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Vonnie: Book Two of Broken Girls Series

Page 11

by J. A. Hornbuckle

  So she could straddle his lap.

  And while he fully expected her to go off in one of her madder-than-a-wet-hen’s tirade at his impetuous move, she didn’t. But only stared up at him, with big, winsome eyes and parted, moist lips.

  “There are people out there, baby,” he started, fully aware of the sweet mounds of her ass currently filling his palms but determined to keep his speech on the socially acceptable side of the street, no matter what his cock was screaming for him to do. “Bad people, who have it in for somebody just because you might’ve looked at them wrong, didn’t say ‘excuse me’ or bumped them the wrong way at the wrong time. The truth of it is, you can go bonkers trying to work out another’s sick-as-shit’s thought processes after they’ve shown you their brand of crazy.”

  She stared up at him, her eyes roaming over his face.

  Her warm hands steadied herself on his biceps before they began to move to the skin of his shoulders.

  “So you’re a philosopher as well as a soldier?”

  It was his turn to blink at her summation. The fact was, feeling her little bits of wiggle made him wonder if they were on the same page of what-might-be-happening versus what her words offered in a soft, but normal tone of voice. But he wasn’t the kind of guy that wanted to guess.

  So he laid it out plain.

  “I want to kiss you, spitfire. Want to kiss you so hard and deep we’ll both forget about the break-in and just concentrate on what our bodies want.”

  God. Those eyes. Those motherfucking eyes seemed to spear his all the way down to his very soul as he gave her a moment to consider what he’d said.

  She shifted, leaning ever so slightly forward, pressing the mounds of her chest to his as her lips lightly hit his. All the while, staring at him. “So what’s the hold-up, soldier boy?”


  Del sat in one of the chairs in front of Anton’s desk, picking splinters out of his fingers. He’d done as instructed and broken into the photographer’s place after Anton had hacked into the city system to get her address from utility records. But it hadn’t been as easy as Anton said it was gonna be.

  Not at all.

  Her lock wasn’t flimsy and didn’t open when he’d used his credit card. Even trying to smash it open with a pick and a hammer didn’t work except to attract the attention of the old lady across the hall. So, he’d had no choice but to go out to his truck for the crowbar. It made a mess but got the job done in the end.

  “No troubles then,” Anton asked, opening the laptop Del brought back.

  Del swallowed and tucked his hands into his lap. “Uh-uh. I didn’t find the camera or a memory card in the printer like you said. But I got the laptop. That’s good, right?” He managed to skim over the fact he’d ended up smashing the damn printer trying to find the freaking memory slot in the first place.

  Anton slid a finger over his lips as he waited for the computer to turn on. Once the computer light hit Anton’s glasses, the man slipped a flash drive into one of the side slots. “We’ll see once we crack the main password.”

  “You think you can really get in?”

  Anton’s chin lifted although Del couldn’t see his eyes, just the reflection of the laptop’s screen in his glasses. “Of course we can. And once in, all I have to do is…”

  The carefully coiffed and tailored man hit a number of keys and Del waited on the edge of his chair, holding his breath. He knew the price if he’d failed to get what Anton wanted.

  Had learned that lesson a long, long time ago.

  “It’s still loading all the programs.” Anton shifted his weight in the large leather desk chair. “And you used the gloves I gave you?”

  Uh-oh. Shit. He’d forgotten the gloves!

  “Sure, Anton. Of course.” Did his voice give away his lie? Or the dry, audible swallow after his words.

  Anton leaned forward, finally allowing Delmar to see his chilly gray eyes. “Only a few more months, Del, and we’re home free. Back to New Mexico where I can use my real name and stick it to the ol’ man.”

  Jesus, here we go again. Delmar nodded but it was a gesture only given by rote and not in agreement because he’d heard it all before. Ever since he’d been appointed as Avram’s…erm, Anton’s bodyguard when the kid had only been fourteen and had knocked up that senator’s daughter.

