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Three under the Mistletoe: A Christmas Menage Romance (Christmas Billionaire Menage Series Book 1)

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by Tia Siren

  Patrick caught me staring at him. It was too late to look away. I just gripped the arms of my chair and watched him come. He stopped when he reached my cube and stood with one arm draped over the partition.

  “So, McKenzie, about the meeting,” he said, making a serious face that made him look much older than he was.

  “Yes, I understand,” I said with a sigh. It was all I could do to keep the tears from my eyes. “I just… well… I’m sorry if…”

  “I just wanted to thank you for your input and welcome you to KPS,” he said, a big smile on his face. The smile looked a little fake, like he was forcing his lips to curl up. “I just had the chance to read over your resume and, well, I think you’re going to be a great addition to the team.”

  I blinked at him, like a dog blinks at a ceiling fan. “Um, sure, that’s great,” I muttered. “I really appreciate the opportunity to work with you. I mean, for you. I mean… shit… oh… sorry…”

  A genuine smiled replaced the forced one. I looked into his big brown eyes and we both laughed.

  “Come on,” he said, nodding his head toward the breakroom that was across from my cube. “You look like you could use a drink.”


  Patrick filled two large cups with Coke from the free dispensing machine and we sat at a table near the fourth floor windows that looked out over the backside of the property.

  I could see several other buildings that were in varying stages of construction on the property. KPS was growing by leaps and bounds, Patrick said. Soon the entire thirty-five acres would be covered with buildings and parking lots. He seemed excited and sad at the same time over his company’s explosive growth.

  “It’s important that we manage growth,” he was saying, his face and tone all serious again. He sounded like he was reading from the company prospectus. Maybe he thought I’d be impressed. What impressed was how different he was from his partner, Christopher.

  Patrick Palmer embodied the term “brains of the outfit”. He wasn’t a guy who would stand out from the crowd, unless that crowd was made up of his fellow programmers, coders, hackers, and computer geniuses. His brain power would have left most of them in the dust, but from a physical standpoint, well, he was no Christopher Kinsey.

  Still, he was no slacker, either. Patrick was probably six feet tall, with the lean, muscular body of a runner. He had brown eyes and dark brown hair that was neatly cut short on the sides and pushed back from his forehead on top.

  There was a shadow of whiskers on his chin and upper lip. He had a friendly face when he smiled and a not-so friendly face when he scowled. I had been the recipient of both expressions. I hands-down preferred the smiling version.

  “So, what do you think of Silicon Valley so far?” Patrick asked.

  I was finally feeling at ease enough to give him a genuine smile to go along with the shrug. “I haven’t really seen much of it,” I said. “I drove across country to get here and didn’t arrive until Friday night, so I haven’t had time to look around.”

  “Where are you staying?” he asked, then held up a hand. “I mean… I don’t mean to pry… I’m just wondering if you found housing nearby or are you having to commute?”

  I smiled at is uneasiness. He seemed almost as awkward as I felt being around Christopher. I couldn’t wait to get the lowdown from Keisha about these two. If anyone had dirt to dish, it would be her.

  “Actually I’m living in a house with six other girls that work here. About an hour out. It’s a house that KPS owns and rents to employees, I guess.”

  “At below market rate,” he said with a thoughtful nod. “That’s one of the down sides of working in Silicon Valley. The property values here are just crazy ridiculous. Christopher keeps saying that we should be erecting apartment buildings rather than computer labs.” He looked out at the construction site. “Sometimes I think he’s right.”

  I watched him as he looked out the window. I take back what I said earlier. Patrick Palmer was every bit as attractive as Christopher Kinsey, only in a different way.

  He was more cerebral, more emotional, more caring.

  Maybe more my speed, I mean, if I had to choose between them, which was such a ridiculous thought that it made me smile.


  Patrick was right about the rents being crazy ridiculous in Silicon Valley. Because the property values in San Jose and the other towns close to Silicon Valley were so friggin’ outrageous, I couldn’t afford to live on my own anywhere near the KPS campus and nobody was looking for a roommate.

