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The Bishop's Boys: A Life of Wilbur and Orville Wright

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by Crouch, Tom D.

  flight simulation, 436–37

  flight training, 338, 373, 387–88, 402, 405, 510–11

  by Curtiss, 428–29, 459, 488

  by Wright Brothers, 383, 385, 386, 408, 426–28, 427, 429, 435–37, 438, 439

  Flint, Charles Ranlett, 328–30, 331, 360, 406

  Charles R. Flint & Co., 328–30, 334–35, 337–38, 342. 346, 359. 440. 451–52

  Flips and Flops, 515–16

  Floyd, Halleck, 79, 82, 217

  Flugmaschine Wright Gesellschaft, 405, 433–34

  flying boats, 249, 456, 457–58, 459–60

  flying bombs, 470

  flying circus, 434

  flying machines:

  bat-winged, 260, 441

  bicycles and, 114–15, 169–70, 171, 243, 302, 353

  design and construction of, 139, 140, 141, 143–44, 152–53, 154–55, 165, 166–70 early experiments with, 137–45, 153–56, 162

  humorous skepticism about, 136–38, 159, 231, 429

  model, 139–42, 143, 153, 168

  multiwing, 153–54, 168, 239

  predictions about, 114, 137, 138, 213

  rubber driven, 140, 153, 155, 168–69

  spiral winged, 138

  steam-powered, 138, 139, 141–42, 166, 169, 258, 260

  successful early flights of, 141–42, 144, 153–56

  toy, 56–57, 159, 164, 362, 515

  see also airplanes; gliders; specific aircraft

  “Flying Machines and the War” (Kelly), 519

  “Flying Man, The,” 159, 362

  Fokker, “Bird of Paradise,” 511

  Foraker, Joseph Benson “Fire Alarm Joe,” 99–100

  Forbes, A. Holland, 391–92

  Ford, Edsel, 509

  Ford, Glenn, 497

  Ford, Henry, 136, 461–62 restoration project of, 44, 507–10

  Ford Hour, 509

  Fordyce, Arnold, 309, 310, 327, 334, 335, 336–37, 339, 340, 381

  Fordyce, Emma, 58

  Fort Myer, Va., 124, 163, 361, 365, 371–80, 384, 390, 394, 427, 507

  Army demonstration flights at, 372–78, 376, 395–99, 397, 408, 445, 456

  Foster, Hubert, 295, 304–5, 306, 311

  Foster, Stephen, 508

  Foulois, Benjamin Delahauf, 372–73, 396, 397–99, 408, 446

  Fournier, Jules, 310

  14-bis, 317, 324–26

  Fowler, Bob, 437, 439

  France, 124, 146, 149, 312

  aeronautical interest in, 249–52, 253, 274–75. 306–11, 317–26, 333, 342–45, 362, 403–4

