Gotta Love Dragons : MM Paranormal Romance Mpreg (Fated Book 2)

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Gotta Love Dragons : MM Paranormal Romance Mpreg (Fated Book 2) Page 13

by Aeryn Jaden

  Python hummed and chewed on that for a bit. Maybe that was the root of the problem. He was plain scared to grab and hold onto all his dreams coming true. He suddenly understood better Rei and his distant behavior. Former distant behavior, his apparently still mostly human mate was making up for it in spades. Just this morning he’d cooked breakfast for Python and Johnny and brought it in bed for them on beautifully decorated trays. Python had not had the heart to tell the human that nagas could spend days without eating and eggs were never appetizing for their kind. He’d loved the sushi from last night’s dinner though, to his surprise better than the sashimi.

  They still slept in separate beds and that was alright. Rei was still troubled by fits of fever, usually followed by bouts of anger and self-recriminations. Johnny. Python didn't know what Johnny was up to but he wanted to trust that it was to all their best interests. The kappa flitted between spending time with Rei or Python, often managing to get all three of them in the same place to all spend some time together. Rei’s eyes got all soft and gentle when the kappa was with them and sometimes Python thought he could become jealous if it wasn't about Johnny, his gentle mate that always made sure Python knew he cared. That he was important, only now he was important to him and Rei. Python sometimes wondered about that. Then Rei said or did something like take a seat next to him, crowding Python, his hands absently playing with the naga’s hair while they were watching a movie and Python… He found it hard to breathe. It got to be too much after too little. So they were taking it step by step.

  “Hey! Worrywart, there you are.”

  Johnny half-stumbled half-fell and almost dived in the pool on top of Python. Their little kappa wasn't the most graceful of beings, when he was relaxed Johnny tended to become a bit careless with his surroundings. A quick hand caught the kappa on time and Rei tutted at their laughing mate.

  “Maybe I wanted to fall on Python.”

  “Maybe you should not listen to rap anymore. Eminem was joking; the possibility of landing on a dick is getting vastly exaggerated in your brain the more you listen to that crap.”

  Huh? Python was lost. Johnny must had thought his confusion funny as he snickered some more and Rei had to half carry the kappa for him to reach the edge of the pool safely.

  “Right. Doofus, stay. Try not to bash your head in or drown Python, okay?”

  “Umm, nagas can breathe-”

  “So not the point, big guy. Trust me, I had Johnny accidentally fall on me and the guy may look slim and fragile but damn, is he bony! Those elbows could be considered lethal weapons, dude!”

  “Hey! You didn't seem to mind it at the time?”

  Rei’s face took a mischievous expression and Python snorted. He could imagine the human had been thoroughly distracted by other body parts. He felt sad for a moment, wondering what other things his two mates had shared, Python often felt a bit excluded when they were talking among themselves. It wasn't that they weren't trying to include him but the truth was Python had seldom mingled with humans, maybe even less than Trojan had and 80% of their conversations sounded like speaking in code to his ears. Too much human slang, too much cultural references and idioms referring to human affairs. Python was not human and he’d never cared to learn about them too much. Humans had never been important for him, he left them alone, he expected the same in return. Joke was on him now.

  “And...We lost him again. He looks cute when he’s spacing out but dude, I’m starting to feel self-conscious. I mean, are we so boring and easily ignored?”

  “See? My first plan was better. You should have let me land on hi-”

  “And on that note.”

  Johnny shrieked and gurgled as he obviously hit the water mouth open and laughing. Rei too for that matter and Python just stood there like a sore thumb not knowing what was happening. Obviously he knew what had happened, his crazy mates had dived clothed straight in front of him. He was just. He’d forgotten how this felt. Playing and laughing with someone. He used to be quite the trickster, often landing him and Trojan in deep water so to speak. When had he killed that part of him?

  “Hmm. Maybe, just maybe” he mumbled something he didn't even know, a smile slowly forming on his face and if his mates had been paying a bit more attention to him than to splashing everything around them, they would have probably known to be apprehensive when that particular devilish look appeared in Python’s eyes.

