Always Summer

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Always Summer Page 11

by Criss Copp

“Ahem...” Debbie cleared her throat.

  I pulled up from Summer, but not away... no, away would reveal my bulge... and that was so not going to happen.

  “Sorry to interrupt you two, but for the sake of everyone surrounding us, let’s keep this trip PG rated.” She suggested. “Stick to the strategic touching... ah... the innocent sort anyway.” She smiled.

  She’d noticed... of course she did!


  All day he’d been setting small fires alight on my skin. Admittedly, I had started and wanted this to happen.

  I was still incredibly confused... he’d made sense last night, I had decided to try today, and now that I was around him, things did make sense. But I also remembered when I was alone in my room last night, how the doubt had crept in, and the demons of disgust had returned.

  Throughout the day, I had touched him softly, held his hand and leant into his body. Then I had watched him... caught him watching me... felt his light touches and experienced the tingles and burning that each one had elicited.

  Plastered up against him now, his erection pressed into my lower abdomen, I once again felt consumed, especially after that kiss. Thank God, Debbie had intervened. I was at serious risk of self-combustion.

  “Okay, we’ll keep it clean.” Blake apologized to Debbie.

  Debbie nodded, and left us again.

  Yet he continued to hold me close to him... I assumed he didn’t want my foster mother seeing his response to me... I couldn’t help it... I laughed.

  “What?” Blake asked, smiling down at me.

  “You’re um... compromised, so you’re using me as a human shield.” I suggested.

  His grin was huge, “Yep.” He confirmed.

  “So how do we do this?” I enquired, placing my hands on his shoulders.

  “Do what.” He asked coyly.

  “Break apart.” I answered.

  “Do you think it will look strange if we simply slow danced our way out of the shops and found a quiet corner away from the public eye?” He quizzed me.

  “Um... I’m thinking yes!” I chuckled.

  “Damn...” he cursed. “Well, somehow I need to stay covered and away from you at the same time... because it’s not going down while you’re brushing up against it.” He reasoned.

  I feigned shock... his smile increased, if it was at all possible.

  “Julie!” I shouted across to his sister, who was over at the opposite wall looking at some sequined wedged heels. She turned, and I beckoned her toward us.

  “Yes?” she said, her eyebrows rising.

  “Blake wants to carry some of your shopping... he wants to be helpful!” I said.

  Julie humphed... and a smirk appeared on her face, as she gave him three large bags full of her purchases.

  “Thanks,” he said to Julie sarcastically.

  Holding the bags strategically in front of him, he grabbed my hand and walked outside the shop to seat us on a bench. He let go of my hand, slid his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side.

  “God, I’m going to miss you.” He said, turning in to kiss my hair.

  “Same.” I responded. “It’s only a month though... I can work out a lot of shit in my head in a month, and if you still want me at the end of it... at least the Jordan thing won’t be so hard.” I reasoned.

  “I doubt the Jordan thing is a given... but... are you suggesting that after your time away, you might consider increasing our status from ‘friends’ to ‘more than friends?’” he asked hopefully.

  “Maybe.” I replied coyly. In truth, it’s what I wanted right at that moment, but it wasn’t necessarily how I’d feel when he went home, and I was once again left with those friggin demons.

  His face was simply shining... had I ever mentioned how extremely handsome he was... right then I noticed that I wasn’t the only one to recognize his sexy, smoking hot appeal. He was getting seductive glances from just about every interested woman in the near vicinity; including women well and truly old enough to be his mother. He was totally oblivious.


  Back at the condo, Debbie packed away my things into their place in my new room, while Sal and Julie gossiped in the kitchen over a cup of coffee. Blake had dragged me outside the back where a balcony overlooked the small yard downstairs.

  “If I’m going to leave you in a moment, I can’t leave without giving you at least something to think about.” He said.

  I smiled and then gasped when he gave me a smoldering look.

  Pulling me to him, he swung around and pushed me back into the wall, nowhere near as forcefully as I felt he was capable of. I groaned, and he responded by covering my mouth with his own.

  The fire was instantaneous... it rekindled at the exact same point it had been extinguished earlier in Nine West.

  His mouth claimed me... his tongue was making love to my mouth, thrusting inside... and I was responding in kind.

  I had been concerned that morning when I wore a skirt... it looked a little old, but it was a pretty little flowing piece, in light pinks, greens and creams. It looked sweet, and I had matched it with an off white tailored short sleeved blouse that I had found at the thrift store, and a pair of tan leather laced up sandals. My toenails were painted a pale pink.

  Right at this moment, I couldn’t be happier that I had worn the skirt.

  Blake had by now lifted my left leg... the leg furthest from the door; and he had hooked it around his back, slowly moving his hand up the outside of my thigh. My stomach wasn’t just flipping, it was in utter turmoil. My pussy was praying for intrusion, and my breasts were on high alert.

  Blake pulled back from my mouth, and looking between us, he repositioned his hips closer to me, so that he supported my weight bearing single leg better. I could feel his responding erection against me again, as I had earlier.

  “Is this okay?” he asked. Looking me in the eyes - his gaze was smoldering.

