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The Audacious Crimes of Colonel Blood

Page 37

by Robert Hutchinson

  At Weidenfeld & Nicolson, Alan Samson has, as always, been encouraging and helpful, as has Lucinda McNeile, and I would like to record my gratitude to my meticulous editor Anne O’Brien and to David Atkinson for compiling the index and to my agent Andrew Lownie. Any errors or omissions are entirely my responsibility.

  Robert Hutchinson

  West Sussex, 2015


  Unknown man, formerly known as Thomas Blood, attributed to Gilbert Soest and painted in the 1670s.

  Thomas Blood by George White.

  James Butler, First Duke of Ormond, lord lieutenant of Ireland during the attempted seizure of Dublin Castle in 1663, and victim of Blood’s attempted kidnap and murder.

  Sir Joseph Williamson, secretary of state and operational head of the Stuart secret service.

  Henry Bennet, First Earl of Arlington, secretary of state and pursuer of the would-be assassins of the Duke of Ormond.

  Charles II, the ‘Merry Monarch’, who had a less than happy time with the constant threat of rebellion or assassination posed by radical religious dissenters or veteran republicans.

  George Villiers, Second Duke of Buckingham. An ambitious archconspirator who probably employed Blood for unpleasant tasks but then turned against him.

  Barbara Palmer, née Villiers, Duchess of Cleveland. The ruthless mistress of Charles II who played dangerous political games at court.

  Charles II wearing the new Imperial State Crown and carrying the orb and sceptre made for his coronation – the targets of Colonel Blood and his accomplices.

  The Martin Tower in the north-east corner of the Tower of London, where Charles II’s new crown jewels were stored. For a small payment, anyone could see them.

  Blood and his accomplices stealing the regalia from the Tower.

  Colonel Blood’s daggers.

  A bird’s eye view of the Tower of London as it was in 1688.


  Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

  Abbot, Colonel Daniel, 28

  Act of Uniformity, 6–7, 154

  Acts of Settlement, 1, 3–4, 8, 24, 238

  Adam the Leper, xv, 229

  Adventurers’ Act, 236

  Agincourt, Battle of, 270

  Aires, George, 64

  Albany, New York, 204–5

  Albemarle, George Monck, Duke of, 50, 57, 61, 160, 198, 200–1

  Alberti, Girolamo (Venetian ambassador to London), 99, 133, 146

  Alden, Philip, 63, 9–11, 13, 18, 20–1, 26, 31, 36, 44, 63, 200–1, 245

  Aldworth, Robert, 133

  Alexander VII, Pope, 257

  Alexander, Captain Ralph, 73, 121, 198, 202, 272

  Anabaptists, 27, 54, 60, 71, 87, 121, 141, 163–5, 242

  Anderson, John, 101

  Andrews, Mrs Mary, 203

  Anglesey, Arthur Annesley, Earl of, 155

  Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Marquis of, 41, 246

  Arlington, Sir Henry Bennet, Earl of, 50–1, 55–6, 58–60, 62–4, 68–9, 71, 74, 81

  and assault on Ormond, 94, 99, 101–2, 104–6, 108–9, 111

  and Blood’s imprisonment, 130, 136, 141, 146

  and Blood’s pardon, 146–8, 150–1

  and Blood’s work for government, 153, 156–9, 166–8, 171

  and Dublin Castle conspiracy, 10, 12–13, 23–4, 32–3, 42, 44

  Freer’s appeal to, 86–7

  and plots against king, 113, 135

  and religious toleration, 161–2, 164

  resignation and death, 197–8

  rivalry with Buckingham, 110

  and Rochester’s satire, 150–1

  Arlington House, St James’s, London, 198

  Armorer, Sir Nicholas, 33, 243

  Armstrong, Sir Thomas, 19

  Arran, Lord, 26

  Arundel House, London, 104, 267

  Ashenhurst, William, 254

  Ashton, Sir William, 47

  Atkinson, John, 57, 59–61, 74, 84, 86

  Aubrey, John, 286

  Aungier, Francis, Baron, 24

  Austin, Widow, 91

  Axtell, Daniel, 238

  Baber, Sir John, 158, 280

  Bagot, Edward, 247

  Baines, Edward, 22

  Ball, Henry, 167, 283

  Ball, Thomas, 21

  Barillon, Paul (French ambassador), 180, 182

  Barker, Sir Richard (physician), 177, 285

  Barkstead, John, 67

  Barnes, Captain Toby, 67, 204, 256

  Barnsley, Justice, 186

  Barrington, Colonel Alexander, 32

  Barrington, Major Thomas, 30

  Barrow, Colonel, 277

  Barry, Alderman Richard, 244

  Bear tavern, Southwark, 184

  Beckman, Captain Martin, 127–9, 151, 201, 273

  Bedloe, Captain William, 178–80

  Begs, John, 3

  Benbow, John, 6

  Bennet, Sir Henry, see Arlington, Sir Henry Bennet, Earl of

  Bennet, Sir John, 56

  Benson, Robert, 84

  Beresford, Michael, 93–4

  Berkeley House, Piccadilly, London, 264

  Berry, Henry, 178

  ‘Bess’s Day’ (17 November), 198, 289

  Betson, John, 60, 83

  Beverley, Sir Thomas, 237

  Biddell, John, 21

  Bincks, Joseph, 52

  Black Boy tavern, Oxmantown, 68

  Blaine, Jenny, 122

  Blake, Admiral Robert, 229

  Blakeys, Robert, 191

  Blenheim, Battle of, 203

  Blood, Charles (Colonel Blood’s son), xxv, 166, 186, 191, 201–2, 204

  Blood, Edmund, xvii–xviii

  Blood, Edmund (Colonel Blood’s son), xxv, 89, 168, 202

  Blood, Edmund (Colonel Blood’s grandson), 204–5

  Blood, Elizabeth (Colonel Blood’s daughter), xxv, 189–90, 202, 204

  Blood, Elizabeth (née Fowler) (Holcroft Blood’s wife), 203–4

  Blood, Holcroft (Colonel Blood’s son), xxv, 168, 191, 202–4

  Blood, Margaret, xvii–xviii

  Blood, Mary (née Holcroft, or Holdcroft), xviii, 231

  Blood, Mary (née Holcroft) (Colonel Blood’s wife), xxiii, xxv, 71, 87, 98–9, 122, 146, 189

  Blood, Mary (Colonel Blood’s daughter), xxv, 189–90, 204

  Blood, Mrs Mary, 204–5

  Blood, Neptune, xvii–xviii, xx, 168, 231–2, 283

  Blood, Thomas, senior, xviii–xix

  Blood, Colonel Thomas

  acquires house, 151

  allegiance to Lauderdale, 156–7

  apology to Ormond, 147–8

  assault on Ormond, 91–2, 94–114, 133, 135–7, 143–4

  attempt on Crown Jewels, 120–31, 143–5

  becomes government agent, 146–7, 153–4

  belief in Providence, 189

  burial and exhumation, 192–3

  death, 190–1

  downfall at Buckingham’s hands, 182–90

  and Dublin Castle conspiracy, 13, 18–19, 22–3, 25, 28–9, 31–2, 34, 40–3 46, 48, 133

