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Elements of Time and Sex: Exhibitionists

Page 4

by Aurora Jamison

  “Keep your head,” he said.

  “I want to give you head,” she said in a husky voice. “Eat me. I’ll suck you off. 69. We can—”


  His sharp tone caused her to snap out of her growing mood. She sat on the closet floor, legs splayed and looking at him. He stared hard at her and she read not lust but concern.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I found him.”

  “Him? Erik? Isn’t he with you?”

  “No, no, not him. The man who invented Alpha. He came to see if she was operating properly, and we managed to talk without being overheard.”

  “That’s not so hard. Just talk.” Jana went cold inside. “Isn’t it?” She stroked through Case’s hair as if she was intent on him, but she managed to get a better look around. Out in the room, she saw a sparkling little dot high on the wall that might be light reflecting from a minuscule glass lens. In the closet, she saw several tiny black glass dots—cameras. These weren’t as large as the one in the room where she, Case and Erik had gotten it on for the whole world to watch, but that didn’t mean Ms Abbot wasn’t actively monitoring every move, every sound, maybe every thought within range.

  “This place is an exhibitionist’s wet dream,” Case said. “And if you want even an instant of privacy, forget it.”

  “We can go somewhere else.”

  “The whole damned world is on camera. At least that’s what Raleigh claims, and I don’t think he was lying.”

  “Raleigh is Alpha’s inventor?”

  Jana gasped when Case licked down over the dome of her belly and into her pubic bush. His tongue diddled about at the top of her sex lips, then insinuated itself to tease her clit. She dropped back, supporting herself on her elbows so she could watch Case’s face disappear into her pussy.

  “I…I’m having trouble keeping my concentration with your tongue inside my pussy,” she said. He looked up, grinning.

  “Try. Lift your legs on either side of my head so a camera can’t read my lips.”

  “You’re getting mighty paranoid,” she said, but did as Case asked. Her thighs pressed into the sides of his head, but he was no longer eating her pussy. He craned his head up enough so he could talk.

  “We have to help him. Raleigh. He’s hardly better than a slave around here.”

  “Abbot is holding him against his will? I can believe that of her.”

  “The whole society’s like that. He invented Alpha to have someone in his bed. Everyone watches the sexcasts and nobody does it anymore.”

  “All watchers, no doers? How sad.” Jana realized then why Ms Abbot was willing to offer so much for star sex performers. It might be hard to find guys who got hard and women who enjoyed that. Still, there had to be some hope for the world if they still watched.

  “This isn’t the kind of future we’d ever like. At least I wouldn’t want to live in it without this.” Case applied his mouth to her pussy lips again. Jana tried to answer but all that came out were tiny moans of pleasure. Case wasn’t just good at this, he was the best. Her breath came faster and warmth flooded over her until she lifted her butt off the floor and crammed her crotch down into his face. She wanted more of his mouth love and cried out in ecstasy. Jana sagged back down to the softly carpeted floor, her legs widening. She had not even realized she had clamped her thighs so hard around his head until this moment.

  “I can breathe again,” Case said. He smiled and slowly worked up her body, kissing sensitive portions as he came. Before long, they lay side by side on the floor.

  Jana ran her hand down under the waistband of his pajamas and found that he had a hard-on from the oral sex. She stroked from the base to the tip, enjoying the way his cock trembled at her touch.

  “Don’t go too far. We have to collect Erik, see what we can do to help Raleigh and Alpha, then go back through the time door when it opens.”

  “Will it be in the same room where we—”

  “Where we fucked our brains out? Yeah, that’s the place. I corrected so it won’t drift around like it did before.”

  “How long do we have?”

  “An hour, maybe less. I didn’t want to spend all that much time in the future on this trip.”

  “Erik did force us a little, didn’t he?”

  “I’m in charge,” Case flared. “I’m the one deciding when we go and where. Or when. Or at least how far.”

