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The Immortal's Betrayal: Paranormal Romance (Calder Witch Series Book 5)

Page 41

by Martha Woods

  “You must remember, Darien. Where I’m from its hard to get decent, fresh food. I’m enjoying it while I can,” I admit as I grab salad and a warm sandwich before anyone else can claim them. “Did you call Mr. Walters this morning?”

  “Yes. I signed his offer and his associate picked it up this morning. I should have a copy by the end of the day. As far as I know, my parent’s business is no longer my concern,” Darien explains as he sits on the couch, waiting for Elizabeth to choose what she wants from the bags.

  “And do you feel relieved now?” I ask as I take a bite of the salad. The fresh greens and vegetables tingle my taste buds as I close my eyes for just a moment to enjoy the sensation. I hear Darien chuckle as I look back at him.

  “A part of me is, but the other half feels like I have lost my parents for good,” Darien explains. His somber words seem to have an effect on the children as well as they slowly look down and focus on their food.

  “Hey now, it’s such a lovely day. How about we go outside to enjoy this lunch?” I suggest, hoping a change of scenery will help brighten their moods. I also need Darien to see Elizabeth in direct sunlight if I am going to convince him that his family needs to return home with me. I leave my sunglasses inside as we all pick up our food and head outside to the back patio. I wait for everyone to settle down at the picnic table before I sit and continue eating.

  “Anna, are you feeling okay?” Elizabeth asks once I realize I’ve finally caught the attention of everyone at the table.

  “Why do you ask that, Elizabeth?” I say as I slowly look at her, and then John. I want them to see the blue fire in my eyes and to know for certain what they are seeing.

  “There is something wrong with your eyes, Anna,” John says as he gives me a smile. I can’t help but enjoy his innocence as I glance back at Darien. He seems to be nervous and appears to be confused by my actions.

  “I assure you, John, there is nothing wrong with me. I just have very special eyes, and very special powers to go with it,” I tell him. Curiosity sparks between Elizabeth and John as they exchange excited looks. “Would you like to see?” They both nod in response as I stand from the table and look at Darien once more to make sure he isn’t going to stop me. I can tell he also wants to see for himself what I can do.

  I hold my hand out in front of me and imagine the blue flames leaping from my skin and forming a small ball in my hand. A second later, the image comes to pass as the blue flames erupt along my arm and collect in the palm of my hand. I hear them gasp as I pass the blue flame from one hand to the other as the flames slowly grow and begin to cover my entire body.

  “Does it hurt?” John speaks up as he stands and debates whether he can touch it too and not be burned. I clear my mind as the flames die away and return to their captive state behind my eyes.

  “No, John. It does not hurt. The flames are not meant to burn on this planet.”

  “Then what do they burn?” Elizabeth asks in a hushed voice. I can tell she is slightly afraid and I wonder if she can feel the same sensation in her own body.

  “They hurt beings from the supernatural realm, a place that boarders our own reality. Me and my people control this power and protect our world from those who wish to come and visit,” I say calmly. I take a seat at the table and wait for the next question to arise.

  “I’m guessing they are not very nice people,” John says out loud. I give him a nod to confirm he is right.

  “Why are you telling us this, Anna?” Darien speaks up, clearly troubled by my display of power. He doesn’t look pleased with the fact that I just told his siblings that monsters do exist. Honestly, there is no easy way to explain the supernatural realm, but I know they need this knowledge if they are going to travel with me and become to exposed to a whole other world within the walls of the Kingdom.

  “Because I want you all to come with me, Darien. I want you to return to the Kingdom with me and see for yourself what my people are working towards,” I confess. Darien lets out a long sigh as he reaches across the table and gathers my hand in his.

  “Look, Anna. I care for you, but please don’t get the wrong idea over last night…” he begins to say but I quickly withdraw my hand to stop him from speaking any more. Instead I simply point towards Elizabeth to force both Darin and John to look at their sister in the daylight. Even from across the table, I can see the blue flames dancing behind her eyes.

  “Oh kool!! Elizabeth can do it too!” John yells as he hopes from his seat and races to his sister side. Elizabeth looks like she is about to panic as Darien looks back at me and then back at Elizabeth.

  “How is this possible? Anna, what did you do to my sister?” Darien asks as his rage sounds in his voice.

  “Darien, I assure you that I have no idea how this happened,” I quickly say as he stands from the table and starts pacing along the patio edge. “All I know is that it would be safer for your whole family to travel with me so she can be properly analyzed by my people,” I continue as I stand and place both hands on his shoulders to stabilize him. I stare into his eyes and make sure he is looking at me before I continue, “I want to figure out what is going on as well and try to find out how she acquired my power. You need to understand Darian that I’m the only one that has ever wielded the blue flame. The rest of my people control normal red, fire.”

  I keep my eyes locked on Darien as my words start to slowly sink in. After a moment, his body relaxes and I lower my hands away from him.

  “Is she going to be okay?” Darien whispers, looking away from me so Elizabeth can’t hear him. I can’t help but smile as I draw his face back to mine with my hand.

