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The Lies (Luck of the Irish Book 2)

Page 7

by Tracy Lorraine

  I’m silent for a few seconds as I think about Jason and what he’s been through. Was I a bit of a jerk to him just now? I wasn’t trying to be; he’s just a little full on.

  “So, I’ve been meaning to ask you something, but keep getting distracted—”

  “Oh yeah, how’s that?” Blake asks, placing his hands on my hips and lifting me onto the unit.

  “No idea,” I answer as he starts kissing down my neck.

  “Missed you,” he mutters, almost distracting me again.

  I put my hands on his shoulders and push him back. “I knew your accent was dodgy and your name isn’t very Irish, but I didn’t realise you were half American.” I’ll be the first to admit I can’t define accents to save my life, but his mum’s was so strong there was no question.

  “Yep, Mum’s from Texas. We lived there until I was twelve when we moved here for Dad’s job.”

  “How did they meet if your dad’s from here?”

  “He was travelling after university and he met my mum in a bar one night. They’ve pretty much been inseparable since.”

  “Love at first sight.”

  “Something like that,” he says, running hands up my bare thighs before squeezing my arse and pulling me to the edge of the counter. “Can we stop talking about my parents now?” His hands run back down my thighs until they reach my knees. He pushes them apart before stepping forward into me. His already hard dick presses against my clit and it begins a steady pulse of need. We haven’t been together for a few days thanks to my cake orders and Blake’s work commitments so I’m very ready to have some time together.

  Blake’s hands tangle in my hair as his tongue dances with mine and his hips gently work me into a frenzy. The kiss goes on and on and as much as I want it to continue I also need more, more of him, more of everything. I run my hands from his shoulders down over his sculpted chest and over the ridges of his stomach before starting work on his belt buckle. It takes me a few attempts but eventually I free him. His cock pulses in my hand, telling me he needs this as much as I do. When I feel his hands slip under my skirt I help him out by lifting myself up. He pulls my knickers down over my arse and slips one side over my boot, leaving them hanging off the other foot. He pulls me even closer to the edge of the counter before lining himself up. I sigh at the feeling of him against me before moaning loudly when he starts to push in slowly.

  “Yesss,” Blake hisses as he starts to pull out again.

  “More,” I order. I’ve been waiting for this for days. Slow and gentle isn’t going to do it for me right now.

  He listens to my demand before thrusting up into me as deep as he can.

  “Yes…that’s it…fuck,” I pant out as he starts increasing the pace. “Oh my God, yes, ah, yes,” I chant as I get closer and closer to my release. I’m just about to fall when I hear someone’s voice. Someone who isn’t Blake.

  “Hey, sorry, I forgot my…whoa, shite,” Jason says, quickly covering his eyes and turning around. “Phone, it’s just here, I’ll just grab it and be on my way,” he says while he walks backwards into the room, grabs his phone from the side and all but runs as he shouts, “Enjoy!”

  Blake stays completely still throughout the whole thing, keeping my orgasm just out of reach. When we hear the door slam shut again, he lets out the breath he was holding before thrusting forward once and sending us both spiralling into our simultaneous releases.

  “Fucking Jason,” he complains while doing his jeans back up.

  I can’t help but burst out laughing. Thankfully, he joins in with me. “What is it with kitchens?” he asks eventually.

  “No idea. It’s so fucking good though,” I admit once I’ve righted my clothing.

  “Come on, I’m taking you for lunch.”

  “We should probably clean that,” I say, pointing at the counter.

  “We will, but I’m starving, so food first.”

  “Please can I come? I’ve always wanted to go to London, Dad, please,” Sinead begs as we’re about to leave.

  “I know, Lil’ bit, and I promise that next time we’ll take you, but Addison has some stuff she needs to sort out. We won’t have time to be doing any of the fun stuff you want to do. I promise we’ll save it all for when we take you.”

