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Gotta Love Dragons : MM Paranormal Romance Mpreg (Fated Book 2)

Page 12

by Aeryn Jaden

  He didn't feel the bite at first. He didn't feel the water drops pouring down his throat either. He did feel his blood catch on fire. As everything exploded in one whirlwind of sound, motion and overwhelmed senses, Rei welcomed the darkness jumping to catch him.

  * * * *

  Python had thought having Rei back would make, well, not everything better but settle him somehow. He didn't feel settled at all. Part of that was due to the fact that Rei had still not woken up and they didn't know what mating both a kappa and a naga would do to the human. Maybe even former human now.

  If he was to be honest thought, Python was scared. With Rei back, who knew what would happen. It was easy to speak about things and much harder to make them work. They could work together. All three. Python knew it. Hoped it. But Rei… He guessed being rejected by his mate after having sex for the first time with the human had affected him more than he’d thought. He didn’t want to lose Johnny too.

  So. Python was not entering that room. He couldn’t. Johnny was there. Johnny was doing what a mate should do and was caring for their recovering mate. Waiting impatiently for Rei to wake up. Python should too. Then why he could only feel dread? He was ashamed to say that he almost wanted to run and not witness the moment his other mate woke up.

  He was the worst mate in existence. Johnny was better of with Rei and forgetting about him.

  “What are you doing here brooding?”

  He didn't jump. Nop. He wasn't startled and for sure he’d heard the former human approaching him. Yeah. Ryuu’s amused smirk didn't help his bad mood at all.

  “Watching TV.”

  “It’s on the weather channel.”

  Ryuu sighed and dropped on the couch next to him. The twins were asleep if Ryuu was out and about. Even with supernatural strength, raising two hellions was taking his toll and his brother’s Fated looked a bit pale and a lot tired. Python had tried to help and babysat often, especially during the last days when he hadn't known what to do with himself.

  “What’s wrong?”


  “Um-huh. Try that again. Is it Rei not waking up?”

  He refused to answer. He didn't want to talk about it, especially not with Ryuu. He shook his head in denial, helplessly waiting to be judged. When Ryuu got that intense look on his face, Python knew he didn’t stand a chance.

  “Hmm. Maybe- Is it Rei waking up?”

  And really what could Python answer to that? Whatever Ryuu read on his face said it all anyway.

  “You’re a moron. Rei is a moron. Don’t worry. You definitely fit together.”

  He got up as sudden as he sat. Python didn't know what to say. Was there anything to say? Ryuu patted his head as if he was dealing with a child and Python couldn't even get irritated with the man.

  “You can both be morons together. Thank God there’s Johnny to steer you two idiots. All yours, darling. Good luck!”

  Huh? The naga raised his eyes and froze. Right there, not even two feet from him, was his mate. Both of them. He felt his heart lighten and smiled widely for the first time in what felt like ages.

  Rei was awake. Barely standing and dazedly blinking at Python while Johnn held him upright and carefully lead him towards the couch Python was sitting on. The human was pale and sweating, trembling and overall didn't look so great. Determination was clear on his face thought and the stubborn jut of his chin made Python feel apprehensive. Before he could think of helping his mates or better yet, a way to run and avoid whatever Rei was so determined to do, Python found himself almost squished between Rei’s half naked body and Johnny plopping on his lap.

  “Oh-kay. Rei, get started.”

  Rei almost wanted to be unconscious again. Seeing that unfiltered joy on Python’s face being covered by apprehension one moment later had hit him straight in the plexus. An iron fist to his heart. Whatever misgivings he had about the entire mating thing, it had never been about the two men looking carefully at him. Watching him as if Rei was the centre of their universes. Rei was just cynical by nature and doubted everything that wasn't tangible. Plus he was a stubborn bastard at the best of times.

  “I need to apologize, Python. I’ve been a right bastard and I don't like knowing I came close to being intentionally cruel to someone I care about.”

  He stopped, his excuse being that he was still tired and weak and maybe out of breath, though he knew it was more about this being one of the most difficult things he’d had to say outloud in his entire life. It felt harder than getting out of an atomic bomb shelter in a third country enemy army base.

  “I used the issue with Ryuu to keep you at distance. To protect my scaredy self. You know… Just because I talk big doesn’t mean I’m not a coward at times. Especially about… feelings.”

  Using that childlike disgusted tone when talking about having emotions was likely not the best approach. To his eternal surprise it did seem to work regardless and he felt Python’s body slowly unfreeze next to him, inch by inch leaning against Rei’s shoulder where they were pressed together. He lifted his chin and turned his head to his right, searching on Python’s profile any indication that the guy needed more from Rei or he’ll put Rei out of his misery and not need further clarification and declarations of intention. Rei was not romantically inclined on the best of days. Python’s face looked flushed. Johnny was still on his lap so that could be the cause, Rei reasoned. He knew that he’d be flushed if he had that particular hot and cute guy on his lap.

