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New Erotica 6

Page 5

by Various

  There was a pause. Matt tightened his grip around her shoulders, and then allowed her to lean a little further back. Jessica groaned as the cylinder penetrated further into her. Matt’s right hand, still holding the cane, cupped her sex, and the tip of the cane nudged into her wide-open vagina. She could feel that she was dripping wet. Her breasts felt hot and swollen, and her nipples hardened suddenly. Her body shook with tremors of desire. She knew that if Matt were to move his hand, only a little, she would start to come.

  ‘You seem to be enjoying this,’ he said, and he brought up his hand and resumed caning her breasts.

  Now each sharp lash was sheer pleasure. Jessica arched her back, to present her breasts and to push her bottom down on to the cylinder. Jolts of electric energy ran through her body. In a lucid moment she wondered whether it was possible for her to reach a climax this way.

  ‘That’s enough,’ Matt said. Jessica sighed and moaned as he helped her to stand, and the cylinder slipped from her anus.

  She stood with her head bowed and her long hair falling about her face as she recovered her breath. She kept her hands behind her back. She gasped when Matt’s fingers touched her breasts, and the surge of pleasure was so intense that her legs almost gave way.

  ‘They’ll be sore for a while,’ Matt said. ‘But I don’t think there will be marks. It’s getting late, but I suppose I should allow you to have a climax. From your report it sounds as though you’ve had a frustrating day. So you can masturbate now. Use the cylinder up your arse, if you like. You seem to enjoy it.’

  Jessica was so desperate for satisfaction that her hands went straight to her sex before he had finished speaking. It was wonderful to touch the hot, wet, secret places between her legs, with her breasts and her anus still throbbing insistently.

  But she wanted more. She wanted Matt. With a sob she took her hands away from her sex. They were wet with her juices. She lifted her head to look at her mentor. ‘Please,’ she said. She reached out and grasped the shaft of his manhood. ‘Please?’

  He shrugged. ‘Very well,’ he said. ‘I can’t deny that it’s pleasant to fuck you.’ With effortless strength he took a rolled-up exercise mat from behind the door and threw it on to the floor, where it unrolled. ‘Kneel,’ he said. ‘Then bend over. Head down on the mat, bottom up.’

  Jessica was so excited that she thought she might pass out. This, even more than the punishment, was what she had been waiting for all day. She arranged herself in the position he wanted. She placed her knees as far apart as she could, and drew them up to her shoulders, so that her bottom was as rounded and open as she could make it. She pressed her face and her sore breasts against the mat, and shivered with pleasure.

  He was going to fuck her again. Even the sound of the coarse word excited her. Not her mouth, this time. Her sex. A proper fucking.

  Her hair was spread in a pool all round her head. She could see nothing. She was a vessel, containing nothing but yearning desire, waiting to be filled. She could imagine how she looked, abasing herself on the floor, her bottom and her vulva so prominent that the rest of her might as well not exist. She was nothing but sex; she wanted nothing but sex.

  She heard him kneel behind her, between her calves. Then, suddenly, the hot, blunt tip of his erection was pushing between her labia, and then he was inside her, pressing further in, filling her vagina before she had time to recognise the succession of sensations that flooded through her.

  He moved back and forth inside her, unhurriedly, and even though he didn’t touch her in any other way Jessica was in a state of bliss. If she had been a cat she would have purred. Matt’s long, thick member seemed to be growing even bigger and harder.

  He withdrew it, until only the tip was nuzzling against her sex-lips. Her vagina felt empty, and she murmured with disappointment.

  ‘I’m sure that was very enjoyable,’ Matt said. ‘But it isn’t what you need. I think we should keep to today’s theme.’

  Before Jessica could decipher his meaning, she felt the tip of his penis slide from between her labia and up, into the funnel of corrugated skin around her anus.

  He was going to use her there.

  ‘I should have whipped you here, as well,’ Matt said thoughtfully. ‘Never mind. There’s no time now.’

  For a brief moment Jessica wondered whether she should object, struggle, cry out. Everything was happening too quickly. Before today she had never allowed anyone to put anything into her anus – well, nothing more than the tip of a finger, anyway. Now she was expected to accommodate Matt’s rigid, engorged penis.