  aircraft subsidies in, 446–47

  aviation claims of, 326, 345, 369, 404, 441, 463

  Chamber of Deputies of, 335

  Senate of, 383

  Third Civil Tribunal of, 416

  War Ministry of, 309–10, 311, 322, 333–35, 337–40, 446–47, 460

  Wilbur in, 90, 118, 124, 127–28, 163, 312, 333, 364–70, 380–88, 416

  Wright patents in, 312, 441

  Wrights’ negotiations with, 306–11, 314, 333–35, 337–40, 344, 349, 354

  Francis, John A., 46

  Frankfurter Zeitung, 250

  Franklin, Benjamin, 527

  Franks, Oliver, 528

  Freedman, Andrew, 410

  Freemasonry, 25, 29–30, 35, 41–42, 51

  Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince of Germany, 382, 406

  Front Porch Campaign, 135

  Frost, Robert, 195

  Frost King, 350

  Fry, John Philip, 32

  Fuller, Lawson M., 346

  Fulton, Robert, 406

  Funkhouser, Charles, 525

  Furnas, Charlie, 354–55, 358–59, 371

  Gallant Journey, 497

  Garber, Paul E., 496, 528

  Gardner, Henry, 148

  Gardner, Lester, 492, 521

  Garfield School, 58

  Gary, Elbert, 409

  Gasnier, René, 368

  gasoline, 242, 244, 245, 249, 267, 332, 374

  General Motors, 471

  “Genesis of the First Successful Aeroplane, The,” 328–29

  “Geographic Pivot of History, The” (Mackinder), 289

  Germany, Imperial, 300, 307, 310, 312, 417

  aeronautical accomplishments in, 138, 142–45

  aeronautical program in, 339, 402, 405–6

  Wrights’ negotiations with, 330, 339–41, 405–6

  Wrights’ patent suits in, 451

  Wrights’ production agreement in, 405, 433–34, 442

  Geyer, Harvey, 523

  Gibbon, Edward, 78

  Gilbert, Jess, 35, 119

  Gill, Howard, 428, 435

  Gillispie, G. L., 292–93

  Gilmore, William, 503

  Gleanings in Bee Culture, 285

  Gleichen, A. E. W., 311

  Glennan, Keville, 271, 272

  gliders, 56, 128, 275

  automatic vs. pilot control of, 201, 444–45

  body-shifting control of, 234

  copies of, 275, 318, 319–20, 322, 323–24

  experiments with, 143–45, 146, 153–56, 176, 179–80, 178–91, 196–99, 201, 233, 248–49, 296, 317–24

  first American flight of, 152, 296, 445

  first flight of, 176

  first passenger flight of, 323

  high-wing monoplane, 445

  lateral-control system of, 251

  launching of, 211, 296, 322

  manned, 115, 138, 143–45, 152

  ratio of flight to fall in, 143

  records achieved by, 240–41, 444–45

  sport, 171

  tailless, 312

  two-surface, 154, 155, 156, 160, 168, 214, 233, 275–76, 1 290

  type de Wright, 317, 319–20, 322, 323–24

  see also specific gliders

  Godard family, 249

  Golden Age, 36

  Golden Flier, 399, 401–2, 404

  Goodwin, Margaret, 120

  Goop Tales, Alphabetically Told, The (Burgess), 127–28

  Goujarde, Lieutenant, 118

  Goujarde, Mme., 118

  Gould, Jay, 149

  Goupil, Alexandre, 489–90

  Grahame-White, Claude, 414, 431, 432, 447

  Grande Semaine d’Aviation de Champagne,

  La, 403–4

  “Grand Junction Railroad,” 265

  Grand Prix d’Aviation, 322, 342, 344, 349, 362

  Gray, Jim, 270, 271

  Great Aerodrome, 169, 256, 257–58, 261–63,

  263, 293, 296

  Greenfield Village, 44, 507–10

  Grey, C. G., 496

  Gross, Hans, 339

  ground crews, 263–64, 266–67, 266, 269–70,


  Grumbach, Carrie Kayler, 14, 121–22, 270–71, 273, 476, 477, 478, 524

  Grumbach, Charles, 121

  Guggenheim, Daniel, 474

  Guggenheim, Harry, 474

  Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT), 474

  Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics, 473–74, 474

  Guizot, François-Pierre-Guillaume, 78

  gyroscopes, 459–60

  Haldane, R. B., 333

  Hale, John P., 26

  Hamilton, Charles K., 296, 425–26

  Hammer, William J., 313, 327

  Hand, Learned, 413, 415

  hangars, 203, 207–8, 260, 269, 354, 366, 371, 385, 407, 510

  hang gliders, 143–45, 172, 234, 318

  Hare, Jimmy, 357

  Hargrave, Lawrence, 230, 231, 324, 342, 350

  Harkness, Harry, 431

  Harmon, Clifford Burke, 431

  Harmon, Judson, 393

  Harper’s, 519

  Hartsville College, 31, 35, 42, 64, 89

  Harwood, Van Ness, 443–44

  Haskell, Henry J., 482–83

  Havens, Beckwith “Becky,” 429

  Hawley, Allan, 336, 363

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 78

Hawthorn Hill, 15, 448, 476–479, 478, 480–81, 482, 483, 489, 502–3, 524

  Hawthorn Street house, 44–48, 45, 52, 65, 95, 97, 116, 125, 128, 214, 248, 328, 391, 452, 454, 476, 483