  “You’d wanted to go into the future again, and we did,” Jana said. “That doesn’t mean a lot if we don’t poke around and see some of it.”

  “Poke around and see some of what?” Case’s mood shifted again as a sly look replaced the anger. His finger parted her sex lips, probed into her and wiggled about.

  “Stop that,” she said. “You’re getting to be just like Erik.” Jana saw right away that this was the wrong thing to say. Case got up and turned his back on her.

  “Get dressed. You can find something to wear in here. Just don’t be too long.”

  “Case, wait. I didn’t mean anything by that crack.” Jana sighed and got to her feet. Case had gone out into the room and paced like a caged beast. She grabbed the first thing at hand. It was a pale lavender jumpsuit that she would never have been caught dead wearing back at the university, but the mere touch of the fabric sent tremors of desire throughout her body. The entire future seemed geared towards sex.

  Except among the general populace. As she slipped into the jumpsuit, she wondered what had caused the change. Sex was fun. Everyone’s interest hadn’t waned much if sexcasts like the one she, Case and Erik had done were overwhelmingly popular. She smoothed out the jumpsuit and caught her breath at the electric thrill it gave her. The material conformed to her figure perfectly—and then some. Where she sagged just a little, the fabric lifted and firmed. Moving in it made her feel as if she were still naked.

  I could get to like this future, she decided. Being offered two million dollars a week just to have sex wasn’t such a bad deal either, as long as she could do it with Case and Erik.

  “Come on. It’s taking you forever.”

  She started to tell Case off, then changed her mind. “Where to, fearless leader?”

  He pressed his hand against the doorway on the wall opposite the closet. Waiting impatiently in the other room were Erik and a man even taller and more muscular than Case.

  “You must be Raleigh,” she said. He looked frightened that she knew his name. “Case told me you invented Alpha. Or built her. Or whatever the right term is.”

  “I built her,” Raleigh said. For a man with such a commanding build, he seemed overly meek and almost apologetic. “I’m the maintenance engineer. There’s not much to do around here. Everything’s robotic, so I built her in my spare time. Ms Abbot thought it was cute.”

  “You built her for sex, didn’t you?” Jana watched the man blush and look down at the floor.

  “Ms Abbot wouldn’t like that. She doesn’t know.”

  “Why not? Aren’t the two of you getting it on?” Case asked.

  “Oh, my God, no!” Raleigh’s eyes went wide with shock. Jana had to laugh. Fucking Alpha would be like making love to a can opener—and that still was better than doing it to Ms Abbot.

  “Think about it,” Erik said. “You can change the world.”

  “I…I could, I suppose,” Raleigh said. “I’ve got a lot of spare time and Alpha is kinda cute.”

  “The next model,” Erik said. “Call the next in the series Lorra.”

  “Lorra? Why?” Raleigh looked puzzled.

  “Never mind Erik,” Jana said, taking his arm and pulling him to one side before Erik could launch into all the reasons for the name. “We need to see outside this building. Can you get us out in the open? Just to look around?”

  “Why would you want to leave? It’s dangerous outside, and we’re safe here.”

  “Dangerous? What are we likely to find outside that’d hurt us?”

  “Why, you know, things.”

  “Have you eve
r been away from this place?” Jana asked. She read the answer on his face. For all she knew, he might have been born and raised here, under Abbot’s thumb or someone like her.

  “There’s got to be emergency exits,” Erik said. “I can get around the alarms, just for a while.”

  “The cameras are everywhere. Nobody moves around inside without being seen.”

  “Do tell,” Jana said, exchanging looks with Erik and Case. “Who watches the monitors?”

  “Oh, lots of people. All of them are electronics experts.”

  “Like you?” Jana pointed to Alpha. “That’s a marvel of electronic and mechanical skill you’ve shown.”

  “What? Me, oh, no. Women are in all the important jobs.”

  “This sounds like a job right up my alley,” Erik said.

