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Forever & More: The Friend Zone series

Page 14

by Thompson, Tabetha

  I look to the front of the room, blocking out the anxious chatter around me. I stare at the black leather chair, where the man that will ultimately decide Todd’s fate will be seated. For the first time since I can remember, since Chloe was in a coma, I say a prayer. I pray that Todd gets what he deserves. That the jury and judge will give Chloe justice, and this will be a quick hearing.

  “All rise, the Honorable Judge Maxwell presiding.” the tall middle-aged bailiff announces to the room. A woman enters the soundless room. Her blond hair is pulled up into a tight bun. The black robe she wears looks to be two sizes too big and stands out against her ivory skin.

  She advances on the bench. “You may be seated,” she states to the room in a soft, yet stern voice. She addresses the rows of jurors that I hadn’t noticed to the right of the room.

  “In the matter of State vs. Lucas, we are here today to try the case regarding first degree home invasion; assault with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill; intent to commit vehicular manslaughter in the first degree; possession with the intent to distribute. All are felony charges. Defendant, if found guilty will be sentenced twenty to life with no parole. Mr. Lucas has plead not guilty to first-degree home invasion; guilty to assault with a deadly weapon; not guilty to intent to commit vehicular manslaughter; not guilty to the possession charge.

  “As we discussed yesterday, the defendant’s attorney may take the stand first.” She looks at the table where Todd is sitting quietly, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. The short, slim man seated next to him stands and approaches the center of the room.

  He looks me directly in my eyes, cocks an eyebrow, and smirks. His gaze turns to the jurors, and he pauses before addressing them. He looks at his notes, back at me, and then to the twelve people that will decide his client’s fate. Every tiny speck that makes up my being is on high alert with panic; a feeling inside of me tells me something is not right. This is definitely not going to be as easy as I thought.

  “Wakey wakey, my Chloe bear.” Something tickles my nose, and then my face suddenly stings from my hand swatting at the offending itch. “Now, that was just dumb,” Sara laughs.

  I feel something lying next to me. My eyes still feel heavy and don’t want to open. My head lolls to the right as I fight to wake up. When I finally open my eyes, I’m startled. Sara somehow managed to get in my bed and is now nose-to-nose with me. She’s so close that I can smell the mint on her breath.

  “Before you kiss me, I need you to brush your damn teeth. Your breath smell like ass.” She chuckles.

  I groan and turn my head in the other direction. “You up yet? I wanna show you something!” Why is she so freaking chipper this morning?

  “Give me a second, damn,” I snap. I feel like I’m hung-over, my head is fuzzy, and my eyelids weigh a ton. Why do I feel like this?

  “Girl, it’s going to take more than a second for you to wake up. You’ve been out stone cold for fourteen hours now. I need whatever the hell they gave you yesterday,” she jokes.

  Well, that explains why I feel like shit. I pull myself up higher on the bed and attempt to rub the sleep from my eyes.

  “Where is everyone?” I groggily ask.

  “I’m here, Harley just walked to the cafeteria, and no one else has been in this morning.”

  I notice that she didn’t mention Skye’s name.

  “So, do you want to see what I want to show you, or what?” Whatever it is she’s not going to give up on it, so I concede.

  A minute later, she’s handing me her phone and I’m watching a YouTube video of two girls sitting in a car. One girl has a stocking pulled over her head while the other is spraying OFF on her face. Both girls are cracking up so bad they can hardly speak. This is probably one of the funniest videos I have ever seen.

  The carefree comedic antics of these girls remind me of how Sara and I used to be. They make me miss the simple life I was living only a year ago. It still amazes me how quickly things can change. When the video is over, I hand her phone back to her.

  “That was hilarious,” I tell her. It feels so good to laugh like that again. The sun’s early morning rays peek through the blinds on the only window in the room. Harley enters the room with his hands shoved in his pockets. His worn features alarm me. He now sports a five o’clock shadow when he’s usually clean-shaven. His sun burnt orange hair is longer than normal and completely disheveled as if he’s run his fingers through it a million times.

