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Gotta Love Dragons : MM Paranormal Romance Mpreg (Fated Book 2)

Page 3

by Aeryn Jaden

  "You're surprisingly informed."

  "For a young non-deity below your status, is it?"

  "Quite bitter too."

  Vasuki's eyes returned to him and started glowing amber fire, chilling in its reptilian intensity. Python had to remind himself for a moment there that he was immortal and snake bites could not kill him. For all Vasuki looked like a young, boyish man barely into adulthood, adorned in all kinds of ridiculous crap, that gaze betrayed his power and his age.

  "I see they underestimated you. Maybe you don't need any help after all."

  Before Python could answer, the dude just blinked out and was gone just like that.

  "Huh. Nice transportation."

  He pondered for a moment the wisdom of bothering Manasa with the news of this visit but quickly vetoed it.

  That could have gone better. He doubted jealous step-grandmother Parvati had suddenly had a conscience attack and would be willing to forget the rendering Python impotent part of that blasted curse. Or the dying part of it. So any help from her was not wanted.

  All these morose thoughts called for something far stronger than tea and Python felt suddenly energized. Trojan's friend, Hermes would have anything he wanted at his club. And besides, he'd better take advantage of what time he had left whole, who knew how long before his junk will fall off or rot. Gods, he hoped it won't rot! That would just suck.

  * * * * *

  Gataro was a strange beast. Rei didn't mean that in a bad way. He was just…different. His looks were human enough, though if you looked closely you noticed the peculiarities. Eyes too big, hair too glossy, skin that seemed to shine. And those bright eyes that peered from the messy bangs straight inside Rei. They'd had to chain him to the bed, Trojan's suggestion, good one too. Gataro didn't seem to mind it much. Rei hated it.

  "It's safer for them. I can smell newborns close by. With the oaths that bind me who knows what I'll be made to do. Besides, it doesn't hurt when I don't have a choice but to be here."

  Rei had found out that every oath broken, physically and mentally harmed a gataro. The screaming when they'd first arrived at his brother's place had been a big clue. If being tied up stopped that, he'd find a way to live with himself for doing it. It was just that Gatoro looked so helpless and small stretched on that bed and Rei as the bloody bastard he was, liked him there at his mercy. He'd never thought he was that much of an asshole.

  "Rei, you want to hold them? You haven't seen them since they were born."

  Ryuu had taken to his new nature like a fish to water, or errr, dragon-naga-something in his case. He'd also been hyper-protective of his snakelings and hadn't let anyone close to his newborns for the first two weeks after the hatching. His mate here included, to Rei's eternal amusement.

  "Oh, are you ready to stop impersonating a mama bear?"

  "Shut up. I'm venomous now, you know."

  "And I'm shaking in my boots."

  Rei smiled at Gataro, his eyes promising silently that he'll be back. The kid seemed to get it and quietly turned his attention back to the TV. It was unnatural how silent he could be. How calm. Rei feared the moment the calm will shatter and the Gataro let out all the poison others put inside his head. He could see it in those childlike eyes that the kappa had seen and suffered through more than any being should be made to.

  "He's not a child, you know. I read a bit last night on kappas, Troy has a marvelous collection on Other physiology. Kappas look childlike but are immortal. He's probably much much older than us two put together."

  "He has innocent eyes, Ryuu."

  His brother threw him a peculiar look and Rei almost cringed. They knew each other too well for Rei to think he could hide anything for long from his younger brother. Not that he wanted to.

  "I want to help him. He doesn't deserve a life of slavery."

  "You want to fuck him."

  "Crude! That word shouldn't exist in my little brother's vocabulary!"

  Ryuu rolled his eyes and Rei laughed with him for a moment.

  "I want him, Ryuu. I know you told me I have Trojan's brother for a mate but that's irrelevant. After what that bastard did, that will never happen."

  "Rei. Sometimes there's more to see than the eyes can perceive."

  "He almost killed you. He can rot for all I care."

