Dirty Truths
Page 17
Amy advised her to go on with her life, and that’s what she’d do. She’d stay home and lay low for a while. Soon Wade would pick up his stupid box.
For a few days she did, and only went outside to cut the grass or to let Cadence play in the early fall sunshine. Her parents came to see her when she told them she felt a little under the weather and would rather not go anywhere. To her relief they didn’t ask questions. She suspected her dad knew about her relationship with Wade. The way he eyed her warily, asking if she’d be returning to work at the bar and then offering her money, told her she hadn’t hidden things as well as she thought. She wondered how much he knew.
Now she sat alone in the darkness, the only light flickering from the television screen, while she considered her options. Kristina wanted to run, far from Laighton, far from Daniel and Amy, even Wade; but didn’t know how to do it. If she took Cadence, Daniel could have her arrested. He would. She suspected Wade would find her no matter where she ran. The knowledge sent a shiver down her back. Would he try to bring her back because he loved her, or would he punish her for betraying him? She wasn’t sure.
A sharp knock jolted her from her thoughts. Kristina stood, glancing out the window next to the couch. No vehicle, which meant Wade likely waited outside. Relieved to be able to see him but fearful of the reason for his visit, she edged toward the door taking a deep breath before turning the knob and swinging it open. Her heart skipped a beat. She froze before a man standing on her step. It wasn’t Wade.
“May I come in?” he brushed past her without waiting for an answer.
Kristina shut the door, and turned.
The stranger stood in the middle of the living room, the pale light of the television casting shadows over his face.
Bald, on his neck a tattoo disappeared down the collar of his black coat. He was large. Larger than Wade even. Kristina couldn’t shake the sensation she’d seen this man before, but the familiarity didn’t make her feel better. She stood at the door, ready to run.
“Sorry to intrude, but I’m hoping you can help me. I’m looking for a friend of mine and I was told you may have seen him. Wade Bowen?” his voice was smooth, as though issued from a velvet-lined throat.
Under different circumstances, Kristina might have considered his voice soothing, even attractive. “No, I haven’t.”
He raised a thin black brow and smiled.
Kristina pushed ahead. Now that the lie was out, she might as well make it believable. “He doesn’t come around here. I work at the bar, and I’m friends with him and Amy, sort of, but it’s not like we hang out. Do you always walk into strangers’ homes without an invitation?”
God she was such a dork. Hang out?
The man walked to the window and leaned against it. Hee ran his finger along the pane, and turned to look at her.
Kristina realized she wrung her hands in front of her, something she hadn’t done in a while and quickly separated them, forcing them to her sides.
“Good answer. Or I guess I should say that’s the right answer,” he murmured.
He walked across the room to the door.
Kristina backed away from him, stopping against the TV stand.
His hand on the knob he paused and glanced back. “And you’re not a stranger, Kristina. I know you better than you know yourself. I’ll be seeing you.”
He walked out, closing the door softly behind him. Kristina listened to his footsteps moving away from the house. Shaken from her shocked stillness, she ran to the door, turned the deadbolt and fastened the chain she rarely used. What the hell had Wade dragged her into?
The following morning her mother arrived early. Kristina greeted her sleepy eyed and grim.
“Honey, you look awful.” Her mother walked into the house and directly to her granddaughter who played on the floor. She picked her up and kissed her messy curls.
“Thanks, you don’t look so bad yourself.” Kristina hadn’t slept much, dreaming of Wade and of the strange man. She imagined them snatching her in the middle of the night, the man murmuring sweet nothings in her ear, his satiny voice relaxing her into submission before Wade loomed over her. The dream didn’t progress. She would wake up, her heart pounding, scolding herself for harboring such thoughts. Wade would never hurt her.
Her mom bounced Cadence on her hip while masterfully dodging the baby’s grasping hands as they reached for her glasses. “Your dad and I were going to the trailer. The weather is supposed to turn cold next week, so we might as well use it while we can.”
