Gotta Love Dragons : MM Paranormal Romance Mpreg (Fated Book 2)

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Gotta Love Dragons : MM Paranormal Romance Mpreg (Fated Book 2) Page 14

by Aeryn Jaden

  “Johnny went to visit your brother, my brother and the kids. Jeez, that sounded even more weirder outloud. Are almost incestuous families a tradition in the supernatural world? I mean the Greeks, man, the Greeks! That guy Zeus and his kids and all that family- Wait, Greek gods do exist yes? I mean Hermaphroditus and Hermes are-”

  Python grunted a response, hoping it’ll be enough to stop the avalanche. Not that he heard all that, he was too busy trying to keep breathing and not have a bloody panic attack! He’d not been alone with Rei since they’d fucked and hadn’t that gone swell for him? Making his mate run off and get kidnapped, almost breaking his other mate with his careless behavior making him cry. When had he ever done something right, what else was new?

  Shit, he was having a meltdown. He knew he was being irrational but rational didn't have a place here. Python’s heart felt bruised and small, trying its best to hide and recover while still jacking about like a startled rabbit.

  “Hey, hey. You alright? You don’t look so good. Is it me? I’m sorry. Here, sit. Please. I just- I want to talk, that’s it. I’m an asshole but- I want to talk about this, okay?”

  Rei’s voice sounded a bit far away and Python choked out a startled laugh realizing that he was almost crying. The few tears already fallen didn't count. He sat where Rei’s warm, hesitant hands guided him and drank the glass of water he suddenly was holding from gods’ know where. It wasn't even salted water and he almost spit it out again before he forced himself to try swallowing. His mate had thought it will help him, he couldn't disrespect his mate’s thoughtfulness.

  “You look like you swallowed a frog. Just spit it out, already. Stupid me, I forgot about the salt kink you guys have.”

  “Fuck off, it’s biology. You try drinking salt water and see how you like it.”

  He’d wanted to sound annoyed and clearer but obviously today was the day Python got to imitate pitiful animals, as he only managed to sound like a half-strangled, weak kitten.

  “There it is, all that fire and brassiness. I was getting worried and Johnny was beside himself trying to figure out how to snap you out of your funk. ”

  Funk. Funk? Like he was some child towing a temper tantrum? Like he’d not skirted death he didn't know how many times in the last months. For an immortal being like Python, knowing that you were dying, your existence was ending and you couldn't do anything about it, your fate was in some mortal’s hands that didn't want anything to do with you. That. That. Was. Not. A. Tantrum.

  Python slowly pushed up and away from his suddenly very pleased and very annoyingly smirking fragile human mate. OR ELSE.

  “Fuck you and your high horse! I was cursed from birth, I had my magick slowly stripped, my life force drained with it. I was dying and feeling every second of it! You knew! You knew I was your mate and didn't want anything to do with me, be it it killed me or not-”

  “I didn't know about the curse.”

  “You knew I was your mate! You fucked me knowing it! Knowing from your brother what Fated are really about and how it should be! You would have chosen Johnny regardless of that and fuck, why does it matter? Is not as if I ever did! I’m just a screw up that almost got your brother killed after all, right?”

  “To my defense, Johnny is our mate too. And he was less complicated to face without all this mating expectations.”

  Rei took a step towards him and Python growled a subvocal warning, a more hissing sound that he’d vocalized ever before.

  “You fucked me and then dumped me on my brother’s doorstep while I was bleeding to death!”


  He hissed again and his back hit the cave’s stonewall as he retreated in front of Rei’s approach. He could feel his fangs pop out violently from his hums, a bit of metallic tasting blood staining them. His eyes were glowing most likely and still the stupid human continued to advance steadily and corner Python until their bodies almost touched and the naga’s ragged breathing was ruffling the former soldier’s short hair.