  “Good morning,” I say. He stops in his tracks, a smile barely playing on his lips.

  “Hey,” he drags out. I can see the wheels in his mind churning at full speed. I can read the thoughts that are bouncing around in his head as if they were streaming across his forehead in neon lights.

  “Help a sista up,” Sara chuckles from beside me. She attempts to drag her body up in the bed, but the dead weight of her legs is holding her down. I can’t help but laugh as she flops her upper body around like a fish out of water. The more I watch her struggle, the louder and harder I laugh. It’s not long before I start snorting between chuckles.

  “What the hell, Chloe.” She swats me. “It’s not nice to laugh at handicapped people,” she scolds playfully.

  “First off, I’m not laughing at the handicapped. I’m laughing at you. You look ridiculous. You knew you couldn’t get up, then you started flailing around like an idiot instead of waiting for someone to help you. I think you knew exactly what you were doing.”

  Harley helps her sit up and she looks me directly in the eyes. “You’re right, but let me fill you in on something. Sometimes you have to at least try to do something for yourself. Even if you know it’s impossible. You may not be able to do whatever you’re trying to do, but at least you didn’t give up and let someone else do it for you. You have to at least try the hard way before you take the easy way.” She emphasizes her statement by poking me on the shoulder.

  We spend the next hour laughing and joking. Our time is interrupted by Doctor Jacobs and Sally.

  “This wasn’t exactly what I expected to see when I was coming down the hall,” Sally announced. I’m sure walking in here to find me on the edge of the bed, on the verge of falling with Sara nestled in next to me and Harley spooning her from the other side wasn’t at all what she was expecting.

  Harley scrambles to get up, only to fall off the bed onto the floor, which causes all of us to break out into hysterics. When I snort, everyone’s attention focuses on me, causing them to laugh harder. It’s got to be an odd sight to see a doctor, a nurse, a paralyzed girl, a “bad boy” rocker, and an emotional basket case cackling like a bunch of hyenas. I’d give anything to see that image, but I can’t see through the tears that have flooded my eyes.

  The picture reminds me of one of those jokes where they list a group of people and follow it with “walks into a bar.” I crack up harder at the thought. Finally, Doctor Jacobs sobers and the rest of us follow.

  “It’s good to see you in good spirits today, Chloe,” Doctor Jacobs says with pride. Sally winks at me at the same time Sara wraps her arm around my shoulders. How did I not see this before? Why did I not realize the support that I have had all this time? The love these people radiate is blinding.

  I lay my head on Sara’s shoulder as I slide closer into her embrace. I love this girl more than I can ever describe. I don’t think that sisters with the same blood could feel this close to each other. Her hold on me tightens as Doctor Jacobs begins speaking.

  “Well, you and baby are doing great, so you are free to go home today.”

  Sara interrupts him, “Is she free to wash her ass or brush her teeth, because I don’t know if I can sit in an enclosed car with her if not.” Poor Doctor Jacobs’ face blanches; he’s not used to Sara’s humor. He looks even more horrified as he watches me turn my head and breathe my hot, horrid breath directly in her face. My exhale is slow and I enjoy watching her face twist in disgust.

  “You bitch!” She shoves me as hard as her petite frame can. Th
ank God for the plastic arm on the hospital bed or I would’ve been on the floor. Doctor Jacobs is still watching me with a slack jaw, I just shrug and smile.

  He clears his throat and continues, “Sally has the paperwork ready for you, so all you have to do is sign. Before you go, I’m going to do another exam on you and the baby, but then you are free to leave. Do you have any questions?”

  I think about it for a minute before replying, “Can I shower? I feel like I have swamp mouth.” I crinkle my nose for emphasis.

  “Sure. Sally and I will come back after my rounds. We can go over the details then, okay?” He chuckles.

  I swing my legs to the edge of the bed and stand. Other than using the restroom, I haven’t gotten out of the bed. My muscles ache with every step, but it’s a good ache. When I walk into the bathroom, I relieve myself without shutting the door. Harley’s not going to come in here and it’s just Sara, so it doesn’t bother me.