  She relaxed. There was, after all, nothing she wanted more at that moment than Matt’s manhood. She felt it test the resilience of the little ring of muscle, and she sighed as the hole opened, and the head of his penis slid into her. I’m losing my virginity all over again, she thought.

  She cried out as the pain began, and then her cries became groans of pleasure as the pangs lessened. He was well inside her now, inching into her with little thrusts of his powerful hips. He felt larger than the plug she had worn at Mrs Smythe’s; larger even than the metal cylinder she had squatted on while he had caned her breasts. He was like a heated metal bar inside her. Each time he thrust forwards she felt a spasm of pain that melted into the spreading, deepening pool of her blissful delirium.

  It’s as if I’m being spanked inside my bottom, she thought; it’s punishment and pleasure combined. It’s humiliating enough to be used this way, but it’s utterly degrading to enjoy it. I’m such a naughty girl. Because I certainly am enjoying it. Oh, yes. I hope it feels as wonderful to Matt as it does to me. I want him to use me like this again.

  She could no longer think coherently. Her whole body was alive with electric tremors, and she was moaning helplessly in time with the deep pulses of pleasurable ache that spread from her breached bottom. Matt was fully inside her now: the thick base of his erection was stretching open the ring of her anus, and his hairs were scratching her buttocks. His body was bent over hers: she felt the hard pips of his nipples press into her back. He was panting, and uttering little guttural noises. Even as she rode the rising waves of pain and pleasure, Jessica smiled: at last she had succeeded in breaking down the wall of his indifference.

  He curled an arm under her stomach. ‘Up,’ he grunted, pushing her ribcage upwards. ‘I want your breasts.’

  She did her best to comply. Before the tips of her breasts were clear of the mat, his hand was grasping them. Had he forgotten that they had just been caned, or did he intend to cause her more pain? He wasn’t gentle: he grabbed and kneaded the sore flesh, and then, as if regaining his self-control, he began deliberately to pinch and twist the nipples.

  More pain; more pleasure. It felt as though a taut wire stretched from her nipples to her rectum: a wire alive with electric shocks. The sensations were too strong, too much, too wonderful to bear. Matt was holding her, he was surrounding her, he was inside her. She was a limp, helpless doll. She was nothing but waves of sensation crashing faster and faster on the shore.

  ‘If you want to come,’ Matt said through gritted teeth, ‘touch yourself now.’

  I’ll come anyway, she thought, if you keep on doing the things you’re doing. But he was her mentor, and she had to obey. It was difficult: she had to prop herself on one elbow and insert the other arm under her body, reaching back and up until her fingers found the strands of viscous liquid hanging from her sex.

  The effort had brought her to the surface of her lake of pleasure. One touch of her fingers on the petals of her sex was enough to send her diving back down into the dark, warm, liquid, pulsing depths.

  One touch, and she was starting to come. Her fingers pressed and rubbed frantically, matching the pulses of pleasure-pain, the regular thrusts of Matt’s invasive penis, the insistent pinching of his fingers around her sore nipples. The hard, hot bar inside her was suddenly still, and she could feel the cataract of semen forcing its way through the tight ring of her anus as it sped towards its exp
losive expulsion into her bowels.

  An avalanche of emotions swept over her and carried her away. It was as if every pathway in her brain had been thrown open simultaneously. She forgot where she was; she forgot who she was. She just experienced wave after wave of emotion: love, shame, loss, delight, even fear. She realised that her body was shaking and she was uttering loud cries. She felt wetness on her face, and knew she was crying.

  She slumped slowly on to her side and lay, curled up, on the mat. She was aware of Matt looking down at her. She felt his hand on her cheek.

  ‘Are you all right?’ he whispered. ‘I think you lost consciousness for a moment.’

  If Jessica had not felt so drained of energy she would have sat up and kissed him. He was concerned about her; he cared for her.

  ‘Mmm,’ she murmured, and nodded. ‘Yes, thank you, Mentor.’