  “I know. I did all that. I’m not offering any excuses. I just want to ask for your forgiveness and hope that we can move forward from this. I want. Well. I guess I just want us. I want what I repeatedly talked disparaging about. I want all those things I used to make fun of my army brothers’ for when they were with their partners and looked nauseatingly happy. I want all that supernatural crap about mates and forever and I don't even mind if I have to take that extra tail with it too.”

  “For fuck’sake, what tail! That was a fluke! Ryuu, your annoying brother just has to do everything differently! Mating does not make tails suddenly appear on perfectly normal humans!”

  Rei’s hand was very distracting as the fingers shuffled through Python’s hair before slowly caressing down his throat. Python felt oddly vulnerable, having this man’s hand half circle his neck. Even more so, he felt safe and anchored.

  “What about pregnant? I have a friend with terrible reading habits and I do know about mpreg. Which my brother already proved possible. ”

  Python rolled his eyes and decided not to dignify that with an answer. As if they’d not had this conversation already.

  “You know, I think I would love to see you swell up with our child. You’ll probably glow. And waddle and be all cute. I think it could be fun to try it until it happens.”

  SAY WHAT? Python was not cute. Ever. What the hell was the crazy human talking about? And male Nagas didn't get pregnant. He was choosing to ignore that he was still half European dragon.

  “For the million time, Ryuu is a fluke. He’s an- an. Ugh. Male nagas don’t get pregnant. Males in general are very hard to impregnate and only certain species hold that abil- Ugh, my fucking gods!”

  Was that a tongue in his ear? How had he not known how good that could feel? Python breath shuddered for entirely different reasons this time and he involuntarily let out a startled gasp of pleasure.

  “You’re missing the point, darlin’. We can try the heck out of it and practice until it happens. Like all the time. Lots and lots of practice. I can be so good to you. We can be so good together.”

  “Oh good, you made up. And are getting down and dirty already. Rei, lose the corny lines and herd our mate to the master bedroom we just finished setting up. I’m more than ready for a sample of that practice activity.”

  Python thought he probably had an equally startled expression of hungry arousal on his face as Rei did. Johnny’s predatory look caused both men to shudder and rush to do the smaller’s man bidding.

  They all knew who the boss will be in this mating.

  Chapter Seven

  Rei had to get it right this time. Python’s words had cut and he’d not had anything to say in his defense. It was rather cliché. He’d gotten unsure. Well. Okay. He’d gotten scared of all the intensity, the tension, the potential feelings between them so he’d acted out and struck back. Python had probably seemed the wiser choice, seemed more resilient than Johnny and Rei had taken his frustrations and his fears on the naga. The sex had been great was just that. Pytohn had been right to feel used and Rei wasn't particularly proud of himself.

  They got to their new bedroom faster than Rei would have liked it. He knew Johnny was determined and really wanted them three to start on that together life already but the little guy forgot sometimes that not everyone was as brave as he was. Rei thought that most of Johnny’s single-mindedness came from an unacknowledged fear of losing this, losing them and the future they could have. He couldn't fault the guy for pushing him and Python to get their acts together already. It was funny to think that here Rei was about to get down and dirty with the most amazing and sexy men he’d ever met and he was so lost in his head overanalyzing it that he actually jumped, startled by the door slamming loudly behind him.

  Python’s eyes got comically wide and Rei was again reminded that for such an old and powerful supernatural creature, the naga was curiously vulnerable and almost naive at times. He didn't doubt that the guy had centuries of sexual
experiences under his belt but when it came to closer connections? The L word? Rei was not ready to even think about it and Python seemed on the same page. When it came to real connections Python was as lost as Rei was if not more. It made Rei want to cuddle the big lug. He rolled his eyes at his thoughts, a part of him disgusted with how sappy he was becoming. Rei stepped further in the large room converted from most of the upstairs bedrooms. They’d had some help from Troy, magick altering their house was much faster than regular construction work and Rei almost rolled his eyes again at even having these thoughts. What was his life.

