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Fatal Divide

Page 13

by Jamie Jeffries

  “Anna Redhawk?” he asked, as he stepped up behind Anna in the line. She turned toward him with a smile, but then stopped in apparent confusion.

  “I’m a friend of Wanda Lopez,” he said. “She mentioned she was coming to see you yesterday. Did she find you?” It was Dylan’s turn to be confused as he detected her expression of alarm. He struggled to keep his face neutral. This had already gone south, and to help Wanda he needed to salvage it.

  “I… I… Yes, I saw her for a few minutes. And you are?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t say my name, did I? I’m Dylan Chaves, her distant relative. She’s been like a grandmother to me. We’re a little worried,” he added, as Alex joined him. He put his arm around Alex as he added, “She and Hector didn’t come home last night.”

  “Hector?” Anna said, her voice betraying more confusion. “Hector was with her? I didn’t see him.”

  Dylan’s eyes clouded as his cop radar began going off in his brain. He could feel Alex tense beside him, too.

  “Ms. Redhawk, someone told me yesterday to ask you about Jimmy Chaves. Something to do with your granddaughter. Can you enlighten me?”

  Dylan admired her professionalism, but he was annoyed that she had taken over the conversation. Anna looked more alarmed than ever, and her eyes began darting around as if she were looking for an escape route. The last thing he wanted was to make a scene in Basha’s, where no doubt dozens of people would come to Anna’s aid and maybe even run them out of town. He was also annoyed with himself for forgetting what Alex told him about Jimmy and Anna’s granddaughter.

  “Anna,” he said. “We know your granddaughter is involved somehow with my brother.” Noting her body’s reaction to the word, he continued. “Wanda and I are both related to Jimmy. She can tell you better than I can how close the relationship is, but she called him my brother when she asked me to help him. I know she came here to find him. Now she is missing. Can you help us? We’re very worried about Wanda and Hector, and I’d like to honor my commitment to help Jimmy.”

  “What do you know about Jimmy?” Anna asked, finding her voice at last.

  “I know he’s in trouble. I can get him away from here. If you know where he is, and if you want to help him, you’ll tell us where to find him.”

  Anna looked over Dylan’s shoulder and stepped out of the line. Dylan followed.

  “Jimmy may kill me if I take you to him.”

  “Not if I get him off the rez. Why don’t you ask him? We’ll be here, in Sells. Unless you know where Wanda may have gone. We need to make sure she’s okay, then we’ll come back for Jimmy.”

  “Wait here,” Anna answered. “Let me talk to Jimmy first. Then, maybe I can help.”

  Dylan and Alex sat in his pickup, waving from to Anna, who was outside Basha’s talking on her cell phone. Dylan kept his eye on her as they waited, almost certain he would end up chasing her down.

  “I thought you were going to let me do the talking,” he remarked.

  She bristled. “You asked your question, and you weren’t getting anywhere. Sometimes the way to break an interview open is to startle the subject.”

  Dylan didn’t want to argue, and besides, she was right. He’d also blown it by not remembering Anna’s slight connection to Jimmy. It seemed Alex’s direct question had startled the subject enough to make her drop her guard.

  In a few moments, Anna joined them at the driver’s side window. “Jimmy says he doesn’t know you.”

  “That’s right. I don’t know him, either. We’re connected through Wanda, but we’ve never met. What did he say about meeting with me?”

  “He wants to know some stuff. He’s going to call me back but block his number. Then he’ll talk to you.”

  Dylan could feel Alex fretting at the delay, but he was willing to take what he could get. If Jimmy knew where Wanda was, the quickest way to find out was to talk to him. He nodded once at Anna, who flipped open her cell phone and hit the redial button. In a moment, she silently handed him the phone.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Are you someplace private?” a slightly accented voice spoke on the other end.

  “Anna is here, and my girlfriend is with me. Both of them already know about you.”

  “Shit, ‘mano, did Wanda spread it all over town about me?” The voice was angry, and the accent was more pronounced.

  “Cool your jets, Jimmy. Wanda asked me to help get you off the rez, and away from the cartel. I’m still willing to do that, but we have a situation. Do you want my help or not? Because if you don’t, I need to find Wanda.”

