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Secret Pressure (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 4)

Page 14

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  “That’s what I’m saying.”

  She held up her hands, realizing her fingers were shaking. “I do need one, but I think I can manage alone.”

  “I think you’re still a little weak.”

  “Taking a bath doesn’t take much energy.”

  “What’s wrong, darling, I’ve seen it all a few times.” He grinned. Pure torment to her insides.

  Wow…her nerve endings bounced in excitement. He moved toward the edge of the bed and before she could moan a word of defense, he scooped her up, moving easily toward the bathroom. “Really, Jobe. I’m sure you have something else you’d rather be doing than caring for me.”

  “You’re not serious, are you?” He placed her onto the closed seat of the toilet. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.” A twinkle lit his eye.

  He bent over to turn on the water to the tub and she admired the firm shape of his bottom in the worn jeans. He didn’t work up any sweat carrying her in, but she sweltered just looking at him. He swiveled and she quickly lifted her gaze, pretending innocence.

  “Do you need me to undress you?”

  Oh holy mother of all that is good…

  Her heart screamed…Yes! Yes! Yes!

  She must keep things in perspective. He’s not asking to undress you to touch your parts, silly. He is only helping. “I can manage.” A second sped by, she tapped her foot on the floor. “Aren’t you leaving?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “I said I can manage.”

  “Okay, but I’m not going far. You’re still dehydrated and you need someone close. That happens to be me.”


  “No room for argument, sweetheart.”

  Stubborn man! “Fine. But at least turn.”

  A wicked smile curved his gorgeous lips then he turned his back to her. She went about removing her shirt, although her body ached, then the shorts, giving them a toss to the side. While he wasn’t looking, she stood intending to step into the tub, but her legs gave out. Jobe was there, grabbing her up into strong, capable arms. She dropped her head on his shoulder and stared up at him, falling miserably into the pale depths of his beautiful eyes.

  “Cowboy, this is the second time you’ve held me today. I’m starting to like it a lot.”

  “Get used to it.” He winked and her toes curled. Oh, she could…very easily,

  He carefully, and with the gentleness and grace that was unbelievable for a six foot something, two hundred pound calloused man, placed her into the warm water. She covered her breasts with her arms, which seemed for nothing. Like he said earlier, he’d seen it all. Her muscles started to relax until she heard a zipper. Jerking her head up, he was dragging his pants down his legs, giving them a kick to the side. “Jobe, what are you doing?”

  “Getting in.”

  “In?” she muttered.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter, pretty lady. I’m only doing what is necessary.”

  Even if she felt like arguing, it would be too late. He was undressed and climbing in with her. Thankfully, there was plenty of room for the both of them. He slid behind her, the water rose to her neck and her body went on high alert. She didn’t dare look at him.

  He tugged her back against the rock wall of his chest and she closed her eyes, turning to mush as he rubbed his fingers through her hair. “Oh wow. That’s amazing.” She sank deeper between the V of his legs. His fingers were massaging her scalp, but he might as well have reached in her body and caressed every nerve ending, every muscle.

  “I’ve never washed a woman’s hair before, but I guess there’s a first for everything.”

  “For not having any practice, you certainly know how to work your fingers. My beautician doesn’t even work this magic.” Her body forgot it was sick and achy.

  Then came the shampoo, and she melted into a sack of skin and bones as he lathered and stroked her head. He was so gentle, so giving. Her body cried for more, her breasts were jealous, her core trembled for a cuddle.

  Things heated up.

  It wasn’t his intention, she knew, but he rubbed the washcloth down her chest, across each breast, not lingering in a sexual way, pure nurturing, but her skin tingled, the smooth cotton causing her nipples to swell. A moan vibrated his chest.

  “All done, sweetheart.” He pushed her forward and quickly left the tub.

  She whimpered in disappointment.

  No complaints in watching him dry off, wishing she was the towel.

