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Three under the Mistletoe: A Christmas Menage Romance (Christmas Billionaire Menage Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Tia Siren

  “Come on, drunk girl, I’ll take you home.”

  “I’m calling an Uber,” I said, the words slurring. I wiggled my phone at him and grinned like the village idiot. “Uber, who the heck came up with that name?”

  Christopher got out and came around the car. He took hold of my arm to keep me from losing my balance and guided me toward the open passenger door.

  “Do you remember your address?” he asked with a grin as he lowered me into the seat and pulled the harness across my lap. His handsome face was just an inch or two from mine. I nearly kissed him, then remembered this wasn’t a dream. This was my drunken reality.

  “Of course I know my address,” I said. “7289 Parkhurst Lane…. Or 7829…”

  He closed the door and came around to climb in behind the wheel. He buckled in and started the car. The Tesla purred like a cat. Christopher plugged the first address into the GPS and off we went at ninety miles an hour.

  Oh god, I thought, please don’t let me throw up in his two-hundred-thousand-dollar car. That wouldn’t be a dream. That would be a nightmare.

  * * *

  I must have dozed off because the next time I opened my eyes we were nearly at the house. Christopher was in the driver’s seat, but the car seemed to be driving itself. I almost freaked out until I remembered that we were in his Tesla and the damn thing could drive itself.

  “Enjoy your nap?” he asked, glancing over at me with a wicked smile on his lips.

  “I did,” I said, straightening up in the seat to look out the window to get my bearings. I didn’t feel nauseous anymore, but my mouth was dry as a bone and I was sure my breath reeked of beer and pretzels and sex. I found my purse in the floor and dug through until I found a tin of Altoids. I popped two into my mouth and held out the tin to him.

  “Thank you,” he said, taking the tin and dumping a couple of mints into his palm. He popped them into his mouth and sighed as he put the car back into manual drive. He nodded at my house, just a block away.

  “Looks like our journey is coming to an end,” he said, mocking sadness as he pulled up to the curb. He shut off the car and looked up at the steep walk that led to the front door. “Do you need some help getting up that hill?”

  “No, but I could use some help with this seatbelt,” I said, struggling to get the buckle open. He leaned over to unbuckle the belt. When he did, his face was so close to mine that I couldn’t resist giving him a kiss on the cheek.

  “What was that for?” he asked. He had a shocked look in his eyes, as if the kiss was totally unexpected. Surely he wasn’t that naïve.

  “For a fun night,” I said, my tongue wetting my lips. “And for the ride home.”

  “Anytime,” he said, his eyes sweeping across my face. His lips slowly moved toward mine. I closed my eyes and let him kiss me, softly at first, just on the lips, then my uncontrollable tongue darted out of my mouth and into his. I ran my hands through his hair and pressed his lips to mine.

  He kissed me long and hard, his tongue dueling with mine. For a moment, I thought I was dreaming. Then I felt his hand go under my hoodie to my bare breast.

  He massaged my breast gently, then pinched my nipple until I moaned in wonderful pain.

  His hand left my breast and found the crotch of my jeans. I spread my legs for him and he massaged my pussy until the denim was on fire. I knew that my panties were soaking wet. I could smell the aroma of my musk filling the car.

  My hand sought out his crotch and I gasped when I felt the erection pressing against the thick fabric of his jeans. His cock was truly a monster. As I tugged on it through his pants, it seemed to grow even more.

  My fingers were fumbling with his belt and he was trying to get my jeans undone when a flash of red and blue lights came from behind. Christopher looked out the back window and gave a heavy sigh as the two cops got out of their patrol car.

  “Looks like neighborhood watch has reported our crime of passion to the police,” he said, sighing at me. “Oh well, that was fun. Kind of like high school.”

  “Not my high school,” I said, putting myself back together as the cop came around to Christopher’s window. A wave of panic washed over me. “Are you sober enough to drive?”

  “Sober as a judge,” Christopher said as he dug his wallet out of his pocket. “But I think our party is over. At least for tonight.”