  There was a long pause and Dylan wondered if Jimmy had hung up on him. Finally, he heard a noise on the other end of the line, something like throat-clearing.

  “There’s no place safe for me, ‘mano. If you get involved, you’ll get yourself killed, and maybe your girlfriend too. You want that?”

  Dylan paused to consider what Jimmy was saying. He was right. Alex needed to stay behind. “I have to get her back to town. Can we talk, face-to-face? We need to figure this out. She’s worried about Wanda.”

  His back was to Alex but he knew she was pissed when she started pounding on his back. Dylan wasn’t sure how to work this all out, but he thought they had a better chance, if they could all sit down together and brainstorm. Jimmy was still quiet on the other end.

  Finally, Jimmy agreed. “Shit. I don’t know what else to do. Have Anna bring you over. Leave your car.”

  Dylan agreed and ended the call. Was he walking into a trap and leading Alex into it as well?

  “I’m going with Anna to meet with Jimmy. Why don’t you stay here?”

  “You have got to be kidding! Not on your life, mister. I’m going with you.”

  He was afraid she’d say that.


  “Take the kid and go in the bedroom,” Jimmy told Sophia. “I got guests coming.”

  He was tired of trying to figure this out by himself. Maybe this guy could help, maybe not. It was too bad he brought the girlfriend. What kind of stupid was he? You didn’t bring women into dangerous situations. And speaking of women, he ought to slit Anna’s throat. With his luck, this whole thing was a setup, and he’d be facing a cartel enforcer in a few minutes.

  To make things a little more even, he went to the closet in his room and got his FN-57 pistol. Sophia almost stood up to him when he brought it into the house, but he overruled her. He’d be long gone with it before the boy was old enough to climb. Until then, he’d keep it on the top shelf of the closet. He felt better having it within reach for today, though.

  He fitted it with a 20-round magazine. It was ironic the clip was legal in the state of Arizona, despite a high-profile crime involving one not too long ago. Not that he would have cared whether it was legal or not.

  “Sophia,” he hollered through the closed door. “Put the boy on the floor, and you get down too.” If gunfire was exchanged, maybe they’d be safe. He couldn’t worry about it anymore now. Anna’s car was pulling into the driveway.

  Jimmy watched through the partially-open blinds as a Native man, a few years younger than him, got out of the car and helped a girl out behind him. The girl was a looker; white, a little skinny for his taste, but curvy in the right places. Her hair looked red in the sun, but a dark red.

  His groin stirred. Now that was a woman. Young though. Barely out of her teens. This guy was a lucky man if he was bedding the girl.

  They were at the door. Jimmy concealed the gun behind his back as he slowly opened the door, standing behind it as if the flimsy wood would stop a bullet. But he hadn’t seen anything in the hands of any of the people on the stoop. “Show me your hands. Get them up,” he said.

  Anna came in first, shaking, with her hands high above her head. Next came the man, his hands only slightly raised and forward. It reminded Jimmy of something, but he didn’t have time to think what. “Where’s the girl?” he said.

  “Put down your weapon and she’ll come in. We’re
unarmed. I’m Dylan, brother. Why the hostile greeting?”

  Jimmy motioned the two in, and then sidled to a chair that had a small table beside it. He put the weapon down within easy reach and waited.

  “Come on in, Alex,” said Dylan. “Move slowly.”

  The girl crept in with her hands held in imitation of Dylan’s, her eyes wide. Up close, she was even more beautiful. Jimmy licked his lips.

  “Jimmy, what can we do to convince you that we mean you no harm?” Dylan said. At that moment, Jimmy remembered what Dylan reminded him of. He snatched the pistol off the table and pointed it at Dylan, who raised his hands higher.

  “What is this?” Jimmy snarled. “You’re a cop.” From the corner of his eye, he saw Anna visibly tense. She hadn’t known. The girl had, though. Of course she had. She remained calm. Who was she?

