Book Read Free

Woodrose Mountain

Page 21

by RaeAnne Thayne

  “I shouldn’t have…thrown the weight. You’re still bleeding.”

  She could feel the hot drops sliding down her skin. Suddenly all she wanted was to escape to where she could clean up and come to terms with these emotions she didn’t want.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be okay. I had planned to leave in an hour anyway. I’ll just head out a little earlier and take care of it at home.”

  Brodie turned that stern, serious face on her. “Forget it. I’m not about to let you drive home with blood streaming down your face.”

  “Hardly streaming, I’m sure.”

  “Trickling, then. Either way, we need to clean it up.”

  She wanted to argue but she had the feeling this was one of those times when Brodie wouldn’t be budged. Since she wasn’t sure she had the emotional reserves to fight with him right now, she decided a wise woman would simply give in to the inevitable and let him have his way.

  * * *


  Brodie tugged a reluctant Evie into the half bathroom off the entryway, where he kept most of the medical supplies that weren’t directly associated with Taryn’s care. He probably could have found everything he needed in Taryn’s suite of rooms but he was grateful to have a moment to talk privately with Evie.

  “Sit down. We’ll get you cleaned up and check the damages.”

  “Really, Brodie. I can take care of this. I don’t need a nurse.”

  “My house, my responsibility. Sit.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, she complied and perched on the edge of the padded bench, though she looked as if she wished to be anywhere else in the world. He washed his hands before opening the cabinet for the gentle antiseptic wipes that, once upon a time, he had used to clean up Taryn’s scraped knees and elbows bunged up from falling off her bike or taking a header off the swing set.

  He hated the reminder that his daughter now had to suffer through things he couldn’t fix with a kiss and a hug and an artfully placed Band-Aid.

  With a sigh, he turned his attention back to Evie. Her cheekbone looked awful, streaked with blood, and his stomach turned all over again, as it had that moment he’d walked into Taryn’s room just in time to see her throw the heavy hand weight.

  “I can’t believe Taryn would take out her temper on you like that. She knows better.”

  “She’s had a couple of rough days,” Evie said. “My guess is that she’s hit a bit of a plateau and is beginning to be frustrated that she’s not progressing more quickly. Despite all her hard work, she’s still limited in so many ways and that can’t be easy for her to stomach.”

  “That doesn’t give her an excuse to mistreat someone else.”

  “Keep in mind also that underneath the injuries from the car accident, she’s still a teenage girl. They’re not always the most emotionally steady demographic to begin with.”

  “There is that,” he said as he slid next to Evie on the bench and cupped her chin, tugging her to face him. Her skin was soft and he had to fight the urge to spread his fingers and explore the curve of her chin, the hollow of her neck, those soft, kissable lips… .

  He jerked his attention back to the matter at hand and forced himself to reach for the cleansing wipes. “I’m sorry. These are pretty easy on the skin but they can still sting a little.”

  She winced and instinctively tried to tug away but after that first jerk, she remained motionless while he finished cleaning the cut, already beginning to discolor around the edges. With all that ethereal blond hair and those blue eyes, she looked slight and fragile. His wounded angel.

  “What are the damages? Do I need stitches?” Her voice sounded a little husky in the intimate confines of the room and for some reason, color crawled across her features.

  “Doesn’t look like it. You are going to need a bandage, though.”

  “Any chance you have Spider-Man bandages in there? He’s my favorite.”

  He had to smile. “Got a thing for guys in tights, hmm?”

  “It’s the ‘web shooting out of his wrists’ action that always gets me.”

  Brodie rummaged through the medicine cabinet. “Well, I’m afraid you’re doomed to disappointment. I’ve only got plain old beige.”

  “That’s okay.” Despite everything, she gave him a winsome look. “I can always draw a smiley face on it later.”