  “Rei. We agreed on something. Stop stalling. Or trying to avoid it.”

  Right. THAT. Johnny was a real hardass when he wanted something. As soon as Rei woke up, Johnny had explained that all three of them were mates and laid the rules out. Couldn't say he blamed the guy, Rei had not proved himself to be the nicest guy what with all his blunders before he’d gotten his ass kidnapped. Treating his mate like a piece of ass was a new low even for him. He knew mates were something sacred to his guys. He was starting to see what that simple word really meant.

  He sighed and waved his man card goodbye, prepared to go into all that sugary “talk about feelings”. Crap.

  “I. Does that mean you want us to try? You’re not mad about being mated to us? To me?”

  Python’s voice wavered on that last word and Rei cringed. He’d never imagined a big guy like the naga could sound so fragile and vulnerable and he knew that he was the one responsible for it. Embarrassment be damned. Time to man-up, Rei.

  “I’m sorry. Don’t-Jesus, I’m not sorry about mating you or whatever bond we have now and everything that it entitles. Don't look so forlorn. Err, wait. Shit. Will I grow a tail too? Because I don't think green scales would look as good on me as they look on Ryuu and that would be a deal breaker.”

  Rei looked inquisitively at the dumbfounded expressions on his mates’ faces. He didn't much like the chagrin he could see there, so he decided to put those concerns aside, at least for now. Plus, he wasn't really ready to find out the answer to that particular question.

  “You dumbasses. As if I care about growing extra parts or anything like that when you’re practically promising me to love me forever and give me everything I didn't ever think I'll have. Not to mention I’ll get to see my nephews grow and history unfold, all that jazz.”

  He let that sink for a moment, relaxing as his mate’s face slowly lightened up. Still…

  “Now, seriously. Do I get like some extra skills? Extra strength? Magick? The sort? Or only the extra parts?”

  Yeah Rei was kinda stuck on the extra parts idea. He really didn't see himself looking cool as a merman.

  “Hey! Are stories about mermaids based on sightings of water creatures like you guys?”

  “Of for Heaven’s sake! Rei!”

  Rei watched an incensed Johnny jump up from Python’s lap, looking all agitated and out of patience. He turned to see if his questions bothered the naga but Python looked more amused than anything else. The other man turned and looked at Rei, shyly peeking from under his long
lashes, a small smirk sweetly blooming full on his face and Rei knew then that they were alright. Or they would be. Rei had the most compelling urge to caress the soft looking green hair Python sported and he absently thought that the naga-his mate, oh my god! That was still scary!- would probably be really popular with today’s new punk culture of absurd hair colors and electrocuted hairstyles. After a second, he realized that he could do that. He could touch the naga. He more than wanted to, he needed to so he reached out before he could freak out even more. You could hear a pin drop in the resulting silence.

  “It’s as soft as it looks. Natural color is it? I guess it wasn't easy for you guys before the modern age and its wacky trends.”

  “My hair color is not wacky.”

  Johnny came closer and reached to pet the other side of Python’s head. For his part, the naga just stood there unmoving and took it all. Soaked in the attention and affection.

  “It kinda is, Py.”

  “Did you call our mate pie? ”

  “Py! It’s a petname! An affectionate playful nickname!”

  “I know what a petname is and calling someone food, or desert in this case, ain’t.”

  Rei snorted at his smaller mate, meeting the stubborn kappa head on. They both got a bit distracted by the big naga between them as he started to shake and tremble. For one horrible second, Rei feared he’d broken the big buy. Johnny most likely thought the same as the smaller kappa proceeded to climb back on their mate’s lap.

  “I’m mated to doofuses...”Python managed to get out between huffs of laughter.

  Johnny just smiled in response, looking as if he was watching at the best thing existing in the entire world unfold and Rei had to agree with his smarter mate. Seeing Python laugh so freely for the first time was like seeing the sun rising. Shit. Rei was doomed. He was already getting mushy with his thoughts.

  And it only went downhill from there. Though certain things moved uphill quite often.

  * * * *

  They abandoned the clear and cut route to solving their relationship. Meaning straight up talking about feelings and their problems. Johnny had let it drop and stopped insisting Rei atoned for his asshole act after seeing how uncomfortable it made both of his mates feel. Both Rei and Python were typically emotionally constipated males and had more than appreciated when Johnny had stopped passive-aggressively trying to guilt them into talking, the horror!

