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Expelled Page 161

by Claire Adams

  “Oh my God, what the hell is that?” Julie gasped. I didn't have to look at her to see what she was talking about. I knew she was looking at the exact same thing I was.

  “Ugh, Natalie, I told you we shouldn't have come out. Please tell me you're not going to snap and kill everyone in here.”

  I laughed and turned back around. “It's okay, I couldn’t care less.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet. I'll be right back. I'm having a little chat with Jet.”

  “Julie, don't.”

  “I'll be right back. Don't get drunk without me.”

  I looked into my drink and picked it up to take a sip. There was a tap on my shoulder, and I set the glass back down. I turned to find Jet there, and he was smiling.

  “What do you want, Jet?”

  “Sunshine personified, as always, aren't you?” he said while laughing. “I came to see if you were alright. Actually, you know, it's kind of funny, because when I first got here, I looked around hoping you would be here, and you ended up here after all.”

  “Oh, well, isn't it just your lucky night?” I said sarcastically.

  “Maybe it is.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Why don't you go back to your girlfriend? I'm sure she misses you.” I looked over his shoulder and saw Katie amongst their friends, pacing like a puma ready to strike. Julie had mysteriously disappeared.

  “I'm not here for Katie. I told you that there is nothing between Katie and me. I'm here for you. That's where I want to be.”

  Great, Julie had clearly gone over and told Jet about my ex calling. Had she left after doing it, too? I could just kill that girl sometimes. I went to pick up my drink, and he pushed it away. Confused, I looked at him. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in close, kissing me hard on the lips. His lips burned against mine, and it was the first time we had ever kissed without me being intoxicated. He tasted like beer, and the heat radiating off him took me in. I wanted to be close to him, but my mind was screaming no. I pushed him away from me, and as I did, I looked him right in the eyes. I paused as I continued looking at him, and saw more in his gaze than I had ever noticed before. In seconds my mouth was on his again, and the heat took me over again as his tongue found its way into my mouth. I suddenly lost all sense of reason.

  Chapter Twelve


  We ended up back at my apartment; we had left the club immediately. I was determined to have Natalie in my bed, sober this time. When we entered the apartment, I was grateful to see that we were alone. Kyle had not come home yet. The moment our lips touched, my mind exploded. It was like the Fourth of July all around us, and we were amidst a fireworks display. I had been longing for her for so long. She made my body hum, and for the first time, my mind was opening up to some incredible feelings.

  I held Natalie tightly against me, and nuzzled into the skin of her neck. My body was alive against hers, and I ached the closer we got. A moan escaped her, and it was the greatest sound in the world. She had driven me mad with lust, and I was so thrilled to have her alone with me, finally. I kissed her deeply, which caused her to respond with fire in her eyes. I released her lips, and looked into her eyes. Her gaze was hot and powerful. I gazed at her possessively, as if I had owned her my entire life.

  “Tonight, my beautiful Natalie, you are mine.” All I could see in her eyes was desire. I was becoming lost in those beautiful eyes, and I did not want to deny her anything. Natalie nodded in agreement.

  “I want you so badly, Natalie. How do you like it?”

  “Any way that you like it.”

  I kissed her mouth deeply, feeling myself growing rock hard.

  I cupped her jaw and put my lips to hers with a softness that I didn't even know I was capable of. Natalie moaned and parted her lips slightly as she pushed her body against mine. I wanted to put my hands all over her body. In fact, I needed to put my hands on her body. Natalie's hands were trembling when she grabbed my face and kissed me harder, causing me to ache.

  I kissed her slowly and deeply, and I felt like I was losing control of myself. Kissing Natalie was addictive. I took complete control of her mouth, and tasted every inch of it. Sucking, nipping, tasting―I could tell by the look on her face that she was losing the ability to concentrate.

  I was consumed by lust, and I desired to touch her everywhere. Her lips looked red and swollen from my kisses. I kissed her all the way to my bedroom, and then I picked her up and carried her to the bed, slamming the door behind me. I lay her down on the bed and just admired her for a moment. I was dying from my need for her. She sat up quickly, and started undoing my pants as I stood before her. I was surprised by her forwardness, but I liked it.

  She pulled the zipper of my jeans down and slid my pants off. She did the same to my underwear. My cock stood hard before her, and she took it in her mouth, causing me to intake air suddenly. She sucked me slowly, taking all of my cock into her mouth. She was making me feel dizzy, and my legs were growing weak. I pulled my cock out of her mouth even though I loved the sight of it. She quickly pulled off the shirt that she was wearing and pulled off her jeans, and her panties with them. I gasped in surprise, a grin forming on my face as I looked at her breasts rising and falling before me.

  I bent down to her and found her mouth once again. A moan escaped her when my mouth consumed her. My kisses travelled down her neck, and back up to her mouth. My hands were in her hair, holding her in place while I kissed her.

  My hands were on her breasts and I cupped one of them, bringing it to my mouth to suck. My tongue twirled around her nipple, making it harden instantly. The ache in my body throbbed harder as I tasted her. I sucked her and teased her, hearing the cries of passion come from her lips.

