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Bachelor Undone

Page 6

by Brenda Jackson

  He then shifted his gaze from Felder to Darcy. “And you are?”

  York knew Felder assumed he was asking for security reasons. Darcy opened her mouth to respond, but Felder beat her to the punch. “She's with me, Ellis, and her name is Darcy Owens. She's my guest.”

  York nodded as he glanced down at the clipboard in his hand. “Her name isn't on the list, Felder.” He could tell from Felder's expression that the man didn't appreciate being called out on breaking one of the production rules about bringing visitors on set.

  “I made her an exception,” Felder said, smiling.

  “There are no exceptions around here,” York said, not returning the smile. “In the future, make sure all exceptions are cleared by me first.”

  He glanced over at Darcy and saw her glaring at him, actually saw a spark of fire in her eyes. He then turned to Crowder. “I need to check on a few other things around here.”

  “All right, come on,” Crowder said, before leading him away. York didn't say anything else to the couple, just merely nodded before walking off.

  “He's not going to last around here long,” Darcy heard Damien mutter as they watched York leave.

  “Why do you say that?” she asked, curious to know. She felt York's annoyance at seeing her as well as his immediate dislike of Damien. It was funny how well she could read him.

  “He's trying to throw his weight around much too soon. I'd heard the bigwigs were sending in some new guy to handle security, but I can tell he's not going to work out. I don't like the fact that he questioned anything about you when you were with me.”

  She shrugged. “I'm sure he was just doing his job.”

  It wasn't that she was taking up for York's brash behavior but she didn't want to do anything to blow whatever cover he had, although she still wasn't convinced Damien was someone he should be watching. York had his reasons for being here on the island and she had hers. She intended to have a good time and enjoy herself.

  Damien gave her a tour of the set while telling her bits and pieces of what scenes they would be shooting. Every once in a while she would glance over to where York was standing and find him staring hard at her. She would stare back. It seemed things were back to normal with them.

  At least they were to a degree. Since sharing a bed with him she felt an intimate connection that she didn't want to feel. She could no longer look at his large hands and wonder. Now she knew. She couldn't look at his mouth without remembering all the naughty things his lips and tongue could do. Even from across the room he was emitting a heat that could sear her. Knowing that was the last thing she wanted, she let out a deep sigh.

  “What's wrong? Am I boring you?”

  She glanced up and forced a smile at Damien. “No, in fact I'm a little overwhelmed by it all. The next time I go to a movie I'm going to appreciate all the behind-the-scenes things it took to bring the movie to the big screen.”

  “Now you know.” He glanced at his watch. “How would you like to have lunch with me? And then I can take you back to your hotel, let you rest up a bit and then we can go out tonight. I heard there's a club that's a hot spot on the island. I would love to take you dancing.”

  His suggestion sounded good, and there was no reason she shouldn't have lunch with him or go dancing at the club. Her smile widened and she said, “That sounds wonderful. I'd love to.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, York watched Darcy leave with Felder, and his heart banged against his chest causing a deep, hard thump. What the hell was wrong with him? He had gone above and beyond by warning her about the man, yet she still was with him today. It was as if she'd deliberately ignored what he'd said about Damien Felder.

  “Looks like Damien's got another looker.”

  York turned around slowly to face the production's leading man, Johnny Rush. He'd officially met the man yesterday. “Yeah, looks that way,” he said dryly, as if the thought of who Felder was with didn't interest him in the least.

  He knew that Malcolm was convinced Rush and Danielle Simone were in no way involved in the bootlegging activity, but as far as York was concerned, there was still a possibility. At least he was suspicious of Simone since she and Felder had met up somewhere last night.

  “I wonder where they met.”

  He studied the man's features. “Is there any reason you want to know?”

  Johnny shook his head and chuckled. “No, in fact

  I'm happy for him. Maybe now he'll leave Danielle alone.”

  York couldn't help wondering why Rush felt the need to drop that information. Since he wasn't sure, he decided to play it out as much as he could. “I didn't know he and Ms. Simone had something going on.”

  He saw the frown settle on Johnny's face. “They don't. Damien thinks he's someone important with this outfit and has been trying to box her into an affair. But she's not interested in him.”

  York nodded and decided not to say that wasn't the way he'd seen things last night. “And that bothers you?”

  The man met his gaze and held it. “Yes, I want Danielle for myself.”

  The man couldn't get any plainer than that. Again, York wondered what purpose Johnny had for revealing that … unless the man assumed York would develop a roving eye where Danielle Simone was concerned. He decided to quickly squash that idea. “Good luck. I know how it feels when a man truly wants a woman.”

  Johnny lifted a brow. “Do you?”

  “Yes. There's a woman I'm all into back in New York. She's the only woman for me.” He said the lie so Johnny wouldn't think he was a threat.

  “You engaged?” Johnny asked.

  “Not yet. I'm thinking of popping the question around the holidays,” York lied further. What he'd just told Johnny was a whopper. There was no way he was thinking about proposing to any woman around the holidays.

  “Hey man, congratulations. I'm thinking about asking Danielle myself around the holidays.”

