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King (Grit Chapter Book 2)

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by Jenika Snow

  “Looks like King has his eyes set on you, girl,” Vicky said, and Clara turned and looked at her friend. “Oh yeah,” Vicky said as if she saw Clara’s confusion. “You better watch out, because when King wants something, he goes after it until it’s his.”

  Clara finished her second shot and stared at her friend. “Did he go after you?”

  Vicky shook her head. “Nope. I’ve been fucking Payne for a while now and when Payne has pussy on the mind, he sticks to one woman. For a while, at least.”

  Was King the same way? The truth was Clara didn’t need anything more than a good time and wasn’t that why she’d come back to Grit? She knew hanging with Vicky would ensure that, but could she let her inhibitions go and let her arousal lead the way? Hell, it might be fun just to think outside of the box and have a one-night stand.

  “Hey, baby.” The club whore came up to King, smiling, looking drunker than hell and smelling of sex. She reached out for him, stroking his leather cut.

  “Get the fuck off of me,” King said and pushed away the drunken club bitch who was moving her hand down to his cock. He looked at Clara, the woman here to party with her friend Vicky, and looking fucking good as hell. He glanced down at her ass, the jeans tight as hell and showing the big roundness of the globes. Damn, he’d like to slide his dick right between the cheeks, fuck her good and hard, and have her come undone from it.

  “Want a hit, man?” Smalls asked, walking up to King and handing him the roach.

  He took the roach, inhaled from it while he watched Clara take some shots with a few of the Patches and club whores, and felt his cock jerk at the sight.

  “She’s fucking hot,” Smalls said and took a seat. The club whore moved away from King and went to Smalls, and thank fuck for that because he wasn’t in the mood for her.

  He looked at Smalls, knowing he had a grim expression.

  “What?” Smalls asked.

  “Stay away from her. I’m calling dibs.” Yeah, he’d just gone there. He didn’t want any of his fellow Patches getting in on her. King leaned back in the chair, the shadows in the corner hiding him slightly but giving him a prime shot of Clara.

  “She doesn't look special to me,” the club whore said.

  He couldn’t help but grunt. “She isn't dirty; that’s for fucking sure.”

  “Hey, I like dirty,” Smalls said and grinned over at the club whore. He pulled her onto his lap, grabbing one of her tits.

  King went back to checking out Clara. She was dancing with Vicky, and it was clear she had a wild side. He liked that. God, her ass was full and round, her hips flaring out and giving him a prime shot of the fact she was all curves. The sweet butts at the club were thinner with bones protruding. But Clara had it going on, with thick thighs and a rounded belly that was shown whenever she’d lift her arms. He was getting so damn hard right now. King didn’t give a shit who saw him take her.

  “Come on, King. I’m right here, ready to give you whatever. Hell, I’ll give it to you and Smalls at the same time if you want.” She tried to grab for his cock again.

  “I said not interested. Smalls, take the bitch and go fuck her or something.” The Patch grinned and held onto her. Smalls pulled her shirt down, exposed her big, but clearly fake tits, and started licking at them. King turned his focus away from that scene and looked at Clara again, vowing to make her his, even if for only one night.

  Chapter Three

  The shots had given her one hell of a buzz, and any worries she did have started to fade away. Clara tipped another shot back and moaned as it burned her throat.

  “So, what have you been up to?” Vicky asked, taking her own shot.

  “Not a lot. Been on the road, doing some travelling. I’ve worked at a couple of places as a waitress, nothing permanent.” She shrugged. It had been a fun couple of months, taking long walks down the beach, staying in a rented apartment, and working in her spare time. Clara didn’t want to be tied down to a mortgage, and so it worked for her to rent. It was dead money but she only lived once.

  “Any guys?”

  She shook her head. “Not really. There was one guy who had a thing about sniffing my feet. I have to say, it was totally weird.”

  Vicky spat her mouthful of beer, covering the bar as she did so. “What?”