  It was then his dad, the dreaded and feared Branko Milosevic, hired Delmar to watch over and care for his always-in-trouble son as he sent him to his brother, Goran, in Colorado. A banishment which was supposed to have taught the Young Turk manners and how to work a business. But Goran treated the young Avram even worse than how he treated Niko and Stefan, his own sons—the ones obtained by adoption. Until the man, much like Avram’s father had finally just given up.

  Only in Goran’s case, he just ignored the kid.

  Without the authority to correct the teenager, Avram had reinvented himself into a thug with grandiose plans of going back to New Mexico in a blaze of glory in order to prove his father wrong. But the kid kept fucking up in his bid to gain both fame and money, whether it was as a bookie, a drug dealer or a pimp.

  And yeah, Del had tried to keep the guy in check. Oh hell, how he’d tried to keep the young upstart on the straight and narrow. But their first digs, the ones in Denver, shit. It should have had a revolving door for all the girls, drugs and illegal whatever that came into the wing Avram and his entourage were assigned.

  So it was no wonder the kid with the chip on his shoulder had grown into a man in a much smaller ‘pool’. One that thought a good suit and a fancy-assed watch, working a baby-trafficking scheme could amass enough dough to go back home and stick it to his old man.

  But Del knew better. And learned from his own experience that once a parent was done with you, they were D-O-N-E, stick a fork in you sort of way.

  The fact Anton (as Avram now called himself), didn’t get it was kind of sad.

  “I’m getting nothing, Del,” Anton murmured, his head bent to the keyboard, his fingers clicking like crazy. “Nothing in her pictures folder, either on the PC or any of the photo programs.”

  “You mean the ones she took of us?” Delmar’s palms started to sweat.

  Anton shook his head as his fingers flew over the keyboard. “No photos anywhere. Nothing. No TIF’s, JPEG’s, PNG’s…fucking nothing!”

  Del’s stomach clenched as his entire body went to stone. He knew this kind of reaction, had seen it time and time again. And knew Anton’s anger would find an outlet. It always did when he was thwarted whether Anton was fourteen or forty-two.

  When denied whatever the boy/man wanted, there was hell to pay if it wasn’t obtained. Either with a verbal flogging or a work-out with his fists on the nearest furniture or person (who Del figured were those Anton considered the Milosevic version of human-furniture. People who were didn’t matter, were expendable and wouldn’t be missed if they lost their life due to yet another temper tantrum).

  But still, Del had to defend his actions even though they hadn’t gotten Anton what he wanted. “I did what you said. Even messed up a couple of other rooms to make it look like a simple snatch and grab.” He swallowed on a dry click. “You can’t blame me if she keeps all her stuff on that cloud thing.”

  Anton’s cold eyes lifted from the screen to spear Del in place. “Are you telling me what I can and can’t do?”

  Oh Lord. Now he’d done it. You’d think after so many years, Del would’ve learned. “No, Avram. Sorry. I was just saying—”

  “What did you call me?” The councilman’s voice was low and deadly, causing Del’s balls to tighten as his mind raced. “I’ve told you and told you never to use that name. Ever. Yet you keep forgetting. What do I need to do to help your memory, Del? Hmm?”

  Del had to bite his lip in order to prevent the release of his bladder at not only the man’s threat but the fury in his eyes. “Nothing. It was a momentary lapse. Just a slip of the tongue.”

  Sitting back in his chair, Anton’s eyes
remained on the older man as the minutes ticked by. After a while (a long while in Del’s opinion), he finally spoke again. “Since you fucked up, I guess we have no other choice but to interrogate her face to face.”

  Del considered what Anton meant and didn’t like what his mind hit on. “You mean like ask her for a meeting?”

  Anton nodded and a brief, thin smile appeared. “We don’t have to ask for one, Del. You just need to bring her to me.”

  Oh shit.