  He quickly dressed and came back to the side of the tub, holding up a towel for her. She pushed the drain with her foot, letting the water empty and, with his help, she stood and he wrapped the towel around her. “I can walk,” she said,

  “I bet you can, but why would you when I’m here to carry you.” He already had her swept up and taking her back to bed.

  “You’re spoiling me.”

  “No, I’m taking care of you. You deserve it.” He laid her on the bed, the towel still wrapped around her naked body. “I’ll find you something to wear.”

  “That’s fine.” Her cheeks turned hot. “Can you get me a bra and panties from the top drawer?”

  If he had any stirring from rummaging through her intimate apparel, he sure didn’t show any signs. She certainly did enjoy watching him. The temperature rose by at least ten degrees. He came back, a thin lacey bra and panties dangling from his thick fingers. “I think these will do just fine.”

  “Wow, you even matched them.”

  “I remember you wearing these.” He wagged his brows. “Do you need more help?”

  “I think I can manage from here.” Much more and she would implode.

  He nodded, his jaw tight and his movements shaky. “I’m getting you a bowl of soup. Serita left a pot on the stove simmering.”

  “I don’t think I can eat a bite of anything…even her delicious soup.” She sat up, leaning against the headboard.

  He shrugged. “As long as you’re drinking, that’s what matters. Do you think you have the flu? A stomach bug? Another surprise pregnancy?” One thick brow lifted. She didn’t see even the slightest hint of humor.

  “No, of course not. It’s a bug, that’s all.” She sighed. “You can relax. No baby shockers this time.”

  “There could be worse things,” he grumbled.

  She swallowed loudly. “You want more kids?”

  He tore his hand through his damp hair. “Eventually, yes. This time I want to be there for everything—doctor visits, delivery, first word, you name it. Can you handle that?”

  Opening her mouth to respond, she didn’t have a chance. He had already left the room. She blew a long breath out of the corner of her mouth. Was he referring to them having more kids together? She couldn’t allow herself to wish.

  And when he came back into the room, the softness in his jaw had been replaced with a hard tilt. He had another bottle of water and placed it on the nightstand.

  “I hope it’s okay I’m in here,” he said in a rough voice.

  She plucked at the frayed hem of her shorts. “Yes. Why the sour expression?”

  He shrugged and his white T-shirt stretched across his chest. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Take a look in the mirror.”

  He turned and faced the dresser mirror. “Oh…that’s not good.” His frown deepened.

  “Tell me about it. You’d scare a giant with that face.” She laughed.

  “Is that right?” In three steps he was beside her, tickling her sides.

  “Sorry.” She squirmed. He dropped down beside her and stretched out. Her body naturally slid closer to him. “What are you doing?”

  He lifted his gaze to her. “I’m staying here, next to you, and don’t even think about any funny business.”

  “By the expansion in certain body parts, I’d say it’s not me we have to be concerned about.” She lowered her gaze to the bulge in the crotch of his shorts.

  He smiled and her heart thudded against her r
ibs. “I know it’s a temptation.”

  “I’m not the least bit tired.”

  He reached for the remote on the table and clicked on the TV. “But tonight darlin’, doc orders rest and a movie. I’ll even compromise and we’ll watch one of those sappy, chick flicks you like so well.”

  Her jaw dropped. “That I like so well? Excuse me, but if I remember correctly, you liked watching them as much as I do.”

  He fluffed a pillow and placed it behind his head. “I like you, therefore, I wish to please you. We’ll leave it at that.”



  He heard his name whispered. He opened his eyes and found Ruby’s face above his, her long, sexy hair falling over her shoulders and spilling onto his chest. The morning sunlight billowed in through the window, casting her features in a golden glow. Her eyes, so worldly and yet so innocent, were bright.

  She studied him, the slightest grin plucking at one corner of her mouth.

  Shit! Best wake up he’d ever had.

  The woman drove him wild and he wanted nothing more but to drag her into his arms and show her how much she affected him. He’d never felt a profounder need in his body, never had a woman that owned every part of him. She had the power to make him illogically crazy.

  That scared the shit out of him.

