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Beneath a Blood Moon

Page 26

by R. J. Blain

  “Now that would be a hell of a nice surprise for him,” Dustin said, snickering. “I wonder how long it’d take for him to figure it out?”

  “We are not betting on them having puppies,” Desmond scolded. “Be considerate.”

  “We are,” Holly protested. “Hell, it’s perfect. You like the idea of kids, Sara?”

  I covered my face with my hands and whimpered. “I can’t believe we’re talking about this.”

  “Why don’t you just explain to her how she can make Sanders fertile if she decides she’s ready to have puppies at some point in the future,” Desmond said. “If you want to make a bet, we will bet on how long it takes him to explain what she already knows.”

  I was so distracted by the thought of raising a family with Sanders I almost missed Holly’s explanation on how females ensured a male’s fertility while mating.

  By the time we reached the Plaza, I was so perturbed, intrigued, and bothered by the idea of having children with Sanders I couldn’t think about anything else. I watched Desmond with narrowed eyes as he talked with Holly when we entered the lobby. Dustin made a quick stop at the front desk to replace the key to my room, which Desmond claimed for safekeeping. I didn’t even notice Joseph nearby until we reached the elevator and he cleared his throat.

  My wolf’s rage ignited, and before I could stop her, she wrestled control of my body away from me, balled my hand into a fist, and cleaned the Fenerec’s clock.

  Joseph crumpled to the floor.

  Abandoning her control over me, my wolf left me standing over him, breathing heavily as I stared down at the Seattle pack’s unconscious Second. The elevator dinged open. I stepped over him, shrugged, and held the door for Desmond, Holly, and Dustin. “Coming?”

  Holly stepped over Joseph. “Why don’t I take the lady upstairs to my room while you deal with the baggage?”

  Sighing, Desmond shook his head, prodding Joseph with his toe. “Oh, no. And prevent her from delivering her latest trophy? I think not. I can’t wait to see Sanders’s face while he tries to figure out who went after his Second and won.”

  With strength to rival a Fenerec, Dustin dragged Joseph into the elevator. “The pretty little princess took boxing lessons, apparently. I will strive to make certain I’m not on the receiving end of your ire.”

  Desmond hit the button for the top floor. “If you like Sanders’s suite, Sara, you can relocate Joseph and Chrissy to your room. That way, the connecting suite will not be an issue.”

  Holly chuckled. “Going to let her rearrange the den to her liking, are you? Watch out, or she may evict you from your suite and force you to share with the Seattle mongrels.”

  “If she would like my suite, she is welcome to it, with whomever she desires as a hostage.”

  I pointed at Joseph. “If you stay with him, will you bite his face off?”

  “Good job, Dustin. Thanks to you, she’s going to be as bad as one of your pet sharks,” Holly muttered. “Sara, faces are not a part of our diet.”

  “If they aren’t, maybe they should be. I’ll keep my room and take your suite, Mr. Desmond.”

  Desmond dug into his pocket and pulled out a card key for his room, offering it to me. He also gave me the key to my room. “Your wish is my command, but only this once, young lady.”

  My yoga pants lacked pockets, so I stuck the cards in my bra.

  When the elevator dinged and opened, Sanders was waiting, a scowl fixed firmly in place, leaning against the opposite wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He stared at me for a long moment before his gaze shifted down to Joseph at my feet.

  Once again, I stepped over Seattle’s Second, holding the elevator open with a hand.

  “Mr. Sanders, it is with much pleasure I present to you a gift,” Desmond announced, grabbing hold of Joseph’s foot and dragging him out of the elevator. “Would you like this trophy delivered to your suite?”

  “Why is my Second a trophy?” my mate asked, his tone quiet and neutral.

  “That’s a good question,” Desmond replied, nodding to me. “Ask her. She’s the one who bagged him.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Sanders stepped to me. He lifted his hand, taking hold of my chin in a firm but gentle grip, tilting my head so I was forced to meet his gaze. Pressing his thumb to my lower lip, he asked, “Statement, challenge, or both?”

  With my wolf offering me her speed and strength, I latched onto his thumb with my teeth and growled. I teased him with the tip of my tongue, tasting the salt of dried seawater on his skin.