  ‘Good,’ Matt said, standing straight. ‘It’s bad for business if the members pass out. It’s very late. I have work to do, and you have to return home. Whatever that anal plug was supposed to prepare you for, I’d say you’re ready for it now.’

  He left the office. Jessica dragged herself to her feet. He was right: she had to go home. She was so happy that even the tiredness was wearing off. Her life kept on getting better and better. Suddenly she laughed. What would Brian say, she wondered, if she were to tell him that today she had watched one of her neighbours being given an enema; and then she had spent most of the day naked, playing with the most unusual toys and with the neighbour; and that finally she had had her breasts caned and, for the first time in her life, she had had anal sex. She knew what he would say. He wouldn’t believe her.

  She laughed again, and with shaking fingers she began to dress.

  Field agent’s report to the Private House

  From: Matt

  For the attention of: Mistress Julia

  I am aware that the enclosed report is merely a factual, if detailed, account of the activities that Jessica told me about and of the meeting I had with her late in the afternoon. I decided to write this separate note of my observations and opinions.

  Thank you, first of all, for responding quickly and positively to my request that I be allowed to remain in Hillingbury and in charge of this operation. I am very sorry that today’s events have already demonstrated that your faith in me is not merited.

  I have allowed my feelings for Jessica to cloud my judgement. It’s true that I have said nothing to her, but after my treatment of her this afternoon I cannot believe that she will want to see me again. I still don’t know what possessed me. Jealousy, I suppose. I couldn’t bear to hear the happiness in her voice as she told me about the fun and games she’s enjoyed as a ‘pet’. I was determined to show her that submission entails more than being naked and playing with toys. And she is, Mistress, irresistibly submissive.

  Even if she returns to report again, I don’t think I can maintain this charade. Every time I write to you I am betraying her confidence. She thinks that I will keep her secrets; instead I send them all to you. What will she think of me when she finds out?

  I understand that you must send another agent to complete this assignment. I will remain here until I am relieved of the post, and I will continue to report.

  I can’t bear to think that I won’t see Jessica again.


  Tara Black

  About the Author

  Tara Black is a newcomer to the Nexus list. Her second novel, Ritual Stripes, was published in June 2002, and builds on her reputation as a writer of CP novels with an up-to-the-minute flavour. That reputation has been established by the novel extracted here – Drawn to Discipline, which takes a realistic look at corporal punishment as practised by flagellants from Leipzig to LA. Tara Black touches on the politics and contradictions of CP and SM, but don’t let that put you off! She’s a hot, arousing read who helps explain why generations who have never been brought up with institutionalised CP still find it a perennial turn-on!

  In this extract, student Judith Wilson finds out firsthand about the Nemesis Archive – an institution at which she’s landed a job – and its intriguing brief: the documentation of perverse female desires!

  SO YOU’RE SAYING this isn’t going to make our fortunes as a porn vid?’

  ‘Honey, she gets a cool swishing and she’s got a peachy big butt, so that’s say six out of ten, maybe seven at a pinch. But when he sticks her you don’t even see which hole he’s in, only his ass blocking the camera, and he keeps his fucking pants on! So that makes a total score of three, tops. I make better tapes than this every weekend. Talking of which, it’s time you came along to star on one – and we’ll have your sweet ass good and bare. Now that would have to be worth a few bucks!’ Marsha hooted as Judith went red, wrong-footed by the lady’s deadpan humour.

  ‘I’m sorry. Don’t get mad, Jude. I can’t resist getting a rise out of you. Just remember I’m not letting on what I do between Saturday night and Sunday morning, but I’ll tell you it’s usually with just one lover. That’s l-o-v-e-r. I want you for a friend, girl.’ The voluble American pecked quickly at Judith’s cheek, conciliatory, and Judith smiled. It was impossible to be cross with Marsha for long. Together they picked up the drinks they had just bought and were carrying them over to the corner table when Judith spotted a familiar black face on the steps down into the basement bar. For a second she was blank, then it came back. It was the girl who tried to pick her up in the Ladies before, oh, God, before … It was a full month ago yet to think about it still made her sick. Gwen, that was her name. Judith called it out and the young woman looked across and waved.