  He’d hoped by now his hunger for her would have diminished to a dull ache, but that wasn’t the case at all. His blood boiled to possess this woman.

  She shifted, her scent drifting to his nostrils—sweet and intoxicating. This was all it took for his sensitive body to get raging hard. He involuntarily growled and dragged the sheet over his hips. “I fell asleep,” he said in a raspy tone.

  “I haven’t slept that great in, well, ever.” She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “I’m surprised my snoring didn’t keep you awake. I’ve been known to make my brothers pissed.” He chuckled.

  She flicked out her tongue, licking her lips. “If you snored, I wasn’t aware of it.”

  A woman who didn’t mind his snoring. Damn, she was a keeper. Before he thought over right or wrong, he cupped her cheeks in his palms and kissed her. She laid her hand on his chest and moaned.

  His mind listed reasons why he couldn’t let his guard down with Ruby. She wanted to run away. Yet, here she was, living in his home. He could trust her with anything, and would. And…well…he couldn’t think of one worthwhile excuse to walk away.

  He could think of a thousand reasons why he was a better man having her beside him. Not only did she satisfy his physical needs, but emotionally, he cared deeply for her. Who knew that three years ago when she literally fell into his arms, they would forever be connected? He had to take a step forward, forgive the past and secure his future.

  He needed her, and his son, in his life.

  She slid on top of him, chest to chest, hip to hip, and she was achingly hot. He buried his fingers in her hair, gently tugging the thick mass, bringing the tendrils to his nose. Mind-altering. She kissed his jaw. His neck, lower, and skimming her teeth over his nipple. He jerked in response.

  “You little imp.”

  “You naughty cowboy.”

  Her smile told him she knew exactly what she did to him. He kissed her cheeks, her eyelids, her chin and then her lips. He couldn’t get enough. Couldn’t salve the need with just these simple strokes. Things had grown between them. They were no longer the lust-thirsty people wanting a good time. They were parents, and they had a huge responsibility.

  He tugged her hair, pulling her mouth from his. “I want you…now…need…you…now! Feel my need?” He gyrated his hips against her thighs.

  “Big and hard. Is that a morning woody? Or is that pure desire?”

  He stared deeply into her chocolate eyes. “Baby, that’s all you.”

  “Then prove it.” Her eyes twinkled.

  Pushing her back onto the mattress, he slid his knee between her legs and parted them wide. Sometime in the night she’d removed her shorts and shirt, wearing only thin panties and bra now, which he quickly removed from her body.

  Her smile grew wider, her eyes turned to dark diamonds. She was the sexiest thing he’d ever had the pleasure of setting his eyes on. How did he get to be so lucky?

  Kissing her again, so long that he was breathless and her lips were swollen. He couldn’t seem to get enough. As she panted, her chest rose and fell, her nipples brushing his chest. He bent and licked one pink nub, then the other. She whimpered and clutched his shoulders. A cry fell from her lips, she arched her back, and her nails cut into his skin.

  “Jobe.” Her voice was soft, he almost thought he imagined his name.

  He loomed above her, practically ripping his shorts from his hips. His cock stood straight, finding the moist nest between her thighs, searching for the place where he’d find pure salvation.

  “You’re so powerful,” she whimpered.

  “Not when I’m with you,” he admitted.

  He pressed his head against her center and slowly eased his body into her tight opening, enjoying the feel of her rippled muscle grasping his cock. His body ached to pump into her fast and hard, but his heart yearned to make love to her. His heart won…


  “You’re so beautiful,” Jobe whispered in Ruby’s ear as they lay together, naked, without a care in the world. “Even this little scar underneath your bottom lip.” He followed the thin white line with the tip of his finger.

  “Fell on the sidewalk when I was little.” She skimmed her gaze down to his chest. “You have scars too.” She pointed to the long thick mark on his side.

  “Barbed wire fence.”

  “Poor baby.” She kissed his chin, his cheeks, and his ear lobe.

