

  “No?” he asks as he lightly strokes his hand over my stomach, angling it down towards the junction of my legs.

  “No,” I say so hoarsely that it doesn’t come out as a word; just a deep exhale of quickened air.

  “You’re probably right. I shouldn’t do this,” he whispers against my ear, snaking his tongue out to trace the shell of my ear, while his hand glides down to my sex. Even through the material of my bikini bottoms, I can feel the warmth of his hand, the firmness of his fingers, and the wetness in my response to both.

  “Reid, let’s shoot more hoops,” Ryan exclaims, breaking the moment like a mirror. I jump away from Reid’s touch so quickly that I slip and almost swallow water. The sounds of his chuckles as he swims towards Ryan are the only thing I hear over the sound of my racing heart.

  I quickly get out of the water, suddenly anxious to dry off and start the grill. Anything to put distance between Reid and myself. Grabbing the towel on top, I wrap it around my body, covering as much of myself as possible, as if wrapping myself in some sort of protective sexual tension force field. Without even thinking, I turn and glance at Reid. The smile he offers almost drops me to my knees.

  My force field failed.

  An hour later, I’ve finished setting up the patio table for dinner. I set four place settings knowing that Trysta should be making her appearance any minute. She’s been sleeping all afternoon, but I received a text a little bit ago saying that she was getting ready for work and would grab food on her way out.

  Ryan and Reid got out of the pool as soon as I geared up to place the food on the grill. Reid quickly took over as Grill Master, manning the grill with ease and efficiency. Ryan, on the other hand, hovered next to where Reid stood, drinking in every movement he made. His game of ten thousand questions continued up until the moment I sent him in the house to wash up for dinner.

  “These look great,” I say to Reid as he brings the platter of food to the table. Pieces of chicken and steak are mixed with slices of onion, green peppers, mushrooms, and butternut squash. The cornhusks are toasted to a golden brown, the corn on the inside juicy and tender.

  “They smell great, too. You put together a mean kabob,” Reid says as he sets the platter in the middle of the table. Taking in the fourth place setting, he adds, “Are we expecting someone else?”

  “My sister is inside getting ready for work. She’ll probably grab a bite to eat before heading out,” I tell him as Ryan bounces down the back steps and heads straight towards us.

  “I’m starving,” he exclaims as he pulls out the seat next to where Reid is standing. I take that as a good sign that he has enjoyed his time this afternoon. It makes me hopeful for the blow we’re about to deal him. “You sit next to me,” Ryan adds with a wide grin.

  Pulling out the empty chair, Reid sits down next to Ryan. They both immediately start to fill up their plates with kabobs. I’m rooted where I stand as I watch Reid butter up Ryan’s ear of corn as if he’s done it a hundred times before. The Nevada air is suddenly thicker and headier than ever before.

  “Cat got your tongue?” Trysta whispers in my ear.

  I spin around, startled by my sister’s closeness. How did I not realize she was behind me? Apparently I was lost in the picture that Reid and Ryan painted. “Holy shit, you scared me,” I murmur harshly.

  “Maybe if you weren’t eye-fucking the man in front of you, you would have heard me talking to you as I walked up,” she sasses back.

  “Whatever. I wasn’t eye-fucking him. I was watching him with Ryan,” I confide in her.

  “He’s pretty good with him, I take it?” she asks, her blue eyes searching my face.

  “He has been wonderful,” I say, turning back to the table, taking my seat.

  “Reid, this is my sister, Trysta. Tryst, this is Reid Hunter.”

  “Ah, yes, Reid Hunter. I actually met you, unofficially, a few weeks back. You were playing cards at the Mirage where I work, though we weren’t introduced.” Trysta gives him a quick once-over without making it too obvious that she’s appreciating Reid’s very gorgeous assets. It causes my heart to stop beating in my chest. Even though I know Trysta wouldn’t do anything to cause me any harm–including anything with Ryan’s father–it still causes a bit of worry deep in my chest.

  “Of course,” he says. “I was playing cards that night with my friend, Jon. I believe I went home with quite a bit of the casino’s money,” he adds with a chuckle.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you,” Trysta says while extending her hand towards Reid.

  “Very nice to officially meet you, too.”

  I watch as Reid shakes the hand of my older, model thin sister. I hold my breath as I wait for his reaction to my beautiful sister. He wouldn’t be the first man to pass me over in favor of Trysta’s voluptuous curves and perky double D’s. But Reid keeps his eyes on her face, his body language polite. I smile inwardly and breathe a sigh of relief when he immediately starts to talk to Ryan again. The spike of jealousy and doubt was real, even if completely unfounded.

  “So, how has today gone?” Trysta asks with a knowing smile.

  “Good,” Reid says at the same time Ryan proclaims, “Awesome!”

  Trysta’s raised eyebrow is the only way she asks the burning question. I answer her with the shake of my head. No, we haven’t told him yet.

  “Well, Reid, it was nice to meet you. I’ve got to get to work, so I’m going to take some food to go,” she says as she stands up and removes the goodies off two kabob sticks, depositing them on a plate.

  Saying her goodbyes to everyone, Trysta slips out the back gate and heads towards her car. Eve
n though the food is delicious, my appetite has vanished. Are we doing the right thing by telling him? Is it too soon? How will he react? So many questions.

  Realizing that I’m surrounded by silence, I glance up and see Reid watching me intently. There are little crinkles around his eyes and his face is as serious as ever, giving off the appearance that he’s older than his thirty years. It’s as if laughter is a luxury he can’t afford to have. I realize the seriousness is his way to prepare himself for the conversation we’re about to partake.

  “Ryan, I need to talk with you about something, okay?” I ask my little guy as he finishes up his dinner.

  “Okay,” he says, looking over at Reid.

  “If it’s okay with you, I want Reid to stay for this conversation. It has to do with him,” I say to my son. His head nod is the only reaction I get.

  “I know you’ve been wondering a lot lately about your dad. I told you he has a really, really important job, and that’s true,” I start, though I’m not really sure buying and selling corporations, especially casinos, is what I’d classify as an ‘important’ job. “Well, what if I told you that your dad was here?”

  Holding my breath, I wait for some sort of reaction. The way Ryan’s eyes light up and he smiles bigger than the Hoover Dam, I know that this news could possibly be the best thing he’s ever heard. God I hope so…

  “What do you mean?” Ryan asks, looking back and forth between me and Reid, who has remained quiet up to this point.

  “What if we told you that I am your dad?” Reid says quickly. Like pulling off the Band Aid. Not exactly how I was planning to say it, that’s for sure. My plan was to ease into it a little more, make sure that his delicate little mind can process everything we’re saying. Then Reid goes and just blurts it out.

  “You’re my dad?” Ryan asks, confusion written all over his young little face.

  “Yeah,” Reid says so confidently that it chokes me up instantly. “I’m your dad, Ryan.”


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