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The Lies (Luck of the Irish Book 2)

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by Tracy Lorraine

  By the time we pull up to Blake’s house, I think I’ve pretty much explained Juliette and all her quirks and oddities to him. Talking about the craziness of my best friend makes me realise how much I miss her. My friendship with her is the only thing I can look back on fondly from my time in London. We’re going to need to set something up to ensure we continue seeing each other. I hate the thought that we could lose touch after all these years.

  I carry the pizza in while Blake pulls my suitcase from the back of the van.

  “Take that upstairs and strip down to your underwear,” he demands the second I step into his house.

  I want to question him but I’m too excited by the prospect of him also stripping down to bother, so I just do as I’m told. I watch him walk off towards the kitchen as I begin making my way upstairs. I didn’t venture up here last time so I’ve no idea which is his room, but it soon becomes obvious when I poke my head first into a bathroom, then a sugar pink room, and then another full of tools and boxes.

  Walking into his navy blue room I set the box I’m carrying on the white chest of drawers before dropping my handbag and set about removing my clothes as instructed.

  When Blake finds me, I’m sat in the middle of his bed with the pizza sat temptingly close. My stomach grumbles as he stands in the doorway with two glasses and a bottle of wine in his hands. His eyes run the length of me, making me aware that I’m sat on his bed in the most boring and unsexy underwear I own.

  “I wasn’t aware I’d be showing anyone,” I say, trying to make an excuse for my white cotton undies.

  “You couldn’t look sexier than you do right now, lying on my bed,” he admits, his voice deep and husky, sending tingle to my core. “You can start,” he says, gesturing towards the pizza when my stomach starts up again.

  As much as I want to reach for it, I know that Blake’s about to get almost naked and I want that more than any kind of food right now.

  “Not until you’ve joined me.” Then, as if to torture me further, Blake sets the glasses down before making a right show of opening and pouring the wine, followed by the slowest removal of clothes I think I’ve ever seen.

  By the time he joins me on the bed, I’m only seconds away from combusting. Seeing all his tanned, taut skin has thoughts of the pizza well forgotten. There’s something else I want in my mouth. I push the box towards the end of the bed before straddling his thighs. I sit back and look at him. I take my time, committing him to memory in case I really am dreaming and none of this is really happening.

  His long, dark blonde hair is hanging loosely around his face, and his blue eyes are so deep that I swear I could fall in,. I continue down his neck, over his wide shoulders and strong arms. I feel myself getting wetter and wetter the more of him I take in. His body is so different to anyone I’ve been with before. I’m obsessed with the size of it, with his obvious strength. His pecs and stomach are something every woman fantasises about. His skin is stretched tightly over his muscles, creating the most delicious dips and valleys my tongue’s desperate to follow. My eyes trace the lines that descend into his grey boxers before taking in the bulge that sits inches away from my centre. I lick my lips as I continue staring. I know exactly what’s under the fabric and I can’t wait to get my hands—or mouth—on it.

  “Addison,” Blake groans as I sit there, looking but not touching. “You’re killing me.”

  Leaning forward, I place a simple kiss to his lips. His hand comes up to the back of my head to hold me in place but I move too quickly and kiss across his jaw, then down his neck. His hand continues to tangle in my hair but he lets me move. I kiss across his collarbone, then down between his pecs, before tracing his abs with my tongue. Every time I make contact with him, his muscles bunch and his hips twitch, making me smile to myself. I’m glad his body is as reactive to mine as mine is to his. I drag it out for as long as I can, but when Blake starts whimpering quietly I decide to relieve him and grip the waistband of his boxers before sliding them down his legs and letting his cock spring free. I glance down at it when the glistening tip catches my eye.

  “Addison, please,” Blake begs, making me move. I crawl between his legs and take him in my hand. “Yessss,” he hisses in pleasure.

