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Sacred Desires (Samuel #1)

Page 8

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  Another man approaches the woman in black. She laughs as he embraces her and they kiss. Dimitrious’s hands clench tighter around the handle of his sword; his knuckles are white. The woman says something to the man, not looking entirely comfortable. The man is slim, with strawberry-blond hair. A few people glance in his direction, discreetly watching him. After a few minutes, the woman takes his hand and they both walk away towards the second floor.

  Dimitrious exhales loudly and shifts his weight to the side. He hesitates before he follows the couple. I don't see other Watchers in here. It looks like I might be going through Dimitrious’s past. Is it possible that the sword is showing me this?

  Shortly after that, I decide to follow him. I see the couple disappear in a room on the second floor, behind white doors. Dimitrious stands outside the room, breathing so hard that I think he’s going to lose control and storm inside. His eyes are pinned to the door, his face contracted in anger. I have no idea how much time passes, but when the door finally opens the guy is leaving, looking flushed and pissed off.

  "I don't get it. This is what you wanted all along?" he asks the woman as she stands in the door looking uncomfortable. It looks like she has been crying; her makeup is smudged.

  "I'm sorry. It's not you; it’s me."

  "Fuck you, Monique!" shouts the man, and he storms down the stairs, leaving her alone. She is lucky that there is no one on this floor; otherwise, this would have been a total embarrassment. People here notice everything. I know that I would. Monique’s blue eyes dart towards Dimitrious. For a moment they are staring at each other in silence, but I know that she can see him.

  "Are you going to come inside?" she asks, a little afraid and anxious. His eyes darken and he exhales sharply, darting his eyes at the stairs, like he is afraid that someone might have heard her. The muscles on his arms tighten as he strolls into the room, passing her in the doorway without a word. I'm not waiting for an invitation and go after them, eager to find out more about this human woman.

  After they are both inside what looks like a storage room with a table, Monique locks the door and turns around, leaning against it. Dimitrious is still not making eye contact with her. The tension in the room escalates; the air becomes dense.

  "Dimitrious, please don’t be angry. I had no choice. He came here uninvited and I got rid of him like you wanted,” she states, chewing her bottom lip. She has light-green eyes.

  I can feel the tension in her voice, as if she’s afraid of something. Maybe she is scared of Dimitrious. He moves towards her and makes a growling sound, dropping his sword on the floor. Even then, knowing that he can’t see me, I feel petrified being in the same room with him.

  Monique takes a short intake of breath. I blink a few times, trying to understand what kind of game they are both playing. Then, unexpectedly, Dimitrious walks up to her and takes her into his muscular arms.


  He doesn’t give her a chance to say anything, because he then presses his lips down to hers, lifting her hands above her head. Gut-wrenching desire seizes me. I stare as Dimitrious holds her in place, running his other hand over her jaw. Monique closes her eyes and his lips are on hers, turning raw and sensual. I want to look away, but I’m mesmerised, lost in this sudden outbreak of passion.

  He lets go of her hand and grabs her buttocks, slamming her against the door. She moans as his lips devour hers. His snowy white wings spread, his hand ripping her dress apart, moving over her naked flesh. Dimitrious groans and takes her nipple into his greedy mouth, sucking and kneading her breast at the same time.

  An injection of heat makes my head swim as the couple right in front of me can’t get enough of each other. Monique’s dress falls on the floor as he unzips his trousers.

  "Remember, it’s only me you want and need, no one else," he says, and then he is inside her, burying his face in her neck, moving his buttocks back and forth, holding her thighs. I stare mesmerised as they fuck, panting and gasping. The ache between my legs keeps pulsing and I wet my lips, imagining him making love to me so wild and fast.

  "I'm yours, only yours," she moans.

  The muscles of Dimitrious’s back stretch, and he increases his thrusts, pressing her body harder against the door. His wings keep moving up and down, covering them both. I keep watching as they both climax at the same time. He holds her then for a very long time, whispering words to her that I can’t hear.

  The love radiates from them, infecting me quickly and steadily. Their connection is almost painful to watch.