  “If you give me the key to your room, I’ll deal with your Second,” Desmond stated, holding out his hand. “Once he’s regained consciousness, I’ll impress upon him it’s not wise to startle Miss Madison in her current state, although I believe the message was received.”

  When Sanders tried to extract his thumb from my mouth, I bit down harder, reaching up with both of my hands to seize his wrist. He sighed. “Back pocket. It seems my hand is currently occupied. Wendy is still with Chrissy.”

  Desmond went digging for the room key, pulling it out with a chuckle. “Then I shall see her soon enough. The young lady has my room key hidden away on her somewhere. I’m sure you can find it with a little bit of effort. Holly, Dustin, thank you for the ride.”

  “No problem, sir,” Holly replied, shoving Dustin down the hall. “If you need me to shoot anyone, I’ll be in my room watching a movie, pretending Dusty isn’t giving a running commentary the entire time.”

  Dustin dug in his heels, twisting around to glare at Sanders. “Okay, Stud Muffin. Listen up. She needs to eat something. Get her into a warm bath and let her soak all she wants. Should she have a date with her alternate personality, be prepared for a great deal of shedding fur. It’ll cover you and everything you own, and you’ll never be rid of it. She needs to drink a good amount of water. Don’t let her get cold, and if she starts wheezing or having any difficulties breathing, come get me,” the witch ordered. “Absolutely no alcohol.”

  “Thank you, Dustin,” my mate replied.

  “Any time. You have work to do, Stud Muffin, so get to it. If she’s not having trouble walking in the morning, you’re not doing it right.”

  “Dustin!” Holly smacked the back of the witch’s head.

  Sanders waited until Desmond dragged Joseph away before once again trying to free his thumb from my teeth. “Can I have my hand back now?” He growled, and my wolf cringed at the annoyance tingeing his scent.

  I ignored her, tightening my hold on his arm with both hands. No matter how hard I squeezed, my grip felt weak. Narrowing his eyes, he took a step backwards, and when he pulled away, I followed him, matching his growls.

  I stalked him to the double doors of the penthouse suite, fighting with my wolf’s growing fear Sanders no longer wanted us.

  “I like fishing well enough, but this is the first time I’ve had to use my thumb as bait,” he teased, halting at the door into the suite. “Desmond said you had the key?”

  Instead of answering, I watched and waited to see what he would do.

  “Going to make me go fishing for the key, are you?” he growled, taking the offensive and pressing me against the door. He turned my head with a gentle touch of his thumb, pressing his lips to my throat. “Where have you hidden it?”

  Shivers ran through me at the way his mouth moved against my skin. I closed my eyes and kept still, and my wolf’s apprehension eased at his touch. While I kept hold of his thumb with my teeth, I eased my grip on his arm.

  With his free hand, Sanders trailed his fingertips along my side, working his way under my sweater and shirt. “Gotta be here somewhere,” he murmured, giving the elastic band of my yoga pants a tug. “I’m so mad at you right now, Sara. Don’t think being so damned beautiful is saving you this time.”

  Working his hand around to my back beneath my shirt, he stroked at the small of my back before sinking his teeth into my neck. Instead of the pleasure I expected, bolts of electricity lanced down my spine. A str
angled cry burst out of me, and I released his thumb. He pinned me to him as my legs collapsed under my weight. It didn’t take him long to locate both keys, and after trial and error, he got the door open.

  Tossing me over his shoulder, he secured his hold on me and carried me inside the suite. My entire body refused to move, and the sensation reminded me of when I had been captured and forced to remain still and silent.

  The room made the suite at the Venetian look like it belonged to a pauper. My mate carried me through several foyers before heading into a bedroom straight out of Buckingham Palace.

  Sanders dumped me onto a king sized bed. I bounced and sprawled on my back. Slithering on top of me, he settled his weight on me, once again pressing his mouth to my throat. “Please don’t scare me like that again,” he whispered. “I thought I had lost you. I shouldn’t have gotten so angry. I shouldn’t have been such a stupid idiot. I’m so, so sorry. All you had to do was talk to me. I had no idea, I swear. I didn’t know anything was wrong. If I had known, I would’ve fixed it.”

