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Expelled Page 162

by Claire Adams

  “Cool; I'll get you some coffee.”

  Kyle pulled out a bunch of mugs and poured coffee into them. He took care of his own cup while I added cream in mine, and cream and sugar into Craig's mug.

  I sat down at the kitchen table and considered my breakfast options. I was in so much pain that it was really hard to care about food at that point.

  “Hey, I'm making sandwiches,” Kyle said. “Do you want me to just make a bunch?”

  “That's cool, man, thanks. I was just trying to figure out what I wanted to eat.”

  Kyle took a sip of coffee and stared at me. Confused, I stared back until a smile formed on his face.

  “What the heck happened last night, Jet? I've really been trying to figure you out for a while now, and I just don't get it.”

  I laughed. “That sounds pretty heavy, Kyle. What's to figure out?”

  “You and Katie.”

  “What about me and Katie? In fact, there is no me and Katie, so what's the issue?”

  “That's just it. All night the two of you are hot and heavy on the dance floor, and the next thing I see is you making out with Natalie. Now, normally I'm all for threesomes, but I don't think that was what you were really going for.”

  I just stared at him, growing annoyed.

  “Katie is like every fighter’s wet dream. She's ridiculously hot, like fire with breasts. Her body is insane, and if all that wasn’t enough, she's one of the coolest chicks we know, by far. She can outtalk most guys about fighting, never mind the fact that she kills it every time she's in the cage. Most guys would kill to fuck that girl and claim her, and you barely seem interested. Our teammates are dying to date her, and you get the chance to go home with her, but instead you start making out for the hundredth time with a girl who flakes on you all the time.”

  “Are you done? Why do you care who I sleep with?”

  “I don't know. Katie was pretty upset last night when you left with Natalie. Do you care about that?”

  “No, I don't. There has never been a thing between Katie and me. Maybe she always had some hope, but the girl had already asked me out, and I told her I was interested in Natalie. So if she continues to pursue me, how is it my fault if she gets hurt? I was just dancing with her last night, that's it. I had no intention of taking her home, whether Natalie showed up or not.”

  Craig had walked back into the apartment in the middle of the conversation, but decided to stay quiet. He began to set up his kit while I pulled off my shirt. I got the mug of coffee I had made for him and passed it to him. He just smiled as he waited for our conversation to continue.

  “It's Katie!” Kyle protested.

  “So you date her.”

  “Oh, I would if I could, but she's hot and bothered for you.”

  “So you're really more annoyed that you can't have her.”

  “No. Look, if you and Natalie would have started things off, that would have been one thing. But she's been dragging you around on a dog leash, and then fucks you and runs off like a guy.”

  “She happens to be my girlfriend now.”

  “Really? Since when?”

  “Since today.”

  Craig interjected himself into the conversation. “What's wrong with Natalie? I met her; she seemed really cool.”

  Kyle threw his hands up in the air. “I think Jet can do better, and better has been stalking him, but he's just ignoring her.”

  I just shook my head.

  “After the stunt you pulled on Natalie at dinner that night, I'm surprised she is still talking to you. So she must really like you. Who cares about this other girl?”

  “I don't, which has been my whole point here.”

  “Just forget I said anything,” Kyle said.

  “Look, I want you to back off of Natalie. She's my girlfriend now and I want you to start treating her with some respect. She's never done a thing to you ever, and you’re lobbying against her and trying to get me together with Katie.”

  “I just think that Natalie is a bit flaky, that’s was all I was saying, Jet. She hasn't exactly been warm and fuzzy when it comes to you.”

  “She's just been through a lot. Things are different now. I want you to know that.”

  I lay down on the couch, and Craig went to work on me. I felt the little pricks as he inserted needles into my body. It felt weird at first, but that went away soon enough. I felt my muscles begin to relax as the acupuncture did its work. I planned on taking a hot bath right afterward, so I hoped this would do the trick.

