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Page 14

by Warneke, A. C.

  “Adam,” she murmured mindlessly, not caring that she was in a public restaurant where anyone might see what he was doing to her. There was nothing but Adam, nothing but Adam and the things he did to her, the things he made her feel. Nothing but Adam. Her body twitched as he continued his unrelenting assault on her body, ratcheting up her pleasure until she thought she would die.

  Grabbing her hips, he quickly pulled her from the chair to his lap. Her legs straddled his thighs as he pressed his blistering erection against her, his head falling against the back of the chair as she moved against him. With his fingers inside of her, his wool covered erection pressed against her, she felt as if she were flying. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she felt him wrap his free arm around her waist, urging her on. “Come for me, Celeste; let me feel your orgasm on my fingers.”

  “Uh huh,” she mumbled as he held her tight, moving her body against his penis, moving his fingers against that divine spot. Bending her head forward, she pressed her lips against his throat, kissing him and tasting him as she rode his body, his hand. Her body tightened as he hit the most delicious spot, sending her careening closer to the edge of oblivion.

  In a moment of lucidity, Celeste raised her head and looked at Adam’s beautiful face: his eyes were completely black with absolutely no white. Instead of scaring her, though, she found it devastatingly erotic, making him her predator. He was staring at her face with fathomless depths, and she finally saw his fangs and God! they were exquisite. His arms tightened around her waist as she ran her fingers over the sharp points. Leaning forward and tilting her head to the side, offering Adam her throat, she breathed, “Please.”

  With a groan, he bent his head forward, burying his teeth into her tender flesh, pushing her into the abyss, her body tightening as orgasm washed over her, as fluid gushed from her body. She would never get enough of this, of Adam. It no longer seemed to matter that there was going to be nothing left of her in a few weeks; if this was how it was going to end….

  Adam groaned, pulling his teeth free, and she watched as the blackness receded. He rested his forehead against hers, breathing heavily, as he slowly removed his fingers from her sex, making her inhale sharply at the sensation, making him smile at her reaction. Tenderly, he rubbed her back and whispered, “What have you done to me?”

  Celeste huffed a shattered laugh against his neck before she pressed her lips to his jaw and smiled, “You keep asking me that question; why?”

  “I just bit you in a public place,” he murmured, his hands still massaging her back, tilting his head back to meet her eyes. “You make me lose control."

  She smiled, kissing his nose, “And yet I am the one with no panties and jelly for legs.”

  He returned the smile, hugging her too him. “Please say you’ll move in with me.”

  “We’d never get anything done,” she sighed, though her eyes smiled. She watched her fingers move over his temple, the curve of his jaw before returning to his black gaze. “The world would pass us by while we lay naked in bed.”

  “Well, it wouldn’t just have to be in bed,” he smiled, trying to make light of the situation, trying to cover the disappointment he felt over her rejection. Again. “There are plenty of places to have sex.”

  “Obviously,” she nodded, pointedly looking around the restaurant with a sardonic smile. Running her fingers through his hair, brushing it away from his face, she smiled sadly, “But I can’t just abandon my best friend.”

  “She'll still be your best friend,” he said, pressing his luscious lips together in a taut line, clearly frustrated with her refusal. “Why don’t you want to live with me?”

  “Adamanteros, please don’t make this more difficult,” she whispered, cupping his jaws in her hands, seeing the longing in his black eyes. “We both know that eventually you’ll grow tired of me and where will that leave me? I am already too addicted to you.”

  “Why do you think I would ever grow tired of you?” he asked, cocking his head to the side, his brows pulled together in inquisitiveness.

  “You are an Apocritum,” she whispered, as if that alone were reason enough; there was no way she was going to mention the baby, not yet. When he continued to stare at her waiting for an explanation, she sighed, “Humans are regarded as little more than cattle to the supernatural world, Adam, especially the Apocritae. We exist for such a short time compared to you and we make such a tasty snack; we’re merely a diversion as you manipulate us for your own pleasures.”