“Oh, I don’t think I can come.”
“I know. You hate it there anyway. We wanted to take Cadence with us, as long as Daniel won’t be coming to see her this week.”
Kristina shook her head, she hadn’t heard from Daniel in a while, not since the day he’d attacked her. She hoped he stayed away forever. “No, I haven’t heard. He missed his visits last week.”
“Good, I’ll go pack a bag for her and you can gather up some bottles and whatever toys you think she might want.” Her mother walked to the stairs, carrying Cadence with her.
Kristina, numb and unsure if she wanted her only distraction gone, went to the kitchen. She opened the door to the basement, where the diaper bag hung just inside at the top of the stairs, and remembered the box. Yes, Cadence should go for a week, she’d be safer. If anything happened Kristina would know she was okay and out of danger.
Music shook the walls of the small house and Kristina welcomed its deafening blare. She hauled the garbage bag to the door, full of old food and items she’d pulled from her cupboards. How did one get an entire cupboard full of movies, pillowcases and margarine containers? She tended to hoard, but in one cupboard?
After opening the door she turned to pick up the bag and straightened, coming against Daniel.
He stood stone-faced, eyes cold and accusing.
Kristina let go of the bag, her body trembling. Images of his last ‘visit’ played in her mind. She backed a step.
“I was at the bar last night. On a little holiday?” He stepped forward, closing the door behind him.
“None of your business.”
“Really? None?” Daniel advanced.
Although she wanted to put up a brave front, Kristina instinctively moved away from him. “I took a leave of absence.”
“Seems Wade took a leave too. According to Sheila, neither of you have been there this week.”
“So?” Kristina knew where he was going with this. He thought she’d taken off with Wade. Well, she was still here, so he had nothing.
“Where’s my daughter?”
“With my mom. You haven’t been around so I let her go.”
Daniel grabbed her shirt and jerked her forward. “So you can fuck him all you want? Tossing your kid aside so you can screw an old man isn’t like the Kristina I knew. My money isn’t enough? You need his blood money?”
“I’m not screwing anyone. I’d like you to leave.” Kristina pushed at him, trying to extricate herself from his hands.
Daniel laughed and pushed her back, sending her stumbling against the wall. “Desiree and I are getting married. I guess you’ve been too busy whoring around to know that.”
Daniel walked toward her.
With nowhere to go, Kristina lifted her chin, forcing herself to face him.
“I’m going to petition for custody, and I’ll get it. With you acting the slut, a judge is going to look at my home, my two-parent home, and decide you’re unfit. Just as I’ve told everyone from day one.”
Kristina’s throat went dry. He couldn’t take her daughter, not once they knew what he’d done. Damn it, why didn’t she go to the police? “You can’t take her. I’ll tell them everything.”
“What have I done? I’ve demanded you behave as a mother should, nothing else. You have proof of these imagined wrongs?”
“Imagined? Was I the only one here the last time you came over? I imagi
ned that? Fuck off. I’d die before I let you lay a hand on Cadence. You never loved either of us. You can’t love anything. Do you rape Desiree too? Does she have bruises on her body from your love, or are you still wooing her?”
She expected the slap, but the force of it stunned her. She tasted blood and her ears rang.
Daniel grabbed her shoulders, shaking her so her head hit the wall. “Jealous? I knew you’d want it again. Last time just wasn’t enough? Desiree doesn’t act like a slut, but I can show you what she’d get if she did.” He reached down to her pants and yanked them open.
Kristina fought him with all she had. Biting and scratching, her hands flew at him, but Daniel only grew more aggressive.
He laughed and shoved her to the floor, the back of his hand laying into her cheek.
“Stop. I’ll call the cops. I’m not letting you do this anymore. I’ll make sure you go to jail for it.”
“I don’t think you will.”
He moved over her.
She recoiled at the feel of his body against hers.