  “Well, I hope you're right, Jet, and the girl is gonna stick around.”

  “Oh, she's staying put, don't make any mistake about that. Why don't you go after Katie since you seem so interested in her?”

  Kyle snorted. “Whatever, man.”

  “So you and Natalie are official now?” Craig asked.

  “Yes. Thank God. It took me forever to get her to trust me.”

  “Well, just don't blow it, because the girl seems like a keeper to me.”

  I sat up with the needles still in my body. I felt good, really good at that moment.

  “So what brought you here, Craig, or dare I ask?”

  “Easy, Jet. I really just came to hang. I miss you, and we haven't talked since the dinner. I don't blame you for walking out. Dad was a jerk that night. I just wish that you guys could find some common ground, ya know?”

  “Don't even bother to ask me to go to another dinner. It's pointless, and I'm not into being badgered when I'm trying to enjoy myself.”

  “Don't worry; I'm not going to do that. Not anytime soon, anyway. Dad screwed up, and I know there is no talking you into going there.”

  “Good. If you ever want to have dinner with Natalie and me, you can bring your girl and that would be a much better night, I think.”

  Craig laughed. “You're probably right. So, the nationals? That's pretty awesome. I will be cageside for that one, for sure.”

  “Yeah, I just need to make sure I can heal properly. I am really sore after that bout, and I don't want to have any injuries. The nationals are insanely important, and I don't want anything screwing them up.”

  “You're going to do fine, man; no worries.”

  He started taking the needles out. I stretched, and felt so much better than I had before. Kyle had finished making the sandwiches, and we all sat down and dug in. The sandwiches were man sandwiches, filled high with meat, cheeses, and tomatoes. Just what I needed.

  I was looking forward to relaxing in the tub, but better than that, I was looking forward to my MMA future, and Natalie.

  Chapter Three


  Photography class had been awesome. We spent the entire class in the darkroom, which was something most schools didn’t even teach anymore. With the way digital technology had advanced, there was no need to develop film or use a darkroom. Everything was done digitally these days, downloaded onto a computer, and edited through Photoshop.

  There were still plenty of old-school photographers out there who had never turned in their SLR for a DSLR. They believed film still provided the best quality photographs out there. Those were the people still using darkrooms and the original methods of editing. My professor was one of those people. Although the class for the most part surrounded the digital world, she believed that we should know where it all originated from. How to turn a negative into a work of art, how to Photoshop something inside a dark room with methods such as dodging and burning; the possibilities were all still there. Great art had been created without the use of digital cameras. I never once considered it important until I went in there, and then I didn't want to leave.

  The darkroom was an oasis of darkness where you can lose hours if you weren't careful. I found the whole process fascinating, and to see what you could create within those walls was astounding. I loved the red light that protected the film from exposure, yet allowed you to see in the dark. For others outside of the darkroom, there was a light that alerted them that the darkroom was in use, s
o they would not enter, bringing in the light with them. That light would destroy photographs, and those could not be retrieved again, as digital photos could.

  I liked the process of developing the negatives. I liked the smell of the chemicals used. It was like being in a science class. Students took for granted just how easy it was to download images and manipulate them. It was truly an art to be able to manipulate photographs in a darkroom.

  The professor had shown us images she had done herself, and then one by one she showed us how we could create similar images with different techniques. It was no easy task, but it was fun to learn these methods, and I knew if I took on photography as my life choice, that I would design my own darkroom to use in my career as a photographer.

  The class had been stimulating in a variety of ways, and I couldn't wait to tell Jet all about it. It was funny to even think that―to be able to go to him and talk about things I enjoyed in my life. To even want to do that was even more extraordinary; I still couldn't believe I was now Jet's girlfriend. That I had even agreed to it. It was an exciting thing, and yes, even more so knowing that I could now go to him and discuss my day, and what had made the day so wonderful.

  When class ended, I collected my things together and put them away in my bag. I packed away my camera and the equipment I had to go along with it.