  escape from Dublin, 42–3

  family and early life, xvii–xxiii

  family’s land holdings, 3

  forfeits properties, 4–6, 67, 91, 204

  forged confession, 141–2

  gains pardons for accomplices, 159–60

  government agent in Netherlands, 66–7, 166–7

  government salary, 167, 186–7

  granted pardon, 146–51, 204

  granted pension, 149

  and Great Fire, 69, 177, 188

  and Holcroft estates, 168–9

  imprisonment and interrogation, 132–48

  and Leving’s death, 85

  and licences for worship, 163–4

  marriage, xxiii–xxv

  meeting with Ludlow, 66–8, 136

  his notebook, 188–9

  and Pentland uprising, 71

  and plots against king, 114, 136, 138–9

  and political clubs, 173

  and Presbyterian conspiracy, 59–65

  and rehabilitation of nonconformists, 154–66

  relations with nonconformists, 143–4, 154–5, 158, 166

  rescue of Mason, 75–85, 133, 188

  restoration of properties, 149, 167, 204–5

  Romford medical practice, 71–2, 87–9

  rumour of his death, 87

  suspected presence in Ireland, 68–70

  trial of fellow conspirators, 61–2

  warrants for his arrest, 71, 73, 84, 185–6

  his will, 190–1, 204

  Blood, Thomas (alias ‘Thomas Hunt’) (Colonel Blood’s eldest son), xxv, 71, 188–9

  and highway robbery, 88–9, 143, 189

  and assault on Ormond, 91–2, 95–8, 100–3, 106, 108–9, 133

  and attempt on Crown Jewels, 121, 126–7, 129–30

  imprisonment, 134, 141, 148

  army career, 168

  his widow, 191, 204

  Blood, William (Colonel Blood’s son), xxv, 166, 168, 191, 202

  Blood, William (Edmund Blood’s son), xviii

  Bloxton, Barnaby, 88

  Bold, Samuel (vicar of Shapwick, Dorset), 284

  Boleyn, Anne, xxiv

  Book of Common Prayer, 6

  Book of Daniel, 54

  Book of Revelation, 54

  Boscobel woods, 108

  Boulter, Margaret, 102

  Boyd, Thomas, 48

  Boyle, Archbishop Michael (lord chancellor of Ireland), 174

  Boyne, Battle of the, 203

  Bradford, William, 21–2

  Bradley, Jane (barmaid), 181–2

  Bradshaw, John, 262

  Braithwaite, Mr, 130

  Brandon, Richard, 239

  Brazil, or Brasil, isle of, discovery of, 240

  Breten, John, 68

  Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, 144

  Bridges, Sir Thomas, 154

  broadsheets, 193

  Broderick, Sir Allan, 237

  Brooks, Thomas, 97

  Browne, Captain, 18, 28, 63

  Browne, Sir Richard, 160

  Bruce, Alexander, 130

  Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, 53–4, 56–7, 62, 86

  and assault on Ormond, 110–12, 135

  and attempt on Crown Jewels, 142, 144–5

  and Blood’s downfall, 182–90

  death, 195–6

  enmity towards Ormond, 110–12, 135–6, 262, 269

  founder of Bilsdale Hunt, 288

  and political conspiracies, 173, 175–6, 179–80, 202

  reputation for violence, 183

  Buffalo Head tavern, Westminster, 185

  Buggery Act, 183

  Bull Head tavern, Charing Cross, London, 94–5

  Burghclere, Lady, 258

  Burgoyne, Sir Roger, 150

  Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, 142

  Burnett, Ralph (Lincoln postmaster), 285

  Bury, Captain John, 180 Butler, Dr Nicholas, 155–6, 158, 162, 164

  Butler, Timothy, 60, 71, 73, 76, 81, 83–5, 87, 114

  Buxton, John, 106, 141

  Calveley, Edward, 5

  Calveley, Ralph, 237

  Calveley, Richard, 169

  canary wine, 95, 264

  Careless, William, 108

  Caroon House, South Lambeth, housing debtors, 280

  Carpenter, Philip, 244

  Carr, Colonel Gilbert (‘Gibby’), 28, 30–2, 41–2, 60, 64

  Carr, Mrs, 42

  Carrickfergus, capture of, 203

  Carter, Captain Nicholas, 168

  Cartmel Priory, xxiv

  Cashel, capture of, 203

  Catherine of Braganza, Queen, 92–3, 107, 178, 198, 262, 273

  Catholicism, royal family and, 165–6

  Catholics, banished from London, 179

  Cellier, Elizabeth, 284–5

  Chamberlain, Dr (Middlesex magistrate), 182

  Chamberlain, Thomas, 202

  Chamberlin, John (Dublin brewer), 28, 32, 43

  Chambers, Captain John, 21, 32, 48

  Chambers, Robert, 28

  Chapel of the Pyx, Westminster Abbey, xvi, 115, 229

  Charles I, King, xx, xxiii, xxv, 115, 196, 233, 238–9, 252

  Charles II, King

  and assault on Coventry, 112

  and assault on Ormond, 99–100

  and Blood’s interrogation, 134–41

  and Blood’s pardon, 146–9

  and Blood’s role in Pentland uprising, 71

  and Crown Jewels, 116, 119, 137, 144–5