  He gazed at her for a long moment, that tenderness jumbling around in his chest again. How did she do it? She had been deeply touched by sadness and grief in her life, but somehow she had still managed to climb out of it to reach out to others. He liked her, far more than he had ever expected a few weeks ago. She was sweet and funny, kind and compassionate.

  She made him laugh as he hadn’t in years and reminded him life was meant to be savored, not conquered and subdued.

  He was crazy about her.

  He stuck the bandage on her cheek with fingers that suddenly felt thick and awkward. “There you go. All better now.”

  On a whim, he leaned forward, intending only to brush his mouth just to the left of her injury, as he might have once done to Taryn’s owies, as a sort of lighthearted joke. But once he tasted her skin, sweet and smooth and smelling of flowers and spice, he couldn’t stop. He trailed a soft kiss above the bandage to the other cheekbone and then unerringly found her mouth.

  Only a friendly kiss, he told himself. Casual. Easy. Comfortable. That might have been great in theory, but her mouth was silky and soft and she hitched in a ragged little breath that slid across his shoulders and down his spine as if she had just trailed her fingers there.

  She tasted sweet and delicious, like berries and cream, and he couldn’t seem to get enough. He kissed her again and again, savoring her lithe curves pressed against him. Her arms circled his neck and he could feel her fingers dancing in his hair and he took that as permission to do the same. She had pulled her hair back loosely with a beaded clasp and he pulled it free, releasing all those delicious waves. He wanted to bury his face in her hair and just stay there for a few weeks, but right now her mouth was too delicious to abandon so he contented himself with letting the silky curls cascade through his fingers.

  “Brodie,” she murmured against his mouth and he smiled a little at the ragged note in her voice and deepened the kiss again, wanting nothing but to lose himself inside her.

  Reality intruded slowly but with unfortunate insistence. They were standing in his guest bathroom, for pete’s sake. Not the most romantic of places to seduce the woman he couldn’t get out of his mind. With great effort, he wrenched his mouth away, his breathing harsh.

  “This is completely crazy,” he murmured, his forehead pressed to hers.

  Her chest rose and fell as she tried to catch her breath, something he would have found incredibly sexy even if it didn’t press her curves against him with every breath.

  “Tell me about it,” she finally murmured. “I don’t even like you.”

  He decided not to be offended, especially since her arms were currently still wrapped tightly around his neck.

  “What would a guy have to do to change your mind about him?” He very much wanted to know the answer to that, suddenly.


  “I’m asking for purely academic reasons.” Though the effort made him just about grit his teeth, he managed to step away—mostly to keep from backing her up against that wall and kissing her again until neither of them could think straight.

  She stood frozen for an instant and then she curled her hands together. “I’m not going to change my mind about staying on. I won’t be working here after Tuesday. You know that, right?”

  “At this point, I’m seeing that as a good thing. When you’re no longer theoretically in my employ, you can’t sue me for sexual harassment if I were to ask you to dinner.”

  She chewed her delectable lip and he suddenly wanted to step forward and offer to take care of that for her.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Rumor has it that once in a wh
ile, I like to eat. I do own five restaurants, after all.”

  “Why do you want to eat with me?”

  “I enjoy your company.” He debated for a moment and then decided that, given the circumstances, he owed it to her to be bluntly honest. “I care about you, Evie. More than I expected, but there it is.”

  She stared at him, blue eyes wide and still slightly unfocused. “This isn’t real. This heat between us. You understand that, right?”

  He leaned a hip against the sink and crossed his arms, wondering why she was so very determined to push him away. “Funny. It feels pretty damn real to me.”

  She drew a breath. “I’m sure it does. Feel real, I mean. But it’s not, uh, uncommon for patients or their families to develop…inappropriate feelings for therapists and doctors and other caregivers. When someone helps you out during a…a stressful time, it can sometimes be easy to confuse gratitude and appreciation with something deeper.”