  We both promise her that we’ll take her to London in her next school holiday and we’ll do whatever she wants to do, though it doesn’t seem to be helping much right now, as she’s desperate to come with us.

  “Your dad’s right, Sinead. There’s nothing exciting about what I’ve got to do.”

  “You’ll still be in London though,” she pouts.

  “Come on, Sinead, let them get going before they miss their flight,” Steph says, trying to get her back into the house.

  We eventually make it to the van and wave to Sinead and Steph as we pull away from Blake’s house.

  “Is it crazy that I still hate leaving her, even if she is with my mum?”

  “She’s your baby, Blake, I’m sure every parent feels the same way.”

  “Don’t you think you’re missing out by not experiencing it?” Blake asks, his change of subject winding me slightly.

  “What, being a parent? I guess I’ve never thought about it like that.” Motherhood has never been something I’ve felt I’ve needed in my life. I’m not sure if that’s just because of the situation I was in before, or if it’s something I’m never going to want. If things work out with Blake then I guess I’ll have to be a mother figure of some sort to Sinead and I think I can just about cope with that. The thought of having kids of my own, small people who solely rely on me for everything, scares me more than I’d like to admit.

  “I think you’d be an amazing mum. You’re so good with Sinead.”

  “Now, now don’t get all broody on me,” I say with a laugh.

  “I’m not, I’m just stating a fact.”

  “Being part of Sinead’s life is enough for me right now. She makes it easy. She’s an amazing kid.”

  “She is,” he agrees proudly.

  My heart’s pounding as we touch down on English soil. I didn’t realise how much I’d hate being here again. It brings back memories from my old life that I’d quite happily keep in the past, and it makes me ask myself questions I’d rather not waste time thinking about, like was I ever happy here? How long would I have stayed if I hadn’t found out about Edward’s affair? Would I have been beaten down my Edward and his mother and eventually had his kids? The thought of what the answer to that last one could be makes me shudder.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Being here just brings back things I’d happily never think about again.”

  “You’ve got a new life now, Addison. Don’t think of this as returning to your old one but more like a part of continuing your new one. This has to be done to put an end to everything you had here.”

  “I know, and I’m glad we’re doing it. I’m even more glad you’re here, I can’t imagine doing this alone.”

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” he says as he lifts the back of my hand to his lips.

  We’re off the plane and through security in record time. The plan is to get on the tube to Juliette’s house. I was going to book a hotel but she point-blank refused that as an option. She said that if I was only staying two days, I’d stay with them so she could make the most of the time we had. Blake didn’t seem too bothered by it when I told him but then he hasn’t met Juliette yet—or more so, her kids!

  I tug Blake’s arm to get him to go in the right direction. He’s too busy being nosey to be paying attention to the signs when I hear my name screeched at the top of her voice.

  “Oh my God,” I say in shock seconds before Juliette slams into me at full force. I let go of Blake’s hand as we both stumble backwards. I just about manage to keep us on our feet.

  “I’ve missed you so much, bitch,” Juliette says as she continues to squeeze the life out of me.

  “Ju, I can’t breathe,” I whisper, hoping she’ll ea
se up a little.

  When she does eventually let go, I can’t help but laugh at the look on Blake’s face. He’s stood wide-eyed, staring at us like we’re crazy—one of us definitely is.

  “Juliette, this is Blake, and Blake, this crazy bitch is Juliette.”

  “Those photos you sent didn’t do him any justice. He’s bloody gorgeous,” Juliette pretends to whisper in my ear, ensuring Blake hears.


  “Oh yeah, there have been pictures. My favourite was the one of you doing the fence,” she announces innocently.

  Blake looks at me and I feel my face go bright red. “You were taking pictures of me doing the fence?” he asks with an amused smirk.


  “I’ve been begging for one with your top off but I’m still waiting for that to come through.”

  “Oh my God, shut up, Juju,” I say, dying of embarrassment. “Let’s go.” I grab my bag with one hand and thread my other arm through hers.