  “Whether she wants to come with you or not.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Sure I’d gone to bed after performing my normal nightly routine, but I’d been scared. Scared as shit, if I was gonna be all truthful and stuff. Afraid to the point every creak of the floors, every gust of wind against my windows found me jumping. And knowing Rio was there, all the way down the hall and stretched out on my couch didn’t help.

  Because he was too far away.

  I needed to relax and the only way I knew to do it was with either one of my over-the-counter sleeping aids or tea.

  I opted for tea.

  But once I’d starting making it, my eyes drifted to the man on my sofa.

  Who, I was delighted to find, was just as awake as I was.

  And seemed to be in the same mood as me. A frame of mind that had more to do with working off some of our lingering tension than in gaining any measure of sleep. I know we bantered (as per usual), and then he cut that off simply by placing me in his lap, close enough I could feel the thick ridge between his legs pressing exactly against the place on me he needed to be.

  At that point, all bets were off.

  I wanted him and could more than feel he desired me in both his deep, wet kisses and by the iron-firm length my hips craved to rub against again and again. Yet, he made no move to take me into my room to do all the nasty stuff I was clamoring for him to do.


  Was he really gonna leave it up to me to suggest getting naked and frisky?

  He’d been so…commanding and in control before.

  So why wasn’t he taking the reins now?

  “Maybe we should take this elsewhere,” I offered on a low note when once again our mouths disconnected, came up for air.

  “Maybe I’m afraid you’ll shut me down before all the good stuff gets going,” he countered, reaching for the hem of my cami and yanking it up and over my head. “Don’t you like couch sex, spitfire? Or is it just something you’ve never tried?”

  As soon as my top was slung into an unknown dark of the room and his hands cupped my breasts, his fingers working their sensitive tips, I rallied and decided to take the honest route. With Rio, being real seemed to be the key. “Nope. Like sex, but haven’t ever done it on a couch.”

  His lips reached for mine as he whispered, “Then you don’t know what you’re missing. But you will. With God as my witness, you so fucking will.”

  He turned, keeping the bare skin of our chests together, leaving just enough room for his hands to work his wizardry on my nipples as he laid me back onto the cushions. How he was able to tangle his tongue with mine and tease my breasts until I was almost senseless was amazing. And the fact he still had the presence of mind to tuck a pillow under my head?


  Pushing the blanket I’d provided him out and off, Rio shifted into the vee of my legs, moving a hand to lift one of my legs up, creating more space for him to thrust and rub against the center seam of my sleep pants. And I couldn’t help it. I pressed back.

  And moaned at how freaking good he felt.

  “That’s it, princess,” he whispered, shifting to press into me harder. “Feel me, feel how much I want you.”

  My mind scrambled, because there was something we needed to add to the mix. A word that escaped me at the moment with all his tweaks and presses, his sneaky squeezes and grinds.

  “Condom!” I managed to yelp, the very instant his tongue left my mouth in order to take in another mouthful of air. Causing him to still and push up, to eye me as if I’d said something in a language he didn’t know.

  “Got one in my wallet,” he replied, his eyes going around the room as if he couldn’t remember where he’d left it. “But only if you’re sure this is what you want.”

  I made an ‘X’ on my chest before replying. “I do, big guy.”

  His smile left no doubt my reply was the right one as he scrambled to the chair, the sound of fabric and then the ripping of foil meeting my ears as he gloved up. When he came back into view, totally and gloriously naked, I knew the sight of his body would forever be burned into my soul.

  He was the epitome of all things male, outlined in only the light from the weak bulb over my stove. Thick and broad, his chest led into a thin, chiseled waist before drifting to his stalwart manhood, proudly displayed between his thick thighs.

  And then there was the ink that was stenciled into his right shoulder, ink I’d missed in all my eye’s wanderings when I’d tried to figure out the who, what and where of the man. And though I wasn’t a girl who found simply looking at a male form erotic, perusing Rio’s body in the brief moment between the time he came back into view and going into his previous position, caused another deep throb (accompanied by a gush of wetness) within me.

  “You’re too over dressed for this party,” he rumbled, snagging his thumbs into the sides of my sleep pants. And, god help me, I lifted my hips to help him strip me nude.

