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Always Summer

Page 20

by Criss Copp

  I went to say something but my mouth wouldn’t formulate any words... I was stalling.

  “Summer... please... your killing me!” he pleaded.

  I knew my answer already... I had no doubt from the moment he knelt down what my answer would be. I wasn’t trying to hurt him right now; I was just making certain he was certain.

  Of course he was!

  “Yes Blake... I’ll be your wife.” I answered huskily, before a fresh bout of tears fell from my eyes.

  “Oh!” Blake sighed dramatically. His shoulders collapsed a little, but he managed to get a shaking hand up, to pull the ring from its display and place it on my left ring finger.

  He reached up with his left hand, as his body stretched up, and then he pulled my face to his, so he could kiss me.

  The place erupted in applause.


  I felt as though I’d run the New York marathon. I felt so weak... I was terrified for a moment... and then she’d said yes. She wanted to be mine, and wanted me in return.

  After kissing her, I remained a short while on my knees, hugging her around her waist, with my head in her lap, as she rubbed my back and kissed the back of my head.

  As we left the joint, I had handshakes, pats on my back and congratulations galore thrust upon me... but the people that really mattered awaited us at Summer’s place.


  “Your parents are here?” Summer asked, noticing my Dad’s car out the front of her place, as I pulled up to the curb.

  “Yep.” I replied... the smile now on my face was immense. I had gotten some form of energizing second wind. I felt incredible. Summer wasn’t my girlfriend anymore... she was my fiancée, and one day ‘soonish’, she’d be my wife.

  We stepped out of the car, and the moment I grabbed Summer’s hand (the signal that she said yes) both Debbie and my Mom raced out doing the screaming woman thing.

  Max and my Dad stood at the front door as I retreated from the three of them and made my way over to them.

  “Congratulations son.” Dad said, coming up and giving me a big hug.

  “Thanks Dad.” I beamed.

  “You know I was 18 when I proposed to your Mom. True, a week later I turned 19, but still, we were young too.” He said, pulling back away from me and clapping me on the back.

  Max put his hand forward to shake, and I grabbed it enthusiastically.

  “I have two biological daughters who seem to be determined to remain single forever, and two daughters by good chance that are engaged to a couple of decent young men. I think I got it right with the two younger girls.” He explained.

  “Yes sir!” I agreed.


  We had a light early dinner... the parents’ and Summer all sharing a toast with Champaign, while I stuck to a low alcohol ‘Bud’; just the one since I was driving later.

  “It’s such a gorgeous ring Blake... you have incredible taste.” Debbie said.

  “Um... how did you afford it?” Summer asked. Then she tried to reel it in... “I don’t want to know what it cost... I was just concerned how you... could... afford... it.” She had slowed, looking at the two sets of parents who obviously disapproved of the question.

  I laughed. “Let’s just say my college fund isn’t as large as it once was.” I said, grabbing her hand and kissing it.

  “Oh.” Summer said, blushing.

  “You’re worth it!” I said, winking at her.

  She knew this would mean me working while attending college.

  The meal was over too soon, and I was beginning to feel lonely at the thought that Summer would soon be heading off for two nights in the coming hours.

  I felt some comfort though that she’d now promised to be mine.

  Chapter 14


  Blake stayed with me for as long as he was able at the airport, until the flight was called, and I went through the gates.

  The whole time we sat waiting, we’d behaved like a couple of disgusting fourteen-year-olds.

  The flight was uneventful, and my lift at the other end was prompt.

  I was sharing a room at our hotel with one other girl... who was a bit of a bitch, so when I said hello and put my hand out to shake hers and she looked at my hand like it was diseased, I didn’t feel too bad about ditching and going straight to bed.


  Here... now I’m off to bed, have a bitch for a roomie... yay! I love you!

  Today, 11:43PM


  Fuck the roomie off! Please tell me it’s a girl, boys can be bitches too! I really, really love you xox

  Today, 11:44PM


  Yes a girl! I don’t care about the roomie... I’ll be gone Sunday at lunchtime! x

  Today, 11:44PM


  And back in my arms xox

  Today, 11:45PM


  You’re so corny! x

  Today, 11:46PM


  And yet you’re keen to marry me xox

  Today, 11:47PM


  Yes, what does that make me? xxx

  Today, 11:47PM


  Mine... it makes you mine. I love you! xox

  Today, 11:48PM


  I’ll call you in the morning? I’ve gotta get some sleep. It’s been an emotional day! I love you heaps and heaps! xxx

  Today, 11:49PM


  I’ll wait till you do, that way I won’t interrupt anything! I miss you xox

  Today, 11:50PM


  Miss you too! Goodnight xxx

  Today, 11:50PM


  Goodnight xox

  Today, 11:51PM


  The roomies name was Bianca... and she was a Class A bitch. We were sharing the male model Sean throughout the shoot. He was pretty okay, and I thought his opinion of her was the same as mine by the end of the day.

  We were wearing some pretty amazing clothes, with the beautiful Cozumel backdrop of azure water and virgin white sands, with pebbles and shells spotted across it.