  “This way, lover boy,” she calls back to Blake who follows behind, looking somewhat baffled by my best friend—exactly as I expected.

  “Aunt Addy,” my nieces and nephews call out when we enter the house.

  “Hey, guys,” I say, crouching down to give each of them a hug followed by the gifts I brought. I’ve also got them sweets but I’ve learnt it’s best to give them sugar just before I’m about to leave! “This is Blake, be nice to him,” I warn, knowing what these little terrors are like.

  Once the kids are in bed, Juliette orders dinner from her favourite restaurant and we have a lovely night catching up. Sophia tries her hardest to convince Juliette and Hugo to let her stay up with the grownups, but they’re having none of it, so after their third attempt of sending her to bed, they end up threatening her with cancelling her birthday party. Watching Sophia try to manipulate her parents makes me even more grateful that Sinead is as chilled out and lovely as she is. I’m pretty sure if she were more like Sophia, I would have questioned my sanity being with Blake. I love Sophia dearly but my lord, she’s hard work on her best days.

  We eventually get to bed sometime after midnight, a little worse for wear.

  “No waking the kids up with all the headboard banging now, you two,” Juliette warns as her and Hugo continue down the hall to their bedroom.

  “We’ll be good,” I say, now seriously regretting staying in their house. We’d have had much more freedom in a hotel to do as we wished.

  “I have a question,” Blake says the second the door is shut. My mind races with what it could be. Juliette and Hugo are the most unlikely of couples, so I guess it’s got to be something about them. I’m totally shocked by what comes out of his mouth. “Do you think we’d get away with christening their kitchen?” My mouth drops open in shock before I start laughing when I see his smile. “I reckon we could have some serious fun with that island.”

  “You’re a nightmare. Can you unzip me, please?” I ask, turning my back to him so he can undo my dress.

  “With pleasure.”

  Blake pulls the zip down torturously slowly before making light work of the rest of my clothing and carrying me to bed. We look at each other horrified by the loud squeak it makes when both of our weight hits it.

  “Fuck,” Blake complains. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this,” he announces before standing up and stripping off. I watch in fascination as each piece of clothing reveals more of his perfection to me.

  Once he’s naked he stalks over to me, giving me enough time to get my fill before covering his body with mine. It’s the softest and gentlest sex we’ve ever had. His movements are so slow and passionate they build me up to one intense orgasm that flows through me like waves and goes on forever before I feel him releasing inside me. He kisses me the whole time. I’ve never felt anything like it. It was never this way with Edward. It was just a means to an end, but with Blake, it’s so much more. Every time, it’s like he’s telling me how much I mean to him, and I’m becoming addicted to the feelings he ignites within me.

  He rolls off and pulls me so my back is tucked tightly to his front. I’m just dozing off to sleep when I feel the need to ask him a question; I’ve no idea if it’s the alcohol or the doziness caused by my ever-lasting orgasm but the words fall from my lips.

  “Did you just make love to me?”

  “Hmmm,” he hums, making me think he’s drifted off to sleep, but then he adds, “Yeah, I think I just did. Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, I think it is.”

  Safe to say I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

  “You lived here?” Blake asks, looking a little shocked as he takes in my old apartment.



  “Huge, impersonal, cold, not very homely…I could go on…”

  “I was going to say impressive, but I can see where you’re coming from. So what’s the plan then?”

  “Wardrobe first, then we’ll look at the furniture and other crap. Grab some of those boxes.”

  I’ve organised to have some of my stuff shipped over to Ireland. I want all my clothes, shoes and accessories. Most of them won’t be worn by me ever again, but it’s all designer labels so they’ll be heading straight for eBay once I get a chance to photograph them. There are a few bits of furniture I actually picked out myself so I’d like them for my new flat. Everything else, Juliette is going to sell for me. I just need to get it all labelled up so she knows what’s going where.

  “Holy shite, Addison,” Blake says when we walk into my dressing room. “This is fucking insane.” I watch him as he takes in the rails full of clothes and shelves full of shoes and bags.