  “I’m a park ranger, Jimmy, but that’s just what I do. It isn’t why I’m here. I’m here because Wanda is worried about you. She asked me to help get you to safety, like I told you. She came to the rez to look for you, and now she’s missing. Please, put the gun down so we can talk.”

  Slowly, Jimmy allowed the barrel to tilt toward the floor. He wasn’t convinced enough to put it down, but Dylan’s words were consistent. Jimmy didn’t detect any tricks. Besides, the girl couldn’t have been a cop, she wasn’t old enough; so maybe she really was Dylan’s girlfriend. A cop wouldn’t have brought his civilian girlfriend on a case. He lowered the gun, pointing it toward the floor.

  “Sit, then. I can talk from here. You first.”

  Dylan slowly lowered his hands. “Is this okay? Can the ladies put theirs down too?”

  Jimmy nodded. Anna sank to a chair, still shaking, while Alex joined Dylan and perched on the arm of his chair.

  “Before we talk about how to get you out of here, what do you know about Wanda and Hector?”

  “Who’s Hector?” Jimmy countered.

  “Wanda’s husband. They’re both missing.” Turning his head toward Anna, he asked, “What day was it that she came to see you?”

  “Thursday,” Anna replied. “Jimmy...”

  “Shut up,” he said. Looking at Dylan, he said, “Are you sure she didn’t make it home?”

  “They still weren’t there this morning. House has been broken into and searched, we think by the sheriff’s department. Did Anna tell you the sheriff has been on the rez looking for her too?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know where she is. Probably some of my ‘friends’ have her, if you want to know the truth.” Jimmy made the quotation mark sign as he said friends, which caused Alex to snort. Jimmy shot a poisonous look at her.

  “Sorry,” she said. She didn’t look sorry.

  Dylan put a cautionary hand on her arm, and she closed her mouth.

  “And your friends are?” he asked.

  “Los Reyes,” said Jimmy. “Turns out you can’t resign.”

  “Shit, man, that complicates things,” said Dylan.

  “You could say that,” Jimmy returned, heavy on the sarcasm.

  “Well, there are a few states where they don’t have a foothold. Hope you like the cold,” Dylan told him. “You have your choice. Alaska, Idaho, or Minnesota.”

  “You’ve gotta be shittin’ me,” said Jimmy.

  “Or overseas. Do you have a passport?”

  Jimmy didn’t bother to answer that one. If he had a passport, he’d be gone already. “What makes you think they won’t track me, even if I go to one of those places? And what would I do there for money?”

  “I’ve got a buddy that can get you on as oilfield security, if you want to try Alaska. Frankly, that’s where I’d go. Los Reyes is too close for comfort in the lower forty-eight.”

  “Let’s say I’d go to Alaska. How would I get there? How would I connect with your buddy? Would I have to stay there?”

  “I’d put you on a plane in Tucson. My buddy would be at the airport to pick you up. You’d know better than me how long you’d have to stay. How long do your friends remember a grudge?”

  “When?” Jimmy asked.

  “As soon as you help us find Wanda and Hector, and get them home safely.”

  “I need to reach out,” Jimmy said. “But I’m not sure it’s safe. The woman should stay here with my wife.”

  Jimmy sent a quelling look to Anna, who startled at the word ‘wife’. If he was going to Alaska, he needed a warm body in his bed. It looked like he was going to have to raise the boy after all.


  Alex started to object to Jimmy’s suggestion that she stay behind, but got distracted by the interplay between Jimmy and Anna. What was that all about? When Dylan went outside, she followed, but he stopped at the car and put his hand on her arm.

  “Lexi, he’s right. This could be dangerous. I’m going to ask you to stay.” His eyes were pleading with her not to argue.

  “But, Dylan...”

  “If you’re with me, I’ll be distracted if something happens. I can’t protect you and me, both, at the same time. For my sake, please stay here.”

  Put that way, it was hard to argue. Logically, she knew she would be no help in a fight, if it came to that. She was smart and she was quick on her feet, but, physically, she was no match for any man. Fear for Dylan’s safety choked her, making it hard to answer him, so she nodded before throwing herself into his arms. He held her tightly for a moment, then pushed her away from him to look down into her eyes.