  and Dublin Castle conspiracy, 8–9, 15, 25, 30, 33, 35–6, 44, 48

  entry into London, 248

  and forfeiture of Blood’s property, 67

  and intelligence gathering, 49, 51–2, 56–7

  interrogation of Oates, 180

  Lauderdale’s influence with, 157

  pardons Blood’s accomplices, 159–60

  plots against, xv, 50, 113–14, 121, 135–6, 138–9, 144, 160, 170, 174–81, 198–200

  proclaimed king at Pontefract, 233

  and religious toleration, 156, 158, 161–3, 165–6

  and restoration of Blood’s properties, 149, 167, 204

  Rochester’s satire on, 150–1

  and scientific experiments, 177

  shortage of money, 92, 117, 144, 151

  and succession to throne, 92–3, 165

  tendency to absolutism, 165

  total of illegitimate children, 263

  Charnock, Stephen, 14, 31, 33–4, 42

  Choqueux, Dr (French physician), 179

  Christian, Edward, 182–3, 186

  Christmas Day, observance of during Commonwealth, 248

  Church, Mr, 155–6, 158, 186

  Churchill, Winston, 24, 237, 242

  ciphers, 50–1

  Clancarty, Earl of, 17

  Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 10, 56, 61, 90, 110, 231

  Clarendon House, Piccadilly, London, 90, 96–8, 100, 262

  Clarges, Sir Thomas, 33

  Clarke, Thomas, 98

  Claveley, John, 6

  Cleveland, Barbara Villiers (née Palmer), Duchess of, no, 135–6, 198

  Clifford, Sir Thomas, 149

  Clotworthy, John, 39

  cock-fighting, 259

  Coddan, Philemon, 182, 184–5

  coffee houses, 11, 133, 142, 160, 239

  Committee of Foreign Affairs, 153

  Congress of Cologne, 167

  Constable, John, 108

  Conventicles Act, 154–5

  Conway, Viscount, 71, 257

  Cook, Mrs Dorothy, 204

  Cooke, Colonel Edward, 237

  Cooke, William, xix

  Cooke (brewer), 64

  Corbet, Miles, 67

  Court of Claims, 4, 15, 22, 24, 179

  Covent Garden, London, 94, 263

  Coventry, Sir John, 112–13

  Craven, William, Earl of, 139, 265

  Cromwell, Henry, xxv, 14, 18, 21–2, 31, 34

  Cromwell, Oliver, xxv, 1–2, 233–4, 262

  Cromwell, Richard, xxv, 173, 285

  Cromwell, Thomas, 183, 253

  ‘Cromwell’s Barracks’, 236

  Crowe, Captain Thomas, 150

  Crown Jewels, 115–31, 143–5, 151, 155, 175

  and improved security, 205–6

  Crown tavern, Ram Alley, London, 184

  Cruice, Patrick, 3

  Curtis, Thomas, 184, 186

  Cutts, Lord, 203

  daggers, associated with Blood, 130, 274–5

  Dale, William, 144

  Dalziel, Lieutenant General Thomas, 70

  Danby, Countess of, 184

  Danby, Thomas Osborne, Earl of, 170, 178–9, 182, 185

  Danvers, Colonel Henry, 73

  Darcy, Patrick, 34, 37, 39, 244

  Darcy, Corporal William, 75–6, 78, 81–2r />
  Darrington, affray at, 75–85

  Davies, Jonathan, 99

  Davies, Sir Paul, 23

  Davies, Robert, 21

  Davis, Henry, 268

  Dawson, Christopher, 60

  de Gomme, Bernard, 273

  De la Rock, Lieutenant, 28

  de Ros, General William Fitz-Gerald, 206, 290–1

  de Ruyter, Admiral Michiel, 59, 92

  Declaration of Indulgence, 161–3, 165, 277

  Dering, Sir Edward, 237

  Devonshire, William Cavendish, Duke of, 264

  Devonshire House, Piccadilly, London, 264–5

  Dixey, Thomas, 108

  Dizey,John, 108

  ‘dog killers’, 63

  Dog tavern, Westminster, 185

  Dolben, Sir William, 187, 287

  Dolman (butcher), 4–5

  Domville, Sir William, 38–9

  Done, William, 104

  ‘Dons’, the, 155

  Downing, Sir George, 67, 256

  Draper, Henry, 108

  Draper, Sir Thomas, 280

  Drayton, Thomas, 89

  Drinkwater, Robert, 5

  Drogheda, massacre at, xviii, 2, 234

  Dryden,John, 173

  Dublin Castle conspiracy, 8–48, 91, 117, 133

  ‘Ducklings’, the, 156

  duelling, 112

  Dungannon, Lord, 19

  Duval, Claude, 145

  Dyve, Sir Lewis, xxi

  Edith, Queen, 116

  Edwards, Elizabeth, 118, 123–4, 127, 201

  Edwards, Talbot, 118–19, 122–7, 130, 151–2, 206

  Edwards, Wythe, 118, 126–7, 129, 134, 151

  Egerton, Daniel, 50

  Elizabeth I, Queen, anniversary of her accession, 198, 289

  Elton, Lieutenant, 87

  Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of, 167, 200

  Evelyn, John, 55–6, 91, 136, 149

  Exby (footman), 96

  executions, in Dublin, 39–40, 44–6, 48

  Fairfax, Sir Thomas, xxi

  Farriner, Thomas, 69

  Fellows, John, 36

  Feversham, George Sondes, First Earl of, 54

  Fielding, Henry, 99


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