  They were paying me a great starting salary, well over six figures a year, but it would have taken every nickel of that and more just to rent a room over someone’s garage in San Jose.

  Thankfully, Keisha (who lived in a rented house with five other girls, too) managed to arrange housing for me at a KPS-owned house an hour south of San Jose.

  I had moved in over the weekend and met the other five girls already living there, all of us paying three to four grand a month for our bedrooms (the longer you had lived there, the bigger your room, I’d learned) and access to the gourmet kitchen and common bathrooms.

  It didn’t take long for me to settle in. I was the new girl, so I got the smallest bedroom tucked away in a corner of the third floor. The room had a single bed and a tiny desk. Other than the prerequisite high-speed, wireless internet, it reminded me of Julie Andrews’ room at the convent in The Sound of Music. I almost expected to hear the Von Trapp family singing in the backyard.

  I’d left most of my meager belongings in Georgia at my mom’s house and arrived in San Jose with only a modest wardrobe crammed into one suitcase. I figured once my fat KPS paychecks started rolling in I would buy a whole new wardrobe. Now, given the cost of living here, that may take longer than I thought.

  My one prized possession was my computer, which was in the bag slung over my shoulder. I was a geek, and geeks didn’t go anywhere without their computer practically attached to their body. I couldn’t wait for the day when computers are just implanted in our brains. How cool is that gonna be?

  All of the girls at the house worked at KPS in some capacity. Several were marketing types, one was an administrative assistant, and one was a programmer like me. None of them were at home when I dragged in from work just before seven. It had taken me over an hour to get home. I couldn’t help but wonder how long my old Honda was going to hold out, given the miles I’d be putting on it every day.

  But hey, when those fat KPS paychecks start rolling in…

  I’d grabbed some fast food on the way home; an In-and-Out Burger, double meat and cheese, large fry, and the biggest Coke they had (I’m a Coke-aholic). I’m blessed with a great metabolism that will probably go away when I get older, so I’m gonna take advantage of it while I can.

  I set the food on the tiny desk and took out my computer and fired it up. I unwrapped the burger and took a huge bite. It was my first bite of an In-And-Out burger and I immediately understood why people were so fanatical about them. If they serve double cheeseburgers in Heaven, they’ll taste just like this.

  I ate and surfed the web for a bit. I checked my emails and perused Facebook. I was a little sad to see that the world had gone on without me during my first day at work.

  I was finishing off the last bite of the burger, already feeling so full I could puke, when a Skype window popped up with an incoming video call from Keisha. I wiped the grease from my lips on a napkin and tapped the little green button to accept the call.

  “Hey, girl,” I answered with a smile that was more for her benefit that mine.

  “Hey yourself,” Keisha said, smiling at me from the screen. “How was your first day at the salt mine?”

  I grinned at her. “It was… interesting. Not exactly what I expected, but interesting.”

  “And what did you expect?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  She gave me a thoughtful nod. “I remember my first day. I thought it was a
lot like going back to high school, only with really smart people.”

  “That’s pretty accurate,” I said without mentioning how much I hated high school. “I did get to chat with Patrick Palmer after that disastrous meeting. I think I still have a job, at least for the moment.”

  “Oh, you definitely have a job,” she said, giving me the eye. “In fact, I think Patrick might just have a little crush on you.”

  I shook my head to make sure I had heard right. “What?”

  She was grinning at me now, obviously amused by the horrified look on my face. She said, “I talked to Patrick after your little date.”

  “It wasn’t a date,” I shot back quickly. “We had Cokes in the breakroom.”

  “Whatever,” she said with a dismissive wave. “He thinks that you are just the cutest little thing he’s ever seen.”

  “He did not say that.”

  “Not in those words, but the meaning was the same.”

  I started biting my thumbnail, which I do when I’m nervous. That’s why my thumbnails are always bitten to the quick. Cautiously, I asked, “What exactly did he say? Seriously?”