  “Yes. She will be fine. Even if the flames erupt from her, it would not harm her just like they don’t harm me,” I explain.

  “But those burn marks I saw…” Darien continues.

  “The flames wielded by my people don’t burn anything in our realm. But I am somehow different than everyone else. Not only are my flames blue, but I have a tendency to lash out in my sleep. That is why the room burned down when we were children and why I scorched the townhouse in the city. It’s the reason why I was sent away from my people at the age of four to live with my uncle and try to find a new way of controlling my powers,” I explain. “And that is why I want you all to return with me. I want to make sure Elizabeth doesn’t have to go through what I want through at her age.”

  “We need to go, Darien,” Elizabeth speaks up, fear fully threaded in her words. “If they have a way to cure me, then we need to go before school starts.” My heart fills with guilt at the sound of her words. I don’t have the will to tell her the truth and as I look at Darien, I feel like he understands that situation more than Elizabeth. For now, I am willing to allow her to believe she can be cured from this ‘condition’, if it means she’ll travel willingly and appear before the masters for a full examination.

  Darien walks over to Elizabeth and pulls her into a tight embrace. He even opens his arms and allows John to join him. I truly feel bad for them because they have experienced their parent’s deaths and now will be taken from their homes, from everything the know and love, and brought into a whole new world; a world they will never be able to forget. It’s like ripping the innocence from a child and forcing them to grow up. Even though it’s been the way of my people for generations, it doesn’t feel right to do it to a family that has never known the true evils of the world or of the realms that rests on the boarder of our own reality.

  “When do we have to leave?” Darien asks as he looks over at me as I simply stand and stare at the three of them.

  “The sooner the better,” I admit. “It will take us several days to travel and we’ll need to pick up proper clothes along the way.”

  “What do you mean?” he asks as I open the patio door and suggest we head back inside to get ready for our travels.

  “Where we’re going, it’s very cold.”

  * * *

  I hold tightly to Elizabeth’s hand as we stand in line to
board our plane. Darien is holding onto John’s hand as Morgan stands in front of us. He is responsible for handing over our boarding tickets and passports. The attendant doesn’t even bother looking at our passports as she keeps her eyes focused on Morgan, a dreamy grin on her face as she slowly scans our tickets.

  “Thank you, m’lady,” Morgan whispers seductively as he leans his face down towards the attendant and waves behind his back for us to board the plane.

  “Do I want to know what that was about?” Darien whispers as we find our seats in the middle of the plane. Even though we could have easily flown first class, it will be easier to blend in seated with the majority of the people on the plane. It’s always harder to travel in a large group, especially with children.

  “No, you do not,” I say as Morgan takes a seat next to me. It looks odd with both Morgan, myself, and Elizabeth wearing sunglasses, but we all are trying to cover our identities now. John and Elizabeth sit between Darien and I with Morgan on the aisle way in case anything does happen on the plane. I didn’t bother telling Darien about the creatures my people are not in an alliance with in fear he would back out of the decision to travel with me. And ever since I had helped Elizabeth pack her favorite outfits, she hadn’t said a word.

  As the plane takes off and begins its journey to Germany, I reach across my seat and take Elizabeth’s hand in mine. “Everything is going to be okay. I promise, Elizabeth. I won’t let anything happen to you,” I tell her. She tilts her head towards me and gives me a weak smile. “I have traveled across the realms and have destroyed every being that has ever threatened me.” I can’t help but smile as she tries to subdue a wave of giggles. At this moment, she is still unaware of the creatures that walk this earth. She doesn’t understand what I’ve recently gone through or that my uncle died in the process of me escaping my first token trap.

  Elizabeth has no idea what could possible happen next.

  Chapter 10

  We sat quietly at a café in the train station, almost three o’clock in the morning, enjoy our last good meal before the train arrives and carries us to the foothills of the Kingdom.

  “I don’t even feel like eating,” John says as he rests his head on the table. We were all exhausted but Morgan and I both understood the living conditions we’d experience once we returned.

  “Eat while you can, John. It will be stale bread and canned goods from this moment on. Fresh food is only delivered once a week for an entire army to feed,” I explain as I quickly eat the salad in front of me. It’s not as fresh as what I had in America, but it would have to do for now.

  “Is there really an army where we are going?” Elizabeth asks as she takes a few bites of her sandwich and then passes it to Darien to try.

  “My people are raised to be warriors from the moment the can walk and talk. It is simply our way of life,” I explain between bites. I lavish in the warmth of the room, despite the fact that I have started to sweat in my new fur coat and hat. When we had stopped in Germany, I had taken the time to outfit everyone in the proper clothing that would keep them warm when traveling to and around the Kingdom. I wasn’t excited to feel the constant cold on my skin again. I had even begun to dread wearing the dull gray and red uniform I would have to change into as soon as we arrived.

  “And what is this army training for?” Darien asks, the most exhausted of us all. Though the children were able to sleep during the plane rides, I couldn’t remember him actually sleeping since the last time we lay in bed together.

