Always Summer

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Always Summer Page 12

by Criss Copp

  I stopped, a small sob now escaping me.

  “And you think that because you like Blake taking charge saying some risqué things and even being a little rougher than Jordan during sex, or at least the encounters you’ve had with him, makes you some sort of sick monster... all because of our past?” she asked me.

  “Yes,” I replied weakly.

  “Honey... that’s not what this is at all.” She began, “Look, I’m just going to go have a shower, change, and then I’ll meet you on the couch in fifteen minutes, okay?” she implored me.

  “Okay,” I answered.


  Sally came out with an armload of novels.

  She dumped them on the coffee table and slumped into the couch beside me.

  “What are they?” I asked.

  “Romance novels.” She said, smiling.

  “Yuck!” I groaned.

  “Hold on... and listen to me... because I know what you’re going through... I’ve been there myself.” She explained, holding my hand back from reaching for the books. She probably guessed I planned on throwing them across the room.

  “Okay, talk to me.” I offered.

  She spent the next twenty minutes explaining that forced sex and exploitation, had nothing to do with the act of intimacy... that in fact it was all about aggression and control. She explained that those acts we... and she... experienced as children, were not consensual, and they didn’t factor into love and sex associated with love.

  Then she grabbed one of the novels from the table, and shoved it in my hands.

  “Okay, so I’m hearing you about the difference between consent, and non-consent. I even get that as long as nobody gets hurt and the dominance doesn’t merge with everyday life, then it’s okay... not dirty! But I fail to see the relevance of this book.” I said rolling my eyes.

  “A vast majority of women and men really love the whole submissive thing. What you described is actually pretty, I don’t know... standard stuff.” She explained.

  “Standard?” I squeaked.

  “Yep.” She nodded.

  “And what do you want me to do with this book?” I asked... my lip curling.

  “Read it.” She said.

  I groaned again. “Therapy through romance?” I grumbled.

  “I like it! Therapy through romance.” She laughed.

  “I think I’m gonna throw up.” I grimaced.

  Sally just laughed. She started neatly pilling up the books, and gave me half of them.

  “Come on chicken... let’s set these up in your room. All these books are best sellers... so you know they’ve been highly successful with women everywhere. So assuming all those women and me, can’t be wrong... you’ll be right on target to eliminate your disgust!” She preached, collecting up the other half of the books and wandering in the direction of my room.


  F: [email protected] 07/25/11, 20:31

  T: [email protected]

  Re: Homework

  Hey Blake,

  I wanted to call you, but my phone was flat.

  I blame it on Sal... not sure why, but I don’t want to blame myself... so I blame her.

  I have it on charge, so it should have enough charge later on if you care to call.

  Sally has me doing homework... and you won’t guess what it is.

  NO... it’s not housework.


  Reading romance novels.


  I know that you’re pissing yourself laughing, and I’m laughing just writing this... but please! Who said homework was ever easy?

  You see, I talked to her today... I totally left you out of it... except for our intimate encounters... she knows about those now. She wasn’t surprised in the least.

  She had a lot to say... it made sense... so much sense that I feel really quite stupid now.

  She made things sound so simple and easy... and I hate to say it... but you may have been right about this.

  Oh, and then she threw a bunch of best selling romance novels at me and told me to read them.

  Her argument is how can millions of women be wrong?

  I seem to recall this is an argument of religions the world over... and it hasn’t changed my view on religion... they’re all nuts.

  However, as much as I hate to admit it... I’m almost half way through the first novel... and it’s kind of sexy.

  Oh well...

  As always, I’m missing you heaps.

  Love you

  Summer x


  I was still reading when my phone rang. The screen informed me the time was 10:30pm, and since I was sitting up in my bed I could also see the caller ID was Blake. I scrambled across the small distance between my bed and the desk.

  “Hello.” I answered the call.

  “Hey... got your email...” Blake said sultrily.

  “Good, but you didn’t send one back.” I sulked.

  “I wanted to phone you instead.” He replied. I smiled.

  “So... Was I right about you laughing or what?” I asked, grinning.

  “Or what...” he replied.

  “No way... you would’ve found it a laugh.” I argued.

  “It was merely chuckle-worthy.” He humphed.

  “You did not just chuckle... you would’ve almost peed in your pants.” I remonstrated.

  “No, seriously... I did chuckle... but I actually thought it was a good idea.” He reasoned.

  “Really?” I queried.

  “Really!” he confirmed.

  “Oh... why?” I asked.

  “Well, you’ll have heaps of great ideas when you get home... you may even want to practice on me.” He chuckled.

  “Oh, now we get to it.” I laughed.

  “How do these books make you feel? All hot and sweaty?” he growled.

  I laughed, “Sort of.” I replied. “Not sweaty.”

  “Yeah... I suppose I’ll have to get you sweaty.” He said.

  “Blake!” I mocked shock.

  He just laughed heartily down the phone.

  “I hope it works,” he said sincerely. “I mean, I really, really do.”

  “Me too.” I conferred.


  It was a Monday... and Sal had a day off of work before she began a week of afternoon shifts.