  He didn’t respond, confirming all of her fears and doubts. What difference did a human make when compared to near god-like status and what did that mean for the child she carried? Framing his face in her hands, she smiled sadly, “If I give you my soul, what will be left when you leave?”

  “Sweetheart,” he murmured, his hands stilled on her back. “What makes you think I will leave?”

  “It’s inevitable?” she asked, the pain apparent in her voice. He was, after all, an Apocritum and she had a secret that she couldn't afford to share with him, not yet. What if he learned of the child and believed it to be a threat?


  Knowing his brother and the girl were unaware of him, Auberon sat down at the empty seat, watching Adam and the girl. Quietly, he rectified the situation, wiping the minds clean of anyone who may have witnessed the biting and erecting a barrier to prevent any other witnesses from seeing anything. Fascinated at their obliviousness to the world around them, Auberon watched them for a few minutes before he spoke.

  “I see you two have found one another again; congratulations,” Auberon said dryly, not wanting to be ignored any longer. Grabbing an ice cube from Adam’s water, he crunched it between his teeth before smiling wickedly at Celeste and then his brother, “Though a little discretion might be advised.”

  Celeste jumped, looking over her shoulder to see Adam’s twin brother sitting at the table, a mocking smile on his very handsome features. As similar to Adam in regards to looks, there was a wildness in Auberon that simmered just barely beneath the surface; a magnetism that was compelling and even more terrifying than Adam’s. She blushed slightly under his intense scrutiny, twisting around on Adam’s lap and feeling her lack of panties.

  “Auberon,” Adam nodded his head, smoothing his hand over her skirt and covering her skin. He continued to hold her in his lap after she turned around, unwilling to let her go. “How’d you find us?”

  “Simple, brother,” Auberon grinned, the wildness rising to the surface in the flash of his black eyes as they roamed over his brother and the girl. Celeste. “I followed the lust.”

  Celeste’s cheeks grew warm but she was unable to stop the smile from forming as she managed finally straighten her skirt. Resting against Adam's chest, she grinned at Auberon, “It’s truly madness, isn’t it?”

  He quirked an eyebrow in response, a genuine smile playing at his lips, “Yes.”

  Adam hugged her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist as he spoke to Auberon, “Is there a reason you were looking for us?”

  “No,” Auberon shrugged, grabbing Adam’s water and taking a drink. “The assistant assigned to help out is making it nearly impossible to concentrate. He keeps rambling on about woo-something or other and how he is not going to be able to go on the campaign to find the Wings of Abadion. I think I am going to have to bite him if I continue to work with him.”

  “What?!” Celeste straightened her back, bumping Adam's chin with the back of her head and hearing his grunt. Blushing furiously, she slid into her own seat so she didn't cause any more damage to her lover.

  Auberon laughed, “I was just teasing, sweetheart.”

  "Oh," she frowned slightly, obviously weighing the sincerity of his words.

  Auberon popped another ice cube in his mouth and crunched down on it, an amused expression lightening his features, making him dangerously sexy as he dragged a glance over Celeste. Leaning back in his chair, he smiled idly, “I do see the attraction; you are delectable.”

nbsp; Heat poured over her skin under his blatantly sexual perusal and she felt it in her bones. Her eyes returned to Adam in time to see the tic working in his jaw. Leaning over, she kissed the slight movement, catching Adam off guard. He jumped slightly before turning his head to face her, the look of astonishment on his face was priceless as she brushed her fingers over the stubborn tic that she managed to kiss away. “You have my heart, Adam.”

  Auberon watched with morbid fascination as a wealth of emotions played across his brother’s face. He furtively glanced at the girl, who held his brother in her spell without even being aware of it. Four weeks ago, Auberon would have laughed had anyone suggested Adam was going to be enthralled by a human – a human – willing to break Apocritum law and human law to have her. Yet, here his brother sat, not ten minutes after drinking from the girl in a restaurant, looking at her as if she were a goddess and he had no desire other than to worship her for all eternity. He pulled out another ice cube and crushed it between his teeth. Lucky bastard.