  The room disappears shortly after that and I feel a cold draft. I'm back at the penthouse, still touching the sword, still in the same position. Samuel is standing next to me.

  I clear my throat, trying to gather my thoughts. The images of Dimitrious and that woman are slowly disappearing. I'm still turned on, my nipples are erect and my breathing is laboured. I don’t understand how such a memory can affect me like this.

  "I presume that you like the sword?"

  His voice breaks the silence and I shiver, wondering if this is normal. This sword holds the truth about Dimitrious, but how and why I was able to see this? I feel Samuel’s fingers running over my back, his breath on my neck.

  "Not really. It’s pretentious. I prefer art," I say, turning around, not letting him touch me again. We don’t need to have the same interests, and he should be hurt that I don’t like the sword.

  I walk to the sofa and sit down, revealing my sexy legs. His eyes move over my body. More theories are mounting in my head. Is he connected to Dimitrious in any way? Is Monique the woman that Dimitrious is searching for?

  Samuel is the one that has to fall in love with me; nothing else matters. Maybe I won’t admit to what I saw tonight. Dimitrious doesn’t need to know.

  "So tell me, Poppy, how come a beautiful woman like you doesn’t have a boyfriend or isn’t married already?"

  His palm caresses my thigh and the heat moves down through me quickly, almost like I'm levitating, feeling the electricity in my body.

  "I was married twice before, but it didn’t work out; that’s why I want to stay away from relationships. Now I'm just having fun. It’s hard for a woman like me to find someone suitable. I'm a bit selfish, demanding, whiny and I have expensive taste."

  His eyes glitter with heat and he moves closer. My heart speeds up and I wonder what he is going to do.

  The tension between us is unbearable and I'm certain that this has something to do with his supernatural abilities. There is hunger in his eyes. And danger. It’s time for me to go, before things get out of control.

  Samuel takes a lock of my hair and swirls it around his finger. "I'm sure I can fulfill all your wishes, Gorgeous Red, and more," he whispers and then pushes his palm into my hair, moving it to the back of my head. Before I know what’s going on, his lips are crushing mine. Samuel doesn’t kiss like a gentleman or a man that is not sure of himself, but like a hungry predator starved for affection. His tongue pushes deep into my mouth, exploring it, tasting me. I moan, feeling overwhelmed by my own emotions. Samuel’s violent kisses only intensify and the throbbing in my core is in need of release.

  He pushes me down to the sofa, moving on top of me, his hard cock pressing over my stomach. Somewhere between my moans, illusion and reality, the tiny voice in my head reminds me why I'm here.

  With a dose of strength, I gasp for breath and wiggle underneath him.

  “Stop! This has gone too far. You should take me home," I say, ignoring the lust and sweat that covers my hot body.

  Samuel looks baffled for a second, but he clears his throat. The bulge in his trousers is very apparent, but he doesn’t seem to be embarrassed by it. I need to wake up and take control of this situation. For a moment I lost it. This isn’t the real me. Normally I take things slowly, but that memory threw me off a little.

  "I want you, Gorgeous Red, and you don’t even know what I would give to have you in my bed right now," he says in his normal tone.

had a good time, but you have to be patient. I’m not a one-night stand.”

  "So that means that we will see each other again?”

  I smile and pick up my bag from the table. "Maybe, but don’t get your hopes up," I tease him, knowing that he wants me badly, but I have to play my cards right. I can’t be too fast or too slow; otherwise he will slip through.

  "You're a hard bargain, darling, but I’ll play your game," he chuckles.

  “It's not a game, Samuel. I'm not just some toy that you can play with and then throw away when you get bored. If that’s what you're after, then skip the bullshit and let me go my way."

  He looks a little surprised at my angry tone. That kiss on the sofa can’t happen again. I was supposed to play hard to get, not making out on the first meeting that turned out to be a date.