“I can do whatever I want, and there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it,” he said.
“Please, don’t do this. I’ll make you pay for it this time.”
“Begging? Lucky for you I’m too busy today, but I’ll be back. I won’t forget you.”
Daniel released her. She stayed on the floor, terrified to move a muscle. The door slammed. She wouldn’t forget him either. One day, Daniel would pay for it all.
Kristina rose from the floor, gathering her clothes and heading for the phone. With trembling hands she punched two numbers, nine and one, before punching ‘end’. No, the police would do nothing. What did he really do this time? Threaten her? She could tell them about before. He might go to jail, but for how long? He’d just keep coming back. She wanted Daniel gone. Forever.
Wade entered her mind. He’d die before he did something like this to her. He’d make sure Daniel suffered. Punching in the cell number he’d given her ages ago, she drew the phone to her ear. It rang and rang, but no one picked up.
Shock set in. Her body shook. She had to get control over it, but nausea rose in her belly and sweat beaded her brow. Someone should help her. If Wade wouldn’t answer her calls, what choice did she have? She couldn’t tell her father and she had no one else. The silence of the house was too much to bear.
Michelle. Her warnings rushed through Kristina’s mind. She needed someone now and where was he? Not answering his phone.
Call her.
No, she should call the police. But what if they didn’t do anything to Daniel? What if he got off again?
Michelle was her only friend. She’d always been there when Kristina needed her. Maybe she could help.
Call her.
But Wade loved her, she couldn’t be wrong about that. He made a mistake with Amy and now he’s paying the price. Michelle’s warning echoed loudly in her mind; I don’t want you to get hurt. Kristina had believed Wade would protect her. Where was he now? Her mind darted all over the place, a simple thought seemed impossible. She had to talk to someone, so she wouldn’t feel so alone.
Call Michelle.
Wade didn’t care about much, beyond whatever kept him away right now. But Amy was out to bury him. He had to protect himself.
Had Amy gone to the police?
The police would have come to get the box, but they didn’t. Amy hadn’t told. Kristina punched in Michelle’s number and waited, her body shaking so badly the phone slipped from her hand.
“Hello?” Michelle answered.
“Um, I need help.” Kristina crumbled, crying great choking sobs, unable to continue.
“I’ll be right there.”
Kristina let the phone slip to the floor and then lay next to it, the carpet itchy against her cheek, dampened by her tears.
Someone knocked on the door, quiet at first and then thundering, rattling the walls. Kristina opened her eyes, immobile on the couch, and waited for them to go away. The knocking stopped and she relaxed, snuggling back into her blanket. She’d showered until the hot water ran cold and emerged shivering, her skin pink except for the bruises covering her body. Then she lay on the couch and stared at the blackened television until she drifted into a dreamless sleep.
“Kristina!” the pounding on the window and the sound of her name forced her upright. She stared an instant. Michelle. She’d called Michelle.
“Shit.” Kristina ran to the door and opened it. Michelle came around the side of the house, her mouth set in a thin line. “I know I took a while, but come on.” She smiled and Kristina tried to return it, though it felt weak. “Hey, what the hell happened to you?”
Kristina stepped forward, eager for friendly arms around her. She collapsed in Michelle’s embrace, her chest wracked by sobs.
When she calmed down somewhat, Michelle held her at arm’s length to stare at her, eyes wide, and reached out to touch the bruise on her jaw. “Did someone break in?”
“No, Daniel came over.” Kristina’s voice sounded small, she wanted to sound angry, but instead her voice was meek, defeated. She felt defeated.
“Did you call the cops?”
“No, the last time I called the cops they charged him, he cried and the judge ordered him to take some classes and then he put me in the hospital. The time before that, he broke my arm. They never do anything. If I called them over this he’d get a slap on the wrist, maybe some jail time, and then he’d get out and make me suffer for it.”