  recreaton of, 44, 507–10

  Hayward, Charles, 417

  Hazel, John R., 404–5, 412–13, 414–15, 452

  Hazelhurst, Leighton, 451, 458

  Hearst, William Randolph, 98, 425, 437

  Hearst Prize, 425, 437–38, 439

  helicopters, 498

  toy, 56–57, 159, 164, 362, 515

  Henry, Stuart C., 523

  Henry County, Ind., 63–66

  Herring, Augustus Moore, 251, 302, 312–13, 348, 361, 363. 380, 400–401, 407, 419

  Chanute and, 153–55, 155, 156, 160, 214, 233–36, 239–40, 260, 275–76, 343, 352, 498

  Curtiss and, 400–401, 407, 419

  death of, 415

  Herring-Curtiss Company, 401–3

  Wrights’ suit against, 402–3, 404–5, 407, 412–15

  High School Times, 101

  high-speed flight, 474

  Hildebrandt, Alfred, 405

  Hoosier, 37

  Hoster, Bill, 356

  Hott, J. W., 81

  Hounshell, David, 106

  Howell, Richard, 499

  “How the Wright Brothers Began” (Kelly), 519

  How We Invented the Airplane (Wright), 497

  Hoxsey, Arch, 427, 430–31, 433, 434–35

  Hudson, Henry, 406

  Hudson-Fulton Celebration, 60, 406–7, 408, 409, 410, 424–25

  Hudson Motor Car Company, 469

  Huffaker, Edward Chalmers, 152, 162, 205, 206–7, 208, 210, 211, 2I3, 2I4, 235, 236, 251, 419