  "You’re intriguing and I want to devour all of you," he says, leaning towards me. Another wave of heat rushes over me, down between my legs, and I clench my teeth, trying to remain still. Samuel is sending passionate vibes to break me, using his abilities. Clearly this has worked for him before, but I don’t want to be like other women. I don’t want to be common. After a moment of silence, he adds, ”Now let’s take you home."

  He brushes his fingers over my arms when he helps me put on my coat. I shiver when he brushes his thumb over my skin. I have to admit it’s hard to keep my emotions in check, especially when he tries hard to get me to stay. Dimitrious was right. Fallen are striking and their power could ruin this carefully prepared plan.

  Shortly we are back in the noisy helicopter, where Samuel sits very close to me, sending more heat to my body. It’s just after midnight as we get back to London. Samuel talks to the pilot for a brief moment before he joins me by the entrance of a building.

  "I thought we were going to land in the same place?" I ask, confused that I don’t recognise this space.

  "I made it a little easier for us. My driver dropped the car outside and your house is not far from here."

  "Hmm, you're very accommodating tonight," I mutter as we walk down to the lift. We are both silent in the elevator, but I can feel the sexual tension rising. He is creating very graphic images in my head, pushing my limits of control to the edge. I love the attention, but I have no idea how long I can play this game.


  Samuel’s phone rings and he waves at me to keep walking in through a long corridor. We are in a hotel somewhere in the city. I take a few steps in my heels and then feel my feet slide all over the floor and I lose my balance, nearly falling down. Somehow I manage to regain my balance, feeling pain in my left foot. Only now do I notice that the floor is wet. After a moment a small dark-haired woman runs towards me.

  "I'm so sorry, miss. You OK now?" she rants in a very annoying squeaky voice, barely able to speak English. The colour drains from my face and anger pushes through the surface.

  "You stupid, stupid girl! I could have killed myself on this floor. Where is the fucking sign to say that it’s wet?" I shout, not caring for the world that Samuel is on the phone. This immigrant could have killed me.

  "Me sorry, miss," she mumbles.

  "I don't care that you are sorry. I’ll make sure that you get fired for this," I roar.

  "What is going on here? Poppy, calm down. You're all right, nothing happened," Samuel says, placing a hand on my back.

  I feel the vein on my forehead begin throbbing dangerously fast. That bastard should be standing in my defence, not caring for this idiotic immigrant, who can barely speak any English. The woman drops her head, moving away scared and stupidly confused.

  "Whatever, just take me home," I snap, probably ruining a very promising date, but who cares? I would have broken my leg and now that bastard is taking her side.

  "Certainly, Poppy."

  He doesn’t say anything more to me. Soon after, we get to his car outside the hotel. The atmosphere in the car is a little frosty. Samuel doesn’t look at me or my exposed legs. Who knows, maybe Fallen adore mortal immigrants? Dimitrious is going to kill me if Samuel doesn’t ask me out for a second time.

  When he parks outside the house I’ve calmed down a little more and feel like an idiot. I have shown Samuel my real self. The one that doesn’t care about anyone else, only me, and I don’t think he likes it.

  I hate to admit to anyone that I have done something wrong, but I have to fix this fast; otherwise, my own life is going to be on the line. Samuel is too valuable for me and for Dimitrious’s sake to lose him.

  "Listen, I'm sorry about earlier on. I lost my temper with that woman," I say, not really meaning that, but it’s about making a good impression. He is interested in me, intrigued by me, now he just has to fall in love with me. He tightens his palms on the wheel.

  "I like people who respect others. You have a feisty personality, but is it the same in the bedroom?"

  This time I slap him gently, so he knows that he can’t get away with talking to me like that. His eyes burn with anger for a brief moment before returning to their usual expression.

  “I shouldn’t have spoken to that woman the way I did, but you should know that I’m a lady and I don’t appreciate remarks like that.”

  "I’ve killed other people for a slap like that," he says, his voice husky.

  “You don’t scare me, Mr. Jackson,” I whisper back with a tentative smile. “Maybe this should be our last meeting.”

  “Why? Don’t you want to see me again?" he asks, pretending that he is hurt, hiding a smile.