  “You mean you want to stick yours up somebody’s alley,” Jana said, but she wasn’t going to argue. She and Case were the best trained to examine the surroundings, once they got out of the broadcast center.

  “Tell me which monitors you want ignored and I’ll do my best, even if she’s ugly.”

  “Ugly? I don’t know what you mean,” Raleigh said. “None of the women are ugly.”

  “Did they move up from being stars to working the technical side of the business?” asked Erik.

  “I don’t know what you mean. Only a very few are stars, not like you three. No, all women are beautiful. It’s the law.”

  “It’s a law I can live with,” Erik said. “Direct me to the control room and you three can prowl around and get a gander of the future.”

  “Can you disable the alarms?” Jana asked Case. The disgusted expression gave her the answer. He was a PhD physicist. Of course he could do it. For all that, she could do a fair job herself, although she had never thought much about breaking into—or out of—a building.

  “Alpha can direct you to the monitoring center,” Raleigh said uneasily. He licked his lips as if he worried about ever seeing his robotic creation again.

  “We’ll be fine. All we need to do is get an idea where we are and something about the city.”

  “City? I don’t know about any city. Just the studios of Ultimatum.”

  “Show us the best way. Avoid the cameras wherever you can until we reach the outer doors,” Jana said.

  * * * *

  “By then I’ll be working my magic,” Erik assured them. “Come on, Alpha. Lead the way.”

  They stepped into the corridor and Jana, Case and Raleigh hurried away. Erik took a deep breath as he studied the angular cheeks and rigid movements Alpha made as she started in the other direction. He shook off the feelings he had developed for a sexbot who wouldn’t be around for another fifty years. Half a century was a long time when it came to technological developments, but he saw the beginnings of the sophisticate sexbot in Alpha.

  “Are you self-aware?” he asked.

  “I know I am here,” Alpha answered. “Is that what you mean?”

  “I suppose. Do you fear losing your life? That’s more what I had in mind.”

  “I have a program that forces me to obey any human.”

  Erik considered this. Alpha was getting close to free will if she considered the program to be forcing her to go against her own instincts. She looked so delectable, even if she wasn’t as sophisticated as Lorra, that he wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her and—

  “Here,” Alpha said.

  “What? Oh, the control room.” Erik stepped back and saw the sign beside the open doorway. Inside a lovely, petite woman with hair the same rusty shade as his, watched a dozen monitors. Erik put his hand on Alpha’s shoulder and said softly, “Wait here. If anybody comes, warn me.”

  “Very well, Erik. Serving you is a pleasure. Perhaps you will ask for me to be assigned to you when you are a big star.”

  “Sure,” he said, knowing it was a lie. All they wanted in this time was to look around. Case, or more likely Jana, had to figure out a way of transporting recording equipment on their jaunts if they wanted to do real research on the futures they visited. Memory was one thing, but hard photographic proof was something else. Or recordings. They could make recordings like those going into data banks from all the cameras scattered throughout the building.

  “Who’re you?” The woman looked up from her screens. Her expression changed magically and she said, “The new guy. The sex star!”

  “None other than,” Erik said, stepping hastily into the room and closing the door behind him for privacy. There might be cameras watching the watcher, but he was willing to take that risk.

  “What are you doing here? This is off-limits to all but security personnel.”

  “Is there any place that’s off-limits to me? Especially when I’m recruiting?”

  “I don’t understand.” The woman stood up. She was barely five feet tall and everything was in proportion. She looked fragile, unmarred porcelain skin adding to the illusion of a doll. She pushed back a vagrant strand of hair as he moved around to stand beside her.

  “You should. We need a partner for our, uh, act.”

  “Partner? You mean you want me to—”

  “Audition,” Erik said. Over the woman’s shoulder, he saw Raleigh pointing directly into the screen. Jana and Case crowded in behind. As the redhead started to turn back to the monitors, Erik stepped up, took her in his arms and planted a big kiss on her lips.