  “Liam was his name. He was a server at the restaurant where I worked. He was hot, and so damn nice. Neither of us was looking for anything serious. Anyway, to cut a long story short, after he’d given me an orgasm, which was substandard at best, he pulled out of me, tore the condom off, grabbed my feet, and started to sniff and lick them while he jerked off. Let’s just say, once he was done, I was out of there. Seriously, not my fetish at all.” She shuddered, recalling how weird it had suddenly gotten.

  Vicky burst out laughing and started to snort as she did.

  “How are these men?” Clara asked, asking about the bikers.

  “None of them have feet fetishes. Not that I know.” She started chuckling. “They’ve all got a bit of kink to them, but it’s more hardcore. But they’re good guys, too. So far, Beast is the only one taken. He’s with Bridget, and get this shit, she’s his step-sister.”

  “Really?” Step-siblings getting together wasn’t a big deal to Clara, although it was a little surprising. They weren’t related—what was the big deal?

  “Come on, let’s go and dance.” Clara was pulled off the barstool and dragged to the center of the dance floor. Several people were already on the floor, naked and dancing. Vicky threw her hands in the air and started to sway her hips. Clara did the same, and the music seemed to get louder. She gave herself over to the pleasure of the music, swinging her hips.

  Vicky grabbed her hand, and they danced close, their breasts touching as they rubbed against each other.

  “Girl on girl action drives them crazy,” Vicky said, whispering the words against her ear.

  “Do you have a thing for that guy who you were sleeping with?”

  “Yeah and no. It would be cool to become his old lady, but I doubt he’d make someone like me his.”

  “What do you mean? He likes fucking you. Do you get along?”

  “Yeah, we do. There’s just rules here. A club whore is rarely an old lady.” Vicky shrugged. “I don’t think I’m anything special.”

  Clara stared into her friend’s eyes and saw that she wasn’t lying. They had always been different in high school together, neither of them wanted dates or to have long-term boyfriends.

  “You are special, and don’t you forget it,” Clara said.

  Vicky chuckled, spinning her around and then resting a hand on her stomach. Clara stared across the room at King, Payne, and Smalls. They all sat around a table. King had his focus on her, and she found it hard to look away.

  “King wants you,” Vicky said.

  “You’ve said that.” Clara continued to look at King, feeling a shiver move through her.

  “I wonder how far we can go to tempt him?”

  “You think I want him?” she asked.

  “Honey, King is worth the effort,” Vicky said. “Do you want me to stop?” She nibbled her ear, stroking fingers up her body, rubbing along her nipple.

  “No, don’t stop.” Although girl on girl never really did anything for Clara, she couldn’t say they hadn’t fooled around with each other back in the day. Vicky was her closet friend, and they’d shared everything together, done everything.

  Opening her eyes, she looked at King again and then at Payne. She saw the fire in both men’s eyes, and she had to wonder how this would all play out.

  “Fuck me,” Reaper said, taking a seat beside Smalls.

  King didn’t take his gaze away as Vicky stroked her hand up Clara’s body, cupping her breast. His cock threatened to punch a hole through his jeans. He wanted inside her, and by the end of the night, she was going to be bouncing on his cock.

  “Fuck yourself,” Smalls said. “Are you done with Vicky?”

  “No. Touch her and I’ll shoot your ba
lls off,” Payne said.

  “Well, this show is for you two,” Reaper said.

  “How do you figure?” Smalls asked.

  “King’s staked his claim, and Payne’s not going to give Vicky up. I guess I’ll find another willing pussy who’ll do some girl on girl action. That shit is fucking hot.” Reaper moaned his appreciation and then got to his feet. “Good luck.”

  Smalls cursed and stormed off.

  “Then there were two.”

  King took a sip of his beer. “Do you know anything about her?”

  “Not much. She’s the one friend who has been there most for Vicky. They talk on the phone, and I gather they are really damn close.” Payne leaned back, clearly enjoying the show.