  “Yes,” I answered breathlessly. Oh.... the fire... it was already burning me, and he’d barely done anything!

  He smiled, and moved in to suck on my jaw line and kiss around the edges of my face.

  “Can I touch you?” he mumbled, against my neck, his voice sounded strained.

  “You’d better, or I’ll have to do it myself.” I replied wantonly, it was a surprise I could say such a thing, but in his presence, like this, I was someone else.

  He growled, from deep within his throat. His hand which had stopped at the top of my outer thigh, now shifted up to my backside, sliding under the edge of my panties. He then circumnavigated my left butt cheek, before meeting my inner folds. Somehow, he eased without issue his thumb into my panties, and cupped my mound and pussy, rubbing gently with his entire hand... his thumb bent at the apex of my folds, just above my clitoris.

  “Is this okay?” he asked torturously, his voice scratchy and needy.

  The throbbing in my core was matched to the twitching in my pelvic floor. I knew he felt it.

  “Yes!” I replied, my voice breaking up.

  I wanted his fingers inside me, I wanted his thumb circling my clitoris, and I wanted his mouth on mine again, instead of buried in my neck.

  “Kiss me.” I pleaded.

  “I can’t... I won’t be able to stop myself if I do.” He complained... pain clearly evident in his voice.

  “I don’t want you to stop... I want to feel you.” I whined.

  He groaned, and then took a deep breath.

  “Where... where do you want to feel me, Summer?” he asked, again the pain was there.

  “I want to feel you inside, I want to feel you down there.” I appealed to him.

  “Down here?” he asked, squeezing my pussy enough that I was quivering rather than twitching.

  “Yes,” I implored him.

  “I want to fuck you... so much! But I just can’t use my cock, I don’t have any protection.” He groaned again. He didn’t move his hand, just kept the pressure applied.

  I whimpered.

sp; “So tell me what I can do for you, Summer?!” he demanded softly.

  “Make me come.” I asked him, “please!”

  “With my hand?” he asked huskily.

  God damn... why was he taking so long? I was about to die here!

  I started shaking all over, my leg was about to give way.

  “Please Blake... I want you... to touch me... touch my pussy, please!”

  His growl was feral. I felt it rumble right through his body.

  “Shhh....” he purred.

  What was his experience anyway?

  And then he began to move his thumb, applying pressure to my clitoris, while kissing my neck.

  I wanted him to enter me with his fingers, but he didn’t... perhaps that was too hard for him too. Just as my moaning increased and I began moving against his thumb, he lifted his face so he could look down on me. His eyes were possessive, aching and raw; yet his face looked a little tender, he was biting his lip fiercely. He caught my sight and I went to close my eyes, my mouth slightly ajar, emitting small moans of ecstasy.

  “Keep your eyes open... look at me.” He commanded me gruffly... forcefully!

  I did. It was my undoing... The ecstasy intensified, and my body began to convulse. I began to moan louder... in waves, so he moved his mouth forward to cover mine and muffle the scream that was emerging... still, I thought it was at least loud enough that anyone in this building or the immediate surrounds would’ve heard and identified it.

  My body was still jittering when he dropped my leg and repositioned my skirt.


  I hadn’t been exactly sure whether approaching Summer like this was a wise move or not. However, over the course of the day, we had flirted so outrageously, that I threw caution to the wind.

  Her response was more than I could hope for... and now I struggled to maintain my control.

  I wanted to be inside her... I really did! But I knew I would’ve followed through... I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself. But her plea... oh... it was heartbreaking.

  I squeezed her pussy with my hand. She was pulsing... I could feel her.

  Damn, Damn, Damn, Damn!

  I was struggling so much to control myself!

  I just wanted to ram her up against the wall... I wanted to fuck her hard... right now! I wanted her pussy wrapped around my cock. This was my best friend... this was fucking insane! I was so incredibly turned on!

  Her body wanted me too, but her mind was still confused... I had to walk a bloody narrow path of control, although I obviously had very little control to have wandered down this avenue in the first place. But I had never before wanted something so much as I wanted her.

  She pleaded with me to make her come... Shit, she asked me to touch her pussy! I damn near fell apart then and there... I would’ve yanked my jeans off and fucked her hard in front of the whole God Damn world, but I couldn’t fuck this up!

  She needed to stop talking before my control was unraveled... before I ruined anything.

  “Shhh...” I implored her.

  I began to move my thumb; I could feel the growth in her nub as I administered friction to it. I could also feel how wet she had become on my hand. Her pussy was smooth... she obviously had no hair there, apart for the smattering I felt directly above her clitoris, which was in itself short.

  My breathing was ragged...

  I was touching Summer’s pussy...

  I wanted to be with her... badly! Her... just her... it had always and only ever been... her!

  I needed her to look at me... to know that it was me touching her, that it was me making her feel this way.

  I demanded as nicely as I could that she remained looking directly at me. As a result, she instantaneously began to completely unravel.