  One moment his mates were splashing and howling like lunatics, the next they were shrieking and struggling to stay above water as something, someone, kept on pulling them under one at a time. Python’s tail burst out like he’d never shape changed before, making an appearance for the first time in years and he could have wept with joy if he’d not been currently submerged and too busy splashing back with it at his determined mates. For their part, Rei and Johnny were too busy cooing and awwing at their mate and his beautifully jeweled tail splashing at them, to retaliate too much and that was noticeable. They soon started sputtering water and crying for mercy. They got to dip their heads another time for their trouble, before Python circled them once, twice, barely above water eyes glinting mock predatory.

  “Oh! Rei, he’s playing shark!”

  “A good one too, I think I drank half this pool on that last plunge.”

  “Here, here. Come and get me!”

  Rei snorted and Python almost did the same before remembering he needed to keep his airways closed.

  “That’s for puppies.”

  “Can we have one? I always wanted a dog.”

  The childlike wistfulness in Johnny’s tone sobered the other two men and Python found himself in a stare contest with Rei, quietly nodding his agreement. He’d have agreed to anything to keep his mates happy.

  “Sure, sweet. Whatever you want. Um, don't look that excited, whatever means only one.”

  “Dammit.” Pouting suited Johnny and Python circled closer before stopping in touching range. He could feel the warmth emanating from his two mates, not so much a physical one the pool was a warm spring after all, but more of a tug on his soul, the connection almost buzzing between the three of them, pulsing in the rhythm of their hearts.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Rei smiled gently at him, Johnny not so much. It seemed that their little mate was the one they should watch out for.

  “You’re sorry for behaving like a hermit ass or for brooding and not communicating?”

  “I think technically those are the same thing, sweet.”

  “Shut up, Rei.”

  Rei’s eyes got round and a bit scared. He was probably just now starting to see that the kitty had claws.

  “Got it.” Python almost snickered at the look on the former soldier’s face.

  “I'm sorry for not talking to you guys. It's a bit difficult for me to get used to having someone I can talk too.”

  Way to sound pathetic, Python thought to himself. Fortunately it seemed to be right thing -you know, humiliate yourself by laying the truth out there works wonders. Johnny practically jumped on top of him, eyes sparkling and mouth stretched wide in a grin as he locked his limbs around the naga in a breath stealing embrace. Python could swear he felt the earth spin, the comforting warmth grounding him as Rei closed in and just held both of them loosely around their waists.

  “God, that’s hot. You guys are smokin’.”


  As fast as Johnny had jumped him, the kappa untangled his lithe body from their should-be awkward three-way embrace and efficiently got out of the pool before either of his mates could pull him back and reinforce what a good idea it was to linger.

  “Good, now that’s been settled, let’s get a move on. Chop-chop. We have two properties to visit today in like... one hour?”

  The kappa’s expression tried to look sheepish but failed the mark and was mostly smug and satisfied. Rei looked dumbfounded and Python thought that the human was finally catching up on what a minx their other mate was now that the kappa could at last be himself and free
of fear. It looked like they were in for a roller-coaster ride and Python wouldn't have it any other way.

  * * * *

  Searching for a place to live together felt natural and oddly, not like they were rushing into things. Being outside in the human world not so much. Surprise, Rei was the one that felt out of place and not his two preternatural mates. It felt like his life before, life in his world, the human society, had happened to another Rei, a million years ago. The people that he’d fought all his life to protect and serve were now...not his people anymore. Rei felt detached, as if he didn't belong among humans anymore, as if he’d never had a place here, in the open. The American dream? The white picket fence thing? Not that he’d ever been crazy about that idea but now it seemed farther and fainter than ev- Um, what?

  They were in front of a cozy three bedroom house on the seaside. Surrounded by a white picket fence.

  “This? You want to see this? It looks like a granny’s house? It even has the creepy attic. Look, I think I can see the resident ghost waving at us from that blood stained glass.”

  Johnny was not amused. Python started coughing.

  “They’re stained blue. With purple flowers. And that’s our agent.”