  He smiled. “I didn’t cry. Even at the age of ten I felt I had something to prove to my brothers. I wanted to be just like them. Hell, probably still wish I was.”

  “You’re brothers are great men, but you are amazing. Absolutely, positively out of this world.” She twirled her finger around his nipple.

  “That’s post-sex talking. Wait fifteen minutes then I’ll ask again.” He winked. He nuzzled his nose in her hair, inhaling her intoxicating scent. “You no longer wear the belly button ring.” He traced the tiny pink scar at the top of the navel. She shivered under his touch.

  “My belly got huge carrying Jack. I was afraid it’d pop out, so I removed it.” She snuggled deeper into his side, resting her cheek on his chest. “I love this new tattoo.” She skimmed her fingers along the cross on his ribcage.

  “It represents my faith. I have to always believe that what’s meant to be will happen.” He lifted a tendril of her hair, rolled it around his finger, then let it drop back to her cheek. “Just like you and Jack. Things might not have gone as perfectly as I’d wished, but I have to tell you that I’m happy you’re here, that we have Jack together.”

  “Do you really mean that?” She lifted her chin, meeting his gaze. Did she have any idea how beautiful she was?

  “I really do, sweetheart.”

  “That means so much to me.”

  “Things could have gone horribly wrong. I could have married. It would have been a mistake. I need you to know everything, Ruby. After you left, I did things—”

  She placed her finger over his lips. “That’s the past. We’ve all done things that we shouldn’t. Now we have the future.”

  He kissed her knuckles. “How is the writing coming?”

  “Wonderfully. My creative side is wild.”

  “And could you see yourself staying here, permanently?” He had so many things to say to her, to tell her what was in his heart. He never wanted to leave things unsaid, or miss an opportunity at happiness. He opened his mouth, but the beeping of his cell interrupted. “I’m sorry. I better get this. It might be Em calling about Jack.”

  “Yes, of course.” She moved out of his hold.

  “It’s Nash.” Jobe hit talk. “Hey, bro. I’m not coming out on the
land today…”

  The next words he heard made him almost crush the phone in his palm. He dropped it to the bed, turning to Ruby who went pale.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Her words were shaky.

  “It’s Jack. Em was taking him to town and they were in a car accident.”


  Ruby could barely breathe, her head ached and her chest felt like she’d been hit with a truck as she walked with Jobe, side by side, into the emergency department at the hospital. The second she’d heard her son had been in a car accident, a cloud of doom had washed over her.

  On their way to the hospital, at a high rate of speed, she’d called her sisters, barely able to talk through the sobs as she told them what had happened. They all said they were on their way.

  She had no clue what she’d find when they arrived at the ER. Jobe told her everything Nash had told him. Em’s truck had been hit on the driver’s side by a car that ran a stop sign. They were rushed to the hospital and the family was on their way.

  And here they were, walking through the sterile hallways. Uncertain of what they’d find once they reached the lobby.

  Nash saw them coming, stood up and met them halfway. Deep wrinkles were etched around his eyes and mouth. He looked like he’d aged ten years in the last half hour.

  “Nash…what’s happening?” Ruby forced the words through her trembling lips.

  He tore his hand through his hair, his color fading into a pale white. “Jack is okay. He’s being checked over by doctors now. But Em…” His eyes misted.

  Ruby choked back a sob. “What? Is she okay?”

  He shrugged. “They’re doing everything they can.”

  Jobe who’d been eerily quiet, grabbed his brother and dragged him in for a hug. “It’ll be okay. Em’s a fighter.” There was a catch to Jobe’s tone that made Ruby weak. She leaned against a chair.

  “I’m so sorry, Nash.” Ruby forced her voice to work. “I’m so sorry.”

  He pulled back. “Go to Jack. He’s down the hall, last room on your right.” Nash wiped tears from his cheeks. “I’m going to wait for Pearl and Jewels. They should be here any minute.”

  Ruby raced down the corridor until she came to the last room. She burst through the curtain and found a laughing Jack coloring while a female nurse sat next to him.


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