  My phone chirped and I checked it, finding a message from Julie on it. She wanted to meet for coffee before her next class and wondered if I was available. I chuckled to myself; yes, I was definitely available to talk to her. I messaged her back and told her I would meet her at the cafe downtown, and that I was just leaving class. It would take me about 15 minutes to get there.

  I put my bags over my shoulder and headed out of the classroom.

  When I arrived at the coffee shop I was still buzzing from the class I had just attended, I almost wanted to head back and do it all over again.

  Julie was already at a table, and she had ordered us both coffee. The weather was growing colder so coffee was always a welcome enjoyment. I sat down across from her and smiled. She smiled back as she stirred her coffee.

  “What did you order me?”

  “Some hazelnut coffee; it's supposed to be fantastic.”

  I nodded as I added cream to it. I figured it might already be sweet due to the hazelnut, so I avoided sugar for the time being.

  I took a sip of the coffee, and it seared my throat, but it was delicious. I decided to add a bit of sugar, as the hazelnut did not change the bitterness of the coffee.

  I looked up at Julie. “So what the heck did you do last night?”

  Julie looked to be taken aback, but I knew she wasn't. “Whatever do you mean?”

  I laughed. “Oh I don't know, Julie. One minute I'm out trying to have a drink with my friend, and then next thing I know she has disappeared, leaving me alone with a man who has stalked me in more ways than one.”

  “I think you were in pretty good hands; otherwise I would not have left you there.”

  I smiled softly. “Julie, why did you do it? I know you meant well, but what happened to the girl code? Why would you go to Jet and tell him about Tom? I did not want him to know anything about him.”

  Julie frowned, looking sad. “I didn't think you would see it that way. I'm sorry if I did anything that made you feel like you can't trust me. That wasn't my intention.”

  “Well, what was your intention?”

  “I was trying to get you out of your funk. I didn't really believe you needed another drunken night, another hangover. I knew Jet would protect you, and he did, didn't he?”

  “You could have just told him that I was sad. Why did you have to tell him about Tom? I found it embarrassing.”

  “I'm sorry.”

  “And then you left me there with Jet, whether I wanted to be there or not.”

  “You didn't want to be with him?”

  “That's not the point, Julie; you just left me there.”

  “Are you mad at me or something?”

  I sighed, taking a sip of my coffee; it was liquid perfection.

  “No, I'm not mad at you. I just want to know what you were thinking, Julie. And in the future I want to know that you have my back, and not Jet’s.”

  “Oh, Natalie, of course I have your back.”

  “Well, I don't feel like you did last night at all.”

  “You should be with Jet. That's all I meant to do that night. I wanted to have you focus on him instead of freaking out about Tom. You shouldn't have even been worrying about Tom. He's an asshole, and you deserve far better than him. Maybe Jet isn't perfect, and maybe he doesn't have the best reputation, but I believe that he cares a great deal about you. In fact, I have reason to believe he may adore you.”

  “Oh, come on, Julie. I admit the guy likes me, but let’s not get carried away here.”

  Julie sighed, shaking her head. “I am your best friend, Natalie, and you are mine. Please don't ever think I will put some guy above you. I was trying to protect you from Tom, and maybe I didn't handle it very well, but my intention was not to harm you in any way.”

  “I know. I just wish you hadn't left. Why couldn't we all have just hung out? What if Jet had gone back to Katie? I would have been there alone.”

  “You and I both know that Jet has no interest in Katie. Yes, she was pawing on him last night, but as soon as he saw me walking toward him, he dropped his hands from her immediately, and looked around for you. And when I explained to him what happened, he went to the bar immediately without even saying anything to Katie, not even goodbye. He walked away without looking back at her. And that girl was pissed! She glared at me before she went to talk to that roommate of his.”