  “Yikes! That’s a living thing?”

  “I’m going to hit you if you don’t shut up.”

  Rei would have been more worried if Johnny had not averted his face to hide his amused smirk. Rei knew he was right, that thing all bouncing in the attic could barely be called a human. He turned to Python. Maybe that was the explanation. He kinda forgot the question when the naga smiled hesitantly but oh so sweetly at him. Right. Ghost. Not human.

  “Is it possible that female...thing, is one of yours? I mean not human, what with that straw hair and all too plastic expression. I think I saw parts of her wanting to break loose and run away. Maybe an organ eating beastie? A collector of body parts?”

  It was worth it. Rei kinda wanted to continue with the ridiculous conversation just to forever keep those amused, happy and relaxed expressions on both of his guys’ faces. Unfortunately, plastic talking corpse was talking loudly, waving louder and incoming fast.

  “Welcome! So glad to be here with you guys! Isn’t it great? Amazing.”

  Rei bobbed his head, hypnotized. Parts were jiggling, mouth was talking but seemed frozen, eyebrows in perfect rictus of perpetual surprise- maybe constipation too?- that straw hair was trying to strangle them aided by the strong wind up on the cliffs the house was situated. The place looked deserted and eerie, the forest howling with noise and life. He turned to his mates just to see them still watching him, amused.

  “I figured it out. It’s a scarecrow! It must be. Must be the female Jeepers Creepers?”

  “I’m going to really hit you now.”

  He then did, quite strongly at that for such a fragile looking angel. Rei maybe was hit harder than he thought considering he had the dopiest smile on his face and could not stop looking at Johnny’s face, flushed red from embarrassment. Python’s fond expression was not too bad either. Sometimes he felt like he could hardly breathe. If he was careful and nurtured this, Rei could keep it, have these two here for the rest of his life. A very long life at that. He was still scared of the permanency of it all but slowly learning how to get over it.

  The house was a typical granny’s house. The position thought. Rei had glimpsed Python’s thoughtful glance at the wood floor and the excitement on his face when they’ve visited the basement. The air had smelled wet and putrid to Rei’s human nose but Python eyes were sparkling with excitement. This was only the third property they’ve visited but Rei knew they won’t be looking for another option. Johnny’s secretive smile just confirmed that this was happening; they’ve just found their house. Their non-traditional relationship that could barely be called that was moving forward and Rei didn’t feel like checking for the closest escape route. They were still walking on eggshells around each other and at times when Rei listened to the silence of his own room and felt the emptiness beside him, he thought that it was all a dream or errr bullshit. Really -mates and forever? Two? One he’d fucked carelessly in a car on the roadside, another that had been practically a slave for most of his life. Rei always screwed up when he tried to get involved with someone. How he had ended up tied to two someones was anyone’s guess. And now they were moving in together.

  So no. It didn't seem real. Most likely he’d wake up soon and find himself in a ditch somewhere too hot to breathe, with head injuries that could explain his unbelievable memories of this last year.

  BUT. They were buying a granny house with white picket fence for them to live in together. Christ.

  “Hey. You didn't like it, did you?”

  Crap, crap. The big guy looked like a beaten puppy not a venomous creature of the err night?

  “Are nagas nocturnal? Um. What about venomous? Err. Nevermind. I’m guessing there’s a close point of access to the cave system of the area, am I right? Something that you can shape into a lair similar to Troy’s? By the way did my brother ever tell you what ‘Trojan’ and ‘Python’ are referring to in the human world nowadays? They’re names for cond-”

  Johnny muffled a chuckle and Python’s face got slightly flushed. So he did know. They really needed to find him a nickname that didn't involve food or porn references.

  “Adelante, mi amigos. We have a house to buy and a scarecrow to scare into helping us get a good deal.”

  His mates were totally ignorant of what was funny and how clever Rei really was. Really. They trailed behind him snickering at his back. That was alright, they were smiling and having a good time together. And Rei had some of his knives with him, he could play with them a bit just to see the plastic agent’s face crack an expression.

  “I think he’s plotting.”