  Huffman, Torrence, 299, 308, 504, 510

  Huffman, W. P., 46

  Huffman Prairie, 11, 19, 278–79, 280–86, 281, 298–99, 3I0, 361

  flight training at, 426–28, 429, 435–37, 438, 439, 510–11

  Wright memorial at, 504, 510, 511

  Hughes, Charles Evans, 471

  Hughes Commission, 471

  Hugo, Victor, 335

  Humbert, Charles, 335, 339

  Humphreys, Frederick E., 408

  Hunaudieres, Les, 364–65, 366–70, 383, 384, 385, 386, 397

  hydroaeroplanes, 249, 456, 457–58, 459–60

  hydrofoil tests, 350

  I-bis, 324

  Illinois, 36

  Illustrierte Aeronautische Mitteilungen, 203, 306–7, 362

  Independent, 281, 362

  inertial navigation system, 460

  Ingersoll, Robert, 78

  Internal Revenue Service, 527

  International Conference on Aerial Navigation, 150, 151–52, 205, 296, 422

  Issy-les-Moulineaux, 322–23, 324, 342, 343–44, 364, 384

  Italy, 312, 387–88

  Jackson, Andrew, 23, 29

  Jacobs, James H., 412, 471, 492

  James, E. C, 96

  Jameson, John, 481, 482

  Jameson, Leontine Wright (niece), 89, 125,

  126, 480–81

  Jamestown, Va., 330, 458

  Jefferson, Thomas, 504, 527

  Jefferson College, 146

  Jefferson School, 57

  Jennings, Miss, 93, 94

  Joe Blackburn, 262

  Johnson, Walter, 489

  Johnstone, Ralph, 11, 428, 430–31, 432–33, 434–35

  Jones, Lottie, 509

  J-1 trainer aircraft, 470

  Journal, Le (Paris), 309, 334, 337

  Journal of the Western Society of Engineers, 219, 230

  June Bug, 362–63, 364, 400, 457

  Jusserand, J. J., 310

  Kansas City, Mo., 70, 72, 107, 148–49, 482–83

  Kansas City Star, 482

  Kapferer, Henry, 342–43

  Karman, Theodore von, 474, 502

  Katydid, 153–54, 155, 156, 168, 233

  Kayler, Carrie, see Grumbach, Carrie Kayler

  Kehler, Richard von, 339, 340, 405

  Keiter, Millard F., 215–18, 302, 380, 484

  Kelly, Fred C., 475, 497, 518–21

  Kelly, Hugh, 458

  Kephart, Bishop, 81–82

  Kettering, Charles F., 468–69, 509

  Kettering Bug, 470

  Key, Francis Scott, 527

  Keys, Clement M., 467

  Kill Devil Hills, 191, 203, 207, 236–37, 265, 268, 280, 285, 354, 355, 356, 358, 505–7

  Kill Devil Hills Lifesaving Station, 260, 263–64, 266–67, 226, 354–55, 358, 522

  Kill Devil Hills Memorial Association, 505

  Kindervater, W. H., 506

  Kinnane, Adrian, 129

  Kirby, John, 276

  kites, 65, 154, 232, 443

  Bell’s, 350–52, 399

  box, 230, 322, 324, 350

  delta-wing, 318

  experimental, 173–74, 178–80, 203, 350–52, 423

  man-lifting, 289, 350, 423

  tetrahedral, 350, 351, 399

  Kitty Hawk, N.C., 13, 14, 117, 121, 128, 162, 182–99, 229, 278

  camp site at, 188–89, 189, 193, 199. 203, 207–8, 236–37, 239, 241, 256, 259, 265–66, 267, 354, 356, 358–59, 443, 523

  history and character of, 191–96, 505

  1900 flight trials at, 184–200

  1901 flight trials at, 203, 205, 207–13

  1902 flight trials at, 236–41, 247, 423

  1903 flight trials at, 256, 258–61, 263–70, 289, 291

  1908 flight trials at, 349, 354–59

  1911 flight trials at, 443–45

  Wright monument at, 505–7

  Klinger, Peter, 107

  Klose, Herr, 433–34

  Knabenshue, A. Roy, 290, 303, 425, 475

  Wright flying team supervised by, 426–28, 434

  Koerner, Catherine Fry (grandmother), 32–33, 40, 63, 65

  Koerner, John Gottlieb (grandfather), 32–33, 35, 40

  Koesch, Ralph, 138

  Krebs, Arthur, 230–31

  Kress, Wilhelm, 249

  Krockman, Arnold, 444

  Kronprinzessin Cecile, 390, 402, 433

  Kuhns, Ezra, 448–49, 450

  La Chapelle, Duval, 427

  Lahm, Frank, 307–9, 314–15, 327, 336, 341, 381, 509

  Lahm, Frank, Jr., 336, 341, 346, 361, 372, 373, 374, 392, 397, 408, 409, 435

  Lake, Simon, 328

  Lake Erie, Battle of, 438

  Lambert Island, 478–79, 482, 489, 513

  Lamson, Charles H., 233, 234, 236, 239, 249, 423, 447

  landing gear, retractable, 471

  Landowski, Paul, 505

  Landry, Robert, 528

  Lane, Joseph, 37–38

  Langley, Samuel Pierpont, 150, 152, 165–67, 205, 214, 215, 220, 239–40, 251, 310, 419