  Sighing, he buried his face against my shoulder, reaching up to run his fingers through my hair. “I’ll do anything you want, just don’t go where I can’t follow.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  It didn’t take long for the paralyzing effects of Sanders’s bite to wear off. While he called for room service, I systematically tested each finger and toe, hissing at the lingering pinprick sensations. He hung up, came to sit on the bed beside me, and sighed.

  I opened my mouth to apologize, and he placed his finger over my lips. “Don’t you dare. You’re the one owed a lot of apologies. You had every right to lose your temper. The only apology I want and need from you is a promise you’ll never do something like that again.”

  My guilt was so strong I couldn’t look him in the eyes, and after a moment of hesitation, I nodded.

  “Promise me.”

  “I promise,” I whispered, shaking from the anxiety cramping my stomach and tightening my throat.

  Flopping onto the bed beside me, he draped his arm across me, rested his chin on my shoulder, and sighed again. “Joseph and Chrissy claim they thought you weren’t serous about being my mate because they couldn’t feel you in the pack bonds. They claim they weren’t aware you could sense their feelings. They’re both terrible liars. If you think that little nip I gave you hurt, well, they got ten times worse when we first got back to the hotel. The first bite was for them even daring to think they could lie to me. The second was for daring to think they could hurt you and get away with it. I would have bitten them a third time, but Wendy drove me out of my own room, if you can believe it. Wendy’s a tricky one. She might be submissive, but she’s cunning, and she knows how to draw on Desmond when she needs to. So, I was evicted.”

  There were hundreds of things I could have said, but I couldn’t find the courage to speak a single word. Each time I thought of something, my doubts nagged me. I had hurt him, and nothing I could say would change that fact.

  “I’m sorr—”

  Sanders clapped his hand over my mouth and clucked his tongue at me. “I’m pretty sure I already told you not to apologize, Sara. I’m the one at fault for not realizing you were already able to sense things from the pack. I’m the one at fault for not buffering you. If I had, I would have known what they were doing, and the problem wouldn’t have existed in the first place. I’m the one who is sorry. I didn’t see what was wrong. You need to rest, recover, and heal. You deserve so much better than the way I’ve treated you.”

  I batted his hand away. “Bullshit.”

  He answered my growled curse with a growl of his own, which was softened by his smile. “Do we get to have a spectacular fight where we scream and yell at each other? It’ll be fun. You can vent out everything, and I’ll dutifully yell back, and when we’ve both run out of things to yell about, I’ll bend you over my knee and give you a spanking you’ll never forget for frightening me so much. Then I’ll just have to tie you up and kiss every last inch of you to confirm you’re alive and well.”

  I flushed at the thought of his mouth on me, squirming as my wolf’s desire for him surged. “I hurt you.”

  Sanders yanked me to him, hugging me so tight I squeaked. “Damn fucking straight you did, but I’ve already forgiven you. I thought you were going to die. But you didn’t. You’re here, you’re still alive, you’re mine, and if I have to guard you every moment for the rest of my life, I will. And damn it all, I keep my promises. If I have to leave Seattle so we can join a different pack together, so be it. You’re more important to me than anything else. If they can’t accept you, they can’t accept me either. You’re mine.”

  “No. You love them.”

  “Well, if they felt the same for me, they wouldn’t have done that to you. They wouldn’t have made you want to kill yourself,” he snarled, trembling against me. “They should have shot me with a silver bullet and just gotten rid of me that way.”

  “It’s me they hate.”

  “You haven’t done a single fucking thing to earn anyone’s hatred.”

  “I killed my best friend and my ex-boyfriend,” I muttered.

  “Bullshit. That’s no reason for anyone to hate you. If that whore had been your friend, she wouldn’t have tried to eat you,” my mate snarled, nipping my throat. While it stung, the pain faded after a few breaths, replaced by a more pleasant tingle as he worked his way up my neck and kept nibbling on me. “Your ex-boyfriend was defective, as there’s only one proper way to devour a woman as beautiful as you are. He wasn’t going about it the right way. Obviously, I will have to educate you on how it’s properly done. That said, if I hadn’t already pissed on their graves, I’d thank them both, since I have you and your cute little wolf all to myself now.”