  “I think he’s armed and dangerous. And plotting. That smirk gives me the creeps.”

  Rei just cackled as his mates nodded in agreement. Life was good.

  * * * *

  It was surprisingly fast and easy to buy a house when you had the money (courtesy of Python's literal piles of gold aka hoarding habit from his father’s side) and your agent had the right incentive (that, they won’t talk about. Ever. And no, it wasn't Rei at fault. Or Python).

  Python thought he’ll have a bit more time. He moved out of his brother’s place before he knew it, fitting considering he couldn't remember how he’d actually started living there in the first place. As for his old place-or places- they could visit them? He could hardly wait to show his mates all the marvelous corners of the earth he’d discovered during his long life.

  And that was another thing. Python had never thought himself old but… Johnny and Rei were practically speaking another language most of the time while still using English sounding words, oddly enough. They still tried to include him, so maybe it was Python’s fault as per usual. He did know he was a moody bastard at best. Under all his former chatty self, he’d always been that. He missed his ability to pretend everything was perfect and the way he could laugh his way out of everything. He also didn’t want to pretend with his mates. He couldn’t. It was better now thought. His dark moods were tempered without the curse to weight him down and with his mates at his side.

  They signed on the following Monday and moved the very same day. The next day was finding all three of them bleary-eyed, cranky and mostly sleep-walking. Making sure that they had where to sleep should have maybe been a priority, Python realized. More so than yesterday’s activity of breaking the basement bricks and digging until the soil made way for them to explore the caves under. Python was pretty sure he could sense a connection to Trojan’s own ones close by. Made sense as the place they bought was only a couple of miles down from his brother’s.

  So digging. Then discovering the water was not turned on, so no shower. Seawater was out of the question for some unexplained reason, Python had tried explaining that the minerals in it were great for the skin but yeah. Humans were weird. Kappas, allergic ap
parently. After an awkward customary cleaning with a rag and bottles of water from the store (the night staff had banded next to the cash register as if Python and his mates were planning to eat them and some instinct in their small brains was suggesting that there was safety in numbers), all three of them were ready to collapse, supernatural creatures or not.

  Opening the bedrooms provided them the next marvelous surprise. No beds. How come there were no beds? When they’d viewed the property there were beds.

  Johnny dejected face was too much to take. Rei almost got punched in the nose, his expression was too amused and too calculating. Python meditated, prayed and pleaded with his reserves of energy but in the end he had to accept that he was far from recovered and too weak for creating things out of thin air, or teleporting at least, a bed for them. He was cold, exhausted and barely standing. Johnny as a half-human had almost cried when he’d explained that his own magick didn't work like that and even if it did, he was a half-breed only which just led to further arguments about the kappa never putting himself down like that ever again. All was a mess.

  The floor was looking appealing by then and they made a nest of whatever clothes they had with them, Python in the middle as the naga ran the coldest and needed to be kept warm. Luckily for them, Ryuu had somehow sneaked a couple of blankets and some small couch pillows in their luggages. They really hadn't thought this move through. And Ryuu was weird with all his all-knowing of lately.

  The floor had still been too hard, the house too cold and them too tired to speak or fall asleep. It was the first time they were all three together like this, a fact all three seemed to be hyper aware off. An awkward night was in the makings and awkward it was.

  Back to the present which wasn't any better, Python thought morosely. No matter that they were supposedly in their honeymoon period and had moved together more than two weeks ago.

  They had beds now. Beds. As in plural. Too many of them if you asked Python. The house wasn't big but apparently it was big enough that three grown men could avoid each other for long periods of time. Python had taken to retreating in his newfound caves just so he didn't have to withstand all the awkwardness. The initial drive that pushed them together and determined them to move in their own house and try to be, become mated, yeah that, seemed to have died a silent, painful death. Python was not depressive, his thoughts before had been dark and almost malignant, but he wasn’t in a good mood either. Only because he wasn't being mind-fucked by a vindictive curse didn't mean that he wasn't, let's say, displeased. He wasn't pouting, that’s for sure. Nagas were above that. He was above that. Who needed mates in the end?


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