  She tensed and tried to push away. He didn’t let her. He held her tight to his body so he could enjoy the play of her muscles and the feel of her small, firm breasts crushing into his chest.

  “I’m not like that!”

  “I think you are,” Erik said. She tried to pull away again, but he held her so she couldn’t see the monitors. Jana and the other two disappeared off the screen, but Erik knew they would appear on the next soon.

  “How dare you!” The redhead slapped him. Erik laughed and kissed her again. She tried to slap him once more, but he batted her hand away.

  “Do you like it rough?” He caught her slender wrists in his left hand and lifted so she was standing on tiptoe. “We can fuck like this, or you can go down on me and suck my cock.” The words obviously shocked the woman. Erik kept them coming to prevent her from wanting to ever look at her monitors.

  He saw Jana and Case flit from one side of another screen to the other and knew they were close to getting out of the building. He had to engage the woman before they worked on the alarms. Raleigh might help, but all he was likely to do was inadvertently get them caught. He trusted Case or Jana more to circumvent the exit alarms.

  “I never!”

  “If you’ve never, then you’re in for a treat.” He kissed her lips hard. This time she didn’t struggle quite as much, but he held onto her hands.

  “This isn’t right. You can’t do this to me.”

  “I’m not going to argue.” Erik almost laughed when he saw the look of disappointment that was quickly replaced by contempt. “I’m just going to take what I want.”

  The woman let out a yelp of surprise as Erik spun her around. He released her wrists so she could reach out and grab the desk holding the monitors. Before she could regain her balance, he slid one of his feet between hers and swept backward, opening her stance and putting all her weight forward.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What you want. I’m going to make you a star.”

  “I’ll call for help!”

  “Go on, scream all you want. I can gag you. Would you like that?” Erik reached out and ran his finger along her lips. She kissed the finger rather than trying to bite it. That told him what he wanted to know. She said one thing and was waiting for him to continue.

  He reached around her waist, found the clever fastener at the side and tugged her pants down. They were made from the same skintight fabric that Jana had worn, but Erik thought he was enjoying this more than if he was undressing Jana. He ran his hand over the smooth, curvy butt cheeks. He felt her quivering at his touch.

  He gave h
er a quick slap.


  “You like that? You want another?”

  “No, no, yes, no!”

  He gave her two more quick swats that turned her milky white skin red with his handprint. Then he opened his pajama-like pants and moved forward. His erection poked between the silky half moons jutting up as the woman bent forward even more. His hips rocked a little, driving his cock between them and seeking out her pussy.

  “No, not there,” she begged. She waggled her behind and ground it down into the curve of his body. “Up my ass. Fuck my ass!”

  He took hold of her around the waist and positioned himself differently. The knobby tip of his cock slid upward just a little until he found the puckered opening. Erik looked up at the strange doorway. It was still twisted shut, just like the redhead’s anus. A quick look to the side at the monitor showed Raleigh looking fearful, a door open and no sign of either Jana or Case.

  “They got out,” he said inadvertently.

  “You get in!” The woman crammed herself backward until the head of his cock vanished into her tight rear. He gasped as she tensed and relaxed around him. Her entire body shook like a leaf in a high wind as he began moving forward slowly, slowly, slowly to keep from harming her delicate inner membrane. It took almost a full minute for him to bury himself completely up her back, but the superheated tightness was worth the slow entry. He clung to her waist so she wouldn’t move about. He wanted to experience her completely before he began fucking.

  He wanted that, but she didn’t. She managed to slip away from him and press into the desktop. He followed her, in spite of her protests. Those protests turned to groans of desire as he pressed deeper into her, then began withdrawing with the same glacial speed he had used to enter.

  Erik glanced at the monitor and saw Case waving at the camera. Raleigh pushed past and disappeared out the door. Erik gulped and began a gentle thrusting that took him in and out to match the woman’s cries of joy. The cries turned to sobs and moans as he built up speed. The heat of her body turned into a blast furnace.


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