  “I did find a passing reference to a new Queen coming to power,” Auberon said casually, thinking that he was probably better off talking to the walls around him for all the good it would do. Since it was the only thing that seemed remotely interesting, he figured he could at least amuse himself as the two of them sat and made googly eyes at one another. “But Mother already took steps to avoid that possibility.”

  “Uh huh,” Adam muttered, still lost in his own little drama, his thoughts of Celeste.

  “What kind of steps?” Celeste asked, tearing her eyes from Adam and looking at Auberon. And just like that, he understood her power over his brother as it punched him in the gut. He wanted a taste…. “Auberon?”

  He cleared his throat, letting a lusty smile spread across his lips to hide his bout of bewilderment. “She made us without DNA. We cannot have children.”

  Her eyes widened and she nodded her head but when she continued to remain silent, he shrugged, “Apocritae do not create life-producing fluids. The bitch gave us immortality only to make us sterile.”

  “Uh huh,” Celeste said as she expelled a breath. Catching her lower lip between her teeth, she slowly looked between him and Adam, a frown furrowing her brows. Licking the abused flesh, she asked, “So, what happens if a new Queen comes along? Your Mother wouldn’t be okay with that, would she?”

  “Hell, no,” Auberon laughed without humor. Why couldn’t he hold his tongue when she asked him a question? “She is a selfish bitch who is more than willing to eliminate any competition, even if it is only the hint of a rival and not truly a threat; Mother has not lived for so long without learning a few tricks, this being one of many.”

  “What does she do to the competition?” she asked, her face blanching even as her eyes grew impossibly large as she stared at Auberon.

  Feeling the need to sit straight under her intense gaze, Auberon forced himself to slouch lower, though he was unable to stop himself from losing himself in those hazel depths. “Mother is ruthless when it comes to protecting her position of power. She once set an example by tearing out the guts of an innocent simply because she could. Do you remember why she did that?”

  Adam grimaced at the memory, "There was a small group of Apocritae that was re-enacting a rebellion they had discovered in a human play. Mother wanted to make sure they didn't get any ideas."

  Auberon leaned back in his chair and laughed, slapping his hand down on the table, "Mother is not always rationale, is she? Imagine what she will do to us if she discovers our plans."

  "I imagine it won't be pretty," Adam grinned darkly, his black eyes grim as he glanced at Celeste. How will I be able to protect her if I am dead?

  Do not worry, brother, Auberon assured him, not letting the smile fade from his lips. I do not think it is something we need worry about. We will find the wrinkle and take care of it so Mother does not suspect a thing. "You are her favorite, Adam; I doubt she would be able to stay mad at you for long."

  “Hmm,” Celeste said, the color gone from her face as she hastily stood up. Looking wildly around the restaurant, at everything that wasn't Adam or Auberon, she blurted, “I think I have to go to the bathroom.”

  Auberon watched the girl stagger towards the bathroom, turning as Adam stood to follow after her. “She is the wrinkle, is she not?”

  Adam glanced around, momentarily distracted by his brother’s question. With a grimace, he muttered, “I believe she is part of it.”

  Masking his jealousy and lust with an aloof façade, he grinned, “They called us in to take care of the problem, Adam, not fuck it.”

  “'Fucking it’ seems to be what created the problem,” Adam said wryly.

  “Actually, biting it seems to be what created it.” Auberon stood and followed his brother as they made their way to Celeste, simply walking into the lady’s room as if it were an everyday occurrence, as if it were their right. Besides, I doubt she is a threat; she is merely human.

  The girl was standing in front of the mirror, staring at her ashen expression, droplets of water glistening on her skin and her hair from the cool water she splashed on her face. Adam moved to stand behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders and meeting her eyes in the mirror, “What is it?”

  She looked up and met Adam’s gaze in the reflection, offering a half smile even as she lied through her teeth, “My lunch hour is nearly over and I have to get back to work, even if I was given the rest of the day off.”

  “Oh? Where do you work?” Auberon asked, watching with some fascination as his brother stiffened slightly.

  “In the library at BioGenesis,” she smiled, turning around and facing the two gorgeous men. “Research and such.”