  “Thank you, baby. Try to keep Sophia calm until Anna gets back, and see if you can figure out what’s going on with them and Jimmy. I’ll be okay.”

  Alex pressed her body to his and tilted her head up for a kiss. His lips crushed hers as he squeezed her to his chest again. Then he was gone, waving as he got into Anna’s car, behind Anna in the driver’s seat. Jimmy got into the passenger side. She hadn’t even been aware he was there.

  She watched until the car was no longer visible, then steeled herself to go back inside. There she found Sophia, her first glimpse of the girl, along with an adorable baby about four months old in Sophia’s arms.

  “What’s his name?” she asked.

  “Diego,” the girl answered. “He’s named for Jimmy.”

  Anna was back a few minutes later and watched suspiciously as Alex worked to gain the girl’s trust.

  “Can I hold the baby?” she asked. Sophia handed him over, and Alex began bouncing him on her knees. The baby grinned at her, capturing her heart immediately.

  “How long have you been with Jimmy?” she asked, noting that there was no ring on the girl’s left hand. She looked at Anna’s hand, which was also bare. That could mean that Anna was a widow, or divorced, or maybe they didn’t have the same conventions on the reservation. She noticed the look Anna gave Sophia, and the slight blush on the girl’s cheeks.

  “A little while,” Sophia said. It was a non-answer.

  “Do you mind if I ask you how old you are?” she asked Sophia.

  “No. I’m nineteen. How old are you?” Sophia answered, seeming to gain a little confidence now that the conversation had moved away from Jimmy. Alex did the math. Jimmy must be older than Dylan, maybe late twenties. He was much too old for Sophia, but then maybe those conventions were different on the rez, too.

  “The same. Can I ask you a question? I’m... Dylan...” she couldn’t figure out how to word the question. She drew a breath and started again. “Dylan and I, we think we’re in love. But he’s trying to adopt his brothers, and I’m scared to be a mom. Weren’t you scared?”

  Sophia turned her gaze to Anna before answering. “I was, especially after his father was killed.” Both Anna and Alex snapped their attention to Sophia. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, Grandmother. I was so scared. Then, I thought of naming Jimmy. It was his fault Diego’s father was gone. I wanted him to provide. I’m sorry he dragged you into it.”

  Anna’s mouth was hanging open. Alex didn’t dare say a word, sure that the rest of the story would come out.

immy killed Diego’s father?” Anna asked.

  “No, but it was his fault. Juan was killed in the raid the Gilas made on Los Reyes’ drug shipment. He told me they knew about the drugs because Jimmy said something. If he’d kept his mouth shut, the Gilas wouldn’t have hit Los Reyes, and none of this would have happened.” Sophia was crying by the end of her explanation. Alex sensed it was the most she’d spoken since her lover was killed.

  Things were beginning to fall into place. Jimmy was Los Reyes. Juan was Gila. Somehow, Jimmy was responsible for letting something slip about a drug shipment, which was probably why Los Reyes were after him. Juan was Diego’s father, but Jimmy had gotten him killed, so Sophia had named Jimmy as the baby’s father. Probably so she could get money from Jimmy.

  “Jimmy says he was never with you,” Anna stated. It wasn’t a question; more of an accusation. “He told me he would expose you as a whore if I didn’t help hide him. You have shamed me.”

  Sophia’s eyes filled with tears. “Juan and I would have married before the baby was born, if it wasn’t for Jimmy. I am not a whore. I’ve never been with anyone but Juan.”

  “Then why did he call you his wife?” Anna spat.

  “I don’t know! He has never touched me, but I’m afraid of him.” Her expression softened. “He likes the baby, though. I can tell.”

  Alex watched this exchange, fascinated by the girl’s display of emotion. She revealed fear of Jimmy and something like affection? If he’d gotten Dylan killed, Alex would have no affection for him. Fear flooded her veins, as she considered that Jimmy could be getting Dylan killed at that very moment. She couldn’t think about it or she’d go crazy.

  “Did you know that Juan was cartel? Before he was killed, I mean?” Alex was looking at Sophia, but it was Anna who answered.


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