  During a break I phoned Blake and talked mushy with him, before returning to the shoot.

  Bitchy Bianca didn’t like the fact that the photographer liked the chemistry between Sean and I on camera. I was pretty certain Blake wouldn’t like it either when I returned home and told him... but since he would end up seeing some of these photo’s it was gonna have to happen that I tell him.

  We had had a conversation after another shoot, during which he had had to watch me get in close and heavy with another male model... he had promised then to understand the nature of my job. Well, we’d see. Perhaps I’d get the conversation over and done with tonight over the phone, so that it would be sorted before I returned home.

  At any rate, I was coming back from another break, when Bianca shoulder barged me, and I stumbled onto a rough patch of sand and shells.

  “Shit!” I screamed, lifting my foot. A small piece of glass was protruding from the arch of my foot.

  John, the photographer came and had a look. “Damn... can you walk on it if I pull it out?” he asked.

  “Sure,” I winced, as he pulled out a long sliver. He grabbed his water bottle and poured water over it. The cut went in deep, but the actual entrance wound was very little.

  “I skateboard, so I’m used to a few cuts and bruises.” I announced.

  Sean came up and patted me on the bum, “You’ll be fine sexy!” he said winking. (I wouldn’t be telling Blake about that).

  Bianca scoffed, “Skateboarding?”

  “So cool!” Sean said again, putting his arm around me to assist me in walking a few steps. I moved away from Sean after it was established I would be able to walk fine.

  That night, I told Bianca she was a bitch, and to fuck off... I also told Sean I was engaged and couldn’t ‘get cozy’ with him; and I telephoned Blake and told him about the photo’s. I also told him tha
t Sean had hit on me but that I had told him to fuck off... which wasn’t true, since it was Bianca I had told to fuck off... but it meant he was happier, despite behaving a little possessive over the phone.

  The following morning, John came up to get us to complete a couple more shots at the break of dawn, since he was after the change in light.

  By the time we were finishing up, it was obvious that my cut was a little infected. John took me up to a local medical centre to get it checked, since we were in a tropical climate, and he was responsible for us - and the wardrobe guys were a bit scatter brained. We waited to see a doctor, who had my foot properly cleaned and wrapped, in addition to starting me on a course of antibiotics.

  The doctor had a limited and basic skill with English, but John explained to me on his behalf that I would have to take the full course of antibiotics even after the infection stopped, in order to prevent any resistant bacteria from occurring.

  I was just relieved that it was just a simple infection, and not some tropical infectious disease.

  I was in Blake’s arms by 4:25pm on the Sunday.

  Chapter 15


  Summer was decorating the apartment for Halloween with some of the props she’d conned out of the art department of a recent modeling job.

  Her modeling money was building up, but she kept managing to win over the crews with whom she worked with into give her freebies… I could understand, she had me wrapped around her finger much of the time too. Her most recent check from the agency was quite generous, since it included a bonus of some sort, since her image had been getting picked up by some of the better known magazines and companies; she was generating quite a bit of demand.

  After her trip to Mexico, she had had another weekend trip to LA and two more catwalk gigs in New York, all crowded around photo shoots. Our weekends were always busy. They often asked her for more, giving her the option… but she was pushing for a college degree.

  I’d been busy painting. One of my teachers was displaying interest in me getting an exhibit together. It felt pretty amazing, since I was a Freshman… yet she assured me of my skill, and wanted to see what I could pull together to show a friend of hers who owned a boutique gallery in Tribeca, New York… it was just talk at the moment, but I was keen to impress.

  We’d recently discussed whether we wanted to re-advertise for a flat mate, yet after talking about it, both of us decided once and for all that we liked things the way they were, and didn’t want to share our space with someone else yet. The money Summer was now making was not only sufficient for her own needs and assisted with our bills; but there was also enough to put away for some limited but important savings.

  This was supposed to be her off week, but apart from what she termed as a light period for two days, she hadn’t really had an off week. As much as I appreciated the ability to keep up our hectic schedule of sex, I was also worried that her body wasn’t behaving normally.

  “Summer, have you phoned the gynecologist?” I asked, as I untangled another spider for her.

  “Oh, no I forgot!” she replied.

  “It’s important! This isn’t normal for you!” I reasoned.

  “Yeah, but I still think its stress. With college, modeling and you... there’s a lot of stress in my life.” She chuckled.

  I gave her my exasperated look and looked at the clock on the kitchen wall.

  “They’re still open for another twenty minutes. Just get it over and done with.” I told her.

  “Okay.” She sighed, getting ready to jump down off the bench.

  I moved in and lifted her off the bench, sliding her body down mine till she stood. As her lips passed mine, I held her for a few moments and kissed her softly, before releasing her.

  She went to her cell phone and scrolled through it till she found the number and dialed.

  “Hello, it’s Summer Rogerson... I was hoping to make an appointment to see Dr Drake... um... probably mid December if she’s available, I’m finished exams by then, and it’s not an emergency... 16th December? What day is that...? Friday, 11am? Sure! Okay, I’ll put it in my calendar... Thank you!” she finished.