  “Ah,” Auberon nodded his head and smiling. His brother had spent weeks in Paris searching for this girl and she was right under his nose the entire time; it just took coming home to find her.

  “I still think it would be prudent for you to move in with us,” Adam interjected, returning to the topic that was several tales back. If she is a wrinkle, we need to keep an eye on her.

  Or you want to keep her close at hand for other reasons, Auberon replied, though he was willing to back his brother up. Adam was his brother, after all; it was the least he could do. “It might not be such a bad idea if you lived with us, Celeste. It would please my brother to no end.”

  She bit down on her lips to prevent the smile that threatened even as her eyes sparkled with amusement at Auberon’s words. “It’s not going to happen, boys.”

  Move in with us, they ordered in unison. Adam smiled, taking her hand in his, “Come, love; it’s necessary.”

  This time her laughter escaped causing the twins to exchange a wary glance. To refuse Adam alone was impossible; to deny both of them…. What is she not telling us?

  Adam shook his head no at Auberon’s question, knowing there were many possibilities. We’ll let it go for now. Soon, though, she will move in with us. “Very well, I’ll give you time to reconsider.”

  “My answer will remain the same,” she told him with a serene smile. “And now, gentleman, I must return to my job; there is still so much I have to do.”

  Adam and Auberon stared after her as she strolled between them and back out the bathroom door, leaving the two of them in the ladies’ restroom. “I think that went well.”

  “It's a disaster,” Adam sighed, running his hands through his hair until it was in complete disarray and very un-Adam-like. “She drives me insane with her sweetness, her warmth, her sensuality….”

  “Her ability to disregard a direct command,” Auberon grinned, throwing his arm around his brother’s shoulders and leading him out of the bathroom and putting him back on the trail of following Celeste who had already left the small restaurant.

  “You’ve noticed that,” he said wryly, an appreciative smile on his lips.

  “She is more than an all-you-can-eat buffet, my brother,” Auberon grinned, watching the gentle sway of her backside as she walked down the sidewalk bac
k to the BioGenesis building. Tilting his head to the side, he gave her an admiring perusal, the way her skirt hugged her hips and twined around her slender legs; the soft blouse that sheathed her body. “She is not wearing underwear, is she?"

  “No,” Adam laughed, “As soon as I saw her I attacked and I shredded them in my haste to have her.”

  “Very nice,” Auberon said with a smirk, watching as the light changed and Celeste jogged across the street, her dark hair bobbing behind her, her skirt flying out, beckoning. “She is very young.”

  “Yes,” Adam nodded his head as the two of them casually walked across the busy street unencumbered with fear of being hit by a speeding vehicle. Shadow Walking was always so enjoyable, and perhaps even more so with the advent of combustible engines. The slight buzz of being driven through was something at any rate; never as good as blood, but exhilarating on a small scale. “And yet when she touches me, I forget how young she truly is and I burn.”

  Auberon chuckled, “That you do, Adam. I envy you.”

  “What makes her different, Auberon?” Adam asked, genuinely interested in hearing his brother’s theories.

  “It is Fate’s way of fucking with us,” he grinned as the girl pulled the glass door open and stepped into the familiar building that was home to some of their more intriguing plots. “Or maybe she is a gift for your years of loyalty to the bitch."

  Chapter 10

  Celeste stood outside the door to the lab where her father worked, unsure whether she really wanted to see him. For just over two weeks she had been able to avoid Adam and Auberon by forced determination and sheer luck, but she could tell that their patience was at an end and she knew she wasn’t going to be able to avoid them much longer. She was grateful that they allowed her this brief reprieve. Maybe her destiny was written in those ancient scrolls after all because somehow she knew without a doubt that the baby she carried was as Apocritum Queen.

  She would do anything to protect her baby, even take on the Queen herself knowing that it was suicide for a human to confront the ancient power and so she researched. Unfortunately, the books she had been “borrowing” had been of little help in learning how she was supposed to defeat the Queen and claim the title for her child. However, the alternative definitely did not appeal to her: her child fighting the Queen instead. Death is not an option was, in fact, her new mantra as she rubbed her belly, determined to fight or flee.


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