  “Well, let’s see,” she said, tapping a finger to her chin. “He said you reminded him of that goth girl from that Dragon Tattoo movie…”

  I rolled my eyes. “I get that a lot. What else?”

  “He thinks you’re smart and funny and cute and have the nicest little titties and he’d love to feel you up under the bleachers.” She cackled at herself while I struggled to keep a straight face. “I told you it was like high school, honey.”

  “You’re such a bitch,” I said, my smile finally cracking.

  “I know, honey, but I’m your bitch.” She laughed again, then wiped her eyes with a knuckle and composed herself. “Seriously, I have never seen Patrick Palmer swoon over anybody. I think he has a major crush on you.”

  “So he will be passing me love notes in class tomorrow?”

  “You just never know.”

  I rolled my eyes at her again. “I thought he was going to fire me today. Good to know that I’m safe for the moment.”

  “I don’t know how safe you’ll be if you don’t stay away from Christopher Kinsey.” Her face got closer to the screen and she lowered her voice. Maybe she didn’t want her roommates to hear.

  “Is your door closed?” she asked. I gave her a nod. “Listen to me and listen good, Christopher is the biggest man-whore on the planet and he goes out of his way to screw every new cute girl that comes onboard. And obviously he has his sights set on you.”

  “That’s silly,” I said. “You’re saying there’s an initiation at KPS where all the new girls screw Christopher Kinsey?”

  “Not all of them,” she said quietly, the smile fading into a serious look. “Just the stupid ones that mistake his attention for genuine interest.”

  I leaned in to the screen and tried to read the look on her face. “Keisha, did you…”

  “This ain’t about me,” she said, giving me the answer. “I know he is attractive as hell and sexy and says all the right things… Just be careful, that’s all I’m saying. Have some fun, but just understand that he ain’t looking for anything permanent.”

  I smiled. “So it’s okay to fuck him if I do it knowing that he’ll be off on his next conquest as soon as we’re done.”

  She grinned. “Something like that.”

  “So,” I said, lowering my voice. “How is he in the sack?”

  She looked around for a moment, then pursed her lips. “Girl, that boy has a pecker like a giant sausage and he knows how to use it.” She laughed and rocked in her chair. “I’ve had some big cocks in my time, but holy big dicks, Batman, that boy set my personal record.”

  “How big?” I asked, wide-eyed.

  She held up her index fingers, spread about a foot apart.

  “Nuh uh,” I said, my mouth hanging open.

  “Uh huh,” she said, nodding. She cupped her hands to her mouth and called out. “Did anybody order a foot long?”

  We both laughed till we cried, then she said something that nearly knocked me out of my chair.

  She said, “Patrick cock ain’t as long, but it’s this big around.” She held up her hand cupped into an “O”.

  “Wait, what? You fucked them both?” I asked, my mouth hanging open. Keisha put the hand over her mouth when she realized what she’d said. I put my face closer to the screen. “Okay, girl, dish it out. Give me all of that dirt you’re holding back.”

  She leaned in close, as if she were about to share a dirty, little secret. “Let’s just say Christopher and Patrick not only work together, they do everything together.”

  I frowned as my mind raced. “Define everything… You mean, oh my god, are they gay?”

  She huffed at me. “No, idiot, they’re not gay, but they do everything together… with the same woman… at the same time.”

  “You mean like a ménage a trois?”

  “I mean exactly like that,” Keisha said. “Only here we call it a three-way. In hacker talk, it would be 1-0-1, if you know what I mean.”

  “Oh my god…”

  “You’ll be saying ‘oh my god’ if you get in between those two cocks,” she said, licking her lips. “I’m telling you, those boys have got it down.”

  I was suddenly as excited as a little kid about to be told a wonderful story. I felt my heart racing in my chest. My mouth was suddenly dry. I licked my lips and said, “Tell me more.”