  Her moans were increasing, her throbbing throughout her pussy had increased, and the waves of both were beginning to overlap. I had no doubt that if my fingers were inside her, the clenching of her pussy would’ve stopped the circulation in them. It was beautiful, she was so beautiful, and my insides turned into mush watching this. Watching her body spiral out of control; watching her eyes plead with me to stop and continue all at the same time; watching her sweet mouth tremble in pain and pleasure all at once.

  If this was how it was, just masturbating her... my mind was inundated with the possibilities of where this heat between us could lead.

  Christ... she was going to scream... I had to prevent that from happening... I slammed my mouth over hers, and muffled the intense wail she emitted to the best of my ability.

  When she quietened down, and felt like she could collapse after the momentous waves had subsided to lighter convulsions, I pulled my mouth from hers; and then I pulled my hand away from her soft and slick folds.

  I lowered her leg and smoothed down her skirt. I subsequently lowered her to a seated position on the floor, propped up against the wall. I sat beside her... shoulder to shoulder.

  We were both breathing as though we’d run for miles.

  My erection quite possibly wouldn’t depart for a week. My balls hated me right now; in fact they’d hated me for the last two days. I understood their pain... I not only felt it there, I felt it in my chest. If Summer didn’t choose to be with me... I was totally and unequivocally fucked!

  She grabbed my hand and wove her fingers between mine, but apart from that, we both didn’t move... we just couldn’t.

  That’s how they found us... dazed, staring out at the rear of other condos in the immediate vicinity, but not really seeing them... and still holding hands.

  Chapter 9


  Now that Blake was gone, and I was alone in my bedroom, waiting to go to sleep, having shared dinner with both Sally and Henry; (Henry, whom Sally was sickeningly and obviously in love with); the demons had emerged.

  Why couldn’t it be easy? Why did I have to equate what I shared with Blake alongside the tortures of my childhood? It wasn’t even him I equated with doing anything wrong... it was me! The disgust was my own.


  F: [email protected] 07/23/11, 23:08

  T: [email protected]

  Re: Demons


  I wish I could report that my demons have decided to leave me alone and clear out, but... no, they haven’t.

  I wish I could just believe what you said when you aren’t around.

  I promise I’m going to try though.

  I just wanted your permission to talk to my sister about this shit. She is wise and all knowing... if you know what I mean, and she’s super cool. I’ll leave out stuff about your background... I don’t think that will assist with this situation anyway.

  I need to sleep, but... it’s difficult.

  I’m such a fuck up!

  What’s wrong with me?

  I miss you...

  Summer x

  F: [email protected] 07/23/11, 23:17

  T: [email protected]

  Re: Demons


  This is your journey... so, talk to your sister; tell her what you need to. I won’t get mad.

  I ask only that you leave at least my sister’s part out of my past, but if you can get around things without mentioning mine either, then that would be greatly appreciated. However, as noted above... I really won’t get mad or even upset if you do go there with Sal.

  I wish you could’ve kept me there too, so I could hold you overnight, when you feel the worst, but then you wouldn’t get the chance to deal with this shit.

  You are not a fuck up... not even close!

  I hope you can believe me too one day... soon!

  It’s only been several hours, and I feel as though it’s been months... I miss you too.

  I don’t think there’s anything actually wrong with you... you’re just working through past shit. I had to go there too, and it took me years... and I mean years!

  I suspect you’ve dealt with most stuff, but this is a new thing to
knock on the head.

  I love you.

  Blake x

  P.S. I’ll be waiting for you.

  It took me two days to work up enough courage to talk to my sister about things. She had started a week of morning shifts at the hospital the day before, and she had just walked through the door. It was 4 o’clock in the afternoon. After two nights with little sleep, and nothing else going on, bar my disgust, I felt it was time to talk to her.

  “Sal,” I approached her as she slung her bag on the table and proceeded to pull the band out of her hair and give her scalp a scratch.

  “Yeah?” she replied.

  “I need to talk to you... it’s kind of important.” I said softly.

  “Okay... fire away chicken.” She offered, blowing out a huge sigh and settling in a chair opposite me.

  “Oh, God... I don’t know where to begin!” I moaned, dramatically launching my head on top of my arms on the table. I was acting over the top... I knew it!

  “Okay...” she chuckled, “let’s start with the beginning, and don’t skimp on details... then just plough on through it till you get to the end.” She suggested.

  I decided I could do this, as long as I kept my face on the table and didn’t look at Sal.

  I began at the start... that I had lost my virginity to Jordan a year ago. I told her about his modus operandi, and I then explained about my feelings for Blake. I peeked up through my hair, to see her intently staring at me.

  “I think anyone with eyes can see what you feel for Blake. I can tell you now... he feels the same for you.” She explained, smiling.

  I groaned, dumped my head back on my forearms and continued. I decided not to tell her about Blake’s past, it just didn’t figure in my problems; and she didn’t need to know.

  However, I told her about that day in my bed... then on her bed (I inwardly cringed when I explained this bit), and I told her the aftermath during that evening.

  I again looked through my hair... Sal’s face showed concern... but there wasn’t a hint of scorn. I plunged forward... finishing with the episode on their back balcony, before outlining my disgust with myself and why.

  Sally had come around and hunched down beside me, reaching her arm around and squeezing me tightly.


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