  I wiggled and squirmed in his arms so I could glare at him. “You did not piss on their graves.”

  “Ask Desmond and Wendy. I regret nothing.”

  “Why did you do that?” I demanded, poking his shoulder. It appeased my guilt, at least a little, knowing they had been buried, the evidence of what I had done hidden from sight. “I’m surprised they have graves.”

  “It’s typically considered bad form to leave Fenerec bodies lying around for Normals to find. Honestly, I was annoyed with Desmond at the time because he had told me that I, under no circumstances, could pursue you as a mate.”

  “He what?” I growled, grabbing hold of his shirt. “I’ll kill him.”

  “Relax, Sara. That was before you became a Fenerec. After Mary’s death, they felt a Fenerec bitch was more appropriate for me and my wolf.” He huffed, taking hold of my ear and giving me a nip. “I considered going back and apologizing for pissing on them after I realized I could have you because of them. Of course, after the first time I saw you dance, I was already trying to figure out a way to lure you to me and to hell with the Inquisition.”

  I pulled free of his grip, hid my face against his chest, and whispered, “When you got mad, I just felt so alone. I didn’t know what to do. I thought everyone would be better off without me. If I were gone, you’d find someone who was better for you.”

  Sighing, he held me close, kissing the top of my head. “Sara, I’m a temperamental bastard. Most Fenerec males are. I’m going to snap and snarl. You’re going to put me in my place. I’ll snap and snarl some more, and when we’re done snapping at each other, I’ll want you as much as ever. If anything, I’ll want you even more because you stand up to me like no one else can. You’re exactly what I want and need. You’re clever. You’re independent. You’re a whole lot of things I didn’t know I needed in my life until you came along. Nothing would be better with you gone. Nothing. Not one single damned thing.”

  “I’m a coward.”

  “You broke your would-be rapist’s neck with your feet. If you’re a coward, then I don’t know what the fuck brave is, because that takes a hell of a lot of courage. You also disobeyed direct orders from the Shadow Pope. That takes guts. You stand up to Desmond
without batting an eyelash. Maybe you’ve forgotten, but I remember you trying to rip his face off for suggesting you sleep with him, and that was even before we mated. You’re not a coward.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “I’m a coward because I can’t ever do anything for myself.”

  “You’ve lost me, darling. Back up. What do you mean you can’t ever do anything for yourself? You were doing fine on your own in Vegas until that creep ex-boyfriend and your so-called friend came along. You handled them on your own just fine.” My mate stroked his hand over my hair, and when there was a knock at the door, he spat curses, untangled himself from me, and went to answer it.

  The room service arrived with enough food for four, and moments after the hotel’s employee left, I heard my mate greet Desmond, though he didn’t come into view of the bedroom. “Sorry to intrude on you two, but I thought I’d come by to pick up our bags so we don’t have to run around the hotel naked in the morning. Since I saw room service coming down the hall, I figured it was safe.”

  I grabbed the edge of the duvet, flipped over, and burrowed under it.

  “I took over the smaller bedroom because it was closer to the front door,” my mate replied. “What was the deal with Joseph?”

  “You’re no longer ready to bite people?” Desmond asked, his tone wary.

  Snarling at the mention of Seattle’s Second, I threw off the blankets, got out of bed, and went in search of my mate and Desmond. I found a dining room and a study before locating them in a living room. Desmond was perched on the arm of the couch while my mate arranged platters on one of the two coffee tables.

  “Do I count as a people? Maybe I want him to bite me,” I murmured, considering where to sit. There were too many choices. I could sit on the couch with Desmond, the couch across from Desmond, or on one of the room’s four armchairs. “What is with this suite? I should not be able to get lost in a hotel room. This is excessive.”

  “Bragging rights at the party,” Desmond explained. “If I’m willing to spend this much on a room for a couple of nights, they know I have serious money. These type of people treat money like it’s God, and he with the most to spend rules supreme. What they don’t know is that I’m being compensated for the expenses. What they don’t know won’t hurt them. Sanders’s suite is almost as nice.”


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