  They haven't had any other surprise visits. Arun had suspiciously just disappeared one night, taking a still comatose Hermaphroditus with him. Trojan had worried and fretted but after a short call to Diti’s father, whatever Hermes had told him had settled the issue not that he’d cared to share with the rest of them. Something about not being anybody’s business but Diti’s. Python was not really curious, he was much more interested in discovering what made his mates laugh and smile at him. He would feel bad for it, after all Diti had most likely saved Rei’s life but it just felt right to focus on his newfound mates and their shiny new bond. It shouldn't come as a surprise then when Python started feeling angsty and unsettled. His energy levels were slowly starting to replenish after he’d completed the bond, no matter how unfortunate that situation had been. He was now curse free. Python was free for the first time in his life. Funny as being free meant having tied himself to a kappa and a human for the rest of his long lasting life. He had expected to be angsty about it a bit, curiosly he really wasn't. Well, not about that and thankfully his melancholic disposition had completely lifted, leaving him relieved and strangely unburdened. Apparently, the depressive tendencies had been another symptom of that blasted curse. Thank the gods.

  He really didn't have any reason for feeling angsty and unsettled. He was complete, happy and way on the road to making a full recovery of his full naga capabilities and energy. Maybe even moreso that he’d formerly experienced considering he’d had this curse hanging over his head from birth.

  “What’s wrong? I had expected to find you frolicking with your mates somewhere, not sitting here all alone and wallowing.”


  “Brilliant observation. Is this about Parvati?”

  “Um. Who?”

  Queen Manasa just sighed and sashayed to where Python had been standing in the dark just gazing at the pool’s water. He must have been quite out of it, Manasa was many things but quiet.

  “My darling boy, I’m glad to find you well.” She then slapped the back of his head. Like really hard.

  “Are you trying to make sure I’m not well?”

  “I’m trying to see if I can unfreeze that brain you’re hiding in there. Really? The least you can do is remember the goddess that screwed your life until now, you know, the Parvati chick I just mentioned?”

  Python almost fell over the edge into the water. Manasa slowly uncoiled her tail and found a reasonable comfortable position next to him, smirk firmly in place on her otherworldly face.

  “Chick? Really? You doing that on purpose? Trying to provoke her or something? Chick!”

  “She is already taken care of. Better not ask how, some things… Some things are better not lingered on.”

  Python hated seeing his mother sad. He wanted to lean and comfort her but their relationship had never been like than, never the hugging type. Even when small, she’d been quick to join in the fun games but made herself scarce at soon as either him or Trojan started crying. They’d had the best of care, just not always from her. Python didn't resent her for the distance she’d kept even towards her own children. After all Trojan and Python had not been her only children, they were just the only youngest surviving ones. Python couldn't even imagine how that felt, losing so many loved ones as Mama had. He’d just started hoping he could have his own family some day, he couldn't bear thinking about ever losing any of them.

  “I know, you know. I know who my grandfather is. I may not be smart like Trojan or powerful-”

  “Fuck that, moron. That was the curse, it was practically sucking you dry, leeching your magick. You’re plenty smart. Insightful and intuitive, you are the one setting the direction while Trojan plans the steps. Both you and Trojan are making me proud. Though I could have done without becoming a grandma so young-”

  “Need I tell you exactly how old you really are? Or remind you that you nearly kidnapped your grandkids just because you couldn't bear be apart from them when you had to leave solve that dimensional rift caused by one of your worshippers?”

  “I think Trojan is my favorite. He’s less cheeky and speaks a lot less too.”

  Python just snorted and impulsively one arm hugged his mother. To his surprise, the goddess melted into him and they just enjoyed the closeness for the first time in forever.

  “You should visit more. Not only when we’re in trouble. Or you’re called.”

  “I will when you’re both settled and happy. What are you still doing here, Python?”

  Python took a deep breath and counted the seconds as he let the air out. That was the problem, wasn't it? Python felt like nesting. He wanted a nest of his own with his two mates and maybe soon, snakelings of his own.

  “It’s safe. I missed Trojan. We’re just starting to get along again. And the little ones… Ryuu too. My mates. It feels like a home here.”

  “But not yours.”

  The silence was telling, Python knew. He took a deep breath and got it out there.

  “Not mine.”

  As if Manasa had been just waiting for his confession, one moment she was half returning his embrace, the next they were both soaking wet and the Queen of Nagas’ pearly laughter resonated on the stone walls.

  “Moron. Then make one. Don't sit here brooding. You have mates to lean on. Take it from me, never waste a moment that you could spend with your mates.”


  “Your father was mine, you know? I miss him every day. You don’t have to.”

  Before Python could swim and reach the goddess again, intending to hug the crap out of her, Manasa disappeared as
sudden as she’d appeared. He wasn't surprised. His mother could really be a drama queen. Ha. Funny.

  Python stayed in the water for a while longer, just treading from one end of the natural pool to the other. Trojan had spelled his entire house and Python didn't know if all his caves were natural or just created, but the result was magnificent. Practical too, not to mention cozy and warm. He liked it. He wanted something like this of his own and considering he had whom to build a home for now, nothing was stopping him from having the dream he’d always yearned for. Just himself.


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