  She bought a beer and came over, and Judith did the introductions. ‘I’ve seen you around,’ said Marsha, looking from her to Judith and back with a twinkle. ‘The Phoenix folk are following me about on my night off.’

  When they were sat down, Gwen took a sip of her drink and said to Judith, ‘So that guy you were dating got up to his old tricks again.’ For a moment Judith gawped – how on Earth did Gwen know what had happened to her that night? – then the penny dropped. ‘Didn’t you hear? He’s been done for assault – some lady up north – and it ain’t no first offence neither. So the bastard’ll be going down for sure. Good fucking riddance.’

  ‘For a while,’ said Marsha.

  ‘Then you didn’t hear he got me,’ Judith said.

  Gwen looked horrified. ‘Jesus fuck. Me and my big mouth. Oh, honey, I had no idea.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it. Just a bruise. But it was a shock I could have done without. And it led to me losing the job I had.’

  ‘Oh, fuck. You were at the archive, yeah? The place the feminists wanna close down?’

  ‘Some so-called feminists,’ Marsha put in with a snort.

  ‘I don’t get it. How could him hitting you put you out of work?’ Gwen continued.

  ‘Well, only indirectly. Oh it’s a long story, let’s just say I was late the next day and there were consequences.’ Judith saw Gwen had a curious look that was asking for more. ‘OK, OK. Much as I’m caught up in all this discipline malarkey, I just couldn’t – wouldn’t – take a leathering from the boss. So I had to leave.’

  ‘Wow! So she practises what the stuff on her shelves preaches, eh? Hey, that’s cool. Kinky stuff. It kinda gives me a funny feeling to think about it. And that’s funny-nice, I mean. I ain’t never done it, but offering your bare bum up to be slapped is a fucking sexy idea.’ She stopped and put a hand to her mouth. ‘Honey, you lost your job over this and I’m rabbiting. Fuck, I’d be chicken, too, when it came to the point of pulling my pants down.’

  Judith looked away. How was it everyone else could be so at ease with this subject when it tied her up in knots inside? Then with relief she saw a second figure she knew at the far end of the bar and seized the opportunity to switch the conversation into different channels.

  ‘Hey, Melissa! Over here.’ Heads turned at her raised voice, then she said, half to herself, ‘Wait a m
inute, she’s supposed to be in Germany. That’s why I took over.’

  Marsha stood up, looking for once distinctly sheepish. ‘Er, Liss is with me for a couple of nights, then she’s back to Bonn. Stay where you are, I’ll go and get a round in.’

  Judith smiled at the hasty disappearance; it was rare to see her friend embarrassed. So here was this weekend’s lover for them all to see: they’d had their Saturday night and Sunday morning and by the look of it there was another night to come.

  When the two of them came through with the drinks, Judith could sense Gwen’s keen interest. The sexual rapport between the wiry American with the iron-grey crew cut and the Glaswegian blonde with the startling red fingernails was an almost material presence at the table and while Liss muttered to Marsha in a low voice, gesticulating, Judith felt breath in her ear and a hand on her thigh.

  ‘Cor, see them. Makes my knickers wet to watch. You wanna follow their example out the back, hon?’ Startled, Judith swung round, only for the black girl to dissolve into giggles. ‘You should see your face, Jude. But it ain’t really a joke, you know that.’ She gave the bare flesh below the short skirt another squeeze, then Melissa leaned forward and spoke to Judith.

  ‘How you getting on at the Meni? I hear you care for the janny even less than I do.’

  Judith laughed. ‘He’d hate being called that, the way he fancies himself as superintendent.’

  ‘Aye. That’ll be superintendent of young lassies’ bums. But he never got his paws on me. When he tried it on I stuck a nail file in his ribs. Let the shit believe it was the point of a knife. Kept his fucking distance after that.’

  Gwen’s eyes were popping out. ‘Jeez, Jude, are you safe working there? I mean, what is it this outfit actually does?’

  ‘Good question,’ said Judith, looking at Melissa. ‘It’s some weird deal altogether. All I know is I deliver stuff from this depot two streets away. There’s books – some of their own publications – and then there’s, well, straps and, er, things. All securely wrapped and I haven’t dared have a proper look yet.’


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