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Talosian Chronicles 2: Star Dancer

Page 4

by Ben Winston

  Ty’s team did remarkable well, in that they had inflicted telling damage on their attackers without inflicting casualties.

  Once it was clear that something was barring their way, the attackers pulled back, but didn’t leave.

  “Are you still listening Colonel?” Ty asked.

  “Damn right I am, did anyone get hurt?” Jenny asked.

  “None of us, I’m not sure about the attackers yet. However, I was too close to the shield, and that Bloodhawk would have shredded me. Thanks for the warning,” Ty replied. “How’d you know about this little party? You got a spy in my camp or something?” He knew very well how she had known, but none of his troops did. He knew they would want to know how she had known about the battle.

  “Did you forget we have a satellite over you? I was alerted to the situation by the computer about ten minutes ago,” Jenny explained. “Sorry I didn’t let you know, but I didn’t want to distract you. They have someone moving forward on foot, but they are also putting snipers out, so this time, I wouldn’t get as close to the shield – this is most likely a trap.”

  “Understood, Thanks Colonel,” Ty said, thankful that she was able to cover her having a vision.

  “Okay boys and girls, let’s try this again. Everyone hold position, stay targeted, but hold your fire. Overlords, your heard the Colonel, find those other snipers,” Ty said. “I’m moving up again.”

  “Be careful, Bossman,” someone said over the comm.

  Once again, Ty and his two escorts moved up to the shield. This time, Ty stayed back further, so he wouldn’t be so vulnerable to attack.

  A single man dressed in desert camo was walking toward him. Ty didn’t recognize the man, but he did order the computer to search for an identification on him.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” the man yelled from about thirty feet away.

  “I’m doing my job. What are you doing?” Ty replied.

  “The same thing. We’re out here on classified business, and I order you to drop your weapons, and surrender, immediately!” the man replied.

  “Why?” Ty asked. “We are not interfering with your mission. We are simply here to keep you from crossing the boundary into corporate land and accidentally getting killed during an experiment or something,” Ty replied. “You should know that, since it’s clearly marked on all the maps.”

  “I think you better double check that. Currently you are standing on US Government property, and you have just fired on US troops.” The man said.

  “We already did. Our border is accurate. As for firing on US troops... you fired first,” Ty said.

  “You are a mile inside the White Sands Military Reservation, and illegally trespassing. If you do not drop your weapons and surrender, we will be forced to fire on you. Do you understand that?” the man asked.

  “You mean, like you just did? How’d that work out for you?” Ty asked sarcastically. “Look, one of us is obviously mistaken about where that boundary is. My employers have a lot of stuff they simply don’t want fucked with yet. I recommend that you go back to your base and make damn sure about where you think you are before you do something else incredibly stupid, and someone gets killed.”

  “How did you stop the attack?” the man asked bluntly.

  “Did I fail to mention that my employers have stuff they don’t want fucked with? I thought so,” Ty said. “It’s classified, and I don’t know who you are.” The computer reported that it was having trouble identifying the man because he had been surgically altered. It would take more time to search for him based on other parameters.

  There was a flash on the shield and a puff of dirt a few feet away from the man. Followed by a rifle shot report. The man didn’t even flinch.

  “So, an energy shield of some sort?” the man asked.

  Ty shrugged. “I have no idea. I’m a soldier, not a tech. But it’s obvious that you are still trying to kill us. Perhaps I should call the authorities out here so they can figure all this out.”

  “I will of course, report all of this to my superiors. I am sure you will be investigated thoroughly over this... incident,” the man said with a smirk on his face.

  “Actually, I was thinking of the civil authorities,” Ty said, and made like he was keying up a mic. “Control, could you please call the local sheriff’s office and report that we have intruders that are trying to force their way onto the grounds. Be sure to tell them that shots have been fired, however, there have been no casualties.”

  “That will not do you any good. The local police defer to the military in these cases,” the man said. “You will still be investigated.”