  Clara spun around and locked their fingers together. King’s cock thickened even harder. He wasn’t going to be able to take much more.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Payne asked.

  “Going onto that floor, taking the woman we want, and go into a private room?” King said.

  “Fuck yeah. You want to come in and watch?” Payne asked.

  “Why not? Both of them look pretty into it,” King said, finishing his beer. He’d been too long without a good fuck. There was something about Clara, he didn’t know what, but he wanted to fuck her. He wanted to know if she was going to be as hot as he imagined or if it was all just made up in his mind.

  “That’s what I’m talking about.” Payne followed behind him.

  Vicky and Clara were still dancing close when he wrapped an arm around the woman he’d be claiming tonight. Payne took Vicky.

  “What do you say we take this somewhere private?” King asked, biting her ear.

  Clara sighed and spun around. She looked a little shocked at first, maybe because he was being so forward, but she wouldn’t have danced like that for them if she didn’t want some dick.

  “I want you.” He saw her swallow.

  “Do you have condoms?”


  “Do you have some lube?” she asked.

  King smiled. Yeah, he was going to enjoy this woman.


  “Then lead the way.”

  Chapter Four

  God, she was really doing this. Clara could blame the alcohol she’d drank at the bar, but the truth was from the moment she’d seen King watching her, clearly wanting her, she’d been all about him. She might not be as wild as Vicky, but Clara had done her fair share of being wild, and it looked like this experience was going to get crossed off her bucket list.

  Sleep with a rough biker in front of Vicky, who in turn got fucked. And neither of them giving a shit about anything but this one moment.

  She followed King, Payne, and Vicky into this back room, and once the door was shut she was surprised how quickly everything went down. Payne had Vicky pressed up against the wall, his hand shoved up her skirt, and was thrusting against her, all seemingly at the same time.

  Before she could really take this all in, King had her in almost the same position as her friend. He had his lower half pressed to hers, his cock big, long, and very hard.

  “Tell me you want me, baby,” he said in a harsh voice. “Tell me you want my big cock.”

  God, this man liked to talk dirty, and fucking hell did she like it too.

  Maybe she should have played hard to get, but the truth was Clara was ready to live on the edge tonight. She was ready to just forget about everything.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said again, grinding himself harder into her.

  “I want you.” She didn’t know what had gotten into her, but she didn’t want to stop. He leaned down and nuzzled her at the same time he ground his cock into her. In the next second he had his hand on her bottoms, had them undone, and pushed them down her thighs She kicked them aside, her panties the only thing now covering her pussy. He started grinding into her again while making harsh sounds, erotic and sexual ones that made her wetter.

  The base of his shaft pressed into her clit, sending sparks of electricity through her. “Christ, baby, you have no idea how good that feels.” He pressed more firmly against her, and her mouth opened on a silent cry. Clara was feeling pleasure she’d never thought possible.

  King kept hold of her with one strong hand on her waist and used the other to reach between their bodies and rub her pussy, focusing on her clit.

  She turned her head and saw Payne and Vicky were already fucking, her best friend moving up and down on the wall as she held onto Payne. The other biker was going crazy, pounding into her, making high-pitched cries leave her friend, and causing even more arousal to fill Clara. She wasn’t getting turned on because of what was happening with the other two people in the room, but more so that the entire space was charged with electricity and chemistry.

  “Does it turn you on watching them, knowing they are just a few feet away?”

  She found herself nodding to what King said.

  “You just want me to fuck you, or you want me to tease you more?”

  “Fuck me.” She felt feverish, like she was about to explode if she wasn’t doing this.

  “But maybe I just want to make you suffer, have you begging me to let you come.”

  She shook her head, seeing the grin on King’s face.

  “Nah, my dick’s about to explode as it is. I want that sweet pussy already.” He grinned wider. “I can have my wait with you another time.”

  Another time? No, Clara wasn’t going to be some biker’s pussy on demand. Hell no. This moment was about her and getting off, just forgetting about everything and anything and living in the moment.