“Did he—”
“Beat me? Yes and then he almost raped me. I should be used to it by now, I mean it’s not the first time, but I’m too much of a coward to do anything about it.” Kristina walked to the couch and sank down, pulling the blanket over her knees. She stared at her hands, hating the way they trembled.
“He tried to rape you?” Michelle walked over and sat on the coffee table. Her brown eyes wide, she leaned forward and reached for Kristina’s hands.
“But he didn’t in the end. Not this time anyway. I shouldn’t have called you, I just panicked. I called Wade but he didn’t answer and I had to talk to someone.” She shrugged.
“So, you are involved with Wade. You silly thing. Somehow I knew it.”
Kristina lowered her gaze to their piled-up hands.
“Why would you call Wade anyway? You think he’ll do something about Daniel? I doubt it. Guys are guys. I bet the only thing that really matters to Wade is his hide,” Michelle snorted and leaned back.
Her thoughts had been jumbled before but now that she’d gotten some sleep and calmed down, everything was clear. Calling Michelle had been a mistake. She’d panicked because of her fear and longed to unburden herself on her only friend.
“Want to tell me about it?”
Kristina cleared her throat. “I don’t know where to start.”
Michelle’s mouth twitched. “Try at the beginning.”
Over the next two hours, Kristina opened her heart to Michelle, telling her about her trepidations about Wade and the snatches of happiness she’d enjoyed with him. She told Michelle about Wade bringing the box for safekeeping in the basement, but didn’t elaborate about its contents.
Michelle sighed and Kristina looked up, following her gaze to the window. The sun was setting, splashes of lavender and orange filled the sky beyond the green bridge. Light reflected off the water, the colors rippling on its black surface. She used to love watching the way the colors melted into one another but couldn’t remember the last time she took a moment to see it. At least, not since she married Daniel. She made a note to sit with Cadence and enjoy as many sunsets as she could once this shit was over. The three of them, Kristina, Cadence and Wade, would enjoy every single one forever. Her chest tightened as she thought of Wade. She hoped he would be there with them, but nothing seemed certain anymore.
Michelle cleared her throat, bringing Kristina’s thoughts back to
the present. “So, did Wade pick up the box?”
“No, it’s still here.”
“Do you want me to take care of it? I could dump it somewhere,” Michelle laid one hand on Kristina’s knee as she spoke. “You can’t trust them, honey. I know what they’re like. Amy pretended to be my friend once, and that got me into some hot water. Wade’s no different.”
Kristina smiled at her friend’s offer, suddenly feeling less lonely. “No, I’ll wait for him to come and get it. I told him I’d keep it and I will. You could be in trouble too and that’s not fair. You’re the only other person who knows about it anyway,” she bit her lip, thinking of Amy. “It’s fine where it is.”
Michelle leaned forward and ran her fingers through Kristina’s. “You’re being silly and naïve. What if he doesn’t come back? What if Amy finds out about you guys?”
“He’d be here if he could. I know he would. And Amy already knows.”
“I would hate to think he’s feeding you bullshit and you’re eating it right up. Perhaps you should get with reality, Kristina.”
“I think you’re wrong.” Kristina crossed her arms over her chest.
“Did you even look inside the box?”
“No, I didn’t,” she lied, suddenly wondering about Michelle’s interest. Most of her questions had something to do with the damn box. Curiosity?
“There may be important things inside. Maybe illegal things. Doesn’t it bother you he didn’t want it at his home?”
In her friend’s eyes, she found an ocean of concern. Michelle was worried, and the realization dispelled her fears. Kristina leaned over and hugged her. “No, and I’m not going to look either. I trust him.”
Amy paced the length of the patio doors, ignoring the sunset and its glorious display of color. She pulled on her cigarette and flicked the ash on Wade’s favorite rug. After darting a glance at the silent phone, she crossed over to the built-in bar in the corner of the living room, dropped a few ice cubes into her glass and drowned them in gin.