  One of my favorite things about working at Kinsey-Palmer was the selection of food in the massive cafeteria, which to me looked like a giant mall food court.

  There was a big open space with a hundred tables and chairs, surrounded by little kitchenettes that cooked your food on the spot and brought it out to you.

  You just walked around until something caught your eye or tempted your nose and ordered anything you wanted, all totally free. FREE! How freakin’ cool is that?

  They would prepare anything you wanted for breakfast. There wasn’t even a menu. You just walk up and say, “I feel like a Western omelet today!” and they would fix you the best freakin’ Western omelet you ever put in your mouth!

  For lunch and dinner, you could have Chinese, Mexican, Korean, French, Japanese, pizza, burgers, salads, wraps, smoothies, cookies, pastries, whatever you felt like. Heck, you could have it all if you wanted. That was why I had probably put on five pounds in the two weeks I’d worked there. FREE FREAKIN’ FOOD, BITCHES!

  Today was no different. Keisha and I were sitting at a table next to the wall of windows that some well-intentioned soul had covered with fake snow and Santa stickers. Keisha was picking at a salad with her fork and I was finishing off a chili cheeseburger and humongous plate of fries. Oh, and a thirty-two-ounce Coke, of course.

  Did I fail to mention that all the drinks were free, too?

  Again… AWESOME!

  Keisha stabbed a cherry tomato with her fork and held it to her mouth. She said, “So, anything more to report on the Christopher front?”

  I wiped ketchup off my mouth and gave her a confused look. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean has there been a grope session part two?”

  I hadn’t told Keisha about the three-way with Christopher and Patrick. I don’t know why I didn’t tell her. I just didn’t. It was my secret and not something I felt the urge to share, and I certainly didn’t need to compare notes. I did tell her about Christopher and I getting interrupted by the cops because I had to tell her something to get her off my back.

  I shushed her loudly and looked around to see who might be listening. “I told you, that was a one-time thing.”

  “Uh huh.” She put the cherry tomato between her front teeth and bit it in half. Chewing, she said, “I’ve seen him hanging around your cubicle, draped over the wall like the dirty dog he is. You are not gonna sit there and tell me that he is not trying to finish what he started.”

  “He just comes by to say hi,” I said, lying badly. “Besides, he seems very wrapped up with Mandy Pitkin.”

  Keisha rolled her eyes and picked up her drink. “Mandy is Christopher’s go-to, that’s all.”


  “His go-to,” she said, frowning at me. “His on-call.”

  “Keisha, speak English.”

  She stabbed another tomato and wiggled her fork at me. “His fuck buddy, Mac. If all else fails, he heads for Mandy’s house to get his cock cleaned.”

  “You mean to get his clock cleaned.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “No, I think I said it right.”

  I ate my French fry and stared at her, waiting for her to laugh and say that it was a joke. She didn’t.

  “So, Mandy and Christopher, they just…”

  “Fuck like little rabbits, then go on about their day,” Keisha said. “They’ve been doing it for years, ever since their little three-way with Patrick. It’s kind of their thing I guess.”

  “That’s sad,” I said. “I mean, has she no self-respect?”

  “What she has, honey, is a million-dollar condo and
a brand new Audio A8,” Keisha said. “Courtesy of your boy, Christopher.”

  “Maybe he’s just helping out a friend,” I said, suddenly feeling the need to defend him. I would deny it to Keisha, but I was starting to have feelings for Christopher Kinsey, but I had no intention of becoming part of his harem. If he wanted me as much as I wanted him, I would be the only fuck-buddy he had.

  “Whatever.” She leaned her head to the left to look around me. “Speak of the devil and up she pops.”


  “Hi girls!” Mandy’s voice coming up from behind made my head sink into my shoulders. I really had no issue with Mandy or the fact that she regularly had casual sex with Christopher. She was a modern woman making her way in the world. If she felt she needed to do that lying on her back, more power to her. Me, I would use my brain to get ahead, not my pussy. I’d save that for when I wasn’t concentrating on work.