  “Chloe, what are you going to do when you get back home?” She talks from the bed. From where the bathroom sits in the room, I can see her lying on the bed perfectly from the shower stall. I glance up at her before stepping into the shower. After I pull the curtain closed, I strip from the gown.

  “Shit, Sara, I didn’t bring my stuff in here,” I shout.

  I hear some rustling around and then Harley’s deep voice say, “Your stuff is right outside the curtain.” The closer he gets to the end of his sentence, the farther away he sounds. I peek out of the curtain to make sure he’s gone before I reach down and grab my shower bag.

  “I smell lavender and vanilla! Someone went from funk to flowery in just moments. See, sweets, it’s not that hard. And doesn’t it feel great to smell pretty?” she teases.

  “Fuck off,” I spit back while she chuckles. I haven’t mentioned it, but I’m a little upset that Skye’s not here. Where the hell has he been? I know he’s pissed, but I expected him to at least be in the waiting room or something.

  I go through my usual shower routine, scrubbing the hospital germs and the events from the other night from my skin until it’s red and slightly burning. I cut the water off and can hear Harley in the other room. It’s a one-sided conversation, so I think he’s on the phone.

  “She’s in the shower.” He pauses. “Yeah, she's coming home today. We’re just gonna go back to the apartment and chill, I guess.” Another silent moment. “Yep, Doc’s given her and the baby the all clear.” The room goes still again. “Yeah, dude, I’ll keep you updated.”

  I reach out of the shower and grab a towel and my clothes. After my skin is dry, I slide on my underwear followed by a pair of black yoga pants. I grab a T-shirt and notice it’s not mine. The grey, I was born a rebel shirt belongs to Skye. My heart fills with sadness. I pick up the shirt and place it at my nose, inhaling his scent. The tears I was trying to fight spring forward. I allow several to trail down my cheek before I pull myself together. I slip the shirt over my head and step out of the curtain.

  I then brush my teeth until my gums bleed. I grab all of my stuff and exit the bathroom. Sara is still lying on my bed, but Harley is absent.

  “Where’s Harley?” I ask.

  “He had to take a call. He’ll be back.” She lies on the bed, watching the soundless picture on the computer.

  “So, was he on the phone with Skye earlier?” I know he was, I just needed to figure out a way to bring up the conversation.

  “Yep, but you already know that. I don’t know why you ask questions when you already know the answers. Why don’t you ask a question that you don’t know the answer to?” Her snarky tone is annoying, but I give in.

  “Okay, where is he?” I ask.

  “He had something important to take care of. He’ll be around later tonight.” She won’t make eye contact with me so I know there’s more to the story than what she’s sharing.

  Harley chooses this moment to walk into the room. He’s staring at his phone so he doesn’t see me standing in the room before he blurts, “They just adjourned for lunch. It doesn’t look like this will be over today.”

  “What.” I feel sick, the room spins. What’s he talking about? Court?

  He mutters a disgruntled “fuck” under his breath. He turns to run from the room like a spooked rabbit, but I lunge across the room in a flash. Gripping his arm tight, I spin him to face me. My voice flows from my throat with a menacing tone. “What are you talking about? Who’s at court?”

  He tries to pull free, but I won’t allow it. “Answer me, Harley.” His head hangs in defeat so I lessen my hold.

  “Skye’s at the courthouse testifying against Todd. They just let out for lunch. Chloe, no. Stop, you don’t need to be there, he’s got it under control.”

  His words don’t mean shit to me; I’m going to that damn trial. Todd’s trial hasn’t crossed my mind, of course, it’s today, how the hell did I let something this important get past me?

  I grab my bag and start out of the door. Harley blocks me while Sara screams at me to sit the hell down. “Chloe, he told me not to tell you. You need to stay put and let him deal with this.”

  Sally enters the room with a handful of papers. Her confused expression inspires Sara to fill her in on the situation. She listens intently with an impassive face. When Sara tells her the goings on of the last fifteen minutes, Sally calmly sets the papers on the rolling cart and hands me a pen.