  I’d spent the entire weekend with Henry... we’d seen the Orioles versus Yankees game on Saturday, and I know, I know... it was a big game and all that... but I’m not that into baseball, but since Henry is, he actually put on a good day; and since, as he put it... ‘The Yankees whipped Baltimore butt,’ ...he was in an exuberant mood.

  Today however, was a girl’s day out.

  Sally and I were doing French at Les Patrie Bistro followed by a movie up on Broadway.

  I had ordered the Chicken Caesar salad, and Sally ordered a Cobb Salad.

  “Summer?” Sally asked.

  “Yeah?” I replied, taking a sip of water.

  “How’s Blake?” she enquired brazenly.

  “Good!” I answered evasively.

  “Just good? Have you been talking to him?” Sally asked, looking at me knowingly.

  “Of course.” I hedged.

  “And?” Sally quizzed.

  “And... what?” I asked, still avoiding her questions.

  “God! I want to know if you’re feeling better about all that stuff!” Sally humphed pensively.

  I giggled... “Are you asking me whether your therapy through romance reading worked?” I asked, taking another sip.

  “Yes!” Sally fumed affectionately.

  “Well... I don’t know, but I don’t feel bad about things anymore... but then again, I probably won’t know for sure until I tried... um... if you know what I mean?!” I winked.

  Sally squealed... she actually squealed! I just looked at her like she was a mental case.

  “You two should definitely be together... and you know what?” she asked.

  “What?” I bit.<
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  “I knew you two were going to get together since that day you told me about your first kiss.” Sally enthused.

  Now I laughed... a full throaty one.

  “I’m going to make you an appointment to see my gynecologist.” Sally said.

  “Why?” I queried.

  “To get you placed on the pill.” Sally explained.

  “Oh... I have always just used protection.” I argued, shaking my head.

  “Well... sometimes when it gets all hot and heavy, timing can go out the door. I reckon you’re both probably clean... so the biggest worry you’d have would be a pregnancy.” She reasoned.

  “Oh...kayyyy!?” I gave an incredulous look at her through my glass of water as I began to take yet another sip.

  Sally pulled out her phone; she scrolled through the numbers and pressed the screen on the one she desired.

  “Hi Jenny... Sally Rogerson here... yeah, I’m well, but I was wondering if you have any cancellations or open appointments for my sister over the next couple of weeks... yeah, I’ll hold.” She said into the phone. She squinted at me with one of her face smiles that she did when she was trying to appear cute... of course it just made her look sly.

  She waited only a moment.

  “Today? Ummm... what time?” she asked, a disappointed look passing over her face. “I’ll just ask her.” She said, and then holding her phone to her chest she addressed me.

  “3:45 this afternoon? We can do the movies another day! I ‘really’ think this is important.” Sally winced.

  I just did the shrug and quizzical look you give someone, when you kind of don’t really care and want them to make their own mind up about something.

  “Yep... we’ll be there!” Sally confirmed. She signed off with some inane banter, and I sat there marveling at Sally’s ability to make me do things.

  “We’ll do some shopping instead shall we?” Sally enthused.

  I smiled mockingly at Sally, at around the same time as a woman, wearing a tailored black pinstriped suit and stilettos, with a ruffled cream blouse spilling out of her open jacket, approached our table.

  “Sorry to interrupt you both,” she began with a smile; she had a business card with her, which she was presenting toward us as she spoke. She was a beautiful woman, perhaps early thirties, with a huge smile, flawless makeup and amazing crystal clear, sky blue eyes, contrasting strongly with chestnut hair and pale skin.

  “My name is Peta Fletcher... I’m a model scout for IMG. We’re located on Park Avenue.” She smiled, like this should mean something to me. Sally was breathing weirdly.

  “I noticed this young lady from where I was seated with my friend over in the corner, and I just had to come over and introduce myself.” She enthused.

  “Oh!” I said.

  Sally piped up, “This is Summer, and I’m her sister Sally.” She said, offering her hand and shaking Peta’s.

  Peta seemed genuinely friendly... I supposed she’d need to be, if she was selling things to strangers. Peta smiled at Sally generously before turning back to me.

  “How old are you Summer?” she asked, pulling up an unused chair from a nearby table.

  “Um... 18.” I answered.

  Sally looked excited... I was just confused.

  “Have you ever thought of a career in modeling? You’re very pretty, and you have great bone structure and a fresh, clean and crisp look that is very easy to market.” She explained, smiling.

  “Ah... no. I haven’t ever really thought about it.” I replied.

  “I would really love to see how your look works for the camera. Would you be interested in coming in to our offices to have a couple of test shots?” she enthused.


  “Go on, Summer.” Sally interrupted. “It would be fun!”

  “I guess I could.” I said.

  “Would you be available tomorrow? I mean, I’m out of the offices today, but I’m in on Tuesday, and we can get a portfolio started, if your shots look good.” Peta smiled brightly.

  “Is this normal?” I asked.

  “Do you mean me finding girls on the street to harass?” Peta laughed.

  I nodded.

  “Yes and no... sometimes... you’re not the first girl I’ve met like this.” She explained.

  I looked at Sally who looked like she was becoming a smiling plastic mannequin. Her cheeks must’ve hurt.