  She was absolutely adorable, all pink and flustered. “You’re saying this is all in my head. How you wrapped your arms around me and kissed me back and murmured my name in that sexy low voice I can still hear?” he asked.

  She turned even more pink. “No. I…no. But this isn’t… I’m not looking for a relationship right now.”

  “I didn’t say anything about a relationship. Only dinner.”

  Her mouth firmed into a tight line and she looked away. “Right now your focus should be on your daughter, don’t you think?”

  “Don’t tell me where my focus should be, Evie. For nearly the last five months, everything I’ve done has been for her. You know that.” He straightened from the counter, annoyed with her for throwing up roadblocks where there didn’t need to be any. “My business has suffered, I’ve had to put several lucrative projects on the back burner for the foreseeable future and I haven’t so much as looked at a woman in a physical way for months. In fact, not until you came into our lives.”

  “Until you dragged me into your lives! I didn’t want to be here, remember? I can’t afford to get involved. Can’t you understand that?”

  “Not really.” His words sounded harsh but he couldn’t help it. “This is not just a physical thing between us. Don’t lie to me and say that’s all it is. I care about you and I believe you’re beginning to care about me. All this I don’t want a relationship right now. That’s bullshit. You’re just scared.”

  “You’re absolutely right.” She let out a shaky breath. “You terrify me, Brodie. You and Taryn. I’ve spent the last two years trying to piece my life back together from losing Cassie. I was in a good place until you asked me to help you. I need to get back to that place. Can’t you understand?”

  He wanted to argue with her, tell her he didn’t understand throwing away something between the two of them that could be incredible, but she didn’t give him a chance. She left the room and headed down the hallway back to Taryn’s room, leaving him no choice but to follow her.

  By the time he’d walked into the room, just half a dozen steps behind her, she was already reaching for her slouchy bag and the dog’s retractable leash on the hook behind the door. Taryn must have transferred herself to the bed while he and Evie were out of the room.

  He still marveled at how much better Taryn was becoming at that sort of thing. She was stretched out on her bed now, flipping through channels with the remote, the dog stretched out beside her.

  “I’m going to take off a little early, like we talked about,” Evie said, her voice stiff. “Have a great weekend, Taryn. I’ll bring you back something from Crested Butte.”

  It took her a few times to work the buttons on the oversize remote but Taryn managed to mute the TV. She looked at Evie’s bandage, and he was happy to see the contrition in her eyes. “I…really am…sorry I hurt you.”

  “I’m fine. Your dad fixed me right up.”

  “It looks…good.”

  Evie smiled. “Dashing, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” Taryn continued petting Jacques, who appeared to be happy, curled up beside her on the bed.

  “Come on, Jacques. Time to go.” Evie rattled his leash but the dog didn’t budge from Taryn’s side, probably because she was giving him the love.

  “Jacques,” Evie said again.

  Taryn looked down at the dog, then at Evie. “Can’t he stay here…while you’re gone?”

  “Taryn,” Brodie exclaimed. After the way Taryn had treated her that afternoon, why should Evie allow her to care for the dog she plainly adored?

  “I’ll take…good care of him. I promise.”

  To his surprise, Evie seemed to be considering the idea. “It is kind of boring for him, sitting around an arts festival for four days. I’m sure he would enjoy hanging out here much more than that, but are you sure you want the trouble of it? He can be a lot of work.”

  “Yes! We’ll have so much fun together.”

  “I’m sure you will. Jacques loves you.”

  “So can he stay?”

  “It’s up to your father, really.”

  Evie finally met his gaze for the first time since she had walked away and he didn’t know what to do with this wild surge of tenderness.

  She didn’t want to leave her dog. He could see it in her eyes, but she was considering it purely to make Taryn happy. For all her protests about letting them get close, she was sacrificing something she cared deeply about to help someone else. That was just so Evie. No wonder he couldn’t get her out of his head.

  “Sure. He can stay. Tomorrow if you’re up to it, maybe we all go for a walk on that paved trail around the reservoir.”