  “I think it started when they were at MIT. Christopher was always a swinging dick, but Patrick was a little shy. So one night Christopher brings a girl back to the dorm room and invites Patrick to play with them. Let’s just say that a good time was had by all, so it kind of became their thing. They’ve doubled-teamed a bunch of girls over the years, though Patrick tries to keep Christopher off of the girls that work for them, but you can guess how well that works.”

  “I see how well that works,” I said. “So you…”

  “I did,” Keisha said with a smile. “And girl, it was fucking AMAZING!” She leaned back and squeezed her breasts playfully. “I had Christopher in my pussy and Patrick in my mouth. Then they swapped places and we did it all again. I felt like that creamy, chocolatey center of one of those inside-out Oreo cookies, if you know what I mean.”

  “Oh my god, you’re terrible,” I said with a laugh.

  “I might be terrible, but it was a night I’ll never forget.” She laughed for a minute, then wiped her eyes and leaned in close again. “You be careful girl. I think Christopher has it in his head that you might be their next creamy center. And I know Patrick will play along.”

  “Would that be so bad?” I sighed. I realized that I had been rubbing my clit through my jeans. My nipples were hard as rocks, pushing through the cotton fabric of my shirt. I left my fingers on my clit, but stopped rubbing until I could sign off with Keisha.

  “Have you ever done a three way?” Keisha asked.

  “No,” I said with just a hint of apprehension in my voice. “But I think I might like to try.”


  In my dream I was standing on a sandy, white beach at sunset. I was alone. Nude. Vulnerable. Unafraid. Horny as hell.

  I closed my eyes as the warmth of the setting sun caressed my body. My nipples stood erect as the ocean breeze gently kissed them. I could feel the tingle of the wind on my shaved cunt.

  I opened my eyes and smiled. I could feel a heat in my belly and a moisture between my thighs that wasn’t fueled by the sun or the ocean breeze, but by the gorgeous man who had suddenly appeared in the surf just a few feet away.

  Christopher Kinsey emerged naked from the surf, his body glistening with salt water. His muscles flexed as he trudged across the sand to get to me. His long cock dangled from the wet patch of blond pubic hair below his chiseled stomach. I felt my tongue dart across my lips, anticipating the taste of him.

  Christopher didn’t say a word. He took me into his arms and pressed his
lips to mine. His tongue slid into my mouth. When our tongues met I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through my body. My pussy gushed. I could feel the hot juices running down the insides of my legs.

  He pressed his body into mine. I could feel his cock growing between my legs now, rising like the mast of a great ship, coming to rest length-wise against my moist lips.

  Without breaking the kiss, I started sliding my pussy over the length of his shaft, slathering him with my juices, readying him for the entry to come. He moved his lips to my ear and softly whispered my name.

  I felt the breath catch in my chest as his strong hands gripped my ass and easily lifted me onto him. I felt the mushrooming head of his cock press against my opening. Then he slid in, an inch at a time, until he had impaled me fully.

  With my arms wrapped tightly around his neck and his hands firmly on my ass, he slid me on and off of him as if I didn’t weigh an ounce. My orgasm was building with every thrust. He would slide me almost off his cock, then pull me back on. It was the most amazing ride of my life...

  I laced my fingers around his neck and hung off of him. The motion increased as he slammed his cock into me. I looked down at the spot of our joining. His cock appeared and disappeared inside my bare pussy like a thick, glistening piston.

  I felt myself coming. Oh god… I closed my eyes and hung on for the ride, wishing it would never end. Every nerve in my body tingled as he drove in and out of me. Every muscle in my body tensed. I heard him grunt and I released my orgasm to him. We came together in a great flourish that sent us falling to the sand.

  He was on top of me now, pressing my back into the sand. I could feel his hot seed filling me as my pussy milked his shaft. My eyes were still closed as his mouth found mine, his tongue teasing mine, moistening my dry lips.

  I felt him pull away. I opened my eyes to look at his face, but it wasn’t Christopher Kinsey hovering above me with his cock still pressed against my clit.


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