  Once unclothed, he took a moment…a long moment to get a pretty good gander at what I looked like in all the skin God had given me. As his eyes came back to mine, he finally spoke.

  “Beauty. Frickin’ absolute and nothing, but…beauty. Every goddamn inch.”


  Without thinking, but wearing the heat of my blush I pulled him back down in order to get back to the place we were before. Although with both of us unclad and far beyond the reaches of ‘shy’, the stuff our bodies wanted to do soon became a driving demand.

  Which meant it wasn’t long before the tip of his dick dipped into the perfect place. But he stopped his hips…slowed his roll and pulled back again to stare into my eyes. “Are you sure, princess?”

  “Oh yeah,” I replied, being honest and true as my hips surged up, taking the decision right the fuck outta his hands as my sodden leaves opened to accept him. “Give it to me, soldier boy. Give me all that glory.”

  And he did. Oh hell how he did.

  Sweetly sinking himself into me, bit by incremental bit, one hunch of his butt at a time, he filled me. Filled me to the freaking top.

  As if that wasn’t enough, he also reached between us, circling my swollen clit with his thumb, making me shake and groan with all he was doing.

  Then he brought our mouths into play. And, Jesus god. That was all it took…

  All that was needed before my body tipped over the edge, hanging for only a moment before a resounding wall of pleasure slammed up and into me, sweeping me away in deep rocketing measures that left me gasping, moaning into the skin of his chest.

  And it wasn’t but three or four strokes later he planted himself and strained as I felt a renewed sense of heat hitting my insides, filling the condom he wore. While he ground out, “Mine” with every flex of the hard shaft spearing my insides.


  It was the best sex I’d ever had.

  Number one, because I’d had an orgasm with another person in the room (and don’t get me started about how he was inside me when I hit it). That in and of itself was practically a miracle.

  And number two?

  Because I more than knew I’d pleased him just as much as he’d fulfilled me.

  Which I counted a win-win no matter which view I took.


  Holy frickin’ hell. What was that?

  Sure he’d hit it.

  And he more than realized she had too. Not only by all the involuntary noises she’d made but by how she’d moved as well. Squeezing him from the inside out as she’d gone into a st
ate he could only call ‘bliss’.

  But damn.



  There was getting some and then there was hitting it in a way that completed a man. And just then? With his little spitfire?

  Aw shit.


  He wasn’t in a position to be able to cuddle her, not with his forehead on the high arm of her couch as his toes dug into its twin. But he wanted to, and as back in the day with Tiffany, he needed to wrap himself around her, letting his body convey all the words his heart wasn’t willing to say.

  “Gotta take care of the condom, babe,” he finally managed. But his girl didn’t leave him hanging.

  “Meet you in the bedroom in five?” God, he loved the way they seemed to be on the same page in that moment. Making him drop his head to capture her luscious mouth as he slowly drew himself out of her, one hand holding to the latex that prevented both pregnancy and the spread of disease.

  And after another one of her blinks, Rio took his cue and went done the hall to the bathroom, only idly notating PK as he stepped around both her and the damned Monkey she seemed to crave as soon as the sky got dark.


  As soon as Rio closed the bathroom door I was up and off the couch like a shot. Racing to my bed, I removed all the little throw pillows from my bed and peeled back the covers before planting myself on the mattress.

  To say what had happened was amazing didn’t even begin to describe it.

  But the reality was I was hoping we could do it again. Again, with all the same stuff we’d done before because the truth of the matter was, to my mind he was a sex-god. Not only had he made me come while inside me, but had taken pains to ensure we were still some kind of joined even afterwards.

  After his part ‘A’ was outta my tab ‘B’.

  That in and of itself was stellar in my opinion and found me eagerly anticipating whatever would happen next. But as he exited my bathroom and came my way, it wasn’t quite as…good. Probably because he didn’t know how my condo was laid out, automatically knowing the placement of my furniture.


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