  I put my hand between Natalie's legs and cupped her. I rubbed her with the heel of my palm, slowly rubbing my finger along the moist folds of her opening. She was shaking underneath me and it just turned me on even more.

  I stopped kissing her as I watched my hands make magic on her body. A smile formed on my face as she shook under me. Natalie was becoming wet as I rubbed my fingers through her wetness.

  “Tell me that this is for me.”

  She nodded gasping. “It's for you, baby.”

  Natalie wrapped her legs around me and my cock grazed her opening. I pinned her wrists above her head, locking them tightly in one hand. My fingers entered her and she gasped.

  “Do you want me inside you?”

  “Yes,” I breathed out.

  She was a beautiful woman, so much more in that moment than at any other time I had seen her. She looked at me longingly and I knew I had never seen a more beautiful woman in all my life.

  “Please Jet, I need you.”

  The next thing I knew, I was inside her. I filled her up slowly, carefully drawing out the pleasure, excruciatingly slow. I worried that I would break her if I went too fast. I was so snugly inside her. A moan escaped her as I filled her completely with my size. Her pussy felt so incredible that I didn't want to be anywhere else. I grabbed her breasts and cupped them gently as I bent down to claim her mouth once again.

  I rocked inside her gently as I walked a fine line between delirium and sanity. I sucked on her nipples as I could feel her clench around my cock, her orgasm building up inside her. She shuddered as she moved her hips against mine. Her eyes were rolling in the back of her head as waves of pleasure marked her face. She exploded around me and her whole body shook. I followed quickly after, unable to hold back. Natalie clutched my hard body as she continued to orgasm. She licked my chest and bit into my shoulder. I growled in satisfaction as I continued to rock inside her even though our orgasms had stopped.

  Natalie relaxed, and attempted to catch her breath.

  I grabbed her beautiful ass, and I was still hard inside of her. I began rocking inside her again, faster that time, as I took her for the second time. Natalie gasped as I plunged in hard and fast, and her gasps turned to moans as my body prepared for another earth-shattering orgasm. I came again with her
, and my body was literally humming afterward. I had claimed her as my own, taking what I had wanted for so long. Her body was mine, and I hoped she didn't want it any other way.

  I rolled off of her and pulled her close to me, wrapping my arms around her. It wasn't long before she fell asleep in my arms.


  Chapter One


  I woke up and recognized immediately that I was not in my own bed―that I was, in fact, in Jet's bed. This time, however, there was no fuzziness, no hangover clouding my thoughts. I woke up feeling refreshed, and my body hummed. It had been pleased a great deal the night before, and I could still feel Jet's touch all over my body. I was a little sore as well from the sex, but it was certainly the kind of sore I didn't mind having. I was actually glad to be there in bed with him. Usually I would have been slinking off in the early morning hours, but I didn't feel the need to do that at all. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that I normally ended up there drunk and waking up hungover and filled with shame.

  I looked over to watch Jet sleeping and realized that something had changed that night. Something had shifted between us. I wished that I knew if it was good for me or not, this shift. I smiled as I remembered the night before, when Jet had pulled me in to kiss him at the bar. His kisses were so hot and powerful they stole my breath instantly. I warmed up just thinking about them. We shared a powerful connection that ignited those kisses in the most delicious way.

  Katie must have wanted to climb the walls when she saw him kiss me. She had been dry humping him when I walked into the bar, and thought she had her claws into him. I noticed her watching us when he came over to talk to me, and she paced the floor talking to Kyle the whole time. So by the looks of things she was pretty upset that he stopped dancing with her to come to my aid. So imagine what she must have felt like seeing Jet pull me in for a kiss, and it didn’t end as a simple kiss; we had full on made out at the bar. It was one of the hottest moments of my life, no question about it.

  I felt bad for Katie. It wasn’t like she had done anything wrong to me, and I certainly had nothing against the girl, but it was clear she wanted Jet for herself. And since I hadn't snapped him up, he was essentially fair game, so I couldn't really blame her for wanting to grab him while he was still available. She must have thought I was crazy for not having done it sooner.

  Jet's chest rose and fell as I watched him, and I wondered if I had been stupid for not snapping him up immediately. Why did I have to be so scared all the time? Scared of being hurt, scared of having the past repeat itself.

  And then there was Julie―a whole separate issue I would have to deal with. I smiled as I shook my head. Imagine siccing Jet onto me to avoid a drunken night, and then disappearing. I hadn't been sure if she had bailed on me or if she was just in the bathroom, but sure enough she had left me there with Jet. So what had her game plan been? Did she think that Jet would make me forget all about Tom? Had he?

  I checked my phone and realized it was time to get up and go to school. I had photography class, and the teacher was not a fan of tardiness. I rolled out of bed, went in search of my panties and found them inside my jeans. I slid into both of them and started buttoning my jeans. I found my dress top and my bra, as well. I snapped my bra into place as Jet roused from sleep. He rubbed at his eyes and sat up in bed. I pulled the shirt over my head as he ran his hands through his hair.