  “That would be great! Thanks, Dad.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I’ll send his food and his water dish and a couple of his favorite toys back with your grandmother.”

  “Good idea,” Brodie said. “Good luck with your show.”

  He wasn’t half as noble as Evie, he thought as he watched her go. He supposed that made him a terrible person. She might be willing to give up her dog’s company for a few days in order to help someone she cared about.

  Not Brodie. He wasn’t at all willing to give up what he was discovering he wanted most. Her. If he had to fight to keep her, he was damn well ready.


  “WHAT CAN YOU TELL ME about this one? What are those gorgeous green beads?”

  Evie smiled at the woman holding up one of her favorite pieces. “They’re antique Bakelite. I found this tattered old necklace in a thrift store when I was living in California. It was really quite hideous, missing half the beads and in an awful setting. Since it couldn’t be repaired, I repurposed the beads into this. The rest of it is from your garden variety costume jewelry, though.”

  “What a brilliant idea. I have got to learn to bead! I’ve been meaning to take a class for ages.” The woman was round and cheerful, with short red pixie hair, designer jeans, a tailored blouse and off-the-rack jewelry that still managed to be tasteful and well coordinated.

  Evie enjoyed this part of working the arts-festival circuit. What was not to like when she had the chance to talk to people about something she enjoyed so much? Most people were browsers, asking casual, basic questions, but once in a while she found someone who had genuine interest.

  “You have no idea how much out-of-style costume jewelry I have lying around.” The woman, who had introduced herself as Sandy, rolled her eyes. “My mother had three sisters and none of them had any daughters. Can you believe that? So somehow I ended up with all of it, along with my mother-in-law’s god-awful collection of jeweled kittens. It’s all in boxes at my house and I would love to, what did you call it, repurpose some of it. What do I need to get started?”

  “A few basic knots, new findings, some rudimentary tools. I know there are a couple of bead stores around town where you could probably take a beginning class.”

  “That would be wonderful except I’m only here for the weekend. My husband is a photographer and has a booth on the other side of the f
estival. We live in Golden most of the time.”

  “I work at a store in Hope’s Crossing, String Fever.”

  “Oh, I love Hope’s Crossing! Such a pretty town. We took our kids skiing there this winter. Well, my husband did. I’m more of the stay-at-the-hotel-and-have-a-massage sort. A friend of ours owns a condo there and loaned it to us.”

  Evie smiled. “If you come again this winter, make sure you stop in. We teach beginning classes every Saturday.”

  “I just might do that. Thank you!” The woman beamed at her. “You know, I think I’ll buy this. My husband will have a cow, but he can’t expect me to hang around all this gorgeous stuff for three days and not come back with anything.”

  “That’s wonderful. I hope you enjoy it. You might be interested to know that all the sale proceeds for this particular necklace will be donated to a scholarship fund in honor of a teenage girl killed in a car accident earlier this year.”

  “Oh, how sad.”

  “A portion of the proceeds for all our jewelry goes into the fund but a few of the pieces were made exclusively to benefit the fund. Right now we’ve got enough in there for an endowment to fund two scholarships. We’re hoping for three, especially since the girl’s father just gave a healthy donation to the fund.”

  He could certainly afford it. Chris Parker’s latest album had gone double platinum, but Evie didn’t mention that to Sandy.

  “You know, my best friend’s birthday is in a few weeks. She would love a piece of custom jewelry—and I don’t mind spending a little more than I’d planned if I’m helping a charity.”

  By the time Sandy left, she’d bought three necklaces, a cocktail ring and a chunky watch and beaded band that Alex McKnight had made out of some of Evie’s extra beads, and had slipped a String Fever card into her bag.

  “My husband is definitely going to have a cow. He’d better be selling tons of prints,” she said with a rueful laugh. “I hope I see you this winter—though I imagine he would be happy if our paths never crossed again.”


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