  “We train to destroy the gates between the supernatural realm and our own reality. We want to secure our world from those who might want to pass through with their own army.” I glance down at John the moment I hear him snoring. It was a small blessing that he wasn’t awake to hear my words. I could only imagine how scary this whole trip had been for them as they traveled day after day towards an unknown destination. I tried to emphases to them that they would always be safe, but I can’t save them from their own fears.

  The sound of the train pulling into the station forced us to wake up and move once more as we left the café and boarded the train. Its whistle sounded loud and strong into the empty terrain as the machine lurched forward. It would be another seven hours before we would depart the train and finally arrive on the edge of the Kingdom. From there, it would be a short journey by car to enter into the inner dwelling center of the Kingdom.

  Morgan offered to give the children a tour of the train once we had left the station and the train had fallen into a rhyme. Excited to get up and do something besides sit, they took Morgan’s offer and quickly left our small cabin. Alone with Darien, I wasn’t sure what to do or say. I tried to focus on what was passing by outside the window, but it was too dark to see anything.

  “Why do I feel like I’ve made a terrible mistake,” Darien spoke up as he came and sat next to me. I looked over at him as I begin to realize the depth of his worry and fear.

  “It’s a lot to take in, Darien. But it will be easier to understand once you spend some time around my people,” I say as I place my hand over his and tighten my grip. He places his other hand on top of mind and begins rubbing the back of my knuckles through the gloves I’m wearing.

  “Is there a way to cure Elizabeth?” he asks after a while.

  “It has been theorized that the flames within has can be extinguished. Since this ability comes from the supernatural realm, most believe once we’ve destroyed the gates and sealed our realm from theirs, our powers will be removed as well,” I say as I lean my head on his shoulder. It would be foolish of me not to get any sleep before arriving home.

  “And how are these gates going to be destroyed,” Darien says after a long yawn.

  “With an army,” I respond as I close my eyes. The rhythm of the train rocks us to sleep and I only wake when the train comes into the last station.

  * * *

  “What are they going to do to her?” Darien asks as he stands with me in the doorway of a large conference room. Elizabeth is seated in a chair as three masters circle her and closely analyze her features. From time to time, they ask her a few questions and every few minutes, one of the masters looks at me and then back at Elizabeth.

  “They are searching her through and through. She won’t feel anything of course. They simply want to see the boundaries of her powers at this moment,” I explain. I look over Darien, secretly admiring the way he looks in a traditional uniform. I explained to him how everyone wears this same uniform in order to create equality amongst our people. Since arriving at the Kingdom and being situated in the visitor’s wing, Darien, Elizabeth and John have quickly discovered how differently things operate within these stone walls. They were quick to realize how cold it always feels and how meals are received on a schedule and are not normally as flavorful as what they are used too. But I planned to acquire a few sweet treats for them to enjoy before the end of the week.

  Elizabeth remains posed as she keeps her focus on me. I told her to appear confident and to keep her eyes focused on a single object while she was examined. I should have known that object would be me. She finally brings her focus away from me when the masters announce that they are finished with their examination and she can go. She quickly leaps from the chair and makes her way over to me, sliding her fingers into my hand like a scared child.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as I tilt her head towards me with my free hand.

  “Yes. I just didn’t like the way those old men were looking at me. It felt creepy,” she explains as she looks over at Darien. I couldn’t help but chuckle as I release her hand and push her towards her brother.

  “You two run along and find John and Morgan. I’ll come collect you for dinner, which I’ve arranged especially for us and my family. I can’t wait for you to meet my mother and brother,” I say as I step into the room. I already know the elders must be waiting for me to devote my attention to them. Darien gives me a simple nod as he looks over at the masters and then back at me.

  As they
walk down the hallway and around the corner, I close the door and walk to where the masters are seated. Before them I kneel to show my deepest respects before I stand and take a seat across from them.

  “Anastasia Juravinski, ever since your birth we’ve known that your life would be filled with uncertainty and great trails,” the master in the mild speaks as he glances between his two companions. They both nodded in agreement as they turn their focus on me. “You’ve survived not only one token trap, but two, and now have presented us with a carrier of your unusual powers.”

  “Can she be released of my powers? After all, she is just a normal human girl.”

  “We are human as well, Princess. Always remember that. We just have been gifted these abilities and responsibilities by our parents. At this time, we have decided what resides inside of this young girl possesses no threat to herself or anyone or around her.”

  “But can she be released from them?” I ask again, afraid of what the answer may be. After a moment pause, I receive the answer I’ve been dreading.

  “She cannot be released from these powers, no more than we can. We must continue forward and find a way to close the gates in order to eradicate everything supernatural in our realm.”

  I let the words sink before I stand and kneel again. I say a polite ‘thank you’ before I rise and leave the room. I feel defeated as I slowly walk down the hallway to the sleeping quarters that have been assigned to Darien and his family. I wanted to return to them with good news and a quick solution, but instead I am only delivering them new decisions to be made.

  I’m pulled by my thoughts as I hear John’s laughter filling the hallway. I look up and see him and Morgan racing down the walkway with small packages in their hands. They quickly disappear into the bedroom and I can’t help but quicken my pace to find out what all the commotion is about.


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