  “What’s up, Mandy?” Keisha asked. I could tell she was trying to be cordial. It was clear that Keisha and Mandy had very little use for one another.

  Mandy was holding a black velvet bag with a Crown Royale logo on the side. She set it on the table in front of us. In her other hand was an ink pen and a pad of pink Post It Notes.

  “I’m seeing who wants to get in on the Dirty Santa this year. If you do, write your name on a Post It and put it in the bag.”

  “Who writes on paper anymore?” Keisha said, making a disgusted face. “What is this, 1999?”

  Mandy’s perfect face slowly went into a frown as she stared into Keisha’s dark eyes. I had to hand it to her, Mandy looked more like a Victoria’s Secret model than a VP of Marketing.

  She was stunning in every way: perfect little nose, big blue eyes, lips that would make Angelina Jolie jealous. And that body… Oy vey!

  She had big round boobs and a tiny waist and a big bootie. I hated to stand next to her because she made me look like a freakin’ boy.

  “Well, Keisha.” Mandy said Keisha’s name like it left a bad taste in her mouth. “If you never learned to write you can just text your name to me and I’ll write it down for you.”

  “I’m sorry,” I interrupted because Keisha looked like she was about to blow a gasket. “What’s Dirty Santa?”

  Mandy held Keisha’s stare for a moment, then turned to face me with a plastic smile on her face. “The company Christmas party is Saturday night. Dirty Santa is when you buy a gag gift and they all go into a pile. Then those of us who like to have fun…” She paused to cut her eyes at Keisha. “Put our names in this bag and when your name is called, you open a gift and you can either keep it or exchange with someone else. It’s great fun.”

  “It’s silly,” Keisha said, stabbing the last cherry tomato and popping the whole thing into her mouth. “As I recall, last year Mandy took home a foot-long black dildo with the word ‘Thriller’ on the side. Have you worn that baby out yet, Mandy?”

  “No, but I’m working on it,” Mandy shot back. I had to admire this girl even if I didn’t share her morals. She held her own with Keisha, which is something most skinny white girls couldn’t do.

  “I’ll play along,” I said. I scribbled my name on a Post It and Mandy folded and tucked it into the bag. She held out the pen and Post Its to Keisha. “Last chance.”

  “I prefer my black foot-longs to be attached to a man,” Keisha said, eyes narrow. “But thanks.”

  Mandy gathered up her things and said goodbye to me, but ignored Keisha.

  “I can’t stand that girl,” Keisha said after she had gone.

  “She seems nice,” I said with a shrug.

  “You’re the nice one,” she said. She looked past me again and smiled. Then she waved. I turned around to see Patrick filling a big cup with Coke.

  “You’re gonna have to choose you know,” Keisha said quickly.

  I pretended not to know what she meant. “Choose?”

  She gave me the look she’d used on Mandy. “I know you, Mac. Sometimes the wires that connect your brain to your pussy get scrambled. Do you want a brief fling with the company bad boy? Or do you want something more with a guy you can grow old with?”

  Before I could answer, Keisha was leaving the table and Patrick was sitting down.


  I had been inventing reasons to spend time with McKenzie ever since our amazing night in the party room. She seemed receptive to seeing more of me – just me -- I think. It was hard to tell with Christopher busting through the door like King Kong before I could officially ask her out.

  I had Keisha assign her to the software patch team so we would see each other in the daily meetings.

  I offered to personally walk her through our coding procedures and standards, which entailed the two of us huddled up shoulder-to-shoulder in front of my laptop for three hours at a time.

  Sure, we could have done it using one of the big screens in a conference room, but then my knee wouldn’t have been touching hers the entire time.

  And I’d been “coincidentally” having lunch with her every day, thanks to Keisha, who sent a text when she and McKenzie were headed to the cafeteria.

  I felt a little like a school boy with a crazy crush on the new girl. McKenzie was a breath of fresh air in my little world, which was overrun with geeks and nerds, mostly of the male variety.