  Aerodromes built by, 139–42, 141, 153, 160–62, 168–70, 210, 226, 256–58, 261–63, 263, 293. 296, 312, 350. 485–87, 489, 492–95, 520

  aeronautical claims on behalf of, 485–95

  death of, 485, 487

  flights of, 145, 146

  Langley Day celebration, 485–86

  Langley Laboratory, 485, 486

  Langley Medal, 485, 488

  Langley Memorial Tablet, 485

  Langley Research Center, 473

  lateral control systems, 251, 317, 324, 353, 384, 401–2, 419–20, 442

  launch mechanisms, 258, 265, 291, 325

  catapult, 140, 141, 256, 262, 282–83, 285–86, 299, 381, 486

  rail laid for, 255–56, 261, 264, 265, 266, 267–68, 281, 283–84, 299, 381, 528

  weight and derrick, 261, 363

  La Vaulx, comte de, 251–52, 336

  Lavezarri, Monsieur, 318

  Layton, Edwin, 175

  Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroad Company, 148

  Leavenworth Daily Tribune, 148

  Lebaudy, Paul, 250–51, 336

  Lebaudy, Pierre, 250–51

  Lechambre, Paul, 249

  Le Conte, John, 137

  Lefebvre, Euge
ne, 435

  Legion of Honor, 309, 502

  Le Mans, France, 312, 364, 369, 377, 381, 387–88, 488, 504–5

  Letellier, Henri, 309, 334–35, 410

  Levavaseur, Leon, 318, 324

  Liberty, 496, 500

  Liberty Party, 25, 26

  Library of Congress, 500, 525–26

  Life of Samuel Johnson (Boswell), 78

  lift control, 176–77, 197, 205, 212, 214, 219–28

  Ligue Nationale Aérienne, 383, 441, 446

  Lilienthal, Gustav, 232

  Lilienthal, Otto, 142–45, 146, 152, 153, 164, 166, 171, 174, 179, 197, 215, 232, 233, 446

  fatal crash of, 145, 156, 159, 160, 172, 210, 231

  lift and drag data of, 203, 210, 213, 214, 219–22, 226

  published work of, 142–43, 162, 177, 178

  Lincoln, Abraham, 40, 504, 508

  Lindbergh, Charles, 474, 528

  Atlantic flight of, 502

  Langley controversy and, 493–95

  Orville and, 493–95, 502–3, 516–17, 518

  linotype machines, 135–36

  Literary Digest, 490

  Little, Brown and Company, 518

  Little Egypt, 150, 151

  “little jokers” tabs, 295

  Loening, Grover, 412, 458, 460, 463, 471

  Orville recalled by, 456–57, 461, 464

  Loewe, Isidore, 330, 333, 339

  Lokal-Anzieger (Berlin), 405

  London School of Economics and Political Science, 289

  Aeronautical, 400, 457

  Lorenz, E. L., 452

  Lorenz, Mrs. D. L., 60

  Los Angeles Times, 499

  last Flights of Gustave Whitehead, The (Randolph), 499, 500

  Lougheed, Victor, 445, 497

  Louisiana Purchase Exposition, see St. Louis Exposition Louvre, 386, 387

  Lou Willis, 354

  Love, Judge, 526

  Love, Moss, 458

  Lowell, James Russell, 19

  Lucas-Girardville, Paul N., 382, 383, 386

  Ludlow, Israel, 423

  Lutheran Standard, 68–69

  Lyncker, General von, 339–40

  LZ 6, 406

  McArdle, William, 431

  McClure’s Magazine, 159

  McCook Field, 511

  McCurdy, John Alexander Douglas, 351–53, 379–80

  McFarland, Marvin W., 525–26

  McGee, W. J., 80, 106

  McGowan, P. H., 357, 359

  McGraw-Hill, 526

  McGuffey, William Holmes, 508

  “Machine That Really Flies, The,” 280

  Mackinder, Halford, 289

  McKinley, William, 99–100, 135, 139

  McLeish, Archibald, 525

  McMahon, John R., 48, 190, 475–76, 517–18

  McSurley, Alexander, 500

  magnetos, 244, 245, 259, 374

  malaria, 448

  Maloney, Daniel, 296–97, 445, 497

  Manly, Charles Matthews, 257–58, 262–63, 312, 363–64, 419

  Manning, Anna, 46–47

  Manning, James, 45, 46–47

  Manufacturers Aircraft Association, 466–67

  Marey, Etienne Jules, 159


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