  When I don’t budge, she raises her eyebrows and says, “Ya can’t leave till ya fill these out, so that means ya won’t be going to the courthouse if ya don’t get to writing.”

  “Wait, what?” Harley blurts.

  “Ya heard me, son,” she tells him.

  “Don’t you need to examine her before she leaves?” he argues.

  “I sure do, so now if you will excuse us.” She stands to the side and opens the door for him. He leaves but is very hesitant about it. When the door shuts, Sara starts in on me.

  “Chloe you can’t seriously be thinking about going there. Just let him do what he needs to.”

  “Sara, Chloe’s a grown woman. Don’t you think that this will be a perfect way for her to lay her past with that man to rest? How would you feel if you let someone else do everything for you and you never get the satisfaction of being a part of the justice you deserve, always being the victim, and never standing up for yourself?” Sally looks to me. “Is this something you want to do?”

  I nod.

  “Is this something that you know in your gut is what you need to do to be whole?” It’s like she’s been inside of me, reading my thoughts, and feeling my emotions.

  “Y-yes,” I whisper.

  “Well, get up here and let’s get this over with.” I listen to her direction as she pokes and prods my abdomen. I try to calm myself as she listens to my heart and checks my blood pressure. She motions for me to lift my shirt and I do. The warmth of the fabric is replaced by the cold gel she squeezes on my stomach.

  The small shock to my system is so worth it when I hear the heartbeat. For some reason, the beating of my child’s heart reminds me of a humming bird’s wings, fast and frantic on the inside but calm and beautiful on the outside.

  “The baby’s perfect, Chloe. You follow Doctor Jacobs’ orders and keep ya nose clean and all of this will work out, sweetie. You’re going to be a phenomenal mother, you’ll see.” She helps me from the bed. The moment my feet are on the floor I wrap my arms around her neck and squeeze her tight.

  “Thank you,” I whisper into her neck. She laughs and pats my back, never rushing to remove herself from my grip. I pull away and look at Sara.

  “You coming with me or do I need to call a cab and sneak out?” I’m only half joking about my calling a cab.

  “Is this really important to you? Like you won’t be able to sleep at night important?” Her tone is sorrowful. I know if I go, she’s going and neither of us really want to do this, but I just have to.

  “Yes, Sara, this is something that if I don’t do, I’m going to regret it the rest of my
life. Now are you with me or what?”

  She thinks about my question for a moment. “Let’s do this.” She sticks her fist out and I meet it in a fist bump.

  “Now how the hell are we going to get Harley to take us?” I ask.

  “You leave that to me.” The confidence in her tone worries me.

  “I am so glad I’m not him right now,” I state. My only response is her wagging her eyebrows.

  Sally leaves and a moment later, Harley walks into the room. He looks nervous, and he has every right to be. I ignore them and grab my bag, moving to the other side of the room next to the door.

  “Baby,” Sara says in a sing-song tone.

  “No.” He points at her. “No.” He moves his finger to me. “Fuck no. I’m not taking you, I’m sorry. I told Skye I would take her home,” he says.

  “He can’t tell her what to do. They’re not together anymore!” Sara shouts. Her words cause my heart to rip open, but she’s right. He can’t tell, ask, or demand me to do anything anymore and it kills me. I want to crawl up in a hole and die.

  “Chloe, I’m sorry, I didn’t think about what I said. I didn’t mean—”

  I hold my hand up to her, silencing her words. The tears come like they always do; the harder I fight, the harder they flow. He’s gone, we have no future together anymore, and he’s done with me forever. What have I done? I drop to the floor in a heap and Harley rushes to my side.

  “Chloe, quit crying. Please quit crying. It will be okay, I promise. You’ll see it’s going to be okay,” he coos in a soft voice. I just happen to look up and make eye contact with Sara. She mouths an I’m sorry and it’s then that I realize her plan. That bitch! She’s going to use my grief to get him to take me to the courthouse. It’s a brilliant but evil plan.

  “Shhh. It’s going to be okay.” Harley helps me stand up. My palms rub the liquid salt into my already raw skin, causing it to sting.


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