  Clara wasn’t a virgin, but she also hadn’t been with a man that was so well-endowed, and even if she hadn’t seen what King was working with just yet, she could feel his size through their clothing.

  And then King took a step back, unzipped and unbuttoned his pants, and pulled his dick free from the fly. She felt her eyes widen at the size, knowing he’d been big, but not realizing he’d been that well-endowed.

  “No time for a bed,” he grunted out, still stroking himself. “Take the fucking panties off.”

  She did as he said faster than she thought was even possible. Underneath the length of his cock was pierced, and she felt her heart race.

  He’s sporting a Jacob’s Ladder.

  He donned a condom and was right back in front of her, had his hands on her ass, and lifted her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around his waist, felt his cock probe her pussy, and knew this would be painful but also so damn good.

  “Put me in you,” he grunted out.

  This might be a quick, one-night stand fuck, but it would also be so fucking hot.

  “Yes, God, yes, Payne,” Vicky screamed out, clearly coming.

  He closed his eyes, clenched his jaw, and said, “Put my dick in your cunt.”

  She reached between them, grabbed his huge length, and felt the barbells under his dick. She moved the tip up and down her slit, and then aligned it at her pussy entrance.

  “Yeah, this is going to be so damn hot.” And then he pushed the tip into her. “Fuck,” he grunted. “You’re so tight and wet.”

  Clara closed her eyes at the delicious way he stretched her and at the feeling of his piercings hidden only by a thin layer of latex moving against her sensitive flesh. “God.” She felt delirious for this.

  The burning pain and ecstasy slammed into her as he continued to push all of those long, thick inches inside of her. But soon that discomfort left her as the pleasure increased. He moved his hands behind her and gripped her ass in a bruising hold.

  “You’re so fucking tight and hot. I love this, love your pussy snug around my cock.” His voice was guttural, and his eyes were closed. She had never felt this way before, had never even thought sex could feel this good. Looking at Payne and Vicky still, she saw her friend was looking at her over her shoulder. Their gazes locked, and she wondered how deeply she actually felt for Payne.

  “Does it feel good,
baby?” King asked in a harsh voice, pulling her away from her thoughts.

  “Yes. God, it feels so good.”

  With one more thrust he buried the last inch of his cock into her and groaned deeply. They both let out a hard grunt of pleasure, and Clara curled her nails into his back, loving how he filled and stretched every single part of her. She glanced at her friend, seeing only the way Payne’s muscled back was in her view and how Vicky’s legs were wrapped around the biker’s waist.

  King pulled out and then pushed back in just as slowly. His breath became quicker when he started thrusting in and out of her, and the heavy sac beneath his dick slapped against her ass.

  “Oh my God.” She felt her eyes widen, knew her orgasm was imminent, and tightened her hold on him.

  “That’s it.” He groaned. “Dig your nails into me. Make it fucking hurt, baby.”

  It was agony and ecstasy all rolled into one. With every thrust of his hips she moved up on the wall, and she fucking loved it. A high-pitched gasped left her. “More. God, more.” Here she was, begging him for it harder and faster. He never stopped his steady thrusting. He lowered his head, and his mouth was right by her ear. She tightened her hold on him.

  “Fuck yeah.” His voice was a rough whisper. The root of his cock rubbed along her clit, back and forth, again and again until that burst of pleasure escalated.

  Her entire body tightened, signaling her climax. The pleasure rushed to the surface and stole all of her sanity. “I’m close, King.” His name came out of her on a gasp.

  “Come all over my cock, baby.” He thrust hard and severely into her, hitting something deep that had her inner muscles clenching around him violently. “Yeah, that’s fucking it.”

  Clara arched her neck and opened her mouth on a silent cry. Her climax took everything out of her, stole her energy, her strength, and replaced it with this euphoric sensation. He slammed into her, pressing his body fully against hers now as he continued to pump his hips back and forth.


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