  Python seemed to be rendered speechless and Johnny’s bouncing was making Rei slightly dizzy just watching. They’d done a good job with the place, Johnny going a bit overboard and slightly obsessed with arranging everything perfectly. This bedroom will probably be inhabited just for a little while though, Rei was certain that in no time Python’s magick levels will settle and their guy will start working on getting the underground caves and tunnels ready. After seeing what Troy had done to his place, he was sure he’ll enjoy living in his own specially crafted caves. Still, he did have to admit that he loved the large nest-bed dominating the room. And he couldn't wait to try it.

  “So? Is it okay? You like it? We called Troy to help and arrange some of the species specific things. Well most of the room really, the bed we’d ordered was too small in the end so Troy had it enlarged for us.”

  “Your brother is scary ass when he uses magick, Pie.”

  Johnny scrunched his nose at Rei and he smiled innocently back. What? That big guy was so cute that Rei wanted to eat him at times. So. “Pie” nickname was a go. Python groaned at him and Rei smiled again, pleased to see the naga’s posture relax slightly.

  “You’re insufferable.”

  “Hello? My brother is Ryuu. I’m an angel.”

  Rei narrowed his eyes at Johnny’s back, sure that he just heard the guy snorting back at him. He got distracted fast. Hello skin. He glanced at Python just in time to see the naga’s face flush as he too watched mesmerized how Johnny was getting rid of his clothes in what were mere seconds. The little guy was fast. Not too graceful though, Rei thought as both him and Python rushed to catch their mate before Johnny bashed his head on the step leading up to the bed platform after the clumsy kappa somehow stumbled upon thin air.

  This needed to slow down a notch.

  “Johnny. We have time.” He caught the kappa’s eyes not knowing how to say it. How to not make Python feel even more uncomfortable. This should be fun and sexy, not something they had to do and do it now like they were timed. Fortunately, Johnny seemed to get it and looked slightly ashamed for a moment. Rei slowly pulled the kappa closer to both him and Python. None of that either, no shame here. Eagerness was good. He felt a hesitant hand come around his waist and almost startled when he noticed it was too big and hairy to be Johnny’s. Shit, they should all try to relax or this would be a bust.

  “I think. I think I want to see you two kiss.”

  Well. Damn. Look at Python and his moves. The naga looked drunk on looking at how Rei held Johnny close to his chest. Rei’d been a bit worried about it, remembering that before they’d known they were all three mates, his Pie had not been too pleased when Rei and Johnny were close and alone.

  “Good idea, maybe then Rei will actually focus.” The little minx smirked at him and Rei couldn’t ever resist a challenge. He dived down, hungry for those plush, cupid lips. He’d resisted too long, having fantasized about those lips from the moment he’d met the kappa. He distantly heard, more like felt, as Python groaned and his arms tightened around him and Johnny both. Rei was focused alright. He licked and nibbled, ignoring the parted mouth enticing him. The pout of those lips got a surprisingly gentle peck, a nibble on the chin, a lick at the corners, his tongue so ready to get in the action and explore all those throaty moans driving him crazy. The former lack of mood evaporated and the intensity of what Rei now felt was still scary and big, still shook him but also was somewhat better now that he wasn't alone in this. Python arms anchored him as they slightly trembled around his back, hands already exploring Rei’s skin from above the band of his jeans.

  “God yeah, Johnny you’re brilliant. Less clothes, now.”

  “I thought we were taking this slow?”

  Rei tried to understand what Johnny’s eyebrows were trying to communicate but most of his attention was either on the man’s glossy lips, that mouth he’d had yet to plunder as he wanted. The rest of his attention was on his squished balls, and man that was not fun.

  “Naked is good, naked now- better.” Python’s clothes started flying all around and when did that happen? Not that Rei had any reasons to complain. He was gorgeous. Johnny was gorgeous. Both these men were heart stopping, coma drooling inducing and Rei would have felt insecure right about then if he hadn’t been a slightly narcissistic asshole that knew he looked fine too. Naked times it was.