  She was smart, funny, attractive, sexy, and if Keisha was telling the truth, had a bit of a crush on me as well. Wow, there truly is a first time for everything.

  “So, are you going to the Christmas party?” I asked.

  “I suppose so,” she said, nodding with the tip of the straw at her lips. I found it incredibly sexy. I’d never wished to be a straw before. “How about you?”

  “It’s kind of a requirement that I go. It’ll be fun. We always hold a raffle for some big gifts like computers and TVs. The food is always killer. The booze is free. And this year I believe Mandy lined up a dance band, so, yeah, it should be fun.”

  “Do you always eat like that?” she asked, scowling at the turkey on whole wheat and the fruit cup on my tray. “I mean; you do know that you can eat anything you want here… for free…”

  She made me smile. I said, “I’m just trying to eat healthy.” I eyed the burger wrapper on her tray. “You on the other hand, obviously are not.”

  “The burgers here are off the charts! Almost as good as In-and-Out! You should splurge and have one once in a while.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  She smiled back at me and I felt a little tingle in the tips of my toes. I desperately wanted to say something clever, but I didn’t know what it would be. I felt like an awkward fool around her sometimes. Granted, I was no Christopher Kinsey, I didn’t come equipped with great looks and witty banter, but I could be fun… really, I could.

  I bit off a corner of my sandwich to bide my time until I could think of something to say. McKenzie sucked on the straw again. This time the little tingle was in my crotch.

  “So…” she said with a sigh. Her iPhone buzzed on the table. I could see Christopher’ handsome face on the screen. McKenzie picked up the phone and said, “Hi there!”

  The tingle went away as I watched her talking to him. Her eyes became animated. There was a grin on her face that she’d never offered me. She glanced at me, then quickly looked away.

  I realized at that moment that I had lost her. I should have known better than to even try.

  I loved Christopher like a brother and he knew that I liked McKenzie, but when a shark zeroes in on his prey, friendship gets lost in its wake.

  McKenzie said she had to go.

  I said have fun.

  She said she would.

  The little tingle was gone. It left with McKenzie.


  “Your lover girl is having lunch with Patrick again,” Mandy said, standing in my office door with a bored grin on her beautiful face.

  I pushed myself back from the desk and rubbed my eyes. I had been starin
g at marketing reports for an hour on my giant monitor and my brain was fried. Too much work was making Christopher a very dull boy.

  “How do you know that?” I asked, stretching my arms high above my head and groaning like an old man. “And why should you care?”

  “I just left them in the cafeteria,” she said, coming to sit in the chair on the other side of the desk. She crossed her long, wonderful legs and gave me a curious look. “I think the more appropriate question is: why do you care?”

  I smiled at her. “Jealous?”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “I think we both know that jealousy is not part of our relationship. So tell me the truth, why are you so hell-bent on screwing McKenzie Wallace again? I mean, once you party with a girl you’re usually ready to move along.”

  She uncrossed her knees and spread her legs wide. The short skirt hiked up her thighs enough to show me that she wasn’t wearing panties and that her pussy was freshly shaved.

  She cupped her breasts and gave me a longing look. “Especially when you can screw me anytime you want.”

  “Maybe you just answered your own question,” I said, forcing my eyes up to lock on hers, even as my cock swelled at the sight of her beautiful cunt. “As my mother would say, life is short. Dwell too long on one thing and you might miss the next.”

  Mandy narrowed her eyes at me and tugged down her skirt. She was pissed, but she’d get over it.

  I found my iPhone among the mess on my desk and called up McKenzie’s number.

  I loved Patrick like a brother, but I had to have McKenzie for my own. At least for a little while.


  I hated leaving Patrick sitting all alone in the cafeteria, but Christopher said he needed to talk to me about Patrick’s Christmas gift and it couldn’t wait. I wasn’t sure what the urgency was, but he told me I’d understand when I got to his office.

  Christopher was standing outside his office door chatting with Mandy when I walked up. When they saw me coming their conversation abruptly stopped. Mandy had a frustrated look on her face, but Christopher greeted me with his usual devilish smile.


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