  York lifted a brow. “Things are that serious between you two?”

  Johnny beamed. “Not yet but they will be. I'm working on it now that my divorce is final. She is destined to become the next Mrs. Johnny Rush.”

  York held his tongue from saying that would probably come as a surprise to Danielle. One of his men had followed Danielle and Felder to their lover's hideaway on the beach last night. And from the man's report, he had seen enough to let him know the two were involved, and it wasn't all Felder's doing as Johnny assumed.

  “Where is Ms. Simone anyway?” York asked, glancing around.

  “She overslept. She had a bad migraine yesterday and went to bed early last night.”

  Like hell she did, York almost said.

  “She gets to sleep in because her scene isn't getting filmed today,” Johnny added.

  York didn't say anything; he just nodded. He'd heard of romantic entanglements on movie sets but he figured the one between the leading man, the leading lady and Damien Felder was a bit outrageous.

  “Are you sure you don't need me to walk you to your room?”

  Darcy glanced up at Damien as they stood in the lobby of her hotel. He'd spent most of the day with her, as well as the evening, going to dinner and a club, but now it was late, close to midnight. She had enjoyed herself but if walking her up to her room meant he assumed he would be staying the night then she rather he didn't. “I'm positive.”

  “All right then. Can I see you again tomorrow?”

  She figured she shouldn't let him dominate her vacation, but she'd had a good time with him. He hadn't tried coming on to her and actually seemed to enjoy her company, as well. “I've made plans to have a day of beauty tomorrow. Most of my time will be spent at the spa and then later the hotel is throwing another party. You can come as my guest if you'd like.”

  He shook his head. “No, I need to fly to Miami tomorrow night for a couple of days since we won't be filming over the weekend. Can I contact you when I return?”

  She saw no reason why he couldn't. “Sure, just call the hotel and ask for me
. They will connect you to my room.”

  “All right, no problem.”

  If he was bothered about her not giving him her contact information, he wasn't showing it. “And thanks for the tote bag,” she said. “I've been doing a lot of shopping, and I intend to fill it up with all sorts of goodies.”

  He smiled. “No problem. I thought you'd like it since it promotes the movie and will be a memento of your day spent on the set.”

  “Yes, it will be. Good night, Damien, and thanks again for a wonderful day and evening.”

  “You're welcome.” He then leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek. “I hope to see you when I return. Not that you need one, but do enjoy your day of beauty tomorrow.”

  “Thanks for the compliment, and I will.”

  She turned to head toward the bank of elevators when she felt heat in her midsection. She wasn't surprised when she glanced to her right and saw York sitting at one of the restaurant's tables that gave him a good view of the lobby. Their gazes met, and the penetrating dark eyes staring at her made her increase her pace as she moved toward the elevator. Why did his look have such a mesmerizing effect on her? Even before last night, his stare could get next to her, and after last night, the effect was even worse.

  She couldn't help noticing he was frowning, and the frown was so deep she could see the fierce lines of displeasure slashing between the darkness of his eyes. Darcy set her jaw, not caring one iota that he was probably pissed with her for not staying away from Damien.

  She stepped on the elevator, and when she turned around, she saw he'd left the restaurant and was heading toward the revolving doors, the same ones Damien had left through moments ago. As she watched him cross the lobby, she couldn't help but think that York Ellis was undoubtedly six feet plus of heart-stopping masculinity. She thought he was an awesome sight last night in a tux, but tonight in a pair of jeans and a pullover shirt, he looked hot.

  The elevator door closed, and she backed up against the wall to give others room. There was no use wishing last night had never happened, because it had, and as much as she wished otherwise, she had no regrets.

  Subconsciously, she took her tongue and ran it across her bottom lip when she remembered the searing kiss they'd shared. She wasn't surprised that York was a good kisser and was convinced she could still taste him on her tongue.

  You have it bad, girl. You shouldn't go two years without sex again. She couldn't help laughing out loud at that thought. She quickly wiped the amusement off her face when others in the elevator turned to stare at her as if she had a few screws loose.

  Hell, maybe she did, because at that moment she knew if given the chance, she would definitely do York again.

  Chapter 5

  Darcy hadn't expected to go all out when she'd arrived at the spa that morning, but a few hours later, she was walking out of the place feeling like a brand-new woman. She was definitely more at peace with herself for the time being. In addition to the body massage, she had waded in the serenity fountains, spent time walking through the private herbal gardens and indulged in a mineral bath. It had been a peaceful interlude, an emotional escape and a chance to let her mind just relax and unwind.

  She had needed the peaceful diversion since she had spent the majority of the night tossing between the sheets while memories of what she'd shared with York the previous night racked her body. It was one of those times that Bruce would have probably come in handy. But after York, she was convinced she was putting Bruce in permanent retirement.

  She hadn't gotten much sleep as memories washed through her, making her body tense, irritable and in a need that could get satisfied only one way and with only one man. She was totally convinced that no other man would be able to make her body hum the way York had.