  I gently pump him up and down a couple of times while running my thumb over the sensitive tip. My focus remains on his face. He looks stunning with his head resting back against the headboard, his eyes shut, and his lips slightly parted as he absorbs the sensation. He’s gorgeous; I’m pretty sure I’d never get bored looking at him, and I’m even more convinced he’s going to be one of those men who’ll only get better with age as well.

  When his eyes flicker open and his dark blue eyes look back at me, I’m prompted to change what I’m doing. Scooting down the bed a little, I get myself settled before lowering my mouth to him. A huge rush of air comes from Blake and I smile around him as he moans when I start licking at him.

  As much as I want to make him come, I can’t sit here denying myself any longer, so just before he hits the point of no return, I jump up from the bed, much to his frustration. Well, until I start removing what little clothing I still have on. All argument stops when I drop my bra to the floor.

  “Fuck, you’re sexy,” he mutters, staring right at my breasts. I drop my knickers and his eyes follow. “Those fucking curves,” he mutters to himself.

  I look down at myself and can’t help but smile. I may have only been here a few weeks, but already my carb intake is having an effect because my curves are returning. I know I need to be careful not to allow them to take over, but for now, I’m embracing my womanly figure.

  “Now ride me,” Blake demands once he’s had his fill.

  I waste no time in getting myself back on the bed and straddling his wide hips. Thankfully, my legs are long enough so I have a little leverage to make this work. I sit up while he holds his cock ready before I slowly lower down. We both groan as I continue until I’m full. His fingers grip harshly onto my thighs as he tries to control himself, and his eyes stay locked on mine.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  “For what?”

  “Showing me what was important. Letting me see that I was about to make the worst decision of my life.”

  “You’re welcome. Now show me just how good that decision was,” he says as he flexes his hips expertly, hitting that perfect spot inside me.

  It’s some time after midnight when we eventually get to the now very cold pizza. Blake offers to warm it up but that would mean him leaving the bedroom, so we both sit naked in his bed, eating cold pizza and drinking warm wine. It’s a million miles from what I was used to in London, but I couldn’t imagine a more perfect evening. When I think of how I could’ve been spending tonight—alone, in a city I hate and crashing in Juliette’s guest room—I smile around the slice I pizza I’m currently working my way down.

  “What?” Blake asks when he sees my smile.


  “You don’t just smile like that for nothing.”

  “Fine. It’s you…this…it’s everything.” My words make his smile match mine.

  Something wakes me up. I open my eyes and it takes me a second to remember where I am. It’s then another second before I realise why I’m awake. Blake’s snoring like a fucking freight train. I roll over to look at him. He’s flat on his back with his mouth slightly parted and the duvet resting over his stomach. I appreciate his toned chest for a second or two before he lets out another almighty snore. How the hell’s he sleeping through that?

  As I stay where I am, watching him sleep, it makes me realise that I’ve never really experienced a snorer before. Edward might have many flaws, but snoring wasn’t one of them—this is definitely a first for me.

  I relax back, close my eyes, and hope that I can fall back to sleep. It’s still dark out so it’s definitely too early to be up on a Sunday morning.

  Only a few minutes later, I realise sleep’s hopeless; even after a few shoves to his shoulder
in an attempt to make him stop, the snores continue as loud as ever.

  Deciding it’s useless, I slide out of bed and leave the room, grabbing my suitcase on the way out.

  I make use of Blake’s shower, appreciating the power of the jets of water compared to Aunt Addy’s. I allow it to soothe my slightly sore muscles after all the activity last night. By the time I get out, the entire room is steamed up, so I pull on some jeans and a jumper before running a brush through my hair and attempting to take yesterday’s make up off without an effective mirror.

  The sound of Blake’s continued snoring makes me smile when I step onto the landing.

  It’s just gone 6 o’clock when I get to the kitchen and check the time on the oven. I put the kettle on and go to make a cup of tea. The only problem is that the canister with the giant ‘T’ on the front is empty. I hunt through the cupboards, hoping I’ll find a new box, but I come up empty handed.