  “Okay.” I murmured.

  Peta arranged a time to meet up at her ‘offices’ before leaving our table and returning to her ‘friend’ just as our lunch arrived.

  Sally was quite literally beside herself.

  “Oh... My... God!” Sally squealed at me. “You’re on fire girl! Wait till I tell everyone.”

  I could already think of two people I wanted to tell... so, I texted them both.


  Just approached by modeling scout... Have appt 2moro for test shots.

  Today, 12:13PM


  Well ur beautiful... totally expected! Ring me x

  Today, 12:14PM


  Holy shit!!! Ring me!

  Today, 12:15PM


  Will ring 1 of u @ 1pm... who?

  Today, 12:16PM


  Jewels... will stand next 2 her. Ring me 2nite x

  Today, 12:17PM


  ME! Totally me!

  Today, 12:17PM


  Sally talked right through lunch... I think I got a nod in here and there, but she was able to mumble right through every mouthful.

  At 1 o’clock, I rang Julie. We had just arrived at Jersey Gardens, despite leaving behind the possibilities of some killer shopping across the river in Manhattan; due to my impending appointment that afternoon.

  “Julie...” I began. Julie squealed... ugh!

  “Tell me, tell me, tell me!” she demanded.

  “We were eating in a little cafe called Les Patrie Bistro... and this woman comes up and introduces herself as Peta... and then she asks me if I’ve ever considered modeling.” I said, getting out of Sally’s car.

  “Oh... My... God! A scout!!!” Julie enthused.

  “Is Blake there?” I asked.

  “Yeah, he’s sitting on the couch next to me.” She confirmed. Then she talked to him... ‘she was scouted at lunch.’

  ‘Who by?’ I heard Blake

  “Who by... I mean what agency?” Julie asked.

  “IMG?” I quizzed... I didn’t know that stuff.

  “IMG!!! Oh shit... shit, shit, shit, shit!” she was screaming.

  I’d pulled the phone away from my ear, before she’d burst my eardrum.

  Returning it when I couldn’t hear her screaming anymore, I continued, “Is that good?” I asked.

  “Yes!!!” Julie gushed. ‘Blake, bring them up on the screen... yes, that’s them... Yes!’

  “Ahhh... more information?” I asked

  “They’re big!” Sally supplied from behind me. “As in mega big! They have some mega big names on their books.”

  “Heidi Klum and Gisele Bundchen kinda good.” Julie explained.

  “Oh... I highly doubt I would ever meet them or anything.” I dismissed.

  “But, what if you did?” Julie asked.

  “I’d say hi!” I reasoned.

  Julie giggled.

  Another ten minutes of that, and I was over it all already. I’m sure Blake must’ve been too, because I couldn’t hear him in the background.

  Sally had moved on too, she was riffling through some pretty summer frocks.

  “Um, Jewels, I’m gonna have to go in a minute... I have to get ready for a doctor’s appointment this afternoon.” I explained.

  “A doctor’s appointment?” Julie asked.

  “A gynecologist.” I replied in a dismissive tone.

  “Why? Is everything alright?” She asked.

  “Sally thought I should go on the pill!” I said, at the same time it became ap
parent that the phone had switched hands.

  “You’re going on the pill?” Blake asked... I could hear Julie cursing him in the background.

  “Um...” I felt stupidly speechless.

  “Summer?” Blake asked.

  “Yeah...?!” I replied. I could hear his grin through the phone.

  “I’ll talk to you tonight...” he managed before the phone was obviously wrestled off him.

  ‘You’re such an asshole Blake. She’s talking to me at the moment.’ Julie said away from the phone. I heard Blake chuckle.

  “You’re going on the pill?” she said into the phone.

  “Sally thought if... um... if I was...” I struggled.

  “He’s gone.” Julie said. “You two really do need to sort out something, because for all intents and purposes, you’re already going out with each other.”

  “Yeah, well... um... we’ve been friends for so long, that it seems a bit weird.” I said, while eyeing off some skate shoes in a window display.

  “That’s crap! You two? When we dropped you off at your sister’s you two couldn’t keep your eyes or hands off each other.” Julie laughed.

  I giggled stupidly for a moment.

  “You know... he was completely silent for the entire return trip. He just sat there looking out the window, seated in the backseat.” She explained.

  “Blake is silent a lot.” I reasoned.

  “His brain obviously wasn’t... I could hear the wheels of industry moving in there.” Julie laughed.

  “Yeah, well... we’ve certainly got a lot to talk about. We’re moving in together next month.” I said.

  “Well, I don’t see any problem. You two are so good for each other. Even if he is my brother... and a jerk.” She replied.


  Dr Penny Drake was really nice. She was a middle aged woman with kind eyes and a warm smile. She instantly put me at ease.

  She insisted I had a pap smear, which was uncomfortable... and quite a bit yucky! Her nurse drew some blood for a full screening as well. Then we talked about all the methods of birth control, including injections, condoms and the pill. She agreed with Sally that if I was entering a relationship with a guy I’d been best friends with since Elementary School, and moving in with him, then the pill was a good option.

  After our chat, she gave me a script for a combination pill, with repeats.


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