  She glanced at her watch as she entered her hotel room. More than half of the day had passed by already. She felt another presence the moment she entered her hotel room. She glanced around and nearly dropped the shopping bag filled with items she'd purchased at the spa. York was sitting on her sofa as if he had every right to be there waiting on her return.

  She closed the door and glared at him. “How did you get in here?”

  He smiled. “I have my ways.”

  She placed her bags on the table. “Breaking and entering now, York?”

  “A man has to do what a man has to do.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Meaning?”

  “I came to check on you.”

  She watched as he rose to his feet, appreciating the way his entire body moved with charismatic precision, fluidity and an agility that not only held her attention but was dousing her with an arousing effect of sensations. He was wearing a pair of khakis and an island shirt. He looked laid-back, too sinfully sexy for his good—as well as for hers.

  Knowing she needed to keep their conversation on a straight and narrow path, she asked, “Why would you need to check on me? You saw Damien return me to the hotel last night. And I saw you follow him, so don't pretend that you didn't.”

  He shrugged as he placed his hands in his pockets. “Why would I pretend? I told you my reason for being here in Jamaica.”

  Yes, he had. “But why are you inside my hotel room? Why couldn't you call or sit in the lobby and wait for me there?”

  He shrugged. “I don't have your phone number, and why sit in a lobby when I can have a comfortable spot in here?”

  Her frown deepened. “You could have contacted me through the hotel's operator.”

  “I did. I called your room several times, but you didn't answer.”

  “I spent most of the day at the spa. And you've got a lot of nerve being here. What if I'd brought someone back with me?”

  She saw a tick in his jaw when he responded. “Then I guess it would not have been his lucky day.”

  She felt swamped with varying emotions at the subtle threat she'd heard in his voice. She fought them off by refusing to believe her having a fling with another man meant anything to him other than the typical male possession. They make love to you and thought they owned you. But she knew of York's reputation with women. He probably wouldn't know how to be possessive of one.

  “I'm going to ask you one more time, York. Why are you in my hotel room?”

  “I told you,” he said, sinking back down on the sofa. “I wanted to make sure you were okay. Evidently you didn't take my warning about Felder at face value. Why are you still seeing him?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Because I want to. He hasn't done anything to me, and I enjoy his company.”

  She then rubbed a frustrated hand down her face. “Look, York, I understand you have a job to do, which is why I didn't give anything away yesterday while we were on set. I pretended we didn't already know each other. You placed me in an awkward position.”

  “No, I didn't. You placed yourself in an awkward position by being with Felder in the first place.”

  Darcy felt a headache coming on and decided she needed for York to leave. They weren't getting anywhere. “No need to rehash anything, York. We don't think the same way about things.”

  “We seemed to be in accord the other night.”

  She glared at him. “A real gentleman wouldn't bring that up.”

  He chuckled, but she could tell the amusement on his face was forced. “And who said I was a gentleman?”

  Her chin firmed. “Sorry, my mistake.”

  She licked her lips to keep her teeth from grinding. She just didn't get it. He was right. In bed, they were of one mind, their dislike of each other tossed to the wayside as they concentrated on something else entirely. Something hot and simmering. Pleasure of the most intense kind. However, out of bed they were constantly at each other's throats, bickering, biting each other's heads off.

  “Don't you think we should consider a truce?” he asked.


  “So we could try and get along.”

  “We get along as much as we need to,” she said, waving off his words.
“What I think we should do while we're in Jamaica is put distance between us. This island is big enough for the both of us so our paths shouldn't cross too much.”

  “Distance won't work now. Problem with that, Darcy, is that I've made love to you.”

  She looked at him confused. “What does that have to do with anything? I'm sure you've made love to a lot of women over the years.”

  “But I particularly enjoyed making love to you.”

  She didn't want to admit that she had definitely enjoyed making love with him as well. But she didn't intend to lose any sleep over it. She drew in a deep breath. Who was she fooling? She had lost sleep over it. Last night she had lain awake in a bad way. She had needed him. She had yearned to be touched the same way and in the same places he had touched her the night before.

  “I'm glad you enjoyed our romp between the sheets, York, but we need to move past that. When I left New York to come here, you weren't even on my mind. And

  I'm sure I wasn't on yours. People have flings all the time with no lasting effects.”

  “That might be true, but I refuse to believe I'm not on your mind right now or that you don't want me again.”

  She was so taken back by his direct assertion that she was left momentarily stunned. He was right on both accounts, but she would never admit to it. “You're wrong.”

  She then watched him ease off the sofa. Seeing him do so was a total turn on once again. She was so filled with sexual awareness of him that she knew he had to know it. He began walking toward her, and her gaze tracked his every movement. No matter what kind of clothes he wore he was striking, and he had the ability to stir emotions deep inside of her. She considered backing up, running for cover but decided to hold her ground.

  “I can prove that I'm right and you know it,” he said when he came to a stop in front of her. “You want me to prove it?”

  No, she didn't want him to prove it because he would prove her wrong. She figured the best thing to do was to stay on a topic that would keep them at odds with each other. “You don't like Damien,” she said.

  If the change of subject seemed odd, he didn't let on. “No, I don't like him,” he said easily in a hardened voice.


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