  They reached the sunshine illuminated nursery and Rei's eyes unattractively bulged. The room was made of crystal walls, warm to the touch, radiating a soft glow all around in different changing patterns and brilliant colors. The ceiling was non-existing, but Rei guessed it had some sort of energy barrier that made it impenetrable and not noticeable from above ground. Toys were everywhere. The kids were sleeping, not in beds but in a natural pool of azure water that wafted steam all around them. They had already morphed to somewhat of a human shape, though Rei could still see the glimmering scales covering their small precious bodies. His brother had gorgeous twins, a boy and a girl, both brown haired with blue scales and Rei remembered, startling blue-green mismatched eyes. The pack of mammoth dogs that usually followed his brother everywhere was quietly keeping watch from the side of the pool, placed strategically between the twins and the door. Rei's heart skipped a beat as it usually did when he saw his brother smile that way and watched him handle his children, gently waking them up for Rei. He wanted that someday. Something niggled at his mind whispering that someday could be very soon.

  "You make gorgeous children, Ryuu. They are a treasure."

  The girl blinked lazily at him and Rei smiled at her. He didn't know what to do, he felt like an oaf but didn't want to ever relinquish her weight. His big hands held carefully her head and back, practically holding her entire body in his palms. She was tiny perfection.

  "I know. They are the light of my eyes. I would do anything for them. It's strange, I never thought I'll ever be a parent, now I cannot see myself without them. You'll see when you have your own and then I'll be the one to tease about over-protectiveness."

  Rei doubted he'd be that lucky but he just nodded and made gurgling baby talk at the beauty he was holding.

  "Rei. You can't ignore it forever."

  "I can for sure try."

  He thought he heard Ryuu mutter some choice appellatives at him and his stubbornness but Rei had now a wide-eyed boy looking at him from his arms and his attention was glued to the happy child smiling back at him. The girl was in Ryuu's arms, being breastfed and Rei wasn't looking that way even if somebody put a gun to his temple and commanded it. Some things he was better off not seeing. His little brother's newly acquired breasts were at the top of that list.

  "Python often sulks around the house, watching from a distance. He thinks he's subtle but Troy has more security in place than anybody ever imagined possible. He went a bit crazy when the eggs hatched, something about how the children's power could be felt by others. Nobody with bad intentions can come even close to here. Python can. Just something for you to ponder on. He made a mistake, but I don't think the guy's evil. He seemed more desperate."

  "He almost killed you. That's enough for me."

  "His actions also made it possible for my children to exist today."

  Rei knew that. Knew that because of Python's action Ryuu had to be changed and most likely that was why he'd been able to conceive. He didn't acknowledge the way that damn curiosity of his was stirring and continued to play with his smiling nephew. His brother sighed and thankfully changed the subject.

  * * * *

  Sesha was being insufferable again. His innocent face lightened as Vishnu, one of the three major Indian gods existing and a lovesick puppy for his lover, Sesha, caressed his cheek and whispered something in his ear. Garuda, their somewhat supernatural bodyguard, was practically sick to his stomach seeing them be all lovey-dovey. His frown certainly broadcasted his grumpiness and he couldn’t care less. He should have eaten that snake, Sesha, when he’d had the chance. Only…he hadn’t. And no matter how much he bitched and moaned, and maybe was a bit jealous too, after all there h
ad been a time when he’d entertained thoughts of a permanent position in Vishnu’s bed, Garuda was also genuinely happy to see the pale, limber snakeling and his lord so happy together. He’d known he wasn’t what Vishnu had needed even before Sesha had stumbled on their doorstep and tempted Garuda into breaking his fast. No, Garuda had not killed any innocents in his entire too long life- those myths about him eating his so-called cousins and having a steadfast diet of snake meat were greatly exaggerated. Thought it may have happened once or twice, errr.

  Vishnu cast a troubled look his way and Garuda sighed. His lord was a softie, he worried too much, no matter that Garuda had told him time after time that he was alright, that he wasn’t bothered anymore by him being replaced and seeing them together every day. Garuda shouldn’t have looked twice at Vishnu from the beginning, he was trying to keep a low profile here and keep his secrets, well, secret. Vishnu’s wife should have had more grounds to protest, but Lakshmi was a sweetheart and Her and Vishnu’s relationship had never been of that nature. Their marriage was in name only, she and Vishnu were in fact just very close friends.