  I stand and consider my options. There aren’t many, seeing as it’s sparrow’s fart o’clock on a Sunday morning and all the shops will be shut.

  A plan forms in my head and, after tugging on my flat boots, I head out into the morning. The sun is just starting to rise and a few birds have started singing. There’s no one around at all and I think it’s the most peaceful I’ve felt for a long time. I knew moving back here was going to be a challenge, but I never could’ve expected any of this. I thought I’d get the divorce sorted and have my half of the money to set up my business and buy myself a house. Edward’s gambling habit seems to have shot that all to shit, but instead, I have something much more meaningful. I have this incredible man who wants to invest in me. I’m still not thrilled part of that means he’s giving me something for nothing. If it wasn’t for the fact I’ve kind of fallen head over heals for him, I might put up a bit of an argument, but who can refuse an offer like that when he also gives me incredible orgasms?

  I fantasise about the building he showed me last night all the way to my destination. I think about what colours everything will be, the kind of display units I want on the counter, how many tables and chairs I could possibly fit in for people to sit and enjoy my delights while watching the world go by out of the window. Excitement bubbles up in my stomach more with every thought, and the fact I’ll be able to live above means I’ll be close by to bake whenever I want. If a new idea pops in my head in the middle of the night, I can go down and try it out without bothering anyone.

  My smile is huge by the time I quietly slide the key into Aunt Addy’s back door. I tiptoe in before grabbing everything I need, including a handful of teabags. I make it out without waking anyone and lock the door behind me.

  The sun has broken through the early morning mist and as I walk back it warms my face. I know I have a lot of stress heading my way thanks to my wanker soon to be ex-husband, but today I’m going to enjoy what I do have and worry about all that when the time comes.

  The house is still quiet when I get back. Well, when I say quiet, I mean Blake’s still in bed and asleep because the sounds of his snoring carry all the way down to the kitchen.

  I place my bags on the worktop and flick the kettle on before bringing the iPod to life in a speaker on the windowsill. When it comes on, I see it’s already set on a chill playlist so I press play and set to work.

  I’m just glazing the top of my vanilla breakfast buns with honey when a voice behind me scares the shit out of me.

  “I could get used to this.”

  I turn around, drizzling honey all over the worktop and then the floor when I see him leant up against the doorframe in only a pair of navy boxers. He stares at me while I get my fill of him.

  “You’re making a mess,” he says as he walks over and rights the bottle of honey.

  “Sorry,” I whisper. “I got distracted by this really hot man.”

  “Is that right?” I nod. “Well, that hot man was wondering why he woke up alone.”

  “Do you have any idea how loudly you snore?”

  “It may have been mentioned once or twice before.”

  “Once or twice?” I repeat with a laugh. “It had been a while since I’d seen her, granted, but I’m pretty sure Kayleigh’s hearing was spot on.”

  I panic when I realise what I just said, but thankfully Blake laughs and says, “You didn’t let me finish. It may have been mentioned once or twice a night.”

  “That sounds more like it! Seriously, how do you sleep through that racket?”

  He shrugs his shoulders before walking over to my steaming hot buns.

  “Hmmm…I love your buns. I bet they taste delicious.”

  My cheeks heat and my clit starts throbbing at his words alone. It may have only been a few hours since our fuck fest last night, but I’m already ready for more. I’ve never been like this before. Yeah, I’ve enjoyed sex; it was pretty good at the beginning mine and Edward’s relationship, but I never once experienced the oh my God I have to have you now feeling I keep getting with Blake.

  “You’ll have to wait a few minutes because they’re too hot to eat.”

  “That’s perfect because it gives me time to do this,” he says, stepping in front of me and forcing me back until I hit the worktop. He stares down at me for a few seconds before his lips descend on mine. A moan bubbles up my throat as our tongues collide.