  “You're not sneaking out again, are you?”

  “No, I was planning on waking you. I was just getting dressed. I need to be in class very soon.”

  “Now that's a shame.” He reached over and pulled me into the bed, wrapping his arms around me. He bent down and kissed me, and it was exactly as I had remembered it. The kiss continued until my tongue was in his mouth and he moaned softly. That was probably my cue to get out of there before things got out of hand.

  I sat up. “I really have to go, Jet. I don't want to be late.”

  “Alright, I'll let you go, but only under one condition.”

  “Oh? And what's that?”

  “Be my girlfriend. For real; no fooling around, no more talks about how we need to be friends. I want you to be mine and only mine.”

  Stunned, I smiled at him. I had not expected that at all. Even though I knew that Jet liked me all along, he had never used the term girlfriend, or even suggested that he wanted that from me. It certainly changed my opinion about whether he was just trying to use me for sex or not. But just because I was his girlfriend, it didn't protect me from getting hurt. If anything, it made the possibility more likely. After all, look what Tom had done, and we had been together long enough to be married. Maybe I wasn't making the right decision, but for once I was going to go for it. I would hope for the best and see where that took me.

  “Yes, I will be your girlfriend.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Seriously?”

  I nodded.

  “Finally! Man, what does it take to get a girl to say yes! What's it going to be like if I ever propose? Will I have to literally bring you the moon first?”

  “Whoa, cowboy, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s make sure we don't kill each other first.”

  “Okay, deal. Have a good class; I'll see you soon.”

  I nodded. “I also need to do the next drawing of you, so figure out a day that works for you.”

  I bent down, kissed him, and headed out the door.

  Chapter Two


  I lay in bed for some time after Natalie left, pretty much lying in my own bliss. Man, it had taken quite some time to get that firecracker to agree to be mine. Definitely a first-time experience for me. Usually I didn't even have to ask; it was just assumed the girl wanted to be with me. I had never fought so hard to be with one girl before; for a while there it had seemed like Natalie could either take it or leave it. I didn’t think it mattered to her either way if I was her boyfriend. That was definitely a hit to the ego for a guy like me. I was used to girls falling all over me, and Natalie wasn't that kind of girl. She chose the men she wanted. She didn't chase money, popularity, or looks. A guy could have all those things and she would just turn him down. Trust me; I knew that much.

  It made me wonder what would have happened if Natalie had not shown up at the bar―would I still have had to chase her longer? And what was the deal with this ex? I would have to discuss that with her at some point, even if I didn't want to. As far as I knew, things were over between the two of them, but she had been very upset that he had contacted her. Given what Julie had told me, it sort of sounded like he wanted to rekindle their relationship. So the question was, was there a part of Natalie, however small, that wished she was back with her ex?

  But she had shown up at the bar, and I made my move before the beautiful thing could get any alcohol in her system. Sad but true―I just wanted to make sure that if she kissed me that night, it was because she wanted to, and not because she was drunk. It had been nice waking up for once without seeing an empty bed, although the girl had come darn close, and I wasn't sure I believed her when she had said she had planned on waking me up before she left. She was a sneaky little vixen, and I almost had to tie her down to get her to stick around. Hmm ... tie her down...

  I shook my head; there was no point in getting my head in the gutter right now. The lady was gone for the time being. I had to get up out of bed and attempt to be productive for the day. As I rolled over, I realized just how sore I was after the fight. I would need a very hot bath that day, for sure. Now that Natalie was my girlfriend, I would try to get a massage out of her as well. Those were the sort of treats a guy was supposed to get from a girlfriend. But in the meantime, I would need to consider acupuncture, and my brother was just the person to do it. He had studied up on it many years ago when we had first started fighting amateur fights. It had become invaluable to both of us.

  There was a knock on my door, which would have been a first from Kyle, but maybe he was finally learning.


  “Can I come in?”


  Kyle peeked his head in and looked around. “Did she slink out on you again?”

  I laughed. “No, she just had a class to get to.”

  “Your brother is here, man.”

  “Perfect, just the guy I was looking for.” I slipped into some flannel pajama pants and headed to the living room. I hoped my brother had his acupuncture kit with him, as that would be a lifesaver. I had not spoken to him since the dinner disaster, so I could just imagine what the visit was all about. It would be nice if he had come to visit me for once without any ulterior motive. But chances were that he was there on my father’s behalf.

  I walked out into the living room where he was sitting on the couch. Kyle was putting a pot of coffee on, which I thought was a brilliant idea.

  “Hey, Jet, congrats on the fight last night. I'm sorry I couldn't have been there. I had to work.”

  “No problem; Mom was there, but still no Dad.”

  “Yeah, he's not going to let it go easily, Jet, you know that.”

  “Well, one day he will realize that fighting is what I was meant to do, and nothing else. But by then he will have lost a son.”

  Craig frowned at me. “Well, I hope it never comes to that.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t suppose you have your kit here with you, ‘cause my body is pretty broken right now.”

  “Yeah, I do, but it's in my truck. Let me run and get it.”


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