  Ty shrugged. “Maybe so, but I’m sure the media will appreciate the story as well. This whole episode has been recorded on video, and can easily be made available to the media, and will also be posted on our website. I am sure the country would like to know how a special operations team of US military has been harassing a company doing research into ecologically friendly technologies.”

  “Since when is an energy shield an ecological friendly technology?” the man asked.

  “Again, that’s above my pay grade. So, are we going to stand out here all day in the hot sun, or are you going to leave?” Ty asked.

  “I think we can wait here for the investigators. They are already on their way,” the man replied.

  Ty nodded. “Fine, you can stand out here and sweat. I’m getting back in my air conditioned truck, and getting a drink of water. Make damn sure they have a search warrant, or they will not be allowed on the property either.”

  “They don’t need a search warrant, you are on government property.”

  “Okay, be that way, they will be shot as trespassers as soon as they step foot on our land. You have been warned,” Ty said and walked back to his hummer.

  Once back inside, he contacted Powell in the command center. “Be ready to shut the shield down. If they really do bring out someone that can analyze the shield, we can’t let them discover exactly what it is.”

  “I guess we shouldn’t have used it in the first place, huh?” Powell said.

  “No, we needed it. Now we just need to make sure it doesn’t bite us in the ass,” Ty said. “They know exactly where the boundary is. You’ll notice he didn’t get that close to it either. Besides, I bet these ‘investigators’ will be from Brightstorm Security, just like the intruders we had last time.”

  “Captain Anders,” the computer addressed Ty. “Although no identification of the man you spoke to was possible, others in his group have been identified. All identified individuals share the employer of Brightstorm Security.”

  The computer wasn’t a true AI like Star, but it was ‘smart’ enough to do simple analysis. Ty thought it was perfect for his use, even though the scientists here wanted to upgrade to a full AI.

  “Thank you, Computer. Please save this information for later review,” Ty answered.

  “Control, have you tracked anything being launched from White Sands?” Ty asked.

  “Negative, Captain. However, three Blackhawks have taken off from a small annex to the main base that is reserved for private corporations. If I had to guess, I think we found the point of origin for this attack.” Powell answered.

  “Okay, see if you can find out who owns that little area, and maybe what they are up to out here,” Ty replied. “So, these guys are posing as government troops. I wonder...” Ty said, and got back out of his vehicle. He walked back to where he’d spoke to the man.

  The guy was still standing there. “Ah, so have you reconsidered your position?”

  “Not really, but I was curious about something?” Ty asked.

  “What would that be?” the man asked.

  “Since when did Brightstorm Security become government troops? None of the equipment you have has official government markings, and I bet if the serial numbers were checked, we’d find out that most of this stuff is supposed to be overseas,” Ty replied.

  “I don’t know what you’re t
alking about,” the man said, but he looked surprised.

  “I think you better leave, now. You are a private company, trying to invade another private company. If you cross our boundary, we have every right in the world to blow your asses away, which is exactly what we’re going to do. You can do what you want over there, we don’t care, but if one person steps over the line, we’ll put an end to them,” Ty said, turned and walked back to his hummer. He ordered his people back to optimal attack position, and also ordered the shield lowered.

  “Now what Boss?” Sammi asked.

  “Now we wait for one of them to fuck up,” Ty said. “It’ll be full dark out here in a few minutes. Powell, keep an eye on them.”

  “Will do, Boss.”

  “Computer, could you reconnect me to Colonel Williams please?” Ty asked.

  “Hey Ty, how’d it go?” Jenny asked by way of answering.

  “Well, it’s still going. At least this time the comm is private. Nice cover with that satellite thing by the way,’ Ty replied.

  “Well, it is the truth, even though that’s not what I used. Is it safe to get a short briefing on this from you, so I can decide if Ian needs to know?” Jenny asked.

  “Sure, we’re waiting on them for the time being. It looks like all these folks are from Brightstorm Security services, but were trying to pass themselves off as a government black ops team,” Ty explained.