  Today, Garuda was morose for more than his usual motives. He wasn’t moping around wishing for a snakeling, err hell no, a companion of his own. Today, he was just plain sick and tired of all the games the gods got to. Parvati especially, though he had a few choice words for her husband Shiva too. Maybe Garuda was forgetting his chosen place again. Sometimes it was difficult abstaining from bumping some heads and putting the godlings in their places. Only remembering all the headaches that came with status and acknowledged power stopped him from venting on days like this and betraying that he was much more than these godlings had ever seen. He’d stayed at Vishnu’s side for so long not because he’d had a crush or whatever on the god, thought the sex had definitely helped in the beginning, but because out of the bunch of them, Vishnu and Brahma were the ones that he wanted to hit the least. They usually were wiser that the rest of them gods put together. Goes to show you that love makes even the wisest man plain moronic.

  Sesha’s secrets were stupid and Garuda was stupider for agreeing in the first place to keep them. Now Vishnu was running ragged trying to fix the mess without Sesha finding out that he knows his big bad secret and Garuda was stuck watching them run like headless chickens behind each others backs.


  Garuda’s voice echoed and rippled the very fabric of time. Vishnu’s eyes boggled and then the godling smirked. Garuda just rolled his eyes. Yes, yes, who was he to speak about secrets when his entire existence was so hush-hush. Everybody thought Garuda was just a special shifter godling, a phoenix, born a cousin to Sesha and Vasuki and the rest of surviving minor nagas. The truth was somewhat complicated. Garuda and his brother, Arun, were not born per se, only Sesha had been born at that time. Garuda had substituted Sesha with himself and his brother, leaving Sesha to grow as one of the nagas born to his actual aunt instead. Sometimes he regretted what he’d made Sesha go through just because Garuda wanted to keep his secrets. He’d seen how tormented the godling had been growing up and done nothing. So not the point now. Not to mention that Vishnu seemed to know more than Garuda liked.

  “Sesha, it is time. We both need to stop this. It’s pointless.”

  Vishnu’s eyes boggled again and he sat straighter, his hands still on his companion but not caressing anymore. Garuda had not realized how tired he was of all this mascarade, of hiding until he’d spoken the words.

  “Vishnu. Sesha is not Kadru’s son. He’s Vinatha’s. Garuda doesn’t exist, I just needed to reinvent myself so I took Sesha’s place as Vinatha’s son and gave him to Kadru.”

  Sesha’s face closed up and Vishnu froze. Before Garuda could find something else to say, a way to apologize or do something, the unthinkable havened. Sesha smiled.

  “Silly, I knew that from a child. Vinatha too, she told me before she died and it was okay. I didn’t’ have a bad life. I grew in the same house with mom and that made it easier. It was better after I found out, I used to hate being so different than my supposed brothers. You needed a place, you needed a new beginning. So it’s okay, don’t worry about it.”

  Garuda’s mouth did a close fish impersonation and he may have almost shed a tear too. Jesus, this kid. He looked at Vishnu to gauge his reaction but the god was too busy gazing adoringly at his priya, his beloved.

  “Right. Err. Sesha. Thank you.”

  The snakeling or rather shapeshifter because while Sesha could take the form of a snake he was much much more, just nodded and turned to Vishnu. Garuda wondered if he should start training Sesha in his still uncovered abilities while trying really hard to ignore the two lovebirds. After a tender, slow kiss that made Garuda’s ears flame and his pants tighten, Sesha gave him another smile, somewhat bitter now.

  “You want me to tell him about Shiva. About Manasa, my daughter with Shiva.”

  Vishnu almost fell down from the couch.

  Well, Garuda thought, at least now all the players knew they were in the game. It was getting ridiculous seeing Vishnu trying to sneak and meet Manasa after the Queen had asked for his help, while trying to ignore Sesha’s bad mood and suspicions. Really, as if Vishnu could have been anything else but supporting and loyal to Sesha.