  “I know, I’m ashamed by how much there is.”

  “You’re sitting on a fortune here.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping.”

  It doesn’t take us as long as I was expecting to have everything boxed up and moved to the living room.

  “What about this dresser? It would look amazing on the back wall of the bakery, don’t you think?”

  I stand and look at the piece of furniture he’s talking about. If I’m being honest, I’d forgotten about so much of what we had here that it didn’t even enter my head as something I could make use of. “Yeah, it would. Do you think it will fit?”

  “I’m pretty sure, yeah.”

  “Okay then,” I say, slapping a post-it note on it that says Ireland. I assist Blake in moving it to my courier pile that seems to be growing by the minute when the sound of a door shutting stops us in our tracks. I know Juliette has a key, so maybe she decided to stop by and help after her hair appointment.

  “Adds?” His voice sends shivers down my spine. I haven’t missed it one bit. I look up to see Blake staring over my shoulder, his eyes running up and down the slim figure I know is behind me.

  I take a deep breath before turning around to face him. “Edward,” I state. He looks exactly as I remember. Perfect hair, sharp suit, shiny shoes. He radiates money, which is fucking hilarious seeing as he’s boracic.

  “I was just—”

  “It’s fine. It’s yours apparently,” I say, but mutter the last word quietly. I don’t want to be a bitch and end on worse terms than needed. I’ll be the first to admit that his cheating was a blessing, really. It’s given me a wonderful new life that I wouldn’t change for the world.

  The three of us stand there staring at each other in silence until Blake clears his throat.

  “Oh uh…Edward, this is Blake, my uh…boyfriend?”

  “Her boyfriend,” Blake confirms.

  Edward’s eyes widen as he looks behind me to Blake. He clearly hadn’t noticed him.

  “You didn’t waste any time,” he says sarcastically.

  “That’s rich.”

  And right on cue, there’s a bang behind him before “Eddie,” is called down the hallway. My back stiffens as I prepare to see my PA once again. I sense Blake move behind me and, in seconds, he’s stood at my side, clearly sensing my unease. I
don’t miss that Edward takes a step back as Blake gets slightly closer to him. What exactly does he think is going to happen?

  We wait as her heel clicking gets louder before she appears behind Edward. My mouth drops open at the sight of her. It’s not the Prada handbag, the Jimmy Choos or the multiple Harrods bags swinging from her fingers that has my attention. It’s the pregnant belly she’s currently sporting.

  “Addison, shit,” she says in a panic as she brings the bags up to cover her belly, but it’s too late.

  I’m not sure what anyone is expecting me to do in this moment, but from the looks on their faces it isn’t to laugh.

  I laugh like the scene playing out in front of me is the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen. Well, let’s face it, it kind of is. I bet Jenifer thought she was made when her wealthy boss took an interest in her. She probably couldn’t believe her luck when I left and allowed her full access to my husband. She had the man and the money, or so she believed. I wonder if she knows the truth?

  “Well, it looks like congratulations are in order. Your mother must be thrilled, Edward.” He doesn’t respond; he just looks over at Jenifer before his eyes come back to me.

  “Could you wait in the car please, Jenifer?” Edward demands, clearly worried about what I’m going to say. Jenifer does as she’s told and she bolts in the direction of the front door.

  “She doesn’t know, does she?”

  “Addison,” he begs, as if I’m going to go running after her to spill all his secrets.

  “Oh, this is your problem to deal with, Edward. I’m not getting involved in any way. I just want this divorce over with so I can move on with my life and put all of this behind me,” I say, gesturing to the apartment we’re in.

  “It wasn’t that bad, was it?”

  “It wasn’t great, Edward, but thanks to you I’ve got the chance to do what I’ve always wanted in a place I love. So in a way I want to thank you for fucking my PA, because you’ve really helped me out in the long run, even if I’m skint.”

  “I’m so—”


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