  I stared into my coffee, unsure of where to go after that moment. I was confused about the events that happened that night. Not only that, but I wasn't sure how I felt about Julie's involvement. She was my friend. I knew that she would do anything for me. I just didn't like being forced into situations that were beyond my control. Yes, everything turned out for the best, but what if it hadn't? What if Jet had left me alone last night? I'm not sure that I would ever have forgiven her if Jet had left me in the bar alone.

  “Natalie, what happened after I left? Did something bad happen?”

  “No, nothing bad happened.”

  “Then why are you unhappy with me?”

  “Because I didn't know if something bad was going to happen. I have trust issues, obviously. So from now on, don't assume that you know what I need or want. I want to make my own choices. If you leave me alone again, I'm not going to be very happy with you. I hope you can understand that.”

  She nodded, although she still looked a little sad. It was obvious she hadn’t expected this reaction, and maybe even thought I was being unreasonable.

  “I was just trying to be a good friend and help you along with Jet. You guys have been stuck in a perpetual circle for months now. I just feel like you should either give it a shot or let him go. I think you are killing yourself by ending up in his bed all the time, and then running away from him. Don't you see that?”

  “I admit that I have been a bit of a mess lately, but do you blame me?”

  She laughed. “Of course not. Tom put you through the wringer. But that's why I don't want you to focus on Tom―to worry about him or stress. He's not worth it, Natalie. Ignore him and move on with someone else. Either Jet or someone else.”

  “I'm going to be okay.”

  She smiled at me kindly. “I know, Natalie. I'm sorry if I hurt you or made you feel like I left you behind. I just knew that if I stayed at the bar you wouldn't have gone home with Jet. You would have come home with me.”

  “Why did you want me to go home with Jet? I've already slept with him a few times and it didn't exactly go well.”

  “So are you going to continue to torture me, or are you going to tell me what happened that night?”

  I laughed. “I'm sorry; I just needed to get all that off my chest.”

  “So .
.. did you guys sleep together again?”

  “Yes. It was fantastic. Probably because we stayed sober this time.”

  “That's great. I knew Jet would keep you from drinking. How did he do it?”

  I blushed deeply. “He kissed me.”

  Her mouth hung open before she started laughing. “Well, I guess that would do it. Good for him, or actually, good for you. Is he a good kisser?” she asked with a wink.

  I giggled. “Julie, you have no idea. When he kisses me, my head spins. It's intoxicating.”

  “Wow, lucky girl.”

  “Yes, I agree.”

  “So, you guys slept together again, so now what?”

  “Well to be honest, he asked me to be his girlfriend.”

  “You're kidding me! Oh Julie, I like him! So what was your answer?”

  I smiled. “I said yes, of course.”

  “Well, hallelujah, it's about time, girl. You truly have one of the hottest boyfriends on campus.”

  “Yes, I believe you told me that the first time I met him at the bar.”

  She laughed loudly. “Yes, and you were so mean to him that day.”

  “I'm pretty sure he deserved it.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “I think everything is going to be okay.”

  She nodded. “I do too. Just give Jet a solid chance―no bolting, and stay away from Tom. Don't even answer his phone calls.”

  “I won't. Now what about you? Were you dating one of Jet's teammates? What happened there?”

  “Oh, well, saying we were dating is putting it well above what it is. We are talking right now, and that is all. I like him, he's cute. But who knows?”

  “Good, I'm glad. You're far better at taking things slow than I am.”

  “Maybe. But I think you have something real with Jet―something genuine, so in the end, that's all that matters.”

  I smiled, believing Julie, and hoping that what she said was actually true.

  Chapter Four


  I knocked on Natalie's door, hardly able to wait for her to open it. Due to our schedules, we hadn't been able to see each other for a few days, and it had almost killed me. I played it cool with her, of course, when we talked on the phone or sent text messages to each other, but it bothered me that I couldn't be with her, or near her. When she finally called to ask if I could come and finish the next drawing, I couldn't get over there fast enough.


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