  “Brightstorm... Brightstorm... Why does that sound familiar?” Jenny asked.

  “It could be from my report of the two ATV intruders we scared off a few months back. Both of those guys were supposed to be on assignment in Kuwait or Iraq. I haven’t had time to check, but I bet the same could be said of this bunch as well,” Ty explained.

  “Brightstorm! Those are the guys that provide the oil companies with security in areas with fighting! I’ve been running into references for them on another project I’ve been working on as well. They sure seem to have their fingers in a lot of pies,” Jenny said.

  “Well, anyway, I called this asshole’s bluff and told him that if one person set foot across the border into our land, I’d blow it off. So, we’re waiting for them to make the next move. I’m betting they’ll back off. The Caldarians only needed to know if we were associated with the ship. Our having a shield pretty much confirms that,” Ty reported.

  “That’s not going to make Ian very happy, but it was bound to happen sooner or later,” Jenny said. “Okay, you take care of business down there, and I’ll let Ian know in the morning. Do you think you’re going to need anything from us?” Jenny asked.

  “Nah, we’ got it pretty much handled. If they bring in off-world weapons, we can counter that too. No, I’m sure we’re good,” Ty reported.

  “Okay, have a good night, Ty,” Jenny said

  “I’m going to be sitting out here all night watching these morons, but I appreciate the thought. Good Night Colonel.”

  F.S.S. Star Dancer.

  Selene Orbit, (Earth’s moon)

  Earth, Sol Sector.

  “I was surprised that the Commander had us jump back. I thought he was worried about our being detected?” Stephanie asked.

  They had just returned to the ship, and were walking down the ramp after gathering their belongings.

  “Obviously something’s changed. He sure did seem interested in the fighter we designed. I do have to admit, it will be easier to work on it now that we’re back here,” Tara added.

  “Yeah, I just wish we could have arrived during the day, instead of late mid-watch. I feel like I’m sneaking on board,” Kyle replied. He turned to the wall with the ships insignia and saluted. “Good Morning, Star Dancer. Kyle Johnson and crew request permission to come aboard.”

  Star materialized in front of them. “Permission granted, Lieutenant. Welcome back. I’ve made your old accommodations ready for you. The Commander apologizes for the lateness of your return, and asks that you report to his ready room at thirteen hundred ship time.”

  “Thank you Major. Please let the Commander know we will be there,” Kyle said, grinning. “Can you give us any information about what’s going on, Major?”

  “Not at this time, I believe the Commander will discuss all of that with you in his office. For now though, go get some rest. We’ll talk more tomorrow,” Star replied, winked and faded from view.

  “Is it just me, or does she seem more human and less like a computer?” Steph asked.

  “She’s never struck me as anything other than another person,” Kyle said. “Although, I do have to admit, she’s far more attractive now, than she was before!”

  Steph playfully slapped his shoulder, but Tara giggled. “I agree, but then again, I don’t think Olympus was meant to be attractive.”

  “Well, before we crash for the night, I’m gonna leave a message for Brittany letting her know we’re back and that we’ll call her later tomorrow after we find out what’s going on,” Steph said. “She wanted to meet anyway to discuss the power distribution systems.”

  Kyle nodded. “I remember. I could give her a better answer if she could give me more exact readings on the input.”

  “She probably just wants to flirt with us more,” Tara said grinning. “Seriously guys, let’s get some sleep and let tomorrow’s troubles wait for tomorrow. I’m bushed.”

  Many Light years away...

  Far away in the pseudo-dimension of hyperspace, a large being sat in contemplation of his quest. “What is our estimated arrival at Earth?”

  “Still over a thousand units, Master. Over a month in human time,” one of the smaller beings replied.

  “Did I ask for human time? Do I look human to you?” it asked dangerously.

  “No Master! Forgive me, Master!” the small being said.