  “Maybe. You have to wait a little longer to find out. It’s no fun if I tell you now that we will see each other again,” I say, and before he can respond I jump out of the car and walk towards my apartment.

  He rolls the window down, staring at me. “You’re a tease, Gorgeous Red.”

  I don’t turn around, smiling to myself, swaying my hips so he has a full view of my arse. Once I disappear inside my apartment, I hear the car driving off, breaking the silence with its roaring engine, probably waking up neighbours in the middle of the night, but who cares? As soon as I steal away his love I might be able to afford a better place. Maybe Dimitrious will let me go.

  Back in my shitty flat, I throw everything on the floor and slip off my sexy dress, standing in my underwear. My feet hurt and I sit down on the bed, massaging them for a while. The date went well until the point when I nearly killed myself on that wet floor. My thoughts were under control and he was trying hard to get me into his bed using his special abilities.

  I get up and turn around, placing my dress on the bed and running my hand over my arm, remembering the passionate scene from Dimitrious’s past. A sudden movement in the room startles me, and I turn around to see Dimitrious by the door.

  I don’t cover myself, standing in my own bedroom half-naked. He has to stop appearing in my flat without a warning, like he owns the place. I place my hands on my hips, knowing that I have my best underwear on. He should be the one ashamed, not me.

  Dimitrious stares at me for a while, like he’s deliberately letting me know that he doesn’t care if I am naked or not. His hard expression never softens.

  "What are you doing here? In my bedroom?" I ask, showing no sign of embarrassment. Then his eyes dart downwards, to my lips, breasts, thighs and legs. He was so passionate and expressive in the vision, but in front of me he is so cold and withdrawn. I thought that I could get used to him being around me, but the heat kicks inside my ribcage loudly.

  "Just checking how the date went,” he replies with a casual shrug.

  "You can’t just come in here like that. I need some privacy."

  "Your privacy is my privacy, Poppy," he says. "Don't worry, daughters of men don’t interest me."

  My face heats up and I twist my lips in anger. So what, he is saying that he doesn’t find me sexy? Well, too bad. "The Fallen was absolutely smitten by me, and most probably he’s going to see me again."

  Dimitrious’s face hardens as he looks at my lips again. My heart gives a strong kick in my che
st because I’m so confused and lost when he is close. I had been turned on all evening and now this new arousal makes its way down to my core.

  "Well, well, well, it looks like you can do something right after all," he says with that nasty smirk on his face. I have a rocking body and an awesome personality. I don’t understand how come I can’t get him to do what I want. He makes me angry, but his intimidation game is annoyingly hot.

  "I can seduce anyone. I’m that good,” I whisper, moving closer to him with a smile. I lift my hand to touch him, to run my fingers over his torso. I don’t get far because he catches my hand, squeezing it painfully. His eyes lock with mine, burning me with shades of darkness and pain. Waves of surging desire move between us, but I don’t know if he is registering it. The hair on my skin shoots up and for a long blissful moment I think he is going to bring me closer to his body.

  "You're just another human woman, Poppy. Your attitude is revolting,” he whispers, leaning down to my ear.

  “Whatever, Dimitrious. Think what you want. I’m doing a good job. I wasn’t going to tell you about this, but I saw something in Samuel’s house, something to do with you," I say, confidently folding my arms over my chest. There, he has it. Now I’m in control and he has to be polite if he wants to find out anything.

  Dimitrious narrows his eyes, looking at me like he wants to rip out any memory along with my whole heart. “What are you talking about, Poppy?” he snaps at me, straightening his posture. He doesn’t like my game? Well, too bad. At least I can play with him a little.

  "Samuel has a sword in his penthouse. It’s very similar to yours.”

  Then Dimitrious is in front of me, our mouths inches apart, his eyes shimmering with surprise. “Get to the point, Poppy. I don’t like guessing games.”

  His musky fragrance is making me dizzy and he is so damn close that I can count his eyelashes.

  “The sword showed me a memory from your past.”

  His pupils dilate and he sucks in a breath, moving away. Now I'm the one with power over him, the one that holds this intimate memory.


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