  “What is it about kitchens?” I ask him as I put a coffee and a plate of vanilla buns on the dining table. He kissed me for all of about two minutes before spinning me around, pulling my jeans and underwear down to my ankles and taking me over the kitchen worktop.

  “It’s not just kitchens, Addison, it’s anywhere I can have you.” Once again, his words make me blush. I’m grateful for my slightly tanned skin, making it a little less obvious.

  We sit and eat in silence for a few minutes, my thoughts going back to a person I mentioned not so long ago.

  “Do you think Kayleigh would be okay with this?”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure she would. The most important thing to her was that her family were happy, and you’re making me happy.” He whispers the last part; I’m not sure if it’s because he’s got a lump in his throat like I have.

  “It was,” I agree, trying to not sound like I’m about to break down. “I’m guessing it would be naïve of me to assume you’ve been this well-adjusted over the past few years?”

  He laughs to himself a little before answering. “You could say that, yeah. I think you appeared just at the right time. If you’ve have come back a couple of years ago you would’ve met a very different man, but time’s a healer, as they say. Plus, I have Sinead to keep me on track.”

  “I haven’t had much experience with kids but she’s awesome,” I admit, but I’m so glad I did when I see his proud smile.

  “She’s my life, I don’t know what I’d have done it if wasn’t for her. She’s the one who kept me going after Kayleigh died. She’s the reason I got up every morning and the reason I didn’t go to bed steaming every night as I tried to deal with everything. I never expected to be a single dad, let alone at twenty-seven with an eight-year-old girl.”

  “You’ve done an incredible job. Do you want more kids?” I ask, broaching a subject that could have an interesting outcome.

  Blake’s silent for a minute while he thinks. “Kayleigh and I always said we wanted more; we just wanted to wait a little. We were so young when we had Sinead that we wanted to enjoy our twenties a little first. But now…now, I’ve almost got a teenager and I’m not stupid enough to know the next few years aren’t going to come with a side dish of emotions, hormones and drama. I can’t imagine ever going back to having a baby and everything that comes with one—the late nights and early mornings, the nappy changes and the feeding.”

  “Is that a no then?” I ask, just to clarify what he’s saying.

  “I think it’s a no, yeah. Is that going to be a problem?”

  “No, I don’t think so. Kids have never really been very high on my priority list. I can’t lie, the thought of you a
lready having one has freaked me out a bit, but after spending time with Sinead, I’ve realised she’s not all that scary!”

  “You’ve only seen her when she’s being good,” he says with a laugh. “So, didn’t your husband want kids?”

  “Yes, he did—or more, his mother did. I could never imagine having one with him; I couldn’t picture us having that life. When I look back now, I’m amazed we lasted so long.”

  “Why do you think you did?”

  “Ease, comfort, familiarity…all those really boring things that I’m sure keep hundreds of couples together when they’d be much better off apart. We both worked so much that really we hardly saw each other enough to realise how miserable we made each other.”

  “That’s really kind of sad.”

  “I guess. It was what it was,” I say with a shrug of my shoulders. “I can’t regret anything. I made the choices I did for a reason. It’s taught me a lot, mostly about things I don’t want in my life more than what I do, but that’s okay.”

  “What happened?”

  I’m confused by his question because I’m sure we’ve already talked about Edward’s cheating. “He cheated with—”

  “I know,” he interrupts. “I meant what happened to have you running straight to the airport yesterday?”

  “Oh, I presumed Aunt Addy told you.” He shakes his head so I continue. “I discovered why my solicitor had been avoiding me,” I say with a sad laugh. “It appears that when she started digging into our lives and assets she found that we had none.” Blake’s eyebrows draw together in question. “Edward has a gambling habit. He’s lost everything we had. He even managed to get my name off our apartment before re-mortgaging it. He’s taken loans out in my name and defaulted on payments, hence I failed the credit check with the estate agents a few weeks ago. When I said to you at the airport that I have nothing, I meant it. I have nothing.”

  “Fuck, what a wanker.”


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