  They managed it somehow, hands often straying to touch a pec here, a yummy happy trail there. Johnny’s help didn't help matters either. Collapsing on the soft surface, Rei found himself at the bottom of the pile and huffed as he got a sharp elbow to the plexus and a knee dangerously close to some of his other squishy body parts. Python’s growl next to his ear almost had him moan, who knew about that kink? He stilled and let his mates find their places around him, confused at how he’d lost control of this so fast and not knowing if he liked it- Oh, yeah, he liked. Rei arched off the bed as something wet and incredibly hot encased his cock. He moaned and fisted his hands in the sheets, praying not to finish too fast.

  “Look at me, my dragon.”


  He looked, he could do nothing else as Python’s voice seemed like a velvet blade, penetrating under his skin and taking root there until Rei could hardly breathe anymore. He looked up to see the naga’s eyes pinning him with fire, his body slightly poised above Rei. He seemed wild and powerful and Rei added another kink to his mental list. Who knew there were so many things he’d yet found out about himself? And he’d worried about how his and Python’s dominant personalities would mesh in bed. Fate knew her shit. Not that Rei was ready to just go belly up and accept everything at face value. This will take a lot of effort to make it work but-

  “And we lost him again. I feel slightly insulted.”

  Rei whined, wanting Johnny’s mouth back where it was before and cursing his inability to shut his brain.

  “I think we need to step up our game, kardia mou.”

  “Oh, what did you call me?” Johnny stopped again to ask and Rei whined.

  “My heart.”

  Rei watched as Python’s face flushed a bright red as he reluctantly answered. Johnny blushed too, but on him it looked like he was glowing with happiness and his two mates swayed toward each other, hands groping and pulling closer as their lips caressed and tasted. Mmm, yeah, that looked rehearsed. Hot, Rei decided. Who cared that they’d done it before? Without him?

  “Can anybody do something about my dick before it falls off? Please?” There. He’d asked nicely too.

  “Glad to see you’re still an asshole. I was getting worried with all your recent meek behavior.”

  * * * *

  “Glad to see you’re still an asshole. I was getting worried with all your recent meek behavior.” Python quipped. He recognized that vulnerability in Rei’s eyes, knew exactly what it meant and for one petty moment he remembered how he’d been in his place not too long ago. Jealous of seeing his mate with another man. But that other man had been Johnny and Python was tired of letting his mind run in circles with all this shit. Besides, Rei was kinda right. His dick felt as if it’ll fall off soon. Too many hard-ons and no relief will do that to you.

  “I want to fuck you. Get inside you so deep and push for more until you know exactly who you belong with. I want you on your knees, ass up asking for more, your dick not in Johnny’s mouth but deep inside of him. I want to see you fuck Johnny as I push inside you over and over
again and make you both mine. I need you both to be mine and for all this nonsense to settle already. I hate not knowing where we stand. I hate all the talks and tiptoeing when all I want is to get under both of your skins and just live there. Fucking will come close enough for now.”

  Python stopped and smirked at both his mates, both wide eyed and slightly panting at the image he’d painted. Could not be too smug about it, he was too close and felt too raw. He needed.

  “Yeah. That.” Johnny nodded like crazy.

  “Fuck yeah. Where’s that lube? Have at it, man. Sooner the better, I’m ready to go off without a touch already.”

  Python smiled in bemusement as Rei turned and pushed his ass in the air right there and then. Johnny giggled as he handed him an opened bottle of lube and explained,

  “I maybe tried to see if it’s slick enough. It is. My ass is all ready and set.”

  Well, surprise, surprise. Rei groaned and jumped the sheets and Python just closed his eyes. And his fist around the base of his cock.

  “Shit, kardia mou. You need to stop saying things like that right now.”

  “Got it. I’ll just assume the position then?”


  “Damn hot. Python, our little angel is a sex demon.”

  Python snorted and responded with a finger pushed straight into Rei’s winking hole. He searched until he felt Rei freeze beneath him, dick humping the sheets again.


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