  Garuda promised himself that he’d never get this stupid over someone. He ignored the sudden shiver as just the chilly spring wind. Or something.

  Chapter Three

  Python looked at the dark house and shivered. There he was again. It was like he was a glutton for punishment. Still… He felt better close to his twin, less cold. He could still feel some remains of the bond they’d shared and through it he knew his brother was happy. He was glad. So, so glad that he’d not ruined it all.

  “Moping around again? I thought I told I don’t want you here.”


  He stumbled and almost fell on his ass, turning fast to look at Trojan. Python almost expect his brother to attack, especially considering he had children on the way now. Or were the eggs already hatched? A peculiar smell attached to his brother’s suggested that yes, Python was an uncle now. He wasn’t tearing up, hell no. He’d just got something in his eyes.

  “Oh, for gods’ sake! Just shut up and get in, already!”

  He could not do anything else and he hurried to keep pace with Trojan. Passing the threshold felt strange, like something pressing on his chest and Python averted his face from his brother’s too observant eyes. Ryuu was waiting for them in the kitchen. A bare kitchen than they had no need for but that the former-human apparently liked nevertheless. Old habits, probably. Python warily stopped in the doorway and waited.

  “Troy. What did I tell you?”

  Python had the urge to tuck tail and run. Ryuu may be small but the guy was scary. Not to mention that Python could feel power rolling off him in overwhelming waves. That was…new.

  “He’s inside, isn’t he?”

  “Wait. What? I hurt you, Ryuu. Why would you want to be even remotely close to me?”

  Ryuu’s face did an indescribable thing, like an exasperated frown mixed with mischief and something else. Python was suddenly more than wary.

  “You’re a moron. It must run in the family as your brother here has his moments too.”

  “Hey! Not fair, darling!”

  “You shut up. It only took you six months to get your head out off your ass so zip it, mister. I told you before, you need to talk and sort this out. Our children need family. They need people to love them and you won’t mess things up for them. So there. I said my piece. Python.”

  He stood to attention and wiped the almost-smirk on his face. Seeing Trojan so wiped was funny and awesome. His brother deserved the best. That he also was jealous was a mote point at this time but he was coping with the cards he’d been dealt. Ryuu’s eyes did a creepy lighting thing and Python froze in place, aware that he was not the top predator anymore. The almost dying thing had apparently more than just changed Ryuu’s nature. It had made h
im crazy powerful.

  “You need to stop acting on your own. Talk to Troy. We can help you. Idiot. And just think about pulling another stunt like the last one and I’ll have your balls. Capisce? Now, carry on now, boys. I have kids to feed. And Python. You’re staying for dinner aren’t you. And meeting your nephews.”

  That was totally not an invite but an order. Python could do nothing else but nod quietly while his brother-in-law disappeared somewhere in the house, probably going in the subterranean caves that were Trojan’s, Ryuu’s and their kids’ real home.

  “Your little dragon is scary.”

  “Yeah. He’s also dead serious so I’ll mind his words. I may hesitate considering you’re still my brother but threaten the kids or me and yeah. He can be deadly. He can actually spit acid.”

  “Ugh. Gods. I think I should disappear for some centuries.”

  It felt good to banter with his brother again. To see a quick smirk lighten his face. It still hurt Python that he had lost so much of their trust, that these things had to be said.

  “You look softer. I mean… Lighter. Happy. Mating suits you, brother.”

  Trojan blinked and let a slow smile grown on his face.

  “He’s everything we dreamed in a mate and more. He’s perfect, Python. He makes me complete.”

  “Good. I’m glad I didn’t manage to screw things up for good.”

  The silence was easier this time and they observed each other for a moment. Python didn’t know what to do. His last blunder up had been a wake up call for him. He’d realized that he’d held a grudge on his brother without even realizing. He’d been envious. Proud. Too stubborn to talk with his twin. He had a second chance now, a chance he’d never thought to have and he didn’t want to waste it. He didn’t know how to start, he had so many things to say.


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