  “That’s nearly two months away!” I said, thinking hopefully that it was just like she said and it was stress. Lifting her up on the bench and leaning into her body, I pulled her legs open and tugged her towards me.

  “It’s stress... I feel fine!” she said, putting her arms around my neck.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” I asked, not exactly sure if I did want to, but thinking husbands would do that sort of thing... and I was a husband in training.

  “Do you want to?” she asked, giving me a suspicious eye.

  “Of course!” I lied, though not entirely.

  “Okay... you come along with me.” She said, giving me a quick peck on the lips and attempting to return to her decorations.

  “No you don’t.” I said. Scooping her up again in my arms and taking her to our bedroom.


  Thanksgiving break in November began with us travelling on the Wednesday to Debbie and Max’s place and sleeping there overnight in my bed.

  Blake took the opportunity to make love to me... and even sweet, our sex was incredible, though not as loud.

  Thursday morning saw us having breakfast with Debbie and Max before they raced off to New York to spend thanksgiving lunch with the three girls and Henry.

  We spent lunch with Blake’s parents and Julie, along with some cousins and aunts and uncles of Blake’s and Julie’s that I barely knew.

  It had been meant to be another off week this week, yet this time I had nothing. I had lost some weight too over the last month... just another sign that I was stressed. I had asked not to be called on for any work this holiday break... I needed the rest.

  I told Blake that I had a light period on the Monday and Tuesday... the same as last time, which wasn’t true, but I didn’t want him to worry; especially considering that it was Thanksgiving.

  Blake’s uncle Brian turned up with a very ill ten-year-old daughter named Sara. We tried to quarantine her to the living area, but she was distressed, and she kept returning to seek out her father, since it was his contact visit, and she had no-one else to turn to.

  By her fourth visit to our dinner table, I decided enough was enough, and I took her to her couch, bundled her up, and watched television with her till her Father grew some sense and took her home... which was unfortunately a good three hours later... asshole!

  I was driving, since Blake had been roped in by a couple of his uncles to have a couple of beers, so I only had a small glass of sparkling wine with lunch, which remained unfinished due to my retreat with Sara.

  Once Sara was gone, I returned to the kitchen to assist with the clean up.

  “Need any help?” I asked.

  “Sure honey,” Mrs. Austen replied, placing plastic wrap over the remaining turkey.

  “What can I do for you, Mrs. Austen?” I asked.

  “First, you can call me Ella... you’re practically my daughter-in-law... so enough of the Mrs. Austen!” she requested.

  I smiled, “Okay, Ella.” I answered.

  “And as for Mr. Austen... call him Jim!” she enthused.

  “Okay, Jim it is then.” I responded enthusiastically.

  “You’re lucky... I thought they were going to get you to call them Mom and Dad!” Julie chuckled, coming in from the back verandah.

  “Well, we had thought it would be nice, but we know better than to ask that.” She explained.

  Julie looked at her with amusement. “Whatever!” she chimed.

  I knew what Ella meant... she’d been friends with Debbie and Max for years... I had no doubt she knew they were my foster parents... and if I didn’t call them Mom and Dad then it would be disrespectful to call my in-laws Mom and Dad.

  “I like Ella and Jim... it’s fitting!” I said.

  Julie chuckled, and gave me a shove, coming right up to my ear.

I’m coming out tonight.” She whispered.

  I looked around to see who might hear her, and then turned to face her with an excited look on my face.

  “Really?” I enthused quietly.

  “Yeah, when the cousins and everyone leave... watch this space!” she said.

  I gave her a one armed hug and a quick peck on the cheek, before I returned to assisting with the clean up.


  It was just Jim, Ella, Julie, Blake and I sitting around the dining table for a very light supper, since we’d all stuffed ourselves silly over the Thanksgiving lunch.

  Julie cleared her throat, half way through the meal.

  “Um... I was hoping to talk to you, now that everyone has gone home.” She began.

  “What’s wrong honey?” Ella asked softly.

  “First, I want you to understand that I love you all, and I am the same old Jewels!” she announced.

  Blake put down his fork... I’d already done that.

  Ella and Jim looked worriedly at their daughter.

  “What’s happened?” Jim asked.

  “Nothing really, well nothing lately!” she said. “I need to say something, and I don’t want you to interrupt.”

  “Are you quitting school?” Ella frantically demanded.

  “Mom... please! I really need you to stay quiet for a second, so I can tell you... so stop guessing.” Julie pleaded.

  Ella nodded... Jim drew his eyebrows inward... Blake held my hand, he knew what was coming... and since I did too, I held Julie’s hand.

  She took a deep breath.

  “I’m gay! As in I’m a lesbian... and I have been for years!” she blurted.

  Jim and Ella sat there... mouths slightly gaping.

  “Can you still love me?” Julie asked... tears beginning to prick in her eyes.

  No words... Ella, very sweet Ella, stood up and walked around the table to hug her daughter. Jim sat there a moment longer before standing and following his wife’s lead.

  “At least I don’t have to beat idiot men off with a stick.” He said absently.


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