  This mission was foolhardy. It was nothing more than a thinly veiled ruse to get rid of an obstacle on the Council. Well, two could play at that game. Council orders were to investigate the Talosian presence in the system without alerting the existing population to its existence in the system. How idiotic was that? The being was on the council, and those orders made no sense to it. What made sense was to just overwhelm and take that planet like they should have many cycles ago.

  Earth was so far removed from old Alliance space that none of the other races of the Alliance had discovered either the human population or the ancient wreck on its moon. There was no reason at all that Earth shouldn’t be under Caldarian control. Everything they needed to rebuild their race was in that system.

  There were four gas giants, and literally millions of asteroids rich in rare minerals needed to build more ships. Plus, nine billion human slaves to do all the work! There was simply no reasonable argument against taking this system.

  The being smiled evilly to itself. “What is the status of our offensive systems?”

  “Master, we are at full strength for the fighters and carriers, but only seventy-two percent offensive strength for ground troops. We do have a surplus of orbital and air to ground weapons on board; that could be used to offset the deficient ground troop force,” another being said.

  The big being nodded. “Tell the ground force commander to step up training, and try to add to his numbers before we make planetfall. I will see all force commanders in my quarters for the evening feeding. Until then, I will be in my quarters meditating – I am not to be disturbed.” Without waiting for an answer, the big being lumbered down the hall away from the bridge to its quarters. On the large bridge, there was a noticeable easing of tensions. The ship’s master always had that effect on the crew. It was a very intimidating presence.

  Security Commanders Office,

  Talos, New Mexico.

  Ty had a friend named Alan Carlton that had been a troubleshooter for the government. He knew Alan had ‘retired’, and had kept in touch with him. When it became obvious that someone would be needed that could do some snooping around to find out who was ordering the attacks on Talos, Ty told Janet about him. Through Ty, Alan had nervously agreed to mee
t the woman.

  Alan had received some pretty screwed up assignments when he worked for the NSA, which was why he finally dropped out. Usually, his assignments had made sense, go into this country and find out if the leaders were developing chemical weapons, go into that country and steal research or kidnap some scientist. However, when they began using him to spy on and eliminate - no murder - seemingly innocent people, he had finally had enough.

  Given the level of work that he did for them, when it came time to retire the firm of Smith and Wesson would normally arrange his severance package. For ten years the NSA had trained Alan to be invisible and he was very good at his job, so when he decided to quit. He simply disappeared.

  Alan was a ‘spook.’ He maintained contact, very discretely of course, with some people that he knew to be trustworthy, such as Ty. In his line of work, making friends was usually a mistake and trust was a very expensive luxury. However, he needed information if he wanted to stay alive.

  One day, Ty Anders, a seal team commander he had befriended, offered him a job. Normally, he would have turned him down flat, but Ty had convinced him to at least listen to the woman.

  Against his better judgment, he did. The moment he stepped foot in the town, he knew something was not right. Not that it threatened him; just that something about the place was off. He poked around some more and finding nothing definitive, he sought out his friend.

  Alan had used every trick he knew, to ‘infiltrate’ the town, his awareness of something not right heightening his caution as well as his curiosity. If not for Ty’s word that he was safe, Alan would have run as fast as he could.

  What shook him up the most was when he found his friend in his office. Not only was he not alone, but Ty and Janet, the woman he had met with, had been expecting him.

  He immediately thought it was a trap. He began looking around, searching for means of escape, weapons, anything to keep him alive.

  Playing it cool, Ty indicated a chair across from him and began speaking. For the next hour and a half, Alan listened. To say that the story his friend told him was unbelievably fantastic was an understatement. Starships and aliens? Please! But then Ty did something that rocked Alan’s belief in the fantastic. Ty and Janet led him to an elevator. It went down and opened up into a cavernous area. Alan looked around and saw things he had never seen before. He saw a big stubby winged craft Ty had called a shuttle, and a smaller but much deadlier looking craft called a Hornet. The cavern stretched off into the distance, an obvious runway. They led him around and showed him many things he knew simply didn’t exist. If what Ty